The issue I am having is actually inserting data into the table: CODEINSERT INTO ENROLLMENT VALUES (100, 1000, 'A' ); INSERT INTO ENROLLMENT VALUES (100, 1003, 'A' );
But I get an ORACLE error of
ORA-02291- integrity constraint (User1.ENROLLMENT_CSECID_FK) violated - parent key not foundHow can the parent key not be found when I have it declared/created in the above statement?
1.display_item (primary key) 2-list_item (foreign key) / / dynamic list :this is the cause of the error 3-lis_item (foreign key) / / dynamic list 4-text_item 5-button (insert commit)
when I click the button, an error is displayed:
FRM-40508: ORACLE error: unable to INSERT record.in detail: ora-02291 integrity constraint Violated - parent key not found
-the elements of two lists already exist in the parent table!!
how to insert data in oracle table without writing insert statement in oracle 9i or above. i am not going to write insert all, merge, sqlloder and import data.
In first run, 16,36,897 were inserted successfully in around 38 seconds.But in second run, 54,62,952 records had to be inserted, but process failed after 708 seconds with following error :
Error report: ORA-04030: out of process memory when trying to allocate 980248 bytes (PLS non-lib hp,DARWIN) ORA-06512: at line 21 04030. 00000 - "out of process memory when trying to allocate %s bytes (%s,%s)" *Cause: Operating system process private memory has been exhausted *Action:
Here is my code snippet : ....... FORALL i in products_tab.first .. products_tab.last INSERT INTO tab1 VALUES products_tab(i); COMMIT; .........
I think that there should not have been any problem in getting it completed successfully.
Getting Error while uploading payment using API ap_checks_pkg.Insert_Row:
ORA-20001: APP-SQLAP-10000: ORA-01403: no data found occurred in AP_AC_TABLE_HANDLER_PKG.INSERT_ROW<-AP_CHECKS_PKG.INSERT_ROW<- with parameters (ROWID = , CHECK_ID = 39368) while performing the follow
CREATE TYPE Address_type AS OBJECT( Location VARCHAR2(20), House_number NUMBER(6), Street_name VARCHAR2(30), Town VARCHAR2(20), County VARCHAR2(20), Postcode VARCHAR2(20)); /
CREATE TYPE Contact_type AS OBJECT( Contact_type VARCHAR2(30), Home_no VARCHAR2(20), Mobile_no VARCHAR2(20), Email VARCHAR2(50)); /
CREATE TABLE Customers( Customer_id NUMBER(6) NOT NULL, Firstname VARCHAR2(20), Familyname VARCHAR2(20), Gender CHAR DEFAULT 'M', DOB DATE, Address address_varray_type, Contact_details contact_table_type) NESTED TABLE Contact_details STORE AS customer_contact_table;
I am using oracle 10g to create a user register application. what i want is to insert the user information (like Email ,username, password, etc.) into a table. i am able to insert the data into the table but what i want is to check before inserting that same email,and username doesnt exist. if it does it should return some error like the email or username already exist.
SQL> declare 2 TYPE id_collection is TABLE of number(6); 3 TYPE ename_collection is TABLE of varchar2(20); 4 id ID_COLLECTION; 5 ename ENAME_COLLECTION; 6 cursor c is select empid,name from Nemp; 7 begin 8 open c; 9 loop
Here sub_Nemp is my new table in which i have to insert the values from Nemp old table.Both tables are same like below:-
I have two different java process trying to insert in the same time in the same table for the same trade. The structure of the table Report is
There is a unique key on (TRADE_ID and VERSION) So if a new trade_id is inserted, the version is set to 1 and the second becomes 2 and so on. The version is calculated as last version of the trade_id ie. version + 1. It was woking fine till a new Java process was build that fired inserts through ten different java instances at the same time resulting in unique key error. So in detail what is hapenning is if three records of trade_id's comes in at the same time it should allocate versions in a first come first serve basis and there should be three versions of trade id 1,2 and 3. Now due to the multiple instances they all seems to get fired at once and all ending up with version one and thus resulting in unique key constrain error while trying to insert into the table.
