Cannot Connect Oracle Instance Remotely In LAN

Jun 24, 2012

I have installed oracle 10g database in the my local laptop ( Windows 7) . This laptop is in LAN. I am not able to connect from other machines in LAN. When i open sqlplus, SQL Developer from the same machine, i was able to login to the instance.

But when i want to login from the other machines in LAN. I was not able to connect. I was able to ping the server on which the database was installed from other machines. why i am not able to connect ?

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Not Able To Connect DB Remotely Using Oracle Client?

Aug 20, 2013

I am trying to connect to database remotely. I have installed Oracle client on my local machine(Windows 7) and trying to connect to db.

I am able to do tnsping. Below is the log.

But when i try to connect i am getting ORA-12504: TNS:listener was not given the SERVICE_NAME in CONNECT_DATA error.

Below is the complete log.

C:\Windows\System32>tnsping DEVDB

TNS Ping Utility for 32-bit Windows: Version - Production on 20-AUG-2

013 14:18:42

Copyright (c) 1997, 2010, Oracle. All rights reserved.

Used parameter files:


Used EZCONNECT adapter to resolve the alias



OK (560 msec)

C:\Windows\System32>sqlplus test1/********@devdb

SQL*Plus: Release Production on Tue Aug 20 14:18:47 2013

Copyright (c) 1982, 2010, Oracle. All rights reserved.


ORA-12504: TNS:listener was not given the SERVICE_NAME in CONNECT_DATA

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Networking And Gateways :: Connect Remotely Database?

Jul 14, 2010

i have a inventory system and trying to connect remote database one by one throught two static ips. If first ip is not ping then go to 2nd ip only when open the login.fmx page

following examples are my tnsnames.ora



i am not understand what i write the code on-logon trigger

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Connect To Run +ASM Instance From A Different Host?

Aug 13, 2012

Is it possible, Oracle let me connect to an running +ASM instance from a different host? I.E, +ASM running on X host and i want to connect from Y host. (yes Y host has the asm entry in the tnsnames.ora).

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Can't Able To Connect To Local Database Instance

Oct 31, 2012

I cant able to connect to my local DB instance. Oracle service for DB instance will be started running when the system boots automatically.I faced this problem before, I was instructed to boot my system without network connection. It worked for few days. Suddenly I cant able to connect to my local DB instance again, even though I am booting my system without network connection.

This is the configuration I have in tnsnames.ora in my local machine.I have the host as localhost, because local machine is laptop and IP will change periodically.

(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = localhost)(PORT = 1521))

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Connecting To DB Remotely Through Toad Using Oracle Instant Client?

May 5, 2013

trying to connect to DB remotely through Toad..

"instantclient" already downloaded and configured as below :

dll files like "oci.dll,... etc" are here : C:Oracleinstantclientinstantclient_11_2
Created both tnsnames.ora & listener.ora are here : C:Oracleinstantclient

And did the below in user/system variables :

User Variables :
TNS_ADMIN with value "C:Oracleinstantclient

System Variables :
TNS_ADMIN with value "C:Oracleinstantclient
ORACLE_HOME with value "C:Oracleinstantclient"
Path edited and added this value "C:Oracleinstantclientinstantclient_11_2"

But i am still facing the below error :

ORA-12541: TNS:no listener

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Server Administration :: Connect To Idle Instance

May 11, 2011

Getting the below message even after doing the

oracle@ttlwaurd001:~$ ps -ef | grep pmon
oracle 7779 1 0 Feb08 ? 00:00:07 ora_pmon_WGRGOLD1
oracle 10155 1 0 Feb20 ? 00:30:48 ora_pmon_DPTLS01
oracle 12354 1 0 Feb20 ? 00:00:53 ora_pmon_DOEMS01
oracle 17902 1 0 Feb20 ? 00:00:13 ora_pmon_DREPS01
oracle 23745 23360 0 19:51 pts/4 00:00:00 grep pmon
oracle@ttlwaurd001:~$ sqlplus '/as sysdba'

SQL*Plus: Release Production on Wed May 11 19:49:54 2011

Copyright 1982, 2009, Oracle. All rights reserved.
Connected to an idle instance.

oracle@ttlwaurd001:~$ echo $ORACLE_SID

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Enterprise Manager :: Failed To Connect To Database Instance

Oct 27, 2011

When login i'm getting error : Details Failed to connect to database instance: ORA-28000: the account is locked (DBD ERROR: OCISessionBegin).

