Forms :: Displaying Database Stored Documents In 6i

Apr 23, 2011

I want to display a pdf file (or other types of documents like word or excel) that is already stored in a blob column in the database, in a form control and be able to view the records one by one just like an image.

Is this possible? if so, how? If not, can you direct me to additional code, technology, package or whatever solution that can achieve the desired results. sing Oracle forms 6i and database 10g.

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Forms :: Displaying Database Stored Image On Oracle 6i?

Oct 6, 2010

I have successfully Stored image file in Oracle 10g Database Table using Forms 6i. But I cannot retrieve that image and display on Forms 6i. Image Item on Form is not a database Item.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Loading Documents / Images / Files Using LOB Into Oracle Database

Oct 5, 2010

code to put files such doc ,xls , jpg

into db using lob

i am developing application where user will be browsing the file from local pc which then will be loaded into oracle db not At OS DIRECTORY .

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Forms :: How To Store Word / Excel Documents To BLOB Column

Mar 29, 2011

My client system is WinXP.I want to store a Word/Excel document to Oracle Blob column and choosed the command named "piecewise.exe",it seems a free tool on the web, to store the document to oracle,but occausionally failed.So I need alternative which is stable and available.

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Forms :: Data Not Displaying From Main Database?

Jul 25, 2012

on clicking,while running the form data(DATE and APPLICANT_NO) is being accesed from local database but after uploading the form the data is not coming from main database,even if the data is present in the main database.

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XML DB :: Error Loading XSD Documents 11g

Sep 10, 2012

Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
PL/SQL Release - Production
CORE     Production
TNS for IBM/AIX RISC System/6000: Version - Production
NLSRTL Version - Production



When i am trying to load an XSD document its failing with Error-15. When i removed the below line from the xsd doc

<xs:pattern value="[ ]*[!-~А-я][ -~А-я]*"> (& #x0410;-& #x044F;)

It went through fine. The issue is its not supporting ;А-я NCS of Cyrillic alphabet(Russian) . Guess its some kind of character set issue. But i cant identify. The same doc is working fine in 10g. issue is in 11gr2.

Loading of xsd happens from a product interface. header details

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="Windows-1251"?>
<!--Öåíòðàëüíûé Áàíê Ðîññèéñêîé Ôåäåðàöèè.
Óíèôèöèðîâàííûå ôîðìàòû ýëåêòðîííûõ áàíêîâñêèõ ñîîáùåíèé.

Ñõåìû ñ îïèñàíèåì áàçîâûõ òèïîâ.
Èñïîëüçóþòñÿ äëÿ ñîçäàíèÿ ïðèêëàäíûõ òèïîâ.

äåêàáðü 2008 ã.-->
<xs:schema xmlns:xs="" xmlns:bt="urn:cbr-ru:ed:basetypes:v2.0" targetNamespace="urn:cbr-ru
:ed:basetypes:v2.0" elementFormDefault="qualified" attributeFormDefault="unqualified" version="2.4.0">

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Displaying Specific Data From Database

Apr 5, 2008

i have columns called data_received(data received from server) , URL (sites visited)

now i want to display top 50 sites based on highest data_received.URL column will have some sites repeated.

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Reports & Discoverer :: Displaying Image From Database

Aug 5, 2013

In my table I have a column for storing image path how can I display the image in my report.I added a file link and specified the image source and the image is displayed when running report.

is it possible to make the source dynamic, based on the primary key entered by the user??

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Displaying Alter Message After Inserting Record Into Database

Mar 16, 2011

displaying an alter message after inserting a record into the database...i have designed form through forms builder.i want 2 display a alert message for showing a message 'RECORD INSERTED SUCCESFULLY ' along with the value entered in the textitem.this is the code i used

d varchar2(30);
insert into patient(ptno,ptname,dob,age,ptel,blood,address)values(:block3.item4,:block3.item
set_alert_property('alert2',alert_message_text,'RECORD INSERTED');


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Forms :: Displaying Arabic In 10g

Sep 15, 2009

1-i have exported a database 9i with character set WE8MSWIN1252 which is her original character set;
2- i have created a new database 10G R2 with character set AL32UTF8;
3- i have imported the .dmp file to this new database with imp.exe 9i version configured with WE8MSWIN1252 character set;

-The problem is:

* when i use sqlplus, arabic data displays correctly but, in forms 10G, arabic data displays lick this ?E?? EC???IEC...... HOW CAN I CONFIGURE FORMS TO DISPLAY CORRECTLY ARABIC DATA?

