Data Guard :: Finding Unapplied Archived Log File In DR?

Sep 21, 2011

I wanted to make a script for applying the Archived log File in to DR by certain interval.

1) I will use the below view for finding the SEQUENCE so far sequence# from v$log_archive.
2) But how i can compare with the archive log files available in physical location with the above mentioned view.

eg:- the above view shows, the till the sequence 46789 is applied.And in the DR physical Location available sequences are 46795. which means 6 more archived log files are more, which are not applied into the DR so far.

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Data Guard :: Copying Archived Log File From Primary To DR

Sep 21, 2011

1) How to copy the ARCHIVED LOG FILE from Primary to DR location. Where if the DR is having the file already, how to SKIP that Particular Archived log file?
2) I have Checked with the FILE_TRANSFER DBMS package, but it gives the error if any file existing already.

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Data Guard :: Last Archived Logs Information

Aug 5, 2011

Is there any way to find out the last archived file's:

A) sequence no
B) Date and time
C) As well as the log group name.

I have 4 Log group.

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Data Guard :: GAP Archived Log Transport To Database

May 26, 2012

The GAP archived log can not transport to target database by auto, how can i do?

Sun May 27 06:32:59 2012
FAL[client]: Failed to request gap sequence
GAP - thread 1 sequence 161-161
DBID 1820932955 branch 775456988
FAL[client]: All defined FAL servers have been attempted.

Check that the CONTROL_FILE_RECORD_KEEP_TIME initialization parameter is defined to a value that is sufficiently large enough to maintain adequate log switch information to resolve archivelog gaps.

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Data Guard :: Archived Logs Not Applied On Standby But Looks Ok

Jan 11, 2012

I got a database on dataguard and my primary (db1) is shipping files to my standby (db2) with no problems.However, when I query:

select sequence#, status, applied from v$archived_log;

I see this:
---------- - ---
10 A YES
11 A YES
12 A YES
13 A YES
14 A YES

So I did an alter system switch logfile on db1 then looked again and I can see new archived logs being applied.I thought all archived logs had to be applied on the standby since this is the very foundation of the standby database.Am I going to run in trouble later if I have a failover (unsynchronized database)

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Data Guard :: Transfer Archived Log Files To Standby Database

Oct 8, 2011

1> Does dataguard in 10g use ftp/rsh to transfer archived log files to standby database or some other protocol?

2> In my primary database, archives are getting generated normally, there is no error in alert log file. But archives are not getting transferred to standby database. I am able to connect through sys user from primary server to standby database & vice versa.

Also, tnsping is working fine.

All was working fine till 2 days back & no parameter has been changed from database side. I am not able to transfer the file manually through FTP to standby server. Does it is the problem? Or dataguard doesnt use FTP protocol to transfer the files?

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Finding Missing Archived Log For Streams

Mar 2, 2012

i'm trying to write a pl/sql to find all missing archived logs that are need for streams replication.

There is already a oracle metalink note for this. But yet it would give only the archive log name that contains my dba_capture.start_scn and we need to check if the files exist in disk or not!

The problem here is, when using ASM, dba_registered_archived_log view is truncation the file name and it is really difficult to pin point the logs. So is it fine to join this view with V$archived_log? is deleted and status column would do the trick? I modified the plsql as below. Is this fine/accurate?

CODEdbms_output.put_line('Capture will restart from SCN ' || lScn ||' in the following file:');
for cr in
(select decode (, NULL, 'NOT FOUND', name, to_char(a.completion_time, 'hh42:mi:ss') completion_time from v$archived_log a,dba_registered_archived_log b where lscn between b.first_scn and b.next_scn
and a.deleted = 'YES' and a.status != 'A')
f_rec :=1;

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Data Guard :: Db-file Name Convert And Log-file?

May 25, 2012

How to understand the two parameters db_file_name_convert and log_file_name_convert,if there are missing in the parameter file of standdy database,how does oracle will do?

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Data Guard :: Changing Dbname / Sid / Data / Control File Locations?

Nov 5, 2010

I want to change dbname,sid,data/control file locations in operational dataguard setup i plan to follow as below

1)shutdown primary and standby (stop managed recovery)

2)change db name in init.ora of primary and standby change database name control file location

3)create control file for primary from trace(script) make changes for db name and file locations

4)mount and open primary database

5)create standby control file

6) transfer standby control file to standby

7) mount stand by database and start manage recovery

If this steps will error free do i need to follow any thing additional to this or what is other best way for this or its not possible at all

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Data Guard :: ORA-01157 / Cannot Identify / Lock Data File 1

Jul 23, 2010

i did everything writen but when i do *SQL>alter database recover managed standby database disconnect from session;*

i go and look in the standby database AlertLog file ,and thats whats writen

*ORA-01157: cannot identify/lock data file 1 - see DBWR trace file
ORA-27041: unable to open file
OSD-04002: غير قادر على فتح الملف
O/S-Error: (OS 3) The system cannot find the path specified.


strange thing that it realises the primary database in drive F and it goes to it but i dont understand what could be the reason of this ,although im doing this command while primary database is shutdown!

