Forms :: Form Exists When Using DataLink

Dec 5, 2011

I am using Forms 6i and oracle 10 g . I am able to use the datalink from the SQL. But when i put it in the form, and try to compile, it exists from the form builder.

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Forms :: FRM-47023 - No Such Parameter Exists In Custom Form XYZ

Mar 6, 2012

Getting error FRM-47023: No such parameter named CHART_OF_ACCOUNTS_ID exists in our custom form XYZ

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Forms :: Cannot Commit Form When New Instance Form With Form Status Is NEW

Apr 17, 2012

I cann't commit form when new instance form with form status is "NEW".

And then i call:
Text_Item := WebUtil_File.File_Selection_Dialog('', '', 'Excel 2003|*.xls|Excel 2010|*.xlsx|All File|*.*', 'Select a file to Import', Open_File, True);
Form status change to "QUERY"

And then i click button "Import Data" from excel file to Data Block. Now form status change to "CHANGED". But i cannot call "Commit_Form" built-in to insert data to database oracle 10g.

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Forms :: Opening Form Has Attached Libraries Caused Form Close

Jul 19, 2010

If I open a form has attached libraries in form builder on windows7 it closed and give this message :

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name:APPCRASH
Application Name:frmbld.exe
Application Version:
Application Timestamp:42d63632
Fault Module Name:KERNELBASE.dll


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Forms :: Want To Call Web Form For Uploading Image From Custom Form

Apr 16, 2013

I want to call a Web form which should upload the image from my local machine.For that I have created a form which will take necessary data about employee now I want to Insert Image for that employee into table as I am new I struct on the Image uploading form. Latter I have seen the Enter & Maintain form which have Picture button.Pressing this button we get one new web form open & we can upload our image from there.

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Forms :: How To Reload Calling Form After Closing Called Form

Jul 15, 2007

I have FORM_A calling FORM_B: Call_form('FORM_B',...). On form_B I am updating a Record and when I close Form_B and the focus goes back to Form_A, I need to Automatically Reload Form_A to reflect the changes that were made on Form_B.

How can I reload the Calling Form (FORM_A) when I closed the called form (FORM_B)?

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Forms :: 2 Different Form To Pass Values From One Form To Another

Mar 11, 2010

is there any type of veriable used in declate statement whith could be used in 2 different form to pass values from one form to another.

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Forms :: Any Way To Load A Form Within A Form

May 21, 2010

I have a requirement, is there any way i can achieve the following User Interface using oracle forms

Left Pane: Navigation (Tree Menu)
Right Pane: Based on the node clicked in the Tree Menu, a specific form will be loaded on the right.

The tricky part, is there any way i could load a form within a form ? If i make use of OPEN_FORM, it will open a form in its own window.

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Forms :: How To Open Another Form Within A Form

Dec 20, 2012

I want to convert my forms6i application into forms9i therefore I initially converted my login and explorer form.

In my login form, I am using NEW_FORM to close my login form and wants to activate my explorer form but every time a pop-up raised and asked "DO YOU WANT TO CALL THE NEW FORM?", if I pressed YES then pointer moved to explorer form.

This form is working perfectly in 6i and didn't asked anything and moved to successfully to explorer form.

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Forms :: Pre-form And When-new-form-instance?

Mar 1, 2010

What is the difference and significance of

1) Pre-form and When-new-form-instance?
2) Post-text-item and When-validate-item?

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Forms :: Add Sub Form To A Form

Apr 26, 2011

I have a main form of "sales contract". I want to add sub form to take input for commission & shipment details in separate sub forms.

When I click a button on main form, system should open sub form, in which I enter the detail.

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Forms :: New Form For Oracle Apps Turning Fields In Other Forms Black

Sep 23, 2011

I created a new form for Oracle Apps, At first when I ran the form from the application all the fields backgrounds were black, so I changed the background in the property palette to white and foreground to black.

