Database Hangs In Shutdown Immediate For Cold Backup

Jan 28, 2013

we have scheduled cold backup for our database. is there any solution to resolve below mentioned errors other than RMAN hot backup or shutdown abort ?

Sat Jan 26 00:20:55 2013
Active call for process 3939 user 'oracle' program ''
SHUTDOWN: waiting for active calls to complete.

Sat Jan 26 01:15:59 2013
SHUTDOWN: Active sessions prevent database close operation
Instance shutdown aborted

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Secure Backup :: Difference Between Cold Backup And Cold Cloning

Oct 18, 2012

Difference between cold backup and cold cloning?

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Recover Database Using Cold Backup

Dec 7, 2007

I have an oracle 8i recovery scenario. I have database cold backups of MONDAY and WEDNESDAY evenings. backup contains control files, data files, redo files

Database runs in Archive log mode and all archives of the month are available. Hard disk crashed on SATURDAY

all archive logs are still available at different location. Control files are not backed up to trace or file name or automatically means no backup control file (except ones in cold backups described above)

restoring all files from cold backup of either MONDAY or WEDNESDAY (I recovered to Wednesday) leaves nothing to recover. Querying V$RECOVER_FILE returns nothing. All log sequences higher to the number nnn displayed as result of ARCHIVE LOG LIST are present at correct location in correct format

My question is how do i ROLL Forward the Database from WEDNESDAY to SATURDAY in the above scenario.

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To Restore Database From A Cold Backup

Feb 28, 2013

I've got a database I need to restore from a cold backup, but I don't have a copy of the multiplexed members of the redo groups - each group has 2 members, and we've only got a backup of the first.

I know this won't stop the database from starting, and I can recreate them, but for ease can you copy and rename a redo log file from a multiplexed copy to correct location like you can with a control file?

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Does Cold Backup Of Primary Database Affect DR Sync

Dec 7, 2012

We are having 10gR2 DR setup,

We are planning for the cold backup of primary database on every sunday,

Does it going to affect DR sync if primary database is not availabe at the time of cold backup.

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Backup & Recovery :: Does Full Cold Backup Of RMAN Include Online Redologs

Jan 8, 2013

Does the full cold backup of rman include online redologs?

So that at the time of recovery when i restore the database the online redologs also restored to that point?

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Cold Backup Skipped Some Of DBF File

Jan 17, 2013

There is schedule cold backup was not taken successfully due to some DBF files are skipped and it would not copied to destination location? destination location is same server itself not for another remote server.

Total - 35 DBF files,
skipped - 4 DBF files

what could be issues? what are the points should be troubleshooting?

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OOS Crash - Do NID And Restore Backup (cold)?

May 15, 2013

oracle 10.2.1 under windows 7 , today my friend format the server , but he have backup cold backup actually he take backup for all c:\ drive and i found that there is a oradata dir in this backup , so now i install new operating system win 7 and then i will create a database with the same name and then should i do a NID and restore the backup (cold)

how to do that ? i mean if i have database 10g under windows and this o.s is formatted we have backup of all c:\ drive which contain all oradata dir ? how can i restore this database

the database size is 3GB and contain the same default tablespace system,sysaux,undo,temp,users?

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RMAN :: Does Cold Backup Must Have Archived Redo Logs

Jul 25, 2012

URL....I'm practicing for the OCP test and one of the questions is that there is a backup from yesterday and the last archived logs are from the day before yesterday not mentioned if it's cold or hot backup.

If its a cold backup - cant we recover it? is it a must to have the archived redo logs also when recovering a cold backup? That sounds not logical since those logs are made only for a hot backup. URL.....

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Database Auto Start With Machine On And Shutdown With Machine Shutdown

Sep 2, 2012

i install oracle 10g on linux on perform the following step but my database is not auto start with the machine

Automatic startup and shutdown oracle on linux Oracle database server provides two scripts to configure automatic database startup and shutdown process.

