My Agent Connection to Instance is down . I am trying to start it up using EM when i enter my user name and password on host credentials connection fails (am using a suer that installed my oracle software).
It isn't possible to use one EC2 machine for each RAC node because EC2 can't handle the virtual IPs, but I had thought that I could use one EC2 machine to host several Linux VMs using Virtual Box (the same way that I use Virtual Box on a Windows host). But I can't get Virtual Box working on EC2. The only relevant advice I can find on this is comments to the effect that running any virtualization product with a Xen machine as host is not a good idea.
I do realize that this isn't a 100% Oracle question, but if set up a RAC on an Amazon Cloud machine,
I've got a problem when I use the HOST procedure to work with DOS Prompt. When I access the DOS Prompt via Oracle Forms HOST Procedure, the name of files and folders got limited by 8 chars plus extension. Lets suppose I want to copy a file and the file name is my_image.jpg. What I have to do is:
I guess it sucks cause the function GET_FILE_NAME give me the filename as my_image.jpg. Do I have to convert the filename every time?
I have configues Webutil in Application Server and i am using Client_host to open imageviewer .. but when running the form it gives me error "Orace. bean not found Webuti_host.execute will not work" i have done the following configuration for webutil
File frmwebutil.jar From folder: webutil_106webutil_106java To: $ORACLE_HOME/forms/java
File: jacob.jar From folder: jacob_18 To: $ORACLE_HOME/forms/java
File: d2kwut60.dll, JNIsharedstubs.dll From folder: webutil_106webutil_106webutil To: $ORACLE_HOME/forms/webutil
File: jacob.dll From folder: jacob_18 To: $ORACLE_HOME/forms/webutil [code]....
Configuring Database:
1. Connect as Scott or your User
2. Run the script $ORACLE_HOME/forms/create_webutil_db.sql using SQLPLUS or any tool.
Setting up Form Builder:
1. Open Form builder Connect with SCOTT and in PL/SQL libraries open Webutil.pll file 2. File > Save as and Rename the file to different name e.g WebUtil_lib (Trust me it works to avoid Webutil not found error) 3. Compile the new PLL file and generate it 4. Attached the new named Webutil_lib.pll to your form with Remove Path option YES. 5. Open WebUtil.olb file Object group in builder and copy or subclass it into your form. 6. Now compile your form and run it.
I am using the HOST command within Oracle Forms 10g on Windows server to copy a pdf file from the application server to a network folder on another Windows server.
The command works fine if I logon to Windows app server and type it. But it doesn't work when it is launched within Oracle forms using HOST. The command looks as follow
net use \\FileServer\e-file /user:usergroup\username password & copy D:\RepTmp\myReport.pdf \\FileServer\e-file\test\myReport.pdf
Oracle forms doesn't give any error message at all but the pdf file never gets there. Even when I map the network folder as "R:" drive on the Windows app server, a simple copy command like this does not work with HOST:
copy D:\RepTmp\myReport.pdf r:\test\myReport.pdf
Oracle Forms server is running as "SYSTEM" on the Windows server. If HOST won't work, is there any other way to copy the file other than using fpt?
Select t1.col1 as A, t2.col1 as B, t3.col1 as C, t4.col1 as D
with this above query i am getting result like this:
2 null 2 null 6 6 null 6 8 null null null
However i need the result like this:
6 6 null 6
I am looking for common value that presents in most of these 4 tables for different t1.col2 values like 'E','G','K',...etc. I cant use the NOT NULL condition in the where clause,since i need to check for different values in t1.col2,for each of this there may be null value in any of the 4 tables.
I am running forms 6i in Linux Mint environment. I used Go_Item('emp_cod') after commit on save button.
Code is as under:
Control moves in relevant item but there is no cursor indication and no data can be entered in this field. When I press TAB or ENTER key the code written on Key-Next-Item executes properly. It means that control moves to that item but nothing could be written in this. This form is working properly in Windows environment.
Is there any function avaialble in SQL that can return the highest common factor among a bunch of numbers. For example 10,20,25 have a highest common factor of 5.
I have a one column table that store lists of elements :
create table test_table (c1 VARCHAR2(4000)); insert into test_table values ('1,23'); insert into test_table values ('1,2'); insert into test_table values ('3,4,5');
The output column would be something like that:
output_column 1,2,7,23 6,9,0 3,4,5
I'm grouping columns that have at least one element in common.
(1,23) and (1,2) merge into : (1,2,23) (1,2,23) and (7,2) merge into : (1,2,7,23) --> Output (6,9) and (9,0) merge into : (6,9,0) --> Output (3,4,5) and (5,5) merge into : (3,5,5) --> Output
I have made this logic using only PL/SQL, with loops and nested tables using function memberof, but I suppose that there is a way to improve the performance using only SQL.
I have configured and tested the webutil in Windows Operating System and worked perfect, Now i am trying to deploy customized form to EBS R12 that using webutil, and after making same configuration which has done before, i got compilation error.
Form is very simple(Just button with following pl/sql code) show_webutil_information (TRUE); Erro is: "FRM-40039: Cannot attach library WEBUTIL while opening form XXR12_DEMO.fmb"
webutil configuration steps on R12 or the error solution,
Suppose, there is a package p1 with proc A, Proc B and Func C.Now when any of the package proc or func gets invoked from a stored proc G then a common code which reads the cols of table xyz should be executed. How to do that?
I'm trying to migrate our forms application from a Linux platform to Windows 7. We have a common pll which is attached to all forms and unfortunately relies heavily on globals.
Attempting to run the application with the standard library attached to the login form has the effect that the globals are lost between the login form and subsequent forms. If I incorporate the library code directly into the login form, it functions correctly. If I use the debugger to track where the clearing occurs, it functions correctly.
Migration of oracle forms 10g 32 bit windows platform to 11g 64bit Linux platform . I have about 500 fmb on my 10g environment which are currently working fine but when i go to compile it on 11g an error file is generated. All my path is set in proper manner .
I have a object library which has multiple tabs and every tab has its own object. While compiling, the forms are not inheriting the object values only few values from the object are considered.
Currently if i let required field empty, then APEX puts systematic error message "XXX must have some value." near the field and into the page header. I want to create custom business rule, that would show message for example "This action cannot be performed, because this and that...".
That kind of custom validation should be in my plSql package and somehow it should throw/send the phrase "This action cannot be performed, because this and that..." to the page header where was message "XXX must have some value.".
How can i create such custom error message to appear out using PlSql package function that i define myself? I plan to create a common validation package, which has lots of plsql functions to validate lot of APEX pages/forms, all those functions should throw/send somehow error messages to page header. I looked that this unofficial solution does not suit for me:
Because it disables APEX systematic automatic validations as i understand, and is unofficial.