Forms :: Days Hours Min And Seconds Calculation

Nov 5, 2010

I am able to run this query in Sql Prompt.

DEFINE Today = TO_DATE('03.12.2004:10:34:24','DD.MM.YYYY:HH24:MI:SS')

SELECT TO_CHAR(hiredate,'DD.MM.YYYY:HH24:MI:SS') "Hiredate",
TO_CHAR(&Today,'DD.MM.YYYY:HH24:MI:SS') "Today",
trunc(86400*(&Today-hiredate))-60*(trunc((86400*(&&Today-hiredate))/60)) "Sec",


It gives proper / desired results. I want to use it on my Form, how can it be done?

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PL/SQL :: Get Time In Hours Minutes And Seconds Subtract Between Two Varchars?

Oct 18, 2012

I have two varchar variable which has value like this

and v_Shifttime:='18:00:00'

this both time i am subtracting here and storing in another varchar variable which is like this.

v_EarlyLeaverstimeformat := LPAD((extract(hour from TO_TIMESTAMP (v_ShiftTime,'HH24:mi:ss')) - extract(hour from TO_TIMESTAMP (v_OutPunch1,'HH24:mi:ss'))), 2, '0')||':'|| LPAD((extract(minute from TO_TIMESTAMP (v_ShiftTime,'HH24:mi:ss')) - extract(minute from TO_TIMESTAMP (v_OutPunch1,'HH24:mi:ss'))), 2, '0')||':'|| LPAD((extract(second from TO_TIMESTAMP (v_ShiftTime,'HH24:mi:ss')) - extract(second from TO_TIMESTAMP (v_OutPunch1,'HH24:mi:ss'))), 2, '0');

it's not subtracting value correctly.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Difference Between Business Days And Hours?

Sep 19, 2010

format of dtActivityStartDate/dtActivityFinishDate: 2010-09-17 14:50:51.150 Note: Both dtActivityStartDate/dtActivityFinishDate
vcActivityName = Process Request
usdFuncTimeCalc (vcActivityName,dtActivityStartDate, dtActivityFinishDate)

i need to calculate time elasped for that type of activity following are the rules:

(If Process Request is the activity)
Working Days: Monday through Saturday
Hours of Operation: 9AM 5PM

only working hours of day need to the counted like for example if it is sep 15 11 Am is dtActivityStartDate & Sep 17 is dtActivityFinishDate is 10 Am. then time elapsed is 11am to 5pm on sep 15 , 9 to 5 on sep 16 & 9 to 10 on sep 17 so total should be

6+ 8 + 1 = 15 hours + minutes.
format of date time: 2010-09-17 14:50:51.150
vcActivityName = Process Request
Don't worry about process request..

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Server Administration :: Overlapping Days Between 3 Date Ranges To Determine Active / Inactive Days

Sep 2, 2011

I have installed Oracle Database 11g.2 by database configuration assistant on windows XP as and adminstrator on my laptop(no connection to network),but when I want to create database I face this warning: error securing database control ,Datatbase control has been brought up in non-secure mode . to secure the database conntrol execute following command....(error is attached).

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Forms :: Calculation When Add Numbers

Feb 5, 2011

I am developing a form where I need to add Numbers.In fact we have a bag of Cones that contain 24 cones.In normal calculation when I add numbers for example

5.24 Plus 5.24 it will give the result 10.48

I Need the appropriate method to calculate if I add these two numbers it should give the result 5.24 Plus 5.24 the result should be 12

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Forms :: Time Calculation

Oct 20, 2011

Currently I am working on payroll system where I have to calculate employees working hours/late coming hours/early going hours against its roster which is defined in the beginning of every month/week.

In roster form user define shift of every employee like

Code Name Shift
7 Saad Nafees A - 09:00 17:00
492 Muhammad Nasir Shahzad B - 17:00 01:00
243 Muhammad Tahir C - 01:00 09:00

Roster table structure

code varchar2
name varchar2
Shift date
Remarks varchar2

shift table structure

code varchar2
timein date
timeout date
latetime date
Hdaytime date

Oracle stores both date and time information in date data type, suppose today user change shift timings from 17:00 to 17:30 or user change timein/timeout in attendance form then oracle will store current date with user define timings.