I have checked DBCONSOLE & AGENT are running properly.

litening:/opt/oracle/product/11.2.0/bin>export ORACLE_SID=infoddp
litening:/opt/oracle/product/11.2.0/bin>export ORACLE_HOME=/opt/oracle/product/11.2.0
litening:/opt/oracle/product/11.2.0/bin>export ORACLE_HOSTNAME=liteningv
litening:/opt/oracle/product/11.2.0/bin>emctl status dbconsole
Oracle Enterprise Manager 11g Database Control Release
Copyright (c) 1996, 2010 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.


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Networking And Gateways :: Client Connect Directly To Instance Rather Than During TNS?

Jun 20, 2010

1) I put attention that TNS write events into its log in too big frequency: ~ 10 time in second. I see that it is for every connection, but I assume that this no too good to performance.Is there some way to tell to TNS not to write event for every connection but only for errors?

2) May I to remove alert.log of DB? Or DB will make me problems with this?

3) How can I tell to my client connect directly to my instance rather than during TNS?

I have Oracle RAC 11g running on Red Hat 4 64 bit.

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Automatic Storage Management :: Can't Connect RAC ASM Instance Using Grid Control 12c

Nov 19, 2012

when i configure monitor target in GC12C,1 find i can not add asm instance target, and i use scan ip in 11GR2 rac ( two nodes )the problem is plublic IP's 1521 port not accept connect request from remote IP

error from gc12c
Failed to connect to the ASM: IO Error: The Network Adapter could not establish the connection The Connect Descriptor was (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS_LIST = (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=

how can i let GC12C see ASM instance on each node in cluster??

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Client Tools :: Connect Oracle Developer 6i Without Connect String

Aug 17, 2010

I have installed oracle developer 6i. in sqlplus i want to put my username and password but nothing in the connect string field.

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Connect Oracle Database From Delphi - Could Not Resolve Connect Identifier Specified

Oct 6, 2010

I have the following computer/setup:

Acer laptop, Intel Processor w/ Windows 7 Professional (64-bit)
Delphi 2010 Professional
Oracle XE (+ the Oracle XE client that comes with it)

I cannot can't to the Oracle database from Delphi. The error I keep getting is:

Alias is not currently opened. [Oracle][ODBC][Ora]ORA-12154:TNS: could not resolve the connet identifier specified.

Here's what I've done:

1. Create an ODBC connection to my Oracle database

- run C:WindowsSysWOW64odbcad32.exe to open the ODBC administrator.
- Data source name: bt_user
- TNS Server Name: localhost/xe
- user bt_user
- Clicked "test connection" -- Success.

2. Open Delphi and drop a TDatabase component on my main form.

- Set the Alias Name property to "bt_user" (the alias I set up in ODBC)
- Set database name to "bt_user".
- Checked "connected".

Alternatively, I tried using the Delphi ADO components (the dbGo components).

- Drop TADOConnection component on my form.
- Select "connection string" and open the dialog.
- Click "build string".
- Select "Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers" from the selection.
- In "use data source", select "bt_user" from the drop-down list (my ODBC connection from #1)
- Click "test connection".

Again the same error.

My questions are:

1. Can Delphi work with Oracle XE (Express Edition)?

2. If so, then do I need to install the "Instant Client"?

3. Will the instant client for Oracle 10g work with Oracle 10g XE?

4. Do I need to install any additional ODBC driver(s)?

5. Why was I successful in creating the ODBC connection in Windows, but it failed in Delphi?

6. Will Visual Studio.NET (C#) work with Oracle XE, and what are the steps for setting that up?

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Enterprise Manager :: How To Use OEM Remotely

Oct 21, 2011

How can I use OEM remotely?

my DB server is on IBM-AIX

and my computer is

Because I am tired of using sqlplus :@

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Grant Privileges Remotely

May 25, 2010

Say we have db1 and db2 two databases installed on two different servers.For internal needs, I have to insert some data from a table t1 on db1 to a table t2 in db2. This can be done by issuing from a user on db1 :

insert into t2@dblink2
select *
from t1;

where dblink2 is a correct database link that points to u2 (the t2 owner for example) on db2.

Now what I want to do is to grant privileges remotely.Is there a way to issue somthing like

execute@dblink2 'grant select on t2 to public';

It would be like u2 has issued the statment...

I don't want to use OS scripts (.sh or .bat).

