Application Express :: Checkbox Not Clear Cache

Oct 18, 2013

i have created form with table  page to enter hotel details there is on 6 check box which are not database column .i have create these check box to keep days details when hotel give service .so i have use


i have one more column operating days where i have use computaation to keep operating days.


these 6 check box are used Source used :Only when curren value in session state is nullSource Type : Static Assignment (Value equals source attibute)  Problem are when i create new record then these 6 check box are not clear cache and when i update any record value are not clear cache . i need when i create or update recor then all 6 check box should be null after keep recor. 

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Application Express :: Clear Page Cache - All Except Specific Items?

Feb 21, 2013

APEX 4.2.1 On a page with dozens of editable page items, when branching back to the same page on-submit, is there a way to clear cache for all items except a few (key) items? The branch attributes (via the f?p= syntax) support clearing cache for the entire page and setting specific item/value pairs but no support for exclusions.

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Application Express :: Retain Checkbox Value On Cascading LOV Checkbox

Sep 29, 2012

My development instance's APEx version is 4.1. I have two checkbox items works on cascading LOV. The cascading works very well as long as if I do not come back and check anything from the first checkbox item after I checked the second checkbox.

If I do, the cascade LOV refresh uncheck all checked values from the second box. My question is, how can I preserve the second check boxes checked values before refresh?

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Performance Tuning :: How To Clear Cache For Testing Tuned Code

Jul 4, 2011

i am testing a proc after tuning it but the problem is, it is taking a very very less time which it shouldn't. I know that it is because of the buffer cache and the shared pool. that why i need to clean the cache to retest it.

I cannot bounce the database as other schemas are part of it. so is there any way to clean the cache for that particular schema i.e bouncing any particular schema(i know that the term is not appropriate).

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Application Express :: Getting Values Of Checkbox

Sep 4, 2012

I have problem with getting values of checkbox. I have search page where are some numbers field, date pickers, radio buttons and checkbox (P40_ OE) when I click search button I want to get report with filters like

from table1 t1, table2 t2
where =
and t2.oe in list of values from P40_OEIn checkbox I have 11 options to choose. I work in Apex 4.1.

How can I make this search or filter report working?

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Application Express :: How To Show Alert When Data Not Exist In Table And Clear Field

Jun 8, 2012

Recently i created a form which contains emp_name,deptno,supervisor_name.For emp_name if i type the emp name (eg:allen) it will show me a list of employees named allen as a select list.For that i used a jquery script on page header

<link rel="stylesheet" href="URL.....
<script type="text/javascript" src="URL....
<script type="text/javascript">

and i have created a dynamic action for emp name to fetch the deptno,supervisor_name if select the employee name it is working fine is if i type a emp_name which doesn't exist in the employee table it will show me a alert message employee does not exist and it will clears all the fields.

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Application Express :: Checkbox On Click Action

Jan 15, 2013

I am working in apex 4.2.1.

I'm having an odd problem with a checkbox on a tabular form. I created the checkbox by setting hte display as to "Simple Checkbox". The value of the underlying column sets to "Y" wehn checked and "N" when unchecked. This is what I want. The next thing I was trying to accomplish is to call a javascript function when the checkbox is clicked. So I put onclick="calculateTotal(this);" in the element attributes field. The code that it is calling is listed below. When I run the app and check the box I can seee I am entering the calculate Total function. Each of the alert functions is displaying what I would expect until I get to alerts 'IAH5' and 'IAH6'. For each of those I get an "undefined" in the alert.

So to see if this had something to do with the checkbox and added an onchange="calculateTotal(this);" to another field in my tabular form and ran it. This time I did not click on the checkbox but went into the field that I put the onchange on. When I changed this field and navigated away from it the function worked as I would expect. It displayed the appropriate values for each of the alerts and updated the fields on the screen as designed.

<script type="text/javascript">
function calculateTotal(pThis)
var vRow ='_')+1);

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Application Express :: How To Check If The Checkbox Is Checked

Oct 24, 2012

I am running blank with this one.

I have a checkbox item called P46_PAGE2 with static LOV STATIC:;1

How do I check if it is check using Javascript.

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Application Express :: Checkbox Corresponding Global Array Name?

May 27, 2013

m learning how to use checkbox item, and trying to get checked options values via application global arrays. So, this may be quite simple question, but I'm completely stuck here...When I was looking through various threads and guides, I've encountered checkbox corresponding array names like "g_f01" - "g_f50". And so far i saw that these names are derived from item name in generated HTML code, for example:

<input type="checkbox" name="*f10*" value="3" />

And this one stands for array name "g_*f10*".

However, when I tried to do the same thing - i receive item name which looks like "*p_v04*", and therefore, I can't figure out, which array name should I choose to adress it properly :(

My generated HTML snippet:

<input type="checkbox" id="P6_ANSWER_0" name="*p_v04*" value="3"/>

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Application Express :: Checkbox In Classic Report

Jul 16, 2012

I have question about checkbox in classic report. I need to choose only one checkbox in every row, hot to ensure that only one checkbox can be checked at same time?