The scripts are,

Now let's look at unix level script. When a unix machine boots it runs scripts beginning with Snnname in /etc/rc3.d.

-Here the number nn indicates the order in which these scripts will be run. The name just indicates the function of the script.

In the same way shutdown scripts are named as Knnname which are run from /etc/rc0.d.

If we want that Oracle is the last program that is automatically started, and it is the first to be shutdown then we will name the startup and shutdown scripts on OS like /etc/rc3.d/S99oracle and /etc/rc0.d/K01oracle respectively.

The database script dbstart and dbora will be called from OS script /etc/rc3.d/S99oracle and /etc/rc0.d/K01oracle respectively.

Note that dbstart and dbshut take each SID, in turn, from the /etc/oratab file and startup or shutdown the database.

Automate Startup/Shutdown of Oracle Database on Linux

Step 01: Be sure that oratab file is correct and complete.

Check for oratab file either in /etc/oratab or in /var/opt/oracle/oratab.

Database entries in the oratab file have the following format:

Here Y indicates that the database can be started up and shutdown using dbstart/dbshut script.

If in my database there is two database named arju and arjudup then my oratab file will contain the entry like,
where /var/opt/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1 is the $ORACLE_HOME of my database.

Step 02: Create a script to call dbstart and dbshut. In this example I will create one script that will do both startup and shutdown operation. I will name this script as dbora and will be placed in '/etc/init.d'.

a) Login as root.
b) Change directories to /etc/init.d
c) Create a file called dbora and chmod it to 750.

# touch dbora
# chmod 750 dbora
d)Edit the dbora file and make the contents of it like below.


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Server Administration :: Database Cold Cloning

Apr 5, 2013

I am trying to perform cold cloning at my home pc. when i am trying to create control file , i got this error.


ERROR at line 1:
ORA-01163: SIZE clause indicates 12800 (blocks), but should match header 74112
ORA-01110: data file 2: 'C:appIndraoradatafclonesysaux01.dbf'


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Backup & Recovery :: RMAN Restore / Recovery To Previous Cold Backups

Aug 13, 2013

My scenario is: database is in archivelog mode.

I run DLY cold backups including controlfile & archivelogs and keep 3 gens of backups and archivelogs to 3 days also. What is the correct procedure to restore back to an old cold backup. Database is backed up Mon,Tue,Wed on Thur we require to bring database back to Tuesday DLY security.

I have tried:
startup mount
restore database from tag 'DLYTUE'
recover database

( this just rolls forward on all archive logs once it restores datafiles, not getting to point to alter database open resetlogs.)

Next tried to :

recover database archivelog tag 'DLYTUE'
( same outcome )

What is the correct rman procedure including should I remove old archive logs from working OS directory ? Also need to know once I restore back and open database to TUE security how do you tidy up the archive logs and dumps which are no longer require i.e. : weds..

I have read about using the set until time option but how to I get absolute time from when cold backup completed if this is the correct procedure.

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RAC & Failsafe :: Database Creation Hangs - RAC On SP2 On AIX-4.3.3?

Jan 17, 2003

Creating RAX 9.2.0 on SP2-AIX-4.3.3 64 bit hangs (2 node configuration) tablespacess are on VSD/raw partitions.

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Database Hangs On Performing Logswitch

Oct 16, 2012

Iam usin database on linux 64 bit machine

I have got the report from the users that the dataload operation which they perform in the database is taking normal than the expected time

I rebooted the server and started the database i can see that the database startup is even taking more time

The memory allocated is sufficient and when i tried to perform the logswitch the database simply hangs

alertlog contents after restart

minact-scn: useg scan erroring out with error e:12751
Tue Oct 16 11:02:03 2012
minact-scn: useg scan erroring out with error e:12751
Suspending MMON action 'Block Cleanout Optim, Undo Segment Scan' for 82800 seconds
Tue Oct 16 11:12:47 2012