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PL/SQL :: How To Create New Users Remotely

Feb 27, 2013

I've been issuing commands like these by using a session on my guest Oracle VM that is hosted by Windows 8.

sqlplus / as sysdba
create user PocketGuide3rdEd identified by top-secret-password ;
grant connect to PocketGuide3rdEd ;
grant create table to PocketGuide3rdEd ;
grant create view to PocketGuide3rdEd ;
grant create trigger to PocketGuide3rdEd ;
grant create sequence to PocketGuide3rdEd ;
grant unlimited tablespace to PocketGuide3rdEd ;

I've discovered that I cannot do "sqlplus / as sysdba" remotely. Is there a way I can create another account like sysdba that can issue the above commands from windows so I don't have to log into the oracle guest VM?

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Enterprise Manager :: Managing OEM Remotely

Aug 23, 2013

I want to manage my database remotely, through Internet. Is it possible to do that with OEM? Where can I find information related to this? Is there another monitoring software that allows me to perform this?

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Networking And Gateways :: DBCA Installation And Remotely From Off-shore?

Sep 22, 2011

Iam facing a issue on DBCA Installation, when i tried remotely from off-shore. Steps I followed

a. I Connected a onsite desktop through a remote desktop connection (RDP) by using Corp-VPN from off-shore.
b. In the Remote Desktop, again by using production / Model VPN , connected the server which i need to Install DBCA
c. Using X11-Forwarding of putty, Started the DBCA installation.
d. Applied all the Parameters and on Finally clicking Finish to Start the database Creation, Finish button not responding and i can't continue the DBCA Installation.

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Data Guard :: Possible To Use Dataguard From Single Instance To RAC Instance?

Jul 1, 2010

Is it possible to use oracle dataguard from single instance to RAC instance ? Does Oracle dataguard support this ?

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Server Administration :: How To Get Disk List On Any DB Instance That Uses ASM Instance

Mar 16, 2011

My context on our servers is the following one:

- one ASM instance
- X DB instances
- each DB instance uses 2 or more dedicated diskgroups from the ASM instance
- there is one diskgroup named FREEDISK that contains spare disks

On each DB instance you can see:

- the list and global parameters of all diskgroups using v$asm_diskgroup view
- the list and parameters of all disks the instance is using with v$asm_disk view

So my question is: how (if this is possible) to know the list of (spare) disks in FREE DISK disk group?

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Security :: How To Configure Oracle EM With Newly Created Oracle Instance On 10g DB

Dec 11, 2012

How to configure Oracle EM with newly created Oracle Instance on Oracle 10g DB,which is Single Instance DB but not RAC ,when I start the Oracle EM it is starting the default DB which created during Oracle Server Installation.

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Networking And Gateways :: Find Out Users Hostname Who Are Connecting To Database Remotely

Apr 22, 2010

i got to find out the users hostname who are connecting to database through remote,i tried with v$session bt it is showing null values in the terminal to find out ?

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Oracle EM Not Running Instance?

Nov 1, 2010

I have Oracle 11g R2 ( with Oracle EM running on Solaris 10 with ZFS.When I start OEM it comes up and tells me that the listener is running but that the DB instance is down and agents are down.I know that the instance is up because I can start it manually.

Each time I start emctl, lsnrctl and DB manually everything starts running but OEM returns a failure for the DB. long as the display shows the DB not running OEM won't allow me to work in it.Instead of getting the login page I get the Database Control Page stating that "Enterprise Manager is not able to connect to the Database instance."I have tried the various emca -config dbcontrol db -repos drop and recreate but no luck.

Is there a way to uninstall/reinstall without dropping the DB?Are there control/configuration files I may hack to tell OEM the correct information?

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From Oracle 10g Single Instance To 11g R2 Two Nodes RAC

Aug 17, 2011

Initial situation: Oracle 10g database single instance on Windows 2008 (datafile within NTFS partition)
Final situation: same database upgraded to Oracle 11g r2 on a two nodes RAC on Windows 2008 (datafile within ASM)

In your opinion, is this the best way to achieve the job ?

1) on the two nodes install grid 11gr2, asm, rdbms 11g r2 (SE)
2) export full from 10g
3) create a new empty 11g r2 database in the RAC 11g r2 infrastructure with the same tablespace layout of 10g database
4) import full from 10g to 11g r2

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Replication :: Oracle Instance Crash

Jun 14, 2013

Issue 1: I have rdbms version There is a replicated environment with 2 nodes for oracle database and the state of the node is standby when this issue occurs. We are getting ORA-0600/ORA-07445 causing instance failure over a period of time.