Now this is the main problem which I am facing because whenever you calculate difference between timein and timeout or compare with its roster then output comes wrong because oracle returns total no of hours whenever you minus two dates.

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Forms :: Calculation Total In Application?

Mar 16, 2011

I'm getting trouble in getting the sum of all the product's prize present in the form fields of invoice form. For example, I user bought 2 products so I want to get there prize sum in the total box. I first want that I've QUANTITY, DISCOUNT and SELLING PRIZE.

If I multiply Quantity with Selling Prize then I gets the result in Product and Quantity Total Box. However, Now I want to add discount option in it. Means if user is providing 10% discount to his/her customer then Quantity * Selling Prize - Discount% becomes a result in product's solution final prize box.

Here is the pic..

Look...Now here..I've added 22 in quantity.. now if I'll insert 10% in discount then the total will comes in Amount Display Box.

I'm currently using this coding on on Prize Box..

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Forms :: Calculation Mode With Conditions

Sep 24, 2013

I have 2 fields f1,f2

I define f1 a summary in calculation mode

I want to sum f1 where f2 = 5

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Forms :: Adding Hours And Minutes To Time

Feb 11, 2011

I currently have a problem where I have two date fields with time stamps. The only bit i am currently interested in in these fields is the time factor. When i display them in their field they have a format of HH24:MI .

I have a start time and end time as well as a duration and duration type. What I am trying to do is the following: when the user inputs the start time, along with the duration say 1 for example and the duration type of say HRS for example I would like to have the end_datetime default to 1 HR from the current start time. This is the code I use on a when validate item trigger to acheive this:

case :blk.duration_type
when 'HRS' then
:blk.end_datetime := :blk.start_datetime + ((1/24)* :blk.duration);
when 'MINS' then
:blk.end_datetime := :blk.start_datetime + ((1/24/60)* :blk.duration);

However, every time it triggers the value put into end_datetime is 0:00 is it something to do with the datatypes im using .

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Forms :: Getting Calculation Result From 2 Text Boxes?

Mar 8, 2011

I'm creating an on demand software. I have 3 text boxes on my form

1st text box will carry Product's Actual Price
2nd text Box will carry Product's Selling Price
3rd text Box will carry Profit..

3rd one is display item..this will carry "selling price - actual price" and then result into 3rd box.. that would be profit..


how can I move Proceed? I've currently applied this trigger as POST-query on form and POST-CHANGE on :PL_PRODUCT_PROFIT

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Forms :: How To Display Runtime Calculation In Cursor

May 18, 2010

How To Display Runtime Calculation in cursor for example in loop i define xyx number then add + 1 in xyz and move its value to block item until loop valid but in display no value shown but if i apply message(xyz) then it also shown the answer is correct but with message style i click every time in message but i want that with some delay form automatically show the value of xyz in block field.

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Forms :: Calculation In Timing With Varchar2 Datatype

Jul 16, 2011

I'm facing a problem where I create a form and I want to feed time in "HH:MI" format, Firstly I choose the "Date" datatype, but during the feeding of time i.e "00:30", means if I want to feed only mints, then it doesn't accept, at the other hand if I feed "01:30" means mints with hr then it accepts.

To get rid of this problem I changed datatype "Date" to "Varchar2".

I create 3 columns on my form "TTL_WORKING_TIME" - "TTL_RUN_TIME" = "BRK_DWN_TIME". If I get any value in "BRK_DWN_TIME" column thn it has to be distribute in 3 or 4 reason of B/D, means if I get 00:30 mints brkdwn thn 00:15 mints for "reason1" and 00:15 mints for "reason2".