Now it shows fine but when I close this form and open another those fields are now blacked out. What should I do, I know the problem comes from the new form.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Not In Not Exists?

Aug 29, 2012

I have a question i wanted to know that " Is it possible to write the Following Query Using NOT EXISTS


And one more doubt is there, can we use join to get same result.

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Datafile 11 - Not Exists

Aug 3, 2009

i see in my alert.log this message:

Errors in file /oracle/BWP/saptrace/usertrace/bwp_ora_2728058.trc:
ORA-01114: IO error writing block to file 1030 (block # 602122)
ORA-27063: number of bytes read/written is incorrect
IBM AIX RISC System/6000 Error: 28: No space left on device
Additional information: -1
Additional information: 180224

But this file_id i don't have in my database, i am making these queries:

SQL> select FILE_ID from dba_temp_files order by FILE_ID;


I don't have this file_id, why alert.log is showing me it? Of course, nobody has created this datafile and nobody has removed it too.

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PL/SQL :: Check Given Value Exists Or Not

Jun 18, 2013

i have a procedure like create or replace procedure studrec( a in sid%rowtype)asi sid%rowtype;beginselect sid into ifrom students; i need to check whether sid is exist in the variable i or not

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Forms :: Retrieving More Than One Row In Form

Dec 20, 2012

i have created two data blocks

First data data block contains a list item and a text item based on the selection of the list item and the value in the text item i need to retrieve more than one row in another data block whose NUMBER OF RECORDS DISPLAYED property are set to 10.

I have a Button in the first data block. So in the WHEN BUTTON PRESSED trigger i wrote SELECT INTO clause which is raising "exact fetch returns more than requested number of rows".Then i used a cursor in the WHEN-BUTTON-PRESSED trigger in the first block to fetch row by row and assign it to the items in second block. But i am able to retrieve only one record in the second block.

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Forms :: 6i - How To Link Different Form

Oct 22, 2010

the following problem. am using oracle forms 6i on windows 2003 server.

I have two tables Loan and deduction

loan_number number(5)unique not null,
loan_name varchar(15)not null,
loan_type varchar(15)not null,
actual_amount number(10)not null,


Both have loan_number columns as the primary key.

I created two separate forms using loan table and Deduction table.

Also according to requirement, when commiting in the loan form ,if 'loan_purpose' is 'PERSONAL' THEN deduction form SHOULD BE OPENED.


WHAT I WANT IS when deduction form pops up, it should have a matching loan_number as in loan form What shall I do to achieve this???.

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Forms :: Calculate Sum In A Form?

Nov 23, 2007

how do w calculate sum in a form? for example in datablock sale, I have few rows of data, i want to calculate the total of product purchased (column totitem) and , sum of the customer have to pay. (totalprice). how to do the calculation in a program unit?

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Forms :: How To Go Through All Items In The Form

Jul 6, 2010

is there any way or loop to go through all items in a form and check them with a condition ???

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Forms :: Ranking Within A Form?

Jul 25, 2013

I have a query find window that allows you to search on various attributes.Also i have a radio button within the query find that allows you to filter the results either as a single record or mulitiple records For example consider the data below.....

Header Table
Record_Id = 1, Record_No = 'Rec1'

Lines Table
Record_Id = 1, Line_desc = 'Line1'
Record_Id = 1, Line_desc = 'Line2'
Record_Id = 1, Line_desc = 'Line3'

I have a View that joins the 2 tables together so for Record_Id = 1 the view returns 3 rows

I would like to have a query find window that allows you to search using:

and has a radio button to allow you to either show the records as a single line or as all detail lines Therefore i would like the following selections:

1) Enter no search criteria but select Single radio option will return 1 record with default line description of Line1
2) Enter no search criteria but select Multiple radio option will return all 3 records
3) Enter Line_Desc = Line1 with Single radio option brings back one record with Line_Desc = Line1
4) Enter Line_Desc = Line2 with Single radio option brings back one record with Line_Desc = Line2
5) Enter Line_Desc = Line3 with Single radio option brings back one record with Line_Desc = Line3
6) Enter Line_Desc = Line1 with Multi radio option brings back one record with Line_Desc = Line1
7) Enter Line_Desc = Line2 with Multi radio option brings back one record with Line_Desc = Line2
7) Enter Line_Desc = Line3 with Multi radio option brings back one record with Line_Desc = Line3

I need the form to select from the view but then perform a rank after it has selected the relavant data. Then the radio button would use the ranking to select either one record or multi records.

