Forms :: Do You Want To Save Record

Aug 22, 2005

I have created a form which as two block as master and detail.I am facing two problem in my detail block.

First: When I populate records in detail block, it prompt a message 'Do you want to save record ?'.
Second : When I alter any value in detail block and move to next record, it prompt a message 'Do you want to save record ?'

Is there any way where, system don't prompt me a message for saving record and user can continue with changes and save the records when he desire.

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Forms :: Unable To Save Record

Oct 21, 2010

the data not save the record the item CMPID not generate a number or id to press button NEW

secondly to click the button SAVE they not save the partcular transaction.

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Forms :: Unable To Save Record In Database

Jun 4, 2010

I developed one form having 3 blocks(query_find,Summary and detail). If i do some changes in the 3rd block then press F4 key it's prompting "Do u want to save the Changes?[YES/NO/CANCEL].

If i press "YES" it displays message "1 Records applied and Saved. But the record is not saved in the database.

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Forms :: Save Record In Table Before Saving Updated Version?

Apr 6, 2013

I have a multi record block . I need to implement a functionality where the user updates a field in the record but the form saves the previous version of the record in another table ..

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Forms :: Force User To Save Or Discard Record Before Child Window?

Aug 10, 2012

I have created a form where the main canvas has number of buttons. When I click each button it will open a new canvas in a new window. User will enter some details there. now I want to force the user to save or discard the record before they leave that child window. The code I have written is

n_button_selection INTEGER;


But I am not sure in which trigger I need to write the code. When I am writting in post block it is behavior is becoming unpredictable and also APP_STANDARD.EVENT('KEY-COMMIT') does not work in post_block trigger. When I am writting this in ON close trigger then also it is not firing as expected.

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Forms :: Data Entering Form Not Showing Any ERROR Messages / SAVE RECORD Message

Jan 15, 2013

I developed a form in forms9i, at the time of data entering form is not showing any ERROR messages or SAVE RECORD message and when I press exit button it is asking "DO YOU WANT TO SAVE THE CHANGES YOU HAVE MADE".

I have checked my PRIMARY KEY field and there is no mistake and value is populating at PRE INSERT.

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Forms :: FRM-40404 Post Command In Save Procedure To Apply Some Record In Database Temporary

Sep 26, 2011

I am working on form 10g, here i am using post command in save procedure to apply some record in database temporary.

But Frm-40404 Message raise during saving record i need post commond but i dont want to this message should popup, is there any method to avoid the message only?

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Application Express :: 4.0 - How To Save Detail Along With Master Record

Apr 16, 2013

I am using APEX 4.0. I have created a master detail page , the business logic is “ We can save master record only if there is at least one detail record exist.”

But current wizard developed page has functionality that I have to save master first then only I can add detail record. I want to save them together.

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Forms :: Populating Values To Record Group From Multi Record Datablock

Jul 26, 2012

My procedure proc_ex is in when_validate_item trigger

I have one Multi Record data block in my form with values in its items

I need to Populate multi record block values to one Record Group using

set_group_char_cell to populate values to record group

Let us suppose my multi record data block looks like

item1 item2 item3 item4
10 20 50 70
25 15 30 45
45 90 47 38
75 25 85 90
30 56 78 80

how to populate these multi record datablock values to Record Group ???..Eagerly waiting for your Replies

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Forms :: Save Only Edited Or New Records

May 16, 2010

I have a block based on a table and display a few records on the form after retrieving records from the table behind. Now I should be able to edit a record or add a new record to the existing records on the screen. So when i click the save button I only want the rows which are new or have been edited to go back into the db. This is the piece of code I was using for the save button in the on-button-clicked action.

IF alert_button=alert_button1 THEN
IF NOT Form_Success THEN RAISE Form_Trigger_Failure;
/* ** Commit if anything is changed */
IF :System.record_Status IN ('CHANGED','NEW') THEN Commit_Form;
msg_info('Your changes have been saved.');

When I do this all the records on the screen gets inserted into the table instead of only the one's I have edited or newly inserted. I only want to insert rows which are new or edited into the table after I click the save button.

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Forms :: Disable Save Button In 6i

Jul 22, 2011

I am working on form 6i. I want to disable the 'SAVE' button which can be seen in the menu (front end).

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Forms :: Save Button Works Only Once?

Jun 26, 2012

blk_name varchar2(60);
form_name varchar2(60);


this is my coding on save button. this is working fine but only once. when i enter the data second time and try to save, it didn't do anything. what should i do?

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Forms :: Update First Then Save The Form

Apr 25, 2012

I make button in detail section using this location button call another forms, I want first update the location entry then save our main forms.

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Forms :: Save Images In Database From 6i

Mar 16, 2006

I have seen many times that people are confused for how to save and retrieve images in Oracle Database from forms. Here I have created a sample form. All the coding is there. And also required scripts are also written in this post. Please download the form create the scripts and run the form.

Here we go:
Database : 9i
Forms : 6i
Create Scripts:


Note: This Procedure is to find the file name and extension and store it as well in database. Create this procedure in database.

To retrieve images just press F7 & F8 in forms

Download the attached .fmb module and run it.

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Forms :: How To Save Multiple Records At Once

Jun 3, 2013

how to save multiple records at once i did coding like this:

cnt number;
l_rec number;
f_rec number;

cnt := 0;
l_rec := :system.cursor_record;


but this works as saving the last record only, not saving the all records.

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Forms :: FRM-40401 No Save To Change?

