Forms :: FRM-40404 Post Command In Save Procedure To Apply Some Record In Database Temporary

Sep 26, 2011

I am working on form 10g, here i am using post command in save procedure to apply some record in database temporary.

But Frm-40404 Message raise during saving record i need post commond but i dont want to this message should popup, is there any method to avoid the message only?

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Forms :: POST Command - Getting Committed With Error Especially In New Database?

Jul 29, 2010

I have a form which will call another and do some transactions and come back to original form and do other processes. save if successful. or roll back with error message.i m doing POST when i exit from the called form. and continue process in calling form. if any error, i m raising an error message with rollback.

But sometimes, it is getting committed with that error trn. especially in new database, first time try the scenario, it any error comes then getting commited.I m not able to find where the commit is happening? if any other sessions commit will affect this trn?

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Forms :: Unable To Save Record In Database

Jun 4, 2010

I developed one form having 3 blocks(query_find,Summary and detail). If i do some changes in the 3rd block then press F4 key it's prompting "Do u want to save the Changes?[YES/NO/CANCEL].

If i press "YES" it displays message "1 Records applied and Saved. But the record is not saved in the database.

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Forms :: How To Apply Group By Command In 6i

May 22, 2012

How To Apply Group by Command in Forms 6i at block level for example in data block a field name is code,quantity and code replicate many times it is not working with out commit but i want to calculate sum of quantity in data block by code group before commit

if we apply this command at sql level then command is

select code,sum(nvl(quantity,0)) from sal_detail group by code and its work very well

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Forms :: How To Delete Record When Saved Through Post Keywords

Aug 6, 2011

i m using oracle 10g forms. in one form i m using post keyword when i use this function then records saved in temporary database but i want to remove one record from this form but it is allrady saved through post.

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Forms :: Do You Want To Save Record

Aug 22, 2005

I have created a form which as two block as master and detail.I am facing two problem in my detail block.

First: When I populate records in detail block, it prompt a message 'Do you want to save record ?'.
Second : When I alter any value in detail block and move to next record, it prompt a message 'Do you want to save record ?'

Is there any way where, system don't prompt me a message for saving record and user can continue with changes and save the records when he desire.

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Forms :: Unable To Save Record

Oct 21, 2010

the data not save the record the item CMPID not generate a number or id to press button NEW

secondly to click the button SAVE they not save the partcular transaction.

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Backup & Recovery :: Apply The Backup Command To Each Database?

Feb 14, 2012

I am admin of my actual server and I want to backup all databases for later use. For that this is my approach.

1 - List all databases on the system

2 - Apply the backup command to each database

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Forms :: Save Record In Table Before Saving Updated Version?

Apr 6, 2013

I have a multi record block . I need to implement a functionality where the user updates a field in the record but the form saves the previous version of the record in another table ..

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Forms :: Force User To Save Or Discard Record Before Child Window?

Aug 10, 2012

I have created a form where the main canvas has number of buttons. When I click each button it will open a new canvas in a new window. User will enter some details there. now I want to force the user to save or discard the record before they leave that child window. The code I have written is

n_button_selection INTEGER;


But I am not sure in which trigger I need to write the code. When I am writting in post block it is behavior is becoming unpredictable and also APP_STANDARD.EVENT('KEY-COMMIT') does not work in post_block trigger. When I am writting this in ON close trigger then also it is not firing as expected.

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Forms :: Post Built-in Commits Changes In The Database?

May 7, 2010

I have been testing out a form using on a v10.2.0.1 db and in my local env. the form works correctly i.e. if I make a change and 'post' it and then exit and press NO (when asked to save changes) then it correctly leaves the value in the database as it originally was.

The process works by the user pressing a button in form A (read only form) and this opens form B (using open_mode,session,activate) and the user makes their change(s) in form B (a 'post' command is issued in a When New Rec Inst trigger on a db block when the user navigates to a new record within the same block if it is determined that the block status <> 'QUERY') before returning to form A and pressing 'NO' when prompted to save changes.

However, if I run the same process in the TEST env. using the same executable against the same database then it actually updates the database value.

I have tested this by adding a debug message at the end of form B to retrieve the db value back AFTER having issued a clear_form(no_commit) just for the sake of the test and it still returns me the 'new' i.e. amended value - which is obviously incorrect. From what I can see it would appear that the commit occurs straight after the 'post' has been issued and well before the user even exits the form.

Is this a known bug with the 'post' built-in or could it be that a parameter is set to act in this way (i.e. is there an 'autocommit' setting that is 'ON') within the application server?