My following script worked to insert rows in Oracle SQL -
INSERT ALL INTO EASY_DRINKS (DRINK_NAME, MAIN, AMOUNT1, SECOND, AMOUNT2, DIRECTIONS) VALUES ('Kiss on the Lips', 'cherry juice', 2, 'apricot nectar', 7, 'serve over ice with straw') INTO EASY_DRINKS (DRINK_NAME, MAIN, AMOUNT1, SECOND, AMOUNT2, DIRECTIONS) VALUES ('Hot Gold', 'peach nectar', 3, 'orange juice', 6, 'pour hot orange juice in mug and add peach nectar') [code].......
It worked but I have a few questions.
1. Is this the best way to Insert ALL? I mean can't I just name column names once and have it work for all rows IF I'm using all columns of the table? I tried but got errors, 2. Select 1 or * FROM DUAL - Why did it work when I selected 1 and not * from DUAL?
I would like to find a way to do a multi row insert in Oracle similar to the examples below ... if possible.
Note that I need it to work with constant values and not values selected from (another) table (ref examples below).
In MySQL and DB2 I can do this:
insert into pager (PAG_ID,PAG_PARENT,PAG_NAME,PAG_ACTIVE) values (8000,0,'Multi 8000',1),(8001,0,'Multi 8001',1)
In MSSQL, PostgreSQL, and SQLite I can do this: insert into pager (PAG_ID,PAG_PARENT,PAG_NAME,PAG_ACTIVE) select 8000,0,'Multi 8000',1 union all select 8001,0,'Multi 8001',1
I need to insert about 15000 rows into a table called STOCK_ADJUST What is needed for the insert it two columns:
These two values I have in a CSV-file. Now I want to import these rows into the database... How do I do this in the most easy way? If it was just one row I would do it like this Insert into
When I go into oracle via sql plus it won't allow me to insert data into the database.If I enter an insert statement it just crashes.No error appears and the file and edit buttons at the top disappear.
Its like it just crashes and remains like that forever until you just close the window down.What could be going wrong?orHow could I find out whats going wrong?
Here I am explaining the process of how I am trying to insert pdf file into oracle database.
create or replace directory files as 'c:/welcome/';
(physical directory is created in the system also., both in server and client machine)
Create or replace PROCEDURE procloadMetaPdf (Filename IN VARCHAR2) is temp_blob blob:=empty_blob(); location BFILE; Bytes_To_Load Integer:=0; auto_Id number; Begin
procudure creating successfully
but when executing
exec procloadMetaPdf('help.pdf');
displaying the following error:
ERROR at line 1: ORA-22285: non-existent directory or file for FILEOPEN operation ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_LOB", line 605 ORA-06512: at "SCOTT.PROCLOADMETAPDF", line 14 ORA-06512: at line 1
(line 14 is : DBMS_LOB.OPEN(location , DBMS_LOB.LOB_READONLY)
I have created a pl sql type as object with five attributes as below.Now im trying to insert only 3 attributes with the attribute names ( As like insert into statement with column names).
Create type address_test as object ( Streetno varchar2(20), Locality varchar2(20), City varchar2(20), Pin varchar2(7), Country varchar2(20)) [code]....
Is that possible to use attribute names in the insert statement of column object type ?
I must create an INSERT trigger, on an Oracle table, which will do an insert into my MS-SQL 2000 DB table.
The tables are exactly the same in this case and I desire to insert the entire row that was just insterted into the Oracle table into the MS-SQL table.
I understand how to create an ODBC connection between the DB servers, I just can't seem to understand the trigger syntax.
when we have a primary key on 4 columns and we have, say 20 million rows and we want to add one extra row. How does oracle check whether the data on the primary key is unique to the record being added compared to the 20 million rows. Does it actually compare the record being added to all the rows present in the table?