How I make calculation where I use "Varchar2" datatype.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Convert Days Into Weeks And Days (if Any) Oracle 9i

Apr 5, 2011

want to write Procedure to return weeks and days from given set of days.

let suppose we have 72 days to return weeks and days then return should be 7 weeks and 2 days.Can i use date function Or ?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Record Between Seconds

Nov 9, 2011

I have a date column in a table, I need to fetch records from 27:11:11 00:00:10 to 30:11:11 00:00:10 (DD:MM:YY HH:MI:SS). i.e between seconds/min/hrs.

expecting Something like this,

TO_CHAR('27/11/11 00:00:10','DD-MN-YY HH24:MI:SS') AND
TO_CHAR('30/11/11 01:10:10','DD-MN-YY HH24:MI:SS')

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Use Of Sub Seconds In Timestamp

Feb 11, 2011

What is the exact usage of the SUBSECONDS in Timestamp data type.

Especially it has range upto 9 decimal places?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Get Date In Seconds

Oct 23, 2012

I have a date field which is passed as in parameter defaulted to sydate With the passed date as input I need to run an eod for every 15 mins by calculating

v_sdate := TRUNC ( in_sdate
- (MOD (TO_CHAR (in_sdate, 'MI'), 15) * 60)
/ (24 * 60 * 60),
v_edate := TRUNC (in_sdate, 'MI');

Using the above v_sdate and v_edate I am calculating the start date and end date and compare these in my final select query.Now in case of rerun of old date, I am calculating start date as : v_sdate := TRUNC (in_sdate, 'MI') - 15 / 1440;

But in the above calculation, I am not considering seconds, but I need to consider those also, because say I ran the eod at 23-oct-2012 12:23:13 then my start date in case of re run should start from 12:23:14 secs , how can I achieve that?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Get Number Of Seconds Between Two Dates (min And Max)?

Oct 23, 2013

SQL> SELECT MAX (upd_time), MIN (upd_time), COUNT (serial)
SELECT * FROM trans_archive);
--------- --------- -------------
23-OCT-13 01-JAN-11 5289261

I need to calculate seconds between MAX (upd_time) and MIN (upd_time) and then calculate trans/sec. Number of trans COUNT (serial).

SQL> desc trans;
Name Null? Type
----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------


trans_archive the same DDL.

my first try to get intervall between max and min date in secons:

ERROR at line 1:
ORA-30076: invalid extract field for extract source

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Conversion Of Milliseconds / Seconds To HH:MM:SS Format

Feb 13, 2012

I ran this query :

SELECT el.date_time_stamp AS occurance_time,
esl.ack_time_stamp AS response_time,
esl.res_time_stamp AS resolved_time,
NVL ( (esl.ack_time_stamp - el.date_time_stamp), 0)
AS time_taken_to_acknowledge,
NVL ( (esl.res_time_stamp - el.date_time_stamp),0 )


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SQL & PL/SQL :: Calculating The Difference Of Timestamps In Seconds

Jan 2, 2013

I have to create the following table. The fields Trend_Date, Price and Trend are already given. I have to calculate the field permanently and to insert the value in this permanent table.


The field price belong to the value of a product during the trade.
The field trade_date belongs to the moment of the trade.
The field trend belongs to the future behavior of the the price. Here, the price of the present moment is compared to the following price (possible characteristics: 'UP', 'DOWN', 'STABLE').
The field permanently belongs to the time (in seconds) how long the value of the field Trend_Date (depending on the price) is still true.

For example:

Row 1: The trend in row 1 is 'UP' and it has a price of '11'. Until row 3 this remains true (the price is greater or equal to 11). In this case, the difference between row 1 and row 3 are 9801 (rounded) seconds.

Row 2: The trend in row 2 is 'DOWN' and it has a price of '12'. This remains true till to the end (the price is never greater than 12) In this case, the difference between row 2 and row 11 are 97346 (rounded) seconds. To calculate the 97346 seconds the field has to consider that between row 2 and row 11 are two days. There will be no trade between 18:00 and 07:00 o'clock. This belongs to 7 hours for each days, in seconds (2*46800) 93600.
-> 190945-93600 = 97346s

Row 6: The trend in row 6 is 'UP' and it has a price of '5'. This remains true till to the end (the price is never smaller than 5) In this case, the difference between row 6 and row 11 are 65729 (rounded) seconds. To calculate the 65729 seconds the field has to consider that between row 65729 and row 11 are one days. There will be no trade between 18:00 and 07:00 o'clock. This belongs to 7 hours for each days, in seconds (1*46800) 46800.
-> 112528-46800 = 65729s

Row 9: The trend in row 9 is 'STABLE' and it has a price of '8'. Until row 10 this remains true (the price is equal to 8 ). In this case, the difference between row 9 and row 10 is 14418 (rounded) seconds.

Row 11: Is empty because there are no values to compare.

Example Table

TRADE_DATE --PRICE --TREND --permanently
02.01.13 11:21:42,720000000--11--UP--9801
02.01.13 12:44:03,236000000--12--DOWN--97346
02.01.13 14:05:03,845000000--11--DOWN--92485


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Server Administration :: Archive Log Every 30 Seconds?

Mar 1, 2012

Our database was generating archivelog(50MB) every 30seconds! I think this is not normal because what I did is open our database, I was the only one who is connected, I'm not running anything, but our database is still generating archivelogs!

Our redo logs: 6groups 3members.

This are the things I saw on our alert logs:
- advanced to log sequence
- cannot allocate new log, sequence
- checkpoint not complete
- private strand flush not complete

What I did is change the log mode of our database to noarchivelog then open the database, then returned it to archivelog mode then that fixed the problem. But the thing is after 6hours its abnormal behavior goes back again.

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PL/SQL :: Date Format - Display Fraction Of Seconds

Oct 8, 2012

select to_char(SYSDATE,'MMDDYYYYHHMISS') from dual;


It is giving me correct output, but i want to display even the Fraction of seconds, how can i?

I have tried this..but not working..

select to_char(SYSDATE,'MMDDYYYYHHMISSFF') from dual;

Output: Error.

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Application Express :: Date Picker With Seconds?

Apr 11, 2013

I'm using Apex 4.2.1 against Oracle 11gR2 and mod_plsql.create a date picker item that allows users to select seconds as well as hours and minutes.

I have searched this Forum and see that others have asked this question. The answers have all been "No". However, I've seen no such question since version 4.1 has been released, and so, am hoping there now is a way to do this.

I have adjusted the Date Format field to be "DD-Mon-YYYY HH24:MI:SS", both under the date picker item itself as well as under the "Global" parameters section of my application. All to no avail. The date picker shows only hours and minutes for the time portion.

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JMS Client Receives AQ Messages Asynchronously With A Delay Of 15 Seconds

May 7, 2013

I have written a stand alone (Java SE 1.6) JMS client program to consume AQ's messages via Oracle JMS API (aqapi.jar). The queue is a multiple consumer queue, and i just created one subscriber on it. My JMS client program receives messages asynchronously by setting the MessageListener using the setMessageListener method.

Watching the work of the program, I found significant delays in receiving messages that are up to several seconds. When I turned on the diagnostic trace, I found that in the absence of messages listener (AQjmsSimpleScheduler) gradually increases the delay time up to 15 seconds:

Thread-1 [Mon May 06 22:14:23 MSK 2013] AQjmsSimpleScheduler.feedData: Got a non null message, the sleep time is reset to 0
Thread-1 [Mon May 06 22:14:23 MSK 2013] sleep 0 millisecond.
Thread-1 [Mon May 06 22:14:23 MSK 2013] AQjmsSimpleScheduler.feedData: Got a null message, the sleep time is doubled to 1000
Thread-1 [Mon May 06 22:14:23 MSK 2013] sleep 1000 millisecond.
Thread-1 [Mon May 06 22:14:23 MSK 2013] AQjmsListenerWorker.doSleep: try to wait for 1000 milliseconds


Thus, in the worst case, the delay between placing the message in the queue and receiving it by the JMS client is 15 seconds.

Can I control this latency? For example, I would like to explicitly set the levels of the time delays.