Active Session History (ASH) performed an emergency flush. This may mean that ASH is undersized. If emergency flushes are a recurring issue, you may consider increasing ASH size by setting the value of ASHSIZE to a sufficiently large value. Currently, ASH size is 50331648 bytes. Both ASH size and the total number of emergency flushes since instance startup can be monitored by running the following query:

select total_size,awr_flush_emergency_count from v$ash_info;
Tue Oct 16 11:17:53 2012
Suspending MMON action 'undo usage' for 82800 seconds
Tue Oct 16 11:28:05 2012
Suspending MMON action 'metrics monitoring' for 82800 seconds

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Data Guard :: Archiver Hangs When Standby - Database Is Not Available

Oct 10, 2013

we have two primary databases (Oracle release, HP-UX 11.31) installed on the same server. The corresponding standby-databases (Oracle release, HP-UX 11.31)are configured on one server, too.It happens once in a while that the server of the standby-databases struggles and performs a shutdown. The primary- and standby-databases are configured with Data Guard. If the server of the standy-databases is not reachable anymore that should not really cause any problems,meaning that both primary databases can be used as usual. One of our primary database behaves like this: the applications can connect to the database and work like as expected. The other primary database behaves different: the applications can't connect anymore. But the database is still up and running. When looking at the alert.log file the following messages can be found:

Fri Oct  4 03:19:51 2013ARC1: Evaluating archive   log 3 thread 1 sequence 335372ARC1: Unable to archive log 3 thread 1 sequence 335372      Log actively being archived by another processFri Oct  4 03:20:51 2013ARC1: Evaluating archive   log 3 thread 1 sequence 335372ARC1: Unable to archive log 3 thread 1 sequence 335372      Log actively being archived by another processFri Oct  4 03:21:51 2013ARC1: Evaluating archive   log 3 thread 1 sequence 335372ARC1: Unable to archive log 3 thread 1 sequence 335372      Log actively being archived by another process Fri Oct  4 03:22:51 2013ARC1: Evaluating archive   log 3 thread 1 sequence 335372ARC1: Unable to archive log 3 thread 1 sequence 335372   Log actively being archived by another processFri Oct  4 03:23:51 2013ARC1: Evaluating archive   log 3 thread 1 sequence 335372ARC1: Unable to archive log 3 thread 1 sequence 335372      Log actively being archived by another processFri Oct  4 03:24:51 2013ARC1: Evaluating archive   log 3 thread 1 sequence 335372ARC1: Unable to archive log 3 thread 1 sequence 335372     

Log actively being archived by another process Trying to connect to the database is not possible - the database seems to be busy with something... We have two archiver processes for each primary database. One process of the primary database which can't be reached anymore seems to hang. Executing the command SQL> alter system archive log all;seems to run forever. Instead of shutting down ands starting the instance killing one of the archiver-processes solves the issue. Maybe some of you have made the same experiences? I do not understand why the one database doesn't have any issues (which is expected behaviour) but the other database is not reachable anymore due to some issue with the archiving process.

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VNC Hangs While Installing After Giving Finish Button To Install Database

Sep 20, 2012

My VNC Hangs after completing all the steps in dbca while installing after giving finish button to install database.

Completed All software installation.

Red Hat version: Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 6.2 (Santiago)

Linux 2.6.32-220.el6.x86_64 #1 SMP Wed Dec 7 10:41:06 EST 2011 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

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How To Know Database Shutdown Without Monitoring

Nov 23, 2010

The Database is Shutdown, no user is complaining about it and also you are not monitoring it through alert log file, then how will you, as a DBA, come to know about it?

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Automating Database Startup And Shutdown?

Jan 5, 2012

We are having a problem trying to automate our 11g database startup on a Linux Platform (Redhat). This is the procedure we followed.

1. Logged in as the root user.

2. Edited the oratab file for the platform.

vi /etc/oratab

3. Create a file called dbora in /etc/init.d directory

4. Entered the following in dbora:

#! /bin/sh -x
# Change the value of ORACLE_HOME to specify the correct Oracle home
# directory for your installation.

[Code] .....