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Forms :: Data Entering Form Not Showing Any ERROR Messages / SAVE RECORD Message

Jan 15, 2013

I developed a form in forms9i, at the time of data entering form is not showing any ERROR messages or SAVE RECORD message and when I press exit button it is asking "DO YOU WANT TO SAVE THE CHANGES YOU HAVE MADE".

I have checked my PRIMARY KEY field and there is no mistake and value is populating at PRE INSERT.

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Forms :: Save Images In Database From 6i

Mar 16, 2006

I have seen many times that people are confused for how to save and retrieve images in Oracle Database from forms. Here I have created a sample form. All the coding is there. And also required scripts are also written in this post. Please download the form create the scripts and run the form.

Here we go:
Database : 9i
Forms : 6i
Create Scripts:


Note: This Procedure is to find the file name and extension and store it as well in database. Create this procedure in database.

To retrieve images just press F7 & F8 in forms

Download the attached .fmb module and run it.

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PL/SQL :: Stored Procedure That Accepts Post Code

Oct 12, 2012

I have to write a stored procedure that accepts the post code in which the customer resides as the input parameter. The procedure should then use an explicit cursor to display comprehensive details about each customer, the number of bookings that customer has made and the total cost of all completed rentals for that customer.

The table structure is
custmr - which contains details about the customer
booking - contains detail abut the car booking and its details

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Forms :: How To Save Tlist Items In Database

Sep 25, 2010

my question is this that i have tlist items like



how to save tlist items in database.

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Forms :: How To Save File (PDF / Image) To Database From 6i

Oct 4, 2010

I want to store file from form to database:

1. what is the good way (best solution) to store file means into Database or folder on sever.
2. In either case how can we do it means i need in detail on both sides (means on form side and also on database side).
3. Every file related to a record and may contain 1 or more then 1 files and maybe update files for one record many time and we must keep track of each update.

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Forms :: Take Pic From Cam Window And Save It To Field In Database

Dec 21, 2012

I have a requirement to take pic from a cam window and save it to forms field in database.

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Forms :: Enable User To Select And Save Any Document Into Database?

Dec 6, 2012

how can i enable user to select and save any document into oracle database and later on choose to retrieve and display should be like windows file open save.

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Application Express :: 4.2 Upgrade - Update Record Button Apply Changes Disappeared

Aug 27, 2012

I got a bug related to update information in APEX.

the situation occurs when I go to update a record the button Apply changes disappeared, it shows me only the button create, so when the user click on it, it creates a duplicate.. so how can i have the button "apply changes" back?

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Application Express :: 4.0 - How To Save Detail Along With Master Record

Apr 16, 2013

I am using APEX 4.0. I have created a master detail page , the business logic is “ We can save master record only if there is at least one detail record exist.”

But current wizard developed page has functionality that I have to save master first then only I can add detail record. I want to save them together.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Executing A Procedure Containing A Global Temporary Table

Mar 3, 2010

create or replace procedure test
stmt varchar2(2000);

stmt := 'INSERT INTO tt_Local SELECT cardnumber FROM cards';
execute immediate stmt;

-- when am trying to execute this

-- showing ora-01031, insufficient privileges.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Select Into Temporary Variable On Stored Procedure For Second Insert?

Mar 30, 2011

the moment my 11g database is connecting to a php web front end. this following procedure is the one I'm having trouble with.

min_places IN excursion.min_places%TYPE,
max_places IN excursion.max_places%TYPE,
additional_charge IN excursion.additional_charge%TYPE,


I can select into an output variable to return the value of the primary key of the newly inserted row back into the webpage, but i need to be able to 'select into' a temp variable to insert this value into another table on the same procedure. I get complie errors when i try to 'DECLARE' a variable after the 'AS' keyword

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Data Guard :: Apply Patches On Oracle Database With Logical Standby Database?

Apr 22, 2011

I got a primary database with a logical standby database running Oracle 11g. I got two client applications, one is the production site pointing to the primary one, another one is just a backup site pointing to the logical one.Things will only be written into the primary database every mid night and client applications can only query the database but not add, update nor delete.And now, I want to apply the latest patch on both of my databases. I am also the DNS administrator, I can make the name server pointing to the backup site instead of the production one.I want to firstly apply the patch on the logical one, and then the physical one.

I found some reference which explains how to apply patches by adopting "Rolling Upgrade Method". however, I want to avoid doing any "switch over" mentioned in the reference because I can make use of name server. Can I just apply patches as the following way?