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Replication :: Setup Schedule Push To Propagate Transaction Every 5 Seconds

Aug 29, 2008

I have a multimaster advance replication environment and we have less than 10 transaction per day...I want to propagate data as soon as possible like sync if I setup the schedule push to propagate transaction every 5 seconds as below

destination => 'orc2',
interval => 'SYSDATE + (5/60*60*24)',
next_date => SYSDATE,
parallelism => 1,
delay_seconds => 10);

in other hand ,book(I mean Advance Replication) has written that for simulating continuous push we should setup it as below so it will propagate transaction every 1 minute.

My second question is:I know interval >= 'SYSDATE + (1/144)' means every 10 minutes a job will start and delay_seconds => 1200 means each job remain aware for 20 minutes, but I can't understand the logic?why it can simulate 1 minute propagation?

destination => 'orc2',
interval => 'SYSDATE + (1/144)',
next_date => SYSDATE,
parallelism => 1,
execution_second >= 1500,
delay_seconds => 1200);

My thrid question is :Which of the above setups is a better solution for my environment?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Compare Hours

Jan 10, 2011

I want to write a function that gets:

1. event_date (dd/mm/yyyy)
2. event_start_time (??/??/???? HH24:MI)
3. event_end_time (??/??/???? HH24:MI)

I got a table called EVENTS that got 2 fields:

1. event_date (dd/mm/yyyy HH24:MI)
2. event_end_date (??/??/???? HH24:MI)

and want to check if there is an event in my EVENTS table that occurs in the same dd/mm/yyyy as the input, and can disturb the input event times. means:

input.event_start_time is between EVENTS.event_date
and EVENTS.event_end_date
input.event_end_time is between EVENTS.event_date
and EVENTS.event_end_date

but to compare only the hours here! (HH24:MI)
because the date (dd/mm/yyyy) is checked before..

I don't know how to cut only the hours out of the date and compare them, and don't know how to write the whole function.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Gratuity Calculation?

Mar 16, 2012

i have attached the .csv file for gratuity calculation.

In the given criteria you can see if number of years 1 then he can get 1 salary if years 1.5 then 2 salary and so on also we need to take care about the leap year.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: For Ratio Calculation?

Sep 14, 2011

,i had given the sample data below

create table ex (sno number,ename varchar2(10),job_code char(4),sal number);
insert into ex values(101,'John','Java',21000,'IT');
insert into ex values(102,'Michel','BI',25000,'IT');
insert into ex values(103,'Johny','Java',30000,'IT');


My expected output is attached in a text file

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Displaying 24 Hours Data

Dec 27, 2010

I have a table which will the following type of data

1001"27-DEC-2010 02:00:00"
1002"27-DEC-2010 07:00:00"
1003"27-DEC-2010 09:00:00"
1004"27-DEC-2010 02:00:00"
1005"27-DEC-2010 12:00:00"

Here you can see that we have data for 27th Dec 2010 02,07,09 and 12 hours. I want a query which will show the full 24 hours data even if it doenst have any records. like the following,

0 2010122701
1001 2010122702
1004 2010122702
0 2010122703
0 2010122704
0 2010122705
0 2010122706
1002 2010122707

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Calculating The Business Hours

Aug 15, 2011

I have a field in Customers table called shipeddate....

I wnat to check the number of hours an item which has a shipeddate is in the store room to the current datetime...

But the business hrs of the store room are from 8am-5pm..

So when a shipped date is 4pm on MOnday

and i am checking on 9 am Tuesday the number of hrs shud be 1(4-5 of Monday)+1(8-9 of tuesday) =2hrss..

How can i achieve this...

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Get Correct Minute Between Two Hours

Oct 22, 2012

i am using one query but not getting correct minutes.

here is my query:

v_Interval:= to_timestamp(v_temphrs,'HH24:MI:SS')-to_timestamp(v_outpunch1,'HH24:MI:SS');
v_TotalHrsMin1 := extract(hour from v_interval) * 60 + extract(minute from v_interval);

here v_interval datatype is "interval day to second" and v_temphrs datatype is varchar2 and value is : 12:00:00 and v_outpunch1 datatype is varchar2 and value is: 06:10:00
and v_totalHrsMin1 datatype is number.

here i should get value 370.
but i am getting value 350.

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