Connecting To DB Remotely Through Toad Using Oracle Instant Client?

May 5, 2013

trying to connect to DB remotely through Toad..

"instantclient" already downloaded and configured as below :

dll files like "oci.dll,... etc" are here : C:Oracleinstantclientinstantclient_11_2
Created both tnsnames.ora & listener.ora are here : C:Oracleinstantclient

And did the below in user/system variables :

User Variables :
TNS_ADMIN with value "C:Oracleinstantclient

System Variables :
TNS_ADMIN with value "C:Oracleinstantclient
ORACLE_HOME with value "C:Oracleinstantclient"
Path edited and added this value "C:Oracleinstantclientinstantclient_11_2"

But i am still facing the below error :

ORA-12541: TNS:no listener

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Precompilers, OCI & OCCI :: Connecting To Oracle Database With Instant Client 11.01.06

Mar 19, 2009

connecting to an oracle db with the instant client 11.01.06. I can connect to the db via other tools like sqldbx or SqlTools 1.5 which are also using oci. So now I tried it with c++ using Visual Studio 2005 SP1.

First I tried this

Environment* env=Environment::createEnvironment(Environment::DEFAULT);
Connection* con=NULL;

and got following error: "the attribute OCI_ATTR_USERNAME is greater than the maximum allowable length of 255".

So I tried:

Environment* env=Environment::createEnvironment(Environment::DEFAULT);
Connection* con=NULL;

where tnsservice-name is the name I specified in the tnsnams.ora, and which I used with the other tools working fine -> same error.My username is only 4 long, so I thought it might have something to do with the string. So I tried:

Environment* env=Environment::createEnvironment(Environment::DEFAULT);
Connection* con=NULL;
string user="user";
string passwd="pwd";
string db="tnsservice-name";

now it returned the error "TNS:connect descriptor too long". Can't have anything to do with the .ora file, since it worked fine for the other tools. Plus it didn't matter if I renamed the .ora file or removed it from the TNS_ADMIN directory..So I searched a little more for a solution and so an example, where the the last argument is missing. So I tried

string user="user";
string pwd="pwd";
Environment* env=Environment::createEnvironment(Environment::DEFAULT);
Connection* con=NULL;

It returns: "TNS: protocol Adapter error" which I somehow can understand, since the adapter doesn't know to wich db to connect.I also tried to use some frameworks like soci or otl but was never able to compile them... (link errors, unknown data types etc...).

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Client Tools :: ODBC Instant Client Oracle 10g

Jun 28, 2010

The version is Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bi. for Unix AIX 5

I install the ODBC Driver Manager, Basic Instant Client, ODBC Instant Client packages (,

The error:

[oracle@d4 oracle] $ isql OracleODBC-10g user passtemp -v
[01000][unixODBC][Driver Manager]Can't open lib '/home/oracle/instantclient_10_2/' : file not found
[ISQL]ERROR: Could not SQLConnect


Description = Oracle ODBC driver for Oracle 10g
Driver = /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/lib/
Setup =
FileUsage =
CPTimeout =
CPReuse =

The documentation explic with exists the file but not exists in the ODBC Instant Client packages.

I applied ln -s but the connection not function

Application Attributes=T

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Oracle 10g Instant Client For Window 7

Dec 18, 2012

There are three versions of Oracle 10g instant client (, and on Oracle website. which one works with Window 7? Where I can find the documentation from Oracle website?

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Not Able To Connect DB Remotely Using Oracle Client?

Aug 20, 2013

I am trying to connect to database remotely. I have installed Oracle client on my local machine(Windows 7) and trying to connect to db.

I am able to do tnsping. Below is the log.

But when i try to connect i am getting ORA-12504: TNS:listener was not given the SERVICE_NAME in CONNECT_DATA error.

Below is the complete log.

C:\Windows\System32>tnsping DEVDB

TNS Ping Utility for 32-bit Windows: Version - Production on 20-AUG-2

013 14:18:42

Copyright (c) 1997, 2010, Oracle. All rights reserved.

Used parameter files:


Used EZCONNECT adapter to resolve the alias



OK (560 msec)

C:\Windows\System32>sqlplus test1/********@devdb

SQL*Plus: Release Production on Tue Aug 20 14:18:47 2013

Copyright (c) 1982, 2010, Oracle. All rights reserved.


ORA-12504: TNS:listener was not given the SERVICE_NAME in CONNECT_DATA

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Networking And Gateways :: Find Out Users Hostname Who Are Connecting To Database Remotely

Apr 22, 2010

i got to find out the users hostname who are connecting to database through remote,i tried with v$session bt it is showing null values in the terminal to find out ?

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Networking And Gateways :: Connecting A Client To Oracle?