Checkboxes are defined in SQL query as:

apex_item.checkbox(1,msisdn,'UNCHECKED') as clear,
apex_item.checkbox(2,msisdn,'UNCHECKED') as to_analysis,
apex_item.checkbox(3,msisdn,'UNCHECKED') as to_barring

here is the picture:


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Application Express :: Difference Between JavaScript And Checkbox

Nov 18, 2013

How to check off checkbox with JavaScript. I tried

1) $("#checkboxID").prop('checked' , false) (jQuery)
2)    $("#checkboxID").attr('checked' , false) (jQuery)2) document.getElementById("checkboxID").checked = false;Checkbox's list of values: STATIC:;1

Checkbox always states checked. When I append 'checked="checked" ' attribute (or simply checked) to this unchecked checkbox in Firebug nothing happens. Why ? I execute JavaScript code in Dynamic Action on button click. All other controls (textareas and textfields) are cleaned successfully except this checkbox. "Effected elements" property includes all needed items.

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Application Express :: Retrieve All Data From One Multiple Checkbox To Another?

Jul 11, 2012

How do you retrieve all data from one multiple checkbox to another? The method I'm using returns one choice even though multiple have been chosen.

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Application Express :: Multiselect Checkbox As Cascaded Item

Nov 14, 2013

I have a check box in which if i select more than one check box, based on that multi-select values, i wanted the next item values to get displayed. I have set up an example at


In this page, if i multi-select "place" check box i wanted the "departments"  to get displayed according to the above multi-select.If i do a single select in check box, i am getting the corresponding departments but i am not getting it while i select multiple check boxes. 

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Application Express :: How To Get Checkbox Value When List Value Changed In Classic Report

Dec 26, 2012

I worked with apex 4.2 and i create normal classic report with one checkbox column and one column change it to select list(named loved) now i want when user change list take value of checkbox item and show it in message .

SQL for report

'<INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="f01" VALUE="'
||'">' SEQ,

i change the column attributes of Dept_NO to Display as Select list of department name (named lov). Now i want when user change name of department the value of SEQ SHOW IN ALERT MESSAGE

i create JavaScript on the page

function test(pThis) {
var f01_value = $('select[name="f01"]').value;
alert('#SEQ : '+ f01_value);

I call this javascript function when list change but the value undefined..

My Question :

How can get this value Or any value of item in reports ?

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Application Express :: Single Value As Checkbox Or RadioButton That Submits Page?

Jul 18, 2012

I need a page item with a single value that submits back to the page, so that I can conditionally display other page items.I know a traditional 'Button' would work, but the a checkbox or Radiobutton would be my preference.

Here is where I am stuck.

CHECKBOX - I have used Dynamic Events to hide/show page items, but in this case I need a SUBMIT.

RADIO BUTTON - This works great with either the Redirect or Submit option, but I only have 1 value, so I what it act like a on/off button, where if it is currently selected, and the user clicks it again, it changes to unselected..

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Application Express :: Cache In 4.2 - Not Working?

Oct 2, 2013

I have an application built in Apex 4.2It's been running fine for several weeksI've not made any changes to the codeSuddenly it developed what seems to be a cache problem.If I enter a search criteria; it displays results. I enter a different search criteria and it brings back the same results as the first criteria.I enter a search criteria in a different field and I still get the results from the first searchI go from Internet Explorer to Mozilla.

DIfferent search criteria, but same issue. Google chrome - same issueThe obvious answer is to clear the cache.I have a process set up that is clear Cache for Items , on submit after computations and validations  and then I list all the items individually.This process has been there all along.

I never had this problem before.If I log out and come back in, same issue. What ever I enter as the first search criteria is the results no matter how I search

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Application Express :: Clearing Cache From Home Link

Sep 29, 2012

I am using theme 4, topaz. Region_Position_06 is a home link.

I have placed a company graphic at this position on page zero, and when a user clicks it on any page, she exits that page and goes to the home page, a main menu page. So no matter how deep a user may be into the application's pages, she may always click this logo image and return directly to the main menu page.

This is convenient, but there is one problem. Clicking this logo does not clear the cache on the page the user is exiting or, for that matter, on any page in the trail of pages the user took to get to the current page. I navigate primarily with buttons and always clear the cache on a page when I exit it. I need to find a way to do this when a user clicks the logo image.

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Real Application Clusters :: Difference Cache Fusion and Cache Coherency

Jun 20, 2013

What is the difference between cache fusion and Cache Coherency. Both are same or different functionality. 

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Application Express Listener :: Removal Of Cache Folder Causes Hang With GlassFish

Aug 7, 2012

We had several unexplained lock-ups of APEX in our environment in the last months. This all happened after we moved to GlassFish with the APEX Listener. The symptoms were always that all connections in the JDBC connection pool were in use and we had to restart the GlassFish server instance to free them up.