4. Changed permissions of dbora

chgrp dba dbora
chmod 750 dbora

5. Created symbolic links to the dbora script in the appropriate run-level script directories:

# ln -s /etc/init.d/dbora /etc/rc.d/rc0.d/K01dbora
# ln -s /etc/init.d/dbora /etc/rc.d/rc3.d/S99dbora
# ln -s /etc/init.d/dbora /etc/rc.d/rc5.d/S99dbora

Have I covered everything needed? At system restart the listener and database fail to startup as expected.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Database Startup And Shutdown Event?

May 7, 2013

Any example of database startup event and database shutdown event?

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Server Administration :: Database Shutdown Failed

Dec 16, 2012

I issued a SHUTDOWN IMMEDIATE command on my database and for over 2 hours and got no response. I did this because I wanted to restart the database due to many hanging sessions which had led to high CPU usage on the server by oracle process.

Oracle Service<dbname> instance using the Windows Services screen which failed with an error 1053 message. At the same time I got an ORA-01013 message saying user requested cancel of operation. See below:

ORA-01013: user requested cancel of current operation
ORA-01089: immediate shutdown in progress - no operations are permitted
ORA-24324: service handle not initialized
ORA-01041: internal error. hostdef extension doesn't exist

What I want to know is how do I proceed? Also how do I check to see the status of the Shutdown operation?

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Server Administration :: Database Shutdown Is Required Or Not

Apr 24, 2011

We have 2 Unix SunOS server, named as SUNOS01 and SUNOS02, there is some space need to add in SUNOS02 and for that I have to bring Database down on SUNOS02. When I checked I found that the DB is pointing to SUNOS01, i.e. there is no DB on SUNOS02, So, Do I required to shutdown the DB on SUNOS01 or it is not required to do anything from Database side. I mean to say should I ask Unix team to bring down the unix server and add the space.Also, if DB shutdown is not required then what I have to do afetr they have added space and bring the server up from DB side.

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Server Administration :: Preventing Database Shutdown By A Trigger?

Jan 15, 2013

i mean can i write a trigger to prevent shutdown in certain time.

create or replace trigger trig1 before shutdown on database begin if to_char(sysdate,'hh24') <16 then 'what is the right thing to do here?'

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Data Guard :: Shutdown Down In Primary Database In Environment

Jun 29, 2010

I have configured data Guard on oracle 11gR2. It is working fine. The only issue i am facing is that when i am stopping the database on the primary server, it is taking a long long time to down the database.

Is it normal?

Furthermore, regarding backup i used veritas Netbackup to perform hotbackup. Can i still used the same principle.

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Server Administration :: DBMS_JOB Restarting / Database Shutdown

Aug 8, 2010

I was monitoring a database job to collect statistics, it was scheduled using DBMS_JOBS..I found that it was running during business hours so i got the session ID of the job using;

select sid from dba_jobs_running where job=11;

I then i killed the job using;

select serial# from v$session where sid =232;
alter system kill session '232, 10852';
select sid from dba_jobs_running where job=11;

no rows selected...After some time i again fired the same command

select sid from dba_jobs_running where job=11;


and found that the same job is again running..This behavior was repeated again N again. i have attached the spool file for the same...

what could be the reason that the job is starting all over again even after killing the session and what should be done to stop it..I understand that once the database shuts down and if the job is still running then it will restart once the database is up..In this case, Should i remove the job and re submit it again..

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Server Administration :: Unable To Drop User Without Database Shutdown

Apr 19, 2013

We are unable to drop user due to below error, how to drop the below user without shutdown the database.

SQL> drop user mvm_2010 cascade;
drop user mvm_2010 cascade
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-00604: error occurred at recursive SQL level 1
ORA-14452: attempt to create, alter or drop an index on temporary table already in use

No session was available for particular user.

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Server Administration :: Script To Automate Startup / Shutdown Of Multiple Instance In One Database

Jun 24, 2010

Find an appropriate script to automate Oracle DBs in one server? This db server have 6 instances. We always done the starting up and shutting down manually, although we have a reference script that does this but in Oracle v7.3.4. We do want to include the automatic start/stop of dbconsole for accessing it via OEM.