Aug 15, 2010

Im trying to connect a benchmarking application (benchmark factory) from my windows 32bit laptop to Oracle on my linux desktop.

When connecting I am supplying the following details: (im getting the error: ORA 12170 : TNS connect timeout occurred)

User/Schema : matt
Password: ****
Port: 1521
SID: orcl
Connect as : SysDBA
Connect Using: Instant Client (selected from a drop down)

when i use the following command:

tail -100 /home/matt/app/matt/diag/tnslsnr/localhost/listener/alert/log.xml

i get these results:

[matt@localhost ~]$ tail -100 /home/matt/app/matt/diag/tnslsnr/localhost/listener/alert/log.xml
<txt>15-AUG-2010 23:26:29 * service_update * orcl * 0
<msg time='2010-08-15T23:26:36.708+01:00' org_id='oracle' comp_id='tnslsnr'


I have been told client is not getting to the listener because listener is only listening on

unless & until DB server is configured with a routable IP#, no remote client will succeed.

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Client Tools :: Connecting The Oracle Which Is In Guest OS?

Jan 22, 2011

I have installed Oracle 10g in Windows XP which is in 'VMware' as guest OS. share the procedure if we can connect to the oracle installed in Guest OS from the main operating system.

Main OS is Windows 7
Guest OS is Windows XP

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Instant Client And ODBC Drivers

Dec 17, 2012

I've to install ODBC drivers required by a Windows application ( Windesign ).I've downloaded on Oracle website :

- ODBC driver - Oracle 10.1.exe
- ODBC driver - Oracle 10.2.exe
- ODBC driver - Oracle 9.01.exe
- ODBC driver - Oracle 9.02.exe

But any of them contains install.exe or something like that...So I don't understand how to install instant client...I've found a doc on the web : " ... copy unzipped files into a folder ( ex.: C:OracleInstantClient ) and add Environment Variables TNS_ADMIN and PATH ) ... "I did it. But while adding ODBC driver with Windows admin tools , only SQL Server is available !!!.

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Instant Client :: LD - Can't Link With (MH-BUNDLE)?

Mar 2, 2013

I'm writing on behalf of the MacPorts package management system. I am trying to update the MacPorts port of Oracle Instant Client from to [URL}...and while many of our ports including the PHP oracle module continue to work fine with this version, soci [URL}.... and TOra [URL]...

ld: can't link with bundle (MH_BUNDLE) only dylibs (MH_DYLIB) for architecture x86_64

This is on OS X 10.8.2 compiling with Xcode 4.6's version of clang ("Apple LLVM version 4.2 (clang-425.0.24) (based on LLVM 3.2svn)").I suspect this is because soci and TOra are doing something with static libraries, and Oracle Instant Client is only shipped as a dynamic library. But I can't explain why this worked with, unless something has changed about how Oracle Instant

Client is being built. It's not clear whether this is an intentional change in Oracle Instant Client, and if it is, what developers should do to fix their software.I have not heard back from the developers of TOra, and the developers of soci

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Instant Client :: Using ODBC Without Running Odbc_install.exe (no Installation)

Aug 29, 2012

Is it possible to have a VB.NET aplication using Oracle ODBC driver without running/installing odbc_install.exe?

I want to deploy my application without having to run anything on the client so I guessed that instant client would work but I can't make it work.

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Client Tools :: TOAD Not Finding Oracle 11g?

Jul 2, 2013

I am running TOAD 10.6 on Windows 7 (64-bit). I have two 64-bit Oracle 11g clients installed (all on the same machine). The first is Instant Client (client_1); the second is the Runtime client (client_2). The installation of Instant Client was a mistake, since it doesn't have a Network / Admin folder to drop a tnsnames.ora file into. The Runtime client is my desired client, which has the aforementioned folder that I subsequently dropped the file into.

On starting TOAD, it says that "No valid Oracle Client found. Please note that Toad only supports 32 bit Oracle Client installations". (This is odd, since my colleague is running the same Oracle Runtime client as me and has TOAD 11.6, and yet his is working fine. But, this is aside the point.) When, I click on the ellipsis button next to the "Connecting Using" field, TOAD says that I don't have any Oracle homes installed. I checked my registry key (via regedit) under Computer / HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SOFTWARE / ORACLE. It looks like I have 2 Oracle homes (because of the 2 clients).

Also, I right-clicked on My Computer and brought up Properties, Advanced system settings, Environment Variables (on the Advanced tab). My PATH variable has both of my clients.

How to make my available clients (particularly, my client_2) show up in TOAD?

Here is what I have tried thus far:

-Alter the PATH variable to just have client_2. This didn't do anything.

-Try to uninstall client_1 and client_2 via:

a) There is a Universal Installer under Oracle Installