Forms :: Bypass Login With Oracle Database

Feb 20, 2013

I am using Oracle forms 6i. I want to create an application that does not require any connection with Oracle database. My Application fetch all its data from an Excel file. I do not want Login with Database,so i want to bypass it. How can i do it ?

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Forms :: How To Connect Excel With Oracle Database Via 10g Login Screen

Jul 20, 2010

In fact I have around 50 excelbooks that are connect with oracle via ODBC/or any other way. My task is to build the login screen on form 10g. This form will validate the user via .dll after successfully validation, Form will connect to specific oracle user. This Login Screen will call the new form that will execute the query for the list of excel sheet [table that will keep the name, description and path of the excelbook]. User will select the one excelbook to open. As user will select Excelbook should be open. Now this excel book should be connected with specific oracle user.

Question 1: How to open the excelbook, that excelbook should be connected via form 10g login screen. After connection excel has its own micros to run he query from oracle database.

Question 2: How I can create the mirco into form 10g to run into excelbook/excelsheet.

Question 3: How I can pass the query or function/procedure to the excelbook/excelsheet.

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Forms :: Bypass Log On Screen In 6i?

May 14, 2011

i want to bypass the logon screen in forms 6i i have trigger but it not works.

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Forms :: Log Out And Login Into Different Database?

Jun 9, 2011

I need to design my login form to be able to connect to different database environment (Env1 and Env2).When the login form is loaded it is already connected to Env1, after the user enters his login details he has option to continue with Env1 or connect to Env2.I used the "Logout;" to disconnect from already connected Env1 and used "Logon(<username>,<pwd>@<Db instance>);" but i see that the form will connect to Env1 irrespective of what environment credentials i provide in Logon. how i can disconnect from Env1 and connect to Env2. Is this possible?

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Oracle Database 10g Login After Installing?

Mar 2, 2013

I installed oracle database 10g on my laptop, it installed successfully. I see sql plus in my program, how will i get login details for my database?

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Oracle Installed In Workgroup - Not Able To Login Database

Oct 15, 2011

I am new in oracle I have installed Oracle in work group, while i work group it is working fine. But latter I have change the server from work group to domain. At that time Oracle was not working , not able to connect.

After that I change the Domain to work group again. And same problem exist. But I found that lsnrctl is working fine. But OracleServiceXXX is not able to startup in services.msc

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Windows :: Login To Oracle Database 11g Via SQL Developer?

Jul 2, 2012

I instaledl Oracle Database 11g in my PC and try to login to it. I am able to log to it via SQLDeveloper but I can not login via SQLPLUS and I got ORA-12154. Here is my TNSname.ora and SQLplus.ora

# sqlnet.ora Network Configuration File: C:appmhakimjavadiproduct11.2.0dbhome_1
# Generated by Oracle configuration tools.
# This file is actually generated by netca. But if customers choose to
# install "Software Only", this file wont exist and without the native


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Any Other Login Utility For Oracle Database Other Than Sqlplus

Dec 4, 2012

I need to login remote DB writing a shell script where our DB is on a separate node, i have to test the script only with


these details. May be am wrong to ask this question but i need to login and check the requirement. Is there any other anyway to login without sqlplus utility?

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Forms :: Database Connectivity After Putting Customized Login Form

Feb 12, 2010

I am having a application which is on Widows NT Operating system.I am using Oracle 10g Database, Developer suite 10g And 10g Application server.

My application uses Run_report_object to generate reports.Run_Report_Object is called in forms and Report server is configured in the same Application server where FMX are placed.

The report generation was working fine as long as oracle default login was used. When i created a form to handle login on my own, Report server is throwing "Unable to connect to database" error. My login forms takes the parameters from user and calls default logon command in on_Logon trigger.

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Server Administration :: Oracle Database Login Error?

May 15, 2012

I have installed oracle 10g server (10.2.0) standard. My OS is win xp sp-2.

when I run sqlplus or toad, Error Message comes ORA-01033: ORACLE initialization or shutdown in progress.

I have done below steps

in command prompt: C:sqlplus/nolog

sql:> connect system/admin (this is my database username/pass)
ORA-01033: ORACLE initialization or shutdown in progress

sql:> shutdown immediate
not connected
database closed
database dismounted
ORA-01012 not logged on

sql:> Startup
01031: insufficient privilegs

not success. till error message comes

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Oracle Database 11g Accepts DBA Login For Not Existed User?

Oct 24, 2012

I have Installed Oracle database 11g, By mistake I logged as :

mm/mm@orcl as sysdba

The Database acctepted the login with a full DBA privillages, although this user is not created within the database users.

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Precompilers, OCI & OCCI :: Write A Program Using Oci To Login Into Oracle Database?

Mar 28, 2006

I want write a program using oci to login into oracle database.Advance security option for the oracle server is set to kerberos authentication. Is it possible to login to the oracle database through olog() function.

Initial ticket is required in kerberos authentication. So is it also needed durinfg the login from my programme.

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Forms :: Oracle Form Login - No Warning Message After 5 Minutes

Nov 11, 2009

Is there any way to make a form timeout.

After login into form if there is no transaction/event happens I want it to throw one warning message after say 5 minutes.

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Forms :: Login As SYSDBA In Oracle From Normal Logon Procedure?

Apr 24, 2012

is it possible to login as SYSDBA in oracle forms from normal logon procedure?

logon(sys_acc, sys_pwd||'@'||:GLOBAL.db_conn);

The reason behind this is to make a form which will alter user's password. But all the users are in SYS account and it is necessary to login as SYSDBA in forms to execute alter statement.

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How To Bypass Manual Query Execution

Apr 13, 2013

when i run a form no information shows up until i click execute query... i need the info to be their automatically to browse with the previous and next button

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JDeveloper, Java & XML :: How To Use Sql To Bypass Xml Special Character

Jun 20, 2012

"SELECT xmltype(RCATT).extract('/JASON/RCA/SUB_PROBLEM_TYPE').getStringVal() as SPT,
xmltype(RCATT).extract('/JASON/RCA/SUB_ROOT_CAUSE').getStringVal() as SRC,
xmltype(RCATTT).extract('/JASON/RCA/ELABORATION').getStringVal() as ELA,
xmltype(RCATT).extract('/JASON/RCA/PREVENTION').getStringVal() as PRE
FROM table"

Above is my select statement

some explanation: the above select statement is to select the child node inside the xml content. But the child note contains some special character "<>" that illegally in xml.

Below is my xml content for the node of sub_problem_type

For <FS_PLS_WAIT>, it is appeared in both valid and invalid password entered case but in requirement, only valid case has stated the display of <FS_PLS_WAIT>. This is the legacy radio behavior.

The result will generate the following issue.

ORA-31011: XML parsing failed ORA-19202: Error occurred in XML processing LPX-00225: end-element tag "ELABORATION" does not match start-element tag "FS_PLS_WAIT" Error at line 10 ORA-06512: at "SYS.XMLTYPE", line 301 ORA-06512: at line 1

I wish to know where can i by pass the checking for special character.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Bypass Putting Select Inside Count Function In Query

Oct 21, 2012

I have 2 tables, ASSIGNMENT and RESEARCH_PAPER. For each research paper, I need to find out :

1. The number of assignments created from it (after a given constant assign date)

2. The number of assignments created from it that have been approved.

3. The number of unique users who have either created or approved an assignment from it

Test data :

create table research_paper (id int, name varchar2(100));
create table assignment (id int, r_paper_id int, assigner_id int, assignee_id int,
approver_id int, assign_date timestamp, approved_yn varchar2(10));
insert into research_paper values (1, 'A');
insert into research_paper values (2, 'B');


Assignment :

id r_paper_id assigner_id assignee_id approver_id assign_date approved_yn
11 100 200 100 23-10-12 12:00:00.000000000 AMY
22 200 100 200 22-10-12 12:00:00.000000000 AMN
32 100 200 101 24-10-12 12:00:00.000000000 AMY



id name

Expected result :

r_paper_id created approved unique_users
1 3 2 4
2 3 2 3

I wrote the following query for that :

SELECT r_paper_id,
COUNT(*) created,
WHEN a.approved_yn = 'Y'


But it fails, saying that 'single-row subquery returns more than one row' when I introduce the 'unique_users' clause. The remaining fields of the output are correct.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Login Failed To Database 11.2 From SQL*PLUS

Aug 23, 2011

I have laptop by this specification:

1) Operating System: Windows 7 64-bit
2) Virtual Machine: Windows XP Service Pack 3
3) DB: Oracle 11.2
4) Oracle Form Designer 4.5

i try to connect to SQL*PLUS 3.3 i got this error after defining in TNSNAMES.ORA in this folder c:orant networkadmin nsnames.ora

SQL*Plus: Release Production on Thu Aug 18 19:49:12 2011
Copyright © 1982, 2010, Oracle. All rights reserved.

USER is ""
Enter password:
ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve the connect identifier specified

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Unable To Login Into Database

May 5, 2013

I have a problem to login on my database on linux 64. It were migrated from and everything was fine but now I am not able to connect to database.

Only one way when I can connect is when the database is started in RESTRICTED mode and I cold login under sys (sysdba).

But when i leave this mode, nobody can connect . sqlplus is freeze and I have to kill that session. What could be a reason? Any parameters? It's strange for me because It was working..

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Unable To Login Database

Aug 1, 2012

I am not able to Login database , what should i do?

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Server Utilities :: SQLLDR - Delimited File - Bypass Unwanted Data Fields

Aug 8, 2012

using SQLLDR: Looking for a control file solution to move past or bypass extra data fields which are not on destination table. Basically if you have 8 tab delimited fields(terminated by ' ') on a data record; but only need to load 5 of the values from the delimited record; is there a way to ignore/bypass the not needed data. Obviously, the answer would be to massage the data at the OS and removed the 3 unnecessary fields.

However my hands are tied by volume,time, and compliancy. I am familiar with using 'FILLER' for the reverse scenario; but not where you have more data available on the record then exists on the table.

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Capture Login Of Terminal In Audit Trail When Login Through Grid?

May 15, 2013

I am trying to understand how to enable some audit so we can capture OEM logins as well.

Here is my setup. Lets say my DB that i am auditing is called audit_db (audit trail set to DB) sitting on host called host_db. and we have grid control agent on this my grid control is as this. Lets say my OMS and repository is on host called OMS_host.

we run query aginst dba_audit_session to get info as to who tried failed login attemps and stuff.

Now to the part that is not working.

-- this is the good part When i intentionaly login to the audit_db with sqlplus client from my laptop with wrong username/password that is captured. we get the username,os_username,userhost,terminal.

here is the sample output

username is the wrong user that i tried to login as
os_username is the my local username(ad account)
userhost is my_laptop_name
terminal is laptop_name

from above we can figure who was trying to login(failed).

-- this is the bad part But lets say i try to login to audit_db through grid control and use wrong username/password.that gets captured too(but not all of it). we get the username,os_username,userhost,terminal.

here is the sample output

username is the wrong user that i tried to login as
os_username is the user of OMS repository db(oracle)
userhost is oms_host
terminal is unknown

Now with the above info, we cannot figure out who tried to login with bad login credential.

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Unable To Login And Startup Database

May 15, 2011

I tried to login and start my db this evening and I receive the following message

[oracle@dbs]$ export ORACLE_SID=ORCL
[oracle@ukedxdtmtdbs01a dbs]$ sqlplus '/ as sysdba'
SQL*Plus: Release Production on Sat May 14 19:59:48 2011
Copyright © 1982, 2009, Oracle. All rights reserved.
ORA-09925: Unable to create audit trail file
Linux-x86_64 Error: 2: No such file or directory
Additional information: 9925
ORA-01075: you are currently logged on

How can I resolve - none of the passwords I enter seem to work? I have these init files

ls -ltr init*.ora

-rw-r--r-- 1 oracle oinstall 2867 May 14 18:53 init.ora
-rw-r--r-- 1 oracle oinstall 2867 May 14 19:12 initORCL.ora

my init.ora file looks like this:

processes = 150
audit_trail ='db'

db had been up and running for about 2 weeks with no issues since installation..I am just trying to get the db up and running - nothing more

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Server Administration :: Unable To Login Database?

Oct 15, 2011

I have installed Oracle in workgroup, while i workgroup it is working fine. But latter I have change the server from workgroup to domain. At that time Oracle was not working , not able to connect. After that I change the Domain to workgroup again. And same problem exist. But I found that lsnrctl is working fine. But OracleServiceXXX is not able to startup in services.msc

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Query Without Login To Oracle database From Linux OS?

Aug 21, 2013

can we query this without login to the oracle  database from linux os?database is up and running . /apps/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome/bin/sqlplus system/passwd select name from v$database;

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Reports & Discoverer :: How To Change Database Login At Runtime

Feb 15, 2011

I want to change database login in report at runtime.

For Example. I have created and run a menu by using database login "ABC/xxx" and want to run a report through this menu directly (Without using form) by different data base login i.e "xyz/ddd".

what is the sol. except passing user id at report call i.e rwrun60 parameter.

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Vendor Code 17002 - Unable To Login To Database

Feb 21, 2011

I am unable to login to my database. I get an error that says "Io exception: the network adapter could not establish the connection" "vendor code 17002".

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Restrict User To Login On Primary Database Using Discoverer

Dec 14, 2012

We are using Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release and Oracle Discoverer 9i desktop & Administrator,We have configured a physical standby database. We have ask users to connect to standby thru discoverer thru a different tns entry, but user can also connect on primary db.

We want to restrict the specified users to connect on primary database thru discoverer.

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Server Administration :: Finding Failed Login Attempts In Database?

Aug 24, 2010

how can I find out the number of login attempts made by a user in the database and the timings of the attempt

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Application Express :: Login User With Database Credential - Seen As APEX_PUBLIC_USER

Mar 29, 2013

I'm using Application Express

In the application, the authentication method used is the DB one, so the user (schema) must exist on the DB. This works fine.

For instance, I'm login as SCOTT

Creating the following query select upper(user) from dualshows that the real logged user is APEX_PUBLIC_USER and npot SCOTT.

How to create a connection with another "real" username ?

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