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Backup & Recovery :: Restore RMAN Backup Of Database To A New Database

Jan 25, 2011

I have oracle 10g installed on my system and name of the database is "ORCL" for which I have schedule the incremental backup everyday. Mentioned below are the steps followed

*************PARAMETERS TO BE CHANGED******************
configure channel 1 device type disk
format '\';
configure channel 2 device type disk
format '\';
TO '\';

rman LOG = \
rmanlog_%date:~4,2%-%date:~7,2%-%date:~10%.txt APPEND

********INCREMENTAL BACKUP COMMAND*********************

Now I want to restore this backup to some other system with new database. How to do this recovery to some other database on new system.

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Server Administration :: Oracle 10g - Database Server Startup / Shutdown

Jun 29, 2011

I recently installed Oracle 10g on my windows Xp laptop. It has become considerably slow since then. I want to start the database server only when I need it, and not every time I start my laptop. I looked around in OEM and did found a way.

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Backup & Recovery :: Error While Backup On Windows 7 Client Of Oracle 11gR2 Database

May 2, 2011

I have facing problem while taking backup on Windows 7 client of Oracle 11g R2 database. I have installed oracle 11gR2 for windows on windows 7 machine. I have created a directory like below in database.

On Database Server

SQL> create directory win_expdp_dir as 'd:expimp';

Directory created.

SQL> grant read, write on directory win_expdp_dir to lab;

Grant succeeded.

On Windows 7 machine (client machine)

D:appproduct11.2.0client_1BIN>expdp lab/lab@wbdata.wbh-db11g DIRECTORY=win_expdp_dir DUMPFILE=lab.dmp LOGFILE=lab.log
Export: Release - Production on Mon May 2 12:51:44 2011
Copyright (c) 1982, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Connected to: Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - Production
With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options
ORA-39002: invalid operation
ORA-39070: Unable to open the log file.

I have give all sharing rights on d:expimp directory. My main question is why i'm getting this error. Is there any thing missing in setup. how to take export on windows 7 client.

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Backup & Recovery :: ORA-19870 / Error Reading Backup Piece During Database Cloning

Mar 15, 2011

I am trying to clone a database on another server with different direcory structure. So that path on the source db server are /u04 whereas on on target db server it would be /u03.

Since this I am testing it on small database initially I have kept all datafiles, backup and archivelogs at /u04 and /u03 on the source and target db servers respectively Now I have copied the backups from source db server to target and since path is changed, I cataloged it

However during restore I am getting

Quote:ORA-19870: error reading backup

Here are the session details

RMAN> catalog start with '/u03/oradata/db7fra';
searching for all files that match the pattern /u03/oradata/db7fra
List of Files Unknown to the Database
File Name: /u03/oradata/db7fra/DB7/archivelog/2011_03_15/o1_mf_1_16_6qyvpb3w_.arc
File Name: /u03/oradata/db7fra/DB7/backupset/2011_03_15/o1_mf_annnn_TAG20110315T123018_6qypyv5v_.bkp


I have altered permissions on the backup files as well but of no use

oracle@dev-biz:/u03/oradata/db7fra/DB7/backupset/2011_03_15 $ls -ltr
total 545260
-rwxrwxrwx 1 oracle dba 12419072 Mar 15 13:52 o1_mf_ncsnf_TAG20110315T123008_6qypyrz2_.bkp
-rwxrwxrwx 1 oracle dba 3072 Mar 15 13:52 o1_mf_annnn_TAG20110315T125043_6qyr54to_.bkp
-rwxrwxrwx 1 oracle dba 426496 Mar 15 13:52 o1_mf_annnn_TAG20110315T125006_6qyr3zk4_.bkp
-rwxrwxrwx 1 oracle dba 14336 Mar 15 13:52 o1_mf_annnn_TAG20110315T123018_6qypyv5v_.bkp


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