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Data Guard :: Migrate From File Based To ASM Storage

May 15, 2012

I have an 11gR2 data base with Local Extent Management and Manual Segment Management. Can Data Guard be used to replicate this instance into ASM storage? [I have multiple long fields (BLOBs and CLOBs) in various tables.]

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Data Guard :: Confirm Particular Archive Log File Applied Or Not?

Aug 5, 2011

I need a clarification on the below query.

I am having a Dataguard setup as Logical.

I am copying all the archive log files generated in the live server into the local server in order to apply into the Data Guard.

I am running a script for this process.

Question:How i can verify whether particular archive log file was applied into the data guard or not.

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Data Guard :: How To Convert Primary Control File For Standby

Dec 29, 2009

I try to recover standby db from a primary db backup set,but the standby control file is different.

to create primary controlfile by rman:
backup control file format '/home/cur_control';

to create standby controlfile:
backup control file for standby format '/home/std_control';

I want to know if there is method to convert cur_control to std_control.

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Data Guard :: Clarification Regarding File Growth In Physical Standby

Feb 3, 2011

I am in need of a clarification regarding the file size growth in Physical Standby Database.Say we have 150 GB size of LIVE DB and we have created the same as in STDBY(150 GB).Will there be a growth in STDBY DB datafiles with respect to the LIVE DBOR only the logs are applied currently to the STDBY and the changes will only be reflecting when there is a switchover or failure scenario??

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Data Guard :: Ora 09925 - Unable To Create Audit Trail File

Aug 19, 2012

[oracle@RSASPGERP02 ~]$ cd /
[oracle@RSASPGERP02 ~]$ . .bash_profile
[oracle@RSASPGERP02 ~]$ sqlplus / as sysdba
sql*plus:Release - production
ORA-09925:Unable to create audit trail file


its standby archieving problem ,the problem appears when try to connect directly or through telenet and we try to login directly using oracle user we receving following message and login fail, "GDM could not write to your authorization file,this could mean that you are out of disk space or that your home directory could not be opened for writting"

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Data Guard :: Unable To Transfer Archivelog Wrong Pass File

Aug 2, 2010

I am creating physical standby database through Rman duplicate command from 2 node rac cluster. rman do all its work. now am try to start the mrp process on physical standby database. I am getting following errors

Check that the primary and standby are using a password file
and remote_login_passwordfile is set to SHARED or EXCLUSIVE,
and that the SYS password is same in the password files.
returning error ORA-16191
ORA-16191: Primary log shipping client not logged on standby

I copied the same pass file from primary to standby and many times verify the same but i got the same error.

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Data Guard :: Create Control File With Standby Keyword On Primary Database

Jul 4, 2012

What is difference when you issue a create controlfile with "standby" keyword on the primary database


vs. creating a control using

ALTER DATABASE BACKUP CONTROLFILE to '/path/db_control.ctl';

what does ORACLE put into the standby control that is "extra"? ie. what is the difference between a standby control file and a normal control file?

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Backup & Recovery :: Restore From Newer Control File And Archived Redo Log Files?

Mar 29, 2011

I've got a legacy SAP system with oracle 8i on Tru64. No changes at all are made but for legal reasons we have to keep it up and running.

we currently do a full backup monthly by shutting down oracle and doing a backup of all the files to tape and that takes around 12 hours.

If I stop doing the full backup and I only backup the control file and the archived redo log files every month and I had to restore the full database years from now, would I be able to restore the database using the last full monthly backup and use the latest control file and archived redo log files?

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Forms :: Calling Form Has Unapplied Changes - Save Not Allowed

Sep 4, 2012

Iam facing a problem while calling a form.

iam opening a form,inserting data in empty columns of an existing record and with out saving iam calling another form.Inserting and updating data in the called form and again coming back to old form and then saving the form.

while doing this, when i am trying to save on the called form its giving an error


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Finding Alert Log File

Dec 23, 2011

How can i come to know that which current alert log file is being used for database? Is their a command at database level to find out the current alert log file to which database is using ?

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Data Guard :: Rolling Upgrade Physical Data Guard

Jul 5, 2011

We have physical data guard configured version ( We are in need to upgrade primary & standby database to 11G R2. Can we perform rolling upgrade.