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Forms :: Image Is Not Displaying

Jan 20, 2013

In my explorer/menu form there is a image item, I want to display company logo in this image item therefore I am using read_ image_ file ('c:application LOGO.jpg','JPG','IMAGE53') in WHEN_NEW_FORM_INSTANCE trigger but image isn't showing.

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Forms :: Displaying Icons In Web

Oct 17, 2004

I have problem in displaying icons in the push button during run time. Actually from few days i m trying to display icons at run time but with out any success.

i had made a simple push button and in its properties i had made the following changes

icon filename=c:tempsave
the file save.GIF is saved under c:temp directory.

i had tried all the changes in registry.dat,orion file through the doc 203846.1 from metalink. Give me sample code step to step for showing a
push button with icon during run time. Also I tried the steps mentioned in the pdf document of


But it did not solve my problem. My icon file name is save.GIF , I wanted to know whether save.GIF file name convention is valid or not. Give the path from where I can get the icons used for web.

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Forms :: Message Is Not Displaying?

Feb 14, 2012

i got an error running my form. And when i re-run it again, the message at the bottom was nowhere to be found. How can i bring it back?

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Forms :: Displaying Time In 10g?

Aug 2, 2010

I want to display time in reverse count down using oracle forms 10g.

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Forms :: Displaying 2 Canvases Simultaneously?

Oct 8, 2010

I have created a form in which I have 2 canvases - content canvas and a tabbed canvas.

I have only 4 fields on the content canvas and the remaining on the tabbed canvas. My requirement is such that the tabbed canvas should appear below the content canvas when I run the form, i.e. the fields on the content canvas will be visible, and below them will be the tabbed canvas.

For the content canvas, I have set the viewportX and viewport Y position as (0,0), and for the tabbed canvas, I have set the viewportX and viewportY position as (0,100). However when I run the form, I only see the tabbed canvas and the area at the top where I should see the contents from the content canvas appear blank.

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Forms :: Displaying Image In Oracle 6i?

Apr 24, 2009

i am working with image. I have successfully stored image in oracle table. Now i want to display the stored image in oracle form 6i. There i unable to display the image although i have created the data block using the same table name as the data source.

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Forms :: Show_view Is Not Displaying X And Y Canvas

Sep 27, 2007

I have 3 canvases ---> X ( Content), Y ( Stack) and Z ( Stack) which has 3 blocks BX, BY, BZ resp.

show_view('Y') ;
Now X and Y both canvases are displayed.

Now only X is displayed. Canvas Y is vanished after a single blink. But I require both canvases as in initial stage.

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Forms :: Displaying Number Of Records With Condition

Jul 8, 2012

In form i call a record from database table through execute_query. i have lov on ITEM_NO

i want to display on that form, no. of records of ITEM_NO which i select from the list. like if i have 10 records with item_no which i select from list is must show 1/10.

if i press the down arrow it should show next record of the same item_no.

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Forms :: Page Wise Displaying Data

Apr 24, 2010

i want displaying the query data page wise.

i want place 4 buttons

1 for 1st page, 2nd for next page, 3rd nxt page and 4th for last page.

how can i do this through programming in oracle forms 10g.

give me the entire process of doing this.

i am waiting for your response.

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Forms :: 6i Displaying Oracle Only Negative Sign

Nov 12, 2012

can you to display a field with negative value

S -- format mask display both sing + and -
MI -- format mask display negative sign at end
PR --Returns negative value in <angle brackets>. and Returns positive value with a leading and trailing blank.

I want the output should display only leading negative if the value is negative. I have used S99990.99 as format Mask. but need output should display only leading negative if the value is negative.

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Forms :: Displaying A Warning Message If No Detail Saved

Jul 25, 2011

I have 2 blocks, block 1 which is the master and block 2 which is the detail. Both block 1 and block 2 are multi record blocks. For my form I want to display a warning message to the user if they create a master block without also creating a detail.

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Forms :: Multi Record Block Not Displaying Items

Feb 12, 2012

I want to ask what's wrong with my multi-record block.