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Forms :: 6i - How To Know Which User Is Using Which Form

Sep 8, 2011

How to know which user is using which form.I am using form 6i and Oracle 10g a database.

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Forms :: Simplifying Form URL?

Dec 5, 2009

IS there any way to short the url From




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Forms :: Installed 10g - Not Able To Run Form?

Jan 6, 2011

I installed forms and built a simple form using EMP table.I was able to compile the form successfully but when I run the form it opens IE and says IE has stopped working and closes the program.I have Windows Vista OS and IE7.

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Forms :: Publishing 6i Form On Web

Jul 16, 2013

I have created a form for data entry in forms 6i and now my requirement is i want to give the access to this form remotely to our branch office , so that we will do the data entry through this form in our database, my query is can this form be published on web , and if yes how to enable it on web or publish it on web so that other users will access them remotely and enter data.

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Forms :: Key Combination To Get Another Form

Mar 19, 2010

I have a requirement here. User wants when he pressed 'CTRL+E' on the form item, he must get another form. Actually 'CTRL+E' is defined for EDITOR. Then how could I achieve this?

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How To Check A Table If Exists

Oct 12, 2005

I have a script like this:





But i think if table CON_TEST doen't exist, an error message will appear. I know that in SQL Server we can check if table exists or not. So, i wonder if we can do that in Oracle?

By the way, is there any way to run a file script that contents TABLES, STORED, ... on a developed PC connect to oracle db server? (in case, i'm developing on PC, using Net Service Name to conect to Oracle DB Server)

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SQL & PL/SQL :: EXISTS Not Working In Oracle 10g

Mar 30, 2012

following is a query which i find difficult to understand why EXISTS is failing. There are two scenarios where if i block LINE 30 and unblock line 31 of the code then one record is returned.



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SQL & PL/SQL :: Checking Whether Record Exists

Jan 22, 2013

Which is the best way to check whether a record exists.

l_count NUMBER;
SELECT COUNT(*) INTO l_count FROM emp WHERE empno=7839;
IF l_count=1 THEN
dbms_output.put_line('not exists');


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SQL & PL/SQL :: Function Returning Top Value If Not Exists Then Next One?

Nov 20, 2010

how to write a function that returns top value if not exists then next top for combination of customer_id and hierarchy.For instance :

If I've got table

customer_id ,hierarchy, function_code
123 |1 | Z1
123 |2 |67
123 |3 |5B
678 |10 |S2
678 |11 |Z2
345 |2 |11

For the customer ID 123 I want to return Z1, for customer 678 I want to return S2 and for customer ID 345 I want 11

Problem is that I'm new to the concept of looping. I know how to write a function that accepts customer_id as a value write a cursor and then check IF hierarchy = 1 the return FUNCTION_CODE IF hierarchy - 2 THEN ...

but I need something more universal as some of the customers may have hierarchy function 1 and that would be the top one for him but others might have function of hierarchy 10 as top and checking all of the possibilities using if would be just stupid. So how to write something universal ? And of course if function did not find any customer_id then return null.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Using Where Not Exists Against A List Of Values?

Jul 13, 2012

I have a list of values from a spreadsheet and want to know which values are NOT matched in columns of a table

here's the list (really 4000+ long)

and I want to find the values that are not in the table 'table_name' like this

where not exists (Select number_n from table_name
where number_n in ('1234', '2345', '3244', ...(the list above))

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