The culprit is the caching folder that the APEX Listener uses for file caching. We use this to cache image downloads from the database through a procedure, and the caching folder was set to /tmp/apex/cache. I believe this is the default setting. All went well, when the procedure was called the images were downloaded from the database and cached under /tmp/apex/cache. However, for some (as yet unexplained) reason, Linux sometimes removes this folder from the /tmp file system. This seems to happen from time to time after an unknown period of inactivity. We didn't reboot the server. After the folder is gone, the APEX Listener is unable to recreate it, keeps on creating new database connections until the maximum configured is reached, and we need to restart the GlassFish instance to free them up. This also recreates the caching folder.

Our environment: GlassFish 3.1.1+3.1.2, APEX Listener 1.1.3, Oracle Linux 6.2. I didn't try out the new APEX Listener 1.1.4 yet so I'm not sure if this has been fixed in the last version.(kind of reminds me of the problem where the APEX config file is by default placed under /tmp and also disappears from time to time)

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TimesTen In-Memory :: AWT Cache Group With Cache Awt Parallelism

Jul 10, 2012

I have some question.

TTversion : TimesTen Release (64 bit Linux/x86_64) (tt112230:53376) 2012-05-24T09:20:08Z

We are testing a AWT cache group ( with CacheAwtParallelism=4 ).

Application(1 process) to the DML generates to TimesTen(DSN=TEST).

At this point, Are delivered to the 4 parallel DML?



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Real Application Clusters :: Global Cache Service Process Died After Resolving Deadlock?

Sep 30, 2013

what could be the reason for a LMSn process not heartbeating after a global enqueue service deadlock was detected? The happened in a 3instance RAC and after the LMS1 process stop heartbeating oe of the instances crashed afterwards and another instance crashed some minutes after. reason for the process crash after resolving deadlock?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Clear Data On Column?

Jun 20, 2011

I have one table employer. It has column loginid, password, address, regdate, fullname, identno.

So i want to clear all data before 1 June 2011 in regdate. What command i need to use? I quite new with command prompt.

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Forms :: How To Clear Record

Feb 13, 2012

In a master and detail relation ship block..When a cursor is placed in the details and enter some thing and giving back space..once value is cleared a empty record is saved in the database with the header values , but in details customer didn't enter anything.

how to clear the detail record in pre insert or when validation ?

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Forms :: Clear Block If Value Change?

Dec 28, 2011

I Require to Fetch the Group of Value in Item Block Selected through the User Selected LOV Value in Master.

Through Loop i Fetch the Records in Item Block.

When User Change the Selected LOV Value Require to Clear the Item Block.


How to Clear the Block before the above loop.

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PL/SQL :: How To Clear Runtime Error In Ref Cursor

May 27, 2013

the code as follows

create or replace
procedure Country_sel(key in varchar2)
cc Res_RelcountryLan.countrycode%type;
len Res_Language.langname_en%type;
lid Res_Language.langid%type;
ab Res_Language.Abrivation%type;


when i am running this code im getting

ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character string buffer too small
ORA-06512: at "RASOOL.COUNTRY_SEL", line 11
ORA-06512: at line 6

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How To Clear Audit Files In Dump In HP-UX

Mar 31, 2013

i got many audit file in a dump it is on hp-ux linux normally in linux i use to give

find -name "*.aud" -mtime +20 -exec rm {} ;

what to give in HP-UX linux ?

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Forms :: Clear Specific Block?

Sep 21, 2010

i have 4 blocks in one requirement is this that can i user the clear_block or any other built-in for clear the specific block....

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Forms :: Clear A Block For Enter Query Mode?

Jan 16, 2012

I am using Forms 6i,Oracle 10g. In a form I created, I have 3 blocks, first is a toolbar type with buttons to save, exit etc., other two are one master and detail data block.

how to get the default Oracle toolbar with the buttons, save, delete etc. I dont get in my form.

When the cursor is inside the detail block and then I click on an EnterQuery button in the first block, how do I clear the detail block, using the on btn press code.

What happens when I click the Enter Query button, is that the cursor and current block becomes the button block and when I run the command ENTER_QUERY, no use.

I need to set the block in which the cursor is to be cleared for query, whether it is master or detail, by pressing the button on the first block.

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Forms :: To Clear Form And Execute Procedure In Same Trigger

Sep 13, 2011

I have a problem in my form. In my form there are 4 blocks and in one of the block i have a button. In which i put a code same as below:


So as per code i want to clear all the changes in form for current session and want to call the procedure ABC after that. But it is not calling the procedure ABC. And what would i do to perform the same?

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How To Not Expose Password (clear Text) In Expdp Parfile

Jul 3, 2013

I like to create an expdp parfile that would not expose my password in clear text. 

PARFILE:userid=MyAccountName/$MYPASSWORD  <-----this substitution does not work in a parfiledumpfile=xxxxxlogfile=xxxxtables=xxxx

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