1)Stop SQL apply
2)Apply patches on logical standby database
3)let the name server point to the backup site
4)Apply patches on the primary database
5)Start SQL apply
6)Let the name server point back to the production site

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Streams :: Apply Archivelog / Generated Before Reset-log Of Source Database In Destination Database

Feb 9, 2013

Database Version -
OS - Red Hat Linux

We have configured oracle one way stream between two databases. Source database is capturing the changes (No downstream configured). Configuration was working fine but destination database was lagging behind very much i.e about 15 days behind the source database. We are ok with this but the problem is now that , as per client request we have restored previous backup and open the database with resetlog option in source database. After resetlog , archivelog sequence has been changed and stream is not working.

Can I apply the previous archivelog (before resetlog archivelogs ) in destination database anyway.Source database is a production database.

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Forms :: Image Path Save In Database And Image Name As Design Number?

Jun 3, 2009

I create a simple table for image

CREATE TABLE image_table (
Design_no varchar2(10),
filename VARCHAR2(255) PRIMARY KEY,
image LONG RAW);

Then i create simple block of image_table

its show me in this website [URL] My question is i don't want to give my form path always.i want to save my picture path in my database and the name of my picture always same as my design_no column.

For example i want to save a picture in my database i will copy my picture in d:shahzaib1234.jpg now i want the path d:shahzaib save in database and when i copy my picture which path= d:shahzaib and file name = Design no its will automatically save in database.

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Forms :: Post Change Trigger

Jun 12, 2012

I have an issue with the oracle forms trigger. This is the scenario. The form is a query only form . A user can only query on this form . No update or insert is allowed.

The base table say TABLE1 consists of these fields. 1) pro id, pro item, empno , fname, lname, deptno .

The user can query on all items except the fname and lname.

The issue is few records in the TABLE1 have null values for the empno.

When the user queries on proid, pro item , empno or deptno - when the empno on TABLE1 is not NULL , the fname and lname should be fetched from a different table say TABLE2. otherwise, if the empno on TABLE1 is null , the fname and lname from the same table i.e, TABLE1 are retrieved. I have tried with the post change trigger on empno . Also tried the When validate item trigger . But it doesnt work the way it is expected to. what is the appropriate trigger that must be used.

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Forms :: If Condition In Post Change

Jan 23, 2013

I have a view t1 having the records:

1 A
1 A+
2 B
3 C
4 D

I want to display that in an LOV but without the first record (1 A) I used the code :

WHERE a.desc='A+'AND a.num=1),desc) desc

this worked fine but how to apply this in a post_change trigger where a user inters the num and the desc appears in atext-item in my form

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Forms :: Post Query Trigger With Cursor

Jan 11, 2011

I create a master detail form. I created also a post quey trigger, inside I wrote the code below.A cursor looks to another table and returns to the form some values i need!

cursor C1 is
select apofaa, startdate, enddate, transport
from trapofdet
where trapofdet.apofcode = :trapof.apofcode;

How to solve the

a. frm-40737, illegal restricted procedure go block in post-query trigger
b. It seems tha returns all the records but it appears only the last one.

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Forms :: After Post Trigger Go To The Specific Item?

Feb 8, 2013

I have this layout


and a post trigger insert and update

IF :item1 IS NULL
alert_id := FIND_ALERT('blank_alert');
SET_ALERT_PROPERTY(alert_id,ALERT_MESSAGE_TEXT,'Item3 must have a value.');
v_alert := SHOW_ALERT(alert_id);
RAISE Form_trigger_Failure;

My problem was as it fires, the cursor will be on the item1. I've already use


but it was all illegal. The cursor must be in the item3.

Don't question me why I do not set the item3 to required and why post triggers. It is just that. It is the requirement.

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Migrate Database To Linux And Apply Inc Changes Afterwards

Mar 3, 2012

I need to migrate a 500 GB 10.2 database from windows to linux. Of course I found Alejandro Vargas paper on how to do that ("Database Migration From Windows to Linux Using RMAN"). My problem is that the source database will be up again for 7 days and I need to apply all changes made to the source database to the migrated linux database.

Can I just take all redo log files generated from the source database and apply those to the destination database? I might have a problem with a) file conversion and that the redo log are not in sync with the target database (different check points?).I just found that on an exotic website: "The contents of a redo log file depend on a combination of Oracle version, operating system and server architecture. In general redo logs written on one architecture cannot be read on another. There are a few exceptions to this rule. For example, in Oracle 10.2 a redo log written in Linux can be read by a Windows database."

So if this is true, does it also work the other way AND will the database migration from window to linux create a perfect clone of the database where those redo log files actually can be applied to?

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