Few common errors are listed below
Errors in file /data1/dump/bdump/optical1_j000_7235.trc:
ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [kglpnal_1], [0x3A80C7878], [], [], [], [], [], []

Errors in file /data1/dump/udump/optical1_ora_834.trc:
ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [kcbgtcr_6], [1], [], [], [], [], [], []
Tue Apr 16 13:00:06 2013

ORA-07445: exception encountered: core dump [ksuxds()+5548] [SIGSEGV] [Address not mapped to object] [0x000000148] [] [].

Issue 2: I am not able to attach a single file of txt type which is less than 2048KB.As soon as I press upload File button after browsing, it disappears.

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Oracle 11g Installation - Database Instance Recovery

Oct 16, 2010

My database is working on Oracle 10g. After installing a Oracle 11g in my PC instance went down and my database got corrupt. What are the steps I should follow to recover my Database?

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Creating Oracle User On Development Instance

Jul 25, 2013

I have been asked to improve the speed of our extract feeds to another team. It was using an excel file as csv created with C# reading the csv into a global temporary table and a procedure to insert rows from global table to main table one at a time.

Around 1 million rows That was taking around 25 min. After trying sqlldr and an intermediate table I managed to reduce timing to 15 sec with sqlldr and Direct Path Load. I tried all that in one of our own DEV databases. Now we want to try the approach in one of DEV databases belong to downstream group (the one we feed data). They are rather reluctant to give me access to their DEV database! I have asked them to create a new login and grant object creation (DDL) to this user.They keep saying that they are prepared to give me a role but NOT schema owner. What is the best way of enabling me to create tables somewhere and test loading times with sqlldr.

I need to do full DDL (table/proc creation) and DML on a certain schema. So my question: What is the best way of doing so.. Do I need a schema created for user to do this workI they already have a general purpose schema, can they create a role to have full DDL: rights in that schema? 

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ORA-01092 - ORACLE Instance Terminated - Disconnection Forced

Oct 13, 2006

We had a good working Oracle 8i (8.1.7) database on Windows 2000 (SP 2) Inter Xeon server. A large delete operation was

initiated (deletion of 931,000 records; around 400 MB) which failed in the middle with some error messages, i don't remember.

I should have specified a special rollback segment created for this transection, but i forgot to do it. After that oracle

gives the following error in SQL Plus after I try to log in (same msg even after several reboots)

ORA-01092: ORACLE instance terminated. Disconnection forced

Here is the log file,

Dump file C:oracleadminillingdumpillingALRT.LOG
Fri Oct 13 14:19:40 2006
ORACLE V8. - Production vsnsta=0
vsnsql=e vsnxtr=3


Notice that that the database mounts successfully on "startup mount dbname" but it terminates with the above error messages

immediately when I give the "alter database open" command from server manager. Directly giving the "startup open dbname"

command also gives the same error message and log file.

Some one recommended adding the following line to Init.ora file for the db (if some corruption in rollback tablespace has occured)

fast_start_parallel_rollback= false

You may have seen this line in the log file above. However, it has no effect on the database functioning.

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ORA-01092 / ORACLE Instance Terminated - Disconnected Forced

Apr 7, 2011

while statrp database am gettion error message like

" ORA-01092:ORACLE Instance terminated. Disconnected forced"

alter log file:

Errors in file g:\oracle\product\10.1.0\admin\hrdev\udump\hrdev_ora_196.trc:
ORA-01578: ORACLE data block corrupted (file # 1, block # 57371)
ORA-01110: data file 1: 'G:\ORACLE\PRODUCT\10.1.0\ORADATA\HRDEV\SYSTEM01.DBF'

Error 1578 happened during db open, shutting down database
USER: terminating instance due to error 1578
Thu Apr 07 10:06:54 2011
Errors in file g:\oracle\product\10.1.0\admin\hrdev\bdump\hrdev_pmon_86\0.trc:
ORA-01578: ORACLE data block corrupted (file # , block # )


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RAC & Failsafe :: Hierarchy To Stop And Start Oracle RAC Instance

Apr 20, 2013

What is the hierarchy to stop and start oracle RAC instance ?

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Data Guard :: Upgrade Oracle 9i R2 Single Instance To 11G R2 RAC?

Feb 17, 2011

There is a Single Instance production server Oracle 9iR2 [] OS HP-UX PARISC 11i v1 to RAC.

Now we want to migration this server with minimum downtime to Oracle 11gR2 [] in RAC environment OS HP-UX 11i v3 Itanium DOwn time must be minimum. what will be the procedure ?

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