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Data Guard :: How To Know Current Active Guard Settings In Standby Database

Oct 17, 2012

Controlling User Access to Tables in a Logical Standby Database can be controlled using the following command:


My simple question is: how can I know the current active Guard setting in the standby database?

Oracle 11g R2.

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Forms :: Finding Data

Jan 26, 2010

I have simple table:

code = CHAR(5) as primary key
name = VARCHAR2(bla blal ba)

There is one-block-form based on this table. Block's datasource type = table and datatarget type = pl/sql procedure

Table API, Module API - all generated, all valid and seems correct. Now.. I try to update "name" from form. As soon as I type in something in the field, I get message "Row no longer exists". When digging deeper it seems that problem raises from lock_prodecure:

bk_data CGC$CL_1_9_DKD.cgc$rec_tab;

It seems, it has some problems on populating the "code" attribute in bk_data.

how to solve this problem without massive re-coding??.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Finding Percentage Using Query From Table Data

Jun 23, 2010



my above table consists of two columnc sl_no and Status,col1 indicates the process no and the status indicates it is implemented or cancelled or failed during implementation.

i need to find the percentage of the implemented+cancelled process over failed..

test case:
lets consider,
B->Count(STATUS) where STATUS='Implemented'


i think i have satisfactorily given enough data.. make it out using sql query..

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Forms :: Finding Node In A Tree - No Data Found?

Mar 5, 2012

I have a problem with finding a node in my tree, but when I click the find button, it threw a message NO DATA FOUND.

here is the code that I used in find button:

tri ITEM;
hanapin_mYnode FTREE.NODE;
BEGIN-- Find the tree itself. 


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Data Guard :: Unable To Get Data Of Primary In Standby Database (dataguard)

Jan 16, 2013

i have configured physical standby in my local system, to check logshipping i created a table at primary db, wen i tried to check in standby, it says table does not exist..below are primary & standby alert entries..

Primary alert log

Fatal NI connect error 12514, connecting to:
(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST= ed)(CID=(PROGRAM=d:oracle11gappadministratorproduct11.1.0db_1inORACLE.EXE)(HOST=A960M)(USER=SYSTEM))(SERVER=dedicated)))
TNS for 64-bit Windows: Version - Production


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Data Guard :: Buffer Busy Waits On UNDO Data In Active DG

Feb 24, 2013

Oracle Version:
Active Dataguard

Statspack has been configured for Active Dataguard on Primary database.We got an spike of Buffer busy waits for about 5 min in Active Dataguard, this was causing worse Application SQL's response time during this 5 min window.Below is what i got from statspack report for one hour

Snapshot       Snap Id     Snap Time      Sessions Curs/Sess Comment
~~~~~~~~    ---------- ------------------ -------- --------- -------------------
Begin Snap:      18611 21-Feb-13 22:00:02      236       2.2
  End Snap:      18613 21-Feb-13 23:00:02      237       2.1
   Elapsed:               60.00 (mins)

Why there could sudden spike of demand on UNDO data in Active Data Guard ?

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Data Guard :: DATA FILES IN Storage Area Network (SAN)

Mar 29, 2011

I am working in a bank as an system consultant, i have a SAN Storage Area and oracle as below.


This interface includes the DATA FILES of the oracle tablespace


SAN1 Mirrors the DATA FILES of the oracle tablespace to SAN 2

1. Can i rely on real time data recovery from SAN2 ?
2. if SAN1 (Data Files are currupted) will the SAN2 Data Files will be currupted as well.
3. If the SAN2 is currupted then what Oracle Features can be used to have uncurrupted data.

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Data Guard :: ORA-01354 / Supplemental Log Data Must Be Added To Run This Command

May 2, 2012

I configure logical standby online .when I execute dbms_logstdby.buid,first


it was blcoked by other sesson,then i kill the holding session,but no work.then i cancel this step and execute it again . the error is

ERROR at line 1:
ORA-01354: Supplemental log data must be added to run this command
ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_LOGMNR_INTERNAL", line 3669
ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_LOGMNR_INTERNAL", line 3755
ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_LOGMNR_D", line 12
ORA-06512: at line 1
ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_INTERNAL_LOGSTDBY", line 370
ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_LOGSTDBY", line 157


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Data Guard :: Data Files Locations On Oracle 11gR2

Jun 15, 2012

I have set up a cross platform (Microsoft Windows IA (32-bit) -> Linux x86 64-bit) data guard and it worked fine.Then I did a switch over (which again worked) and found out the data is not getting replicated at all.. checked the data files available from the new primary database and found out they are in the windows format as below..

SQL> select name from v$datafile;


and physically they were created at '/home/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/dbs/' and as


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