When i click a node on my tree, it should display the records on it. For example, my root node is Sections, the parents are 1st sem and 2nd sem. In each sections in 1st sem, whenever i click a child node, it should display on display items. I have set its number of items displayed to 9. Since each sections have 9 subjects. The problem when i run it is that it displays many rows.

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Forms :: Records Not Displaying In Specific Text Item

Feb 14, 2012

I have for example two text items(number of records to display is set to 9). What I want is when i go to studentprofile block, it should automatically shows his subjects that are already taken up. the first text item is for 1st semester subjects and the other for 2nd semester.

here is the structure of my subjsec table:

ID number(1)
subj_code varchar2(10)
day varchar2(10)

and for subjects table:

subj_code varchar2(10)
description varchar2(50)
units number(1)
semester varchar2(10)

I restricted subjects that are in 1st sem. So i did something like this in my


CURSOR studgrade_cur IS
SELECT g.stud_id, g.grade, g.subj_code, s.description, s.units, s.semester
FROM studgrades g , subjects s
WHERE g.subj_code = s.subj_code
AND g.stud_id = :Studentprofile.student_id;


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Forms :: Prevent User From Navigating To Another Webpage By Displaying Dialog Box

Dec 8, 2010

how to know when a user was navigating away from the current open form (and I wanted to prevent the navigation with a dialog box) because they had entered a new URL in the address bar and were trying to navigate to it? I've seen a reference to it from an ADF perspective -> [URL]

but was wondering how to do it within Forms?

The reason for this is that i would want to prompt the user to confirm that they wanted to exit the form as potentially they would have a record (in the form) flagged as being updated and as such no other user (including themselves) could susbequently access it. So, I'm basically wanting to know if there is a way to catch the fact that the user is about to navigate to another web page.

Is it by using javascript and if so, how would it be implemented?

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Forms :: Displaying Records From A Table In Tabular Form With One Condition?

Mar 17, 2012

i want to display records from a table in tabular form with one condition.

i made a tabular form.and in WHEN-NEW-FORM-INSTANCE i write



when i run the form its not showing any errors but displaying only one record.that is the first record whose bill_type is send to other store.

am i using the right trigger or my select statement has problem?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Find Out Stored Procedure In Database

Jun 20, 2011

There is one DBMSJOB i created schedule to run every day at 22:00 hrs. The jobname is IT_TO_DUM_LOADING and the job type is Stored procedure.

I queried all_source and found stored procedure does not exist in database.

SQL> select text from all_source
2 where type = 'PROCEDURE'
3 and name ='IT_TO_DUM_LOADING';

no rows selected

But i could see the job details in dba_scheduler_jobs view. I cannot use WHERE clause in dba_scheduler_jobs to restrict and find only the job row as i receive time zone error. How it is possible to view the job in dba_scheduler job view whereas i could not find the stored procedure of its in all_source?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Reading Doc File Stored In Database

Jun 8, 2011

A doc file stored in a database having data type blob. To read this file I have written Following procedure

create or replace procedure XX_read_blobfile1 as
b blob;
c clob;
n number;
SELECT file_data INTO b FROM fnd_lobs WHERE file_id = 322420;
if (b is null) then

With the data displaying some boxes before and after data

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SQL & PL/SQL :: External Table Does Not Require Database But Where They Stored

Mar 10, 2010

For external tables does not require any database space.But where the external tables are storing.

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Executing Stored Procedure / Function From Database Link?

Feb 24, 2011

I have 2 databases:

Database A
Database B

In Database A I have a series of config tables and stored procedures/functions In Database B I have a lot of tables.

I would like to execute my stored procedures and all associated functions in database A on my data in database B.

Now I've figured out that creating a database link enables me to do SQL selects on data in both A and B...but how do I run SP/Funcs ? I've read something about packages but not sure if I'm heading in the right direction.

Do I need to create a simple synonym ? Can I use the existing DB link ? or is there a special way of calling them, or...

I like the A/B database set up since I can keep battle tested code in one location and have it work across multiple dbs...saves me having to create everything in every database.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Call Stored Procedures Or Functions From A Database Trigger

Oct 14, 2011

How to call stored procedures or functions from a database trigger?

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