Jun 17, 2011

I have updated a table from the form and written a update statement ON block level trigger ON-UPDATE

update employees set hiredate=to_date(:EMP.TXT_DATE,'dd-MON-yyyy')
where employees.empno=:emp.empno;

Here employees is my table and emp is my block

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Forms :: Location And Save Button

Apr 25, 2012

I have a master-detail form on which i have 2 buttons. save button and another location button in detail.on location button i am calling a form and updating location of the material entered in detail(tabular).

The thing is my form should not get save without updating location for each record entered in detail(tabular).if user try to save form without updating or pressing location button it should give message PLEASE UPDATE YOUR LOCATION.

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Forms :: Create One Save Button

Jun 16, 2011

I have created one form with control block and database data i have created one save button based on that i have to save records both control and database block in database block table.If i i write commit_form record will be saved on different rows in a table means control block record in one row and datablock record in one row.But i want to update in one row(one line) in a table.

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Forms :: To Save Multi Tab Form

Oct 3, 2011

I have a multi tab form. When I open any form; the form no. and form lists are automatically uploaded. I can enter the rest of the data and save the form. The problem is; if I try to open another tab(form), system did not allow it and ask to enter data in the already open form fields. I can only save the form, which I open first.

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Forms :: Trigger On Save Button

Oct 31, 2013

which is the trigger that fires when we Press the Standard 'Save' button from the toolbar? And i want to update the record on another table which is not in data block by using this save button? @ that time i want to display message like transaction complete:1 records to do this?

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Forms :: Disable SAVE Button

Apr 20, 2010

I have created a form using data block wizard and lay out wizard. I want to disable the SAVE button, I gave the following in Triggers WHEN-NEW-FORM-INSTANCE


but when I run the form it displays this message at the bottom of the screen

Frm 41045:Cannot find item invalidID.

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Forms ::create History Record For Each Record Whether Updated Or Not

Sep 13, 2011

I have a fairly standard Purchase Order form which contains pre-loaded data (been uploaded from an XML file).When the Purchase Order is processed, the form updates a Price History table only if the Price on the PO_Details changes.The code for updating the price history table is contained in a PRE_UPDATE trigger on the PO_Details Data Block.

No other data changes on the PO_Details table.I now want to change this so that the Price History table is updated even if the price does not change i.e I want to create a history record for each record on the PO_Details irrespective of whether it was updated or not.

Is there an alternative trigger that I can move my code to (ie move it from PRE_UPDATE) to some other trigger that is fired for each PO_Details record even if there is no change.

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Forms :: Only New Record Have Saved Last Record No Longer Exist

Jun 29, 2013

I create a data block on a table when I am inserting new record only one record have been saved. Last record no longer exist.

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Forms :: Restrict Standard Save Functionality?

Jun 20, 2011

how can we restrict standard save button functionality in custom form?

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Forms :: Adding A Save (Update) Button

Nov 28, 2012

I have one form where I have let's say 2 items that I want to manage. One is a List Item and the other Text Item. Both are based on one table. The List Item is not updatable (Update Allowed is set to NO) and there I have some types of houses for example (T -> tall house, B -> Big house, S -> Small house it's not important so much) and the Text Item is for counting the types for example we have 4 houses of type T and if we add another one in the textItem we will see 5, so it's not counter for all houses but it counts types of houses and that item is not updatable nor insertable (Update allowed and Insert allowed are set to NO) so it's only purpose is just to show how many hauses we have of particular type and automatically increases the number if we insert new house. Beside this two items I have another Items that conatin some informations about the house (How many flats, doors, windows, and so on..). you've got the picture of my form and table.

Now I want to add one button with trigger WHEN-BUTTON-PRESSED that will do this. If I want to change the type of the house after I inserted it and save it in the table, I have to just change the type in the List Item (choose another type) and press the button to save the same house with the same properties I would say (How many flats, doors, windows, and so on..) but with another type. First when I press the button it must ask me if I am sure that I want to make that change (I'll make an allert fot that) and if I press OK or Yes my house will be saved just with the different type and the previous house with the previous type must be erased. And in the textItem 'the counter', the number of the new type must encrease for one and the previous type must decrease for one.

I hope you understand what I want to do and all I need is that trigger to manage this problem of mine. I know it's possible to do but I am quite new in DB programming and I am not very good with programming in PL/SQL.

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Forms :: How To Save Tlist Items In Database

Sep 25, 2010

my question is this that i have tlist items like



how to save tlist items in database.

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Forms :: How To Save File (PDF / Image) To Database From 6i

Oct 4, 2010

I want to store file from form to database:

1. what is the good way (best solution) to store file means into Database or folder on sever.
2. In either case how can we do it means i need in detail on both sides (means on form side and also on database side).
3. Every file related to a record and may contain 1 or more then 1 files and maybe update files for one record many time and we must keep track of each update.

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Forms :: Save Data In Block Details?

Jul 28, 2012

i have two tables emp data emp course emp data the primary key is emp_no and another table emp course emp_no is foreign key and desgin master block and desgin details block master block programmed list of value to show the employee and make it database item = no details block show all data i want only save in the details block only how can make it

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Forms :: How To Save File On Local Machine

May 10, 2010

I have a requirement to :

1) at the click of button, some data will be written to XML file and after writting to file, it should get saved to some location on local machine(c: emp), without asking user, where to save.

How to do this in oracle form?

Also is it possible to read file from local machine?

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Forms :: Take Pic From Cam Window And Save It To Field In Database

Dec 21, 2012

I have a requirement to take pic from a cam window and save it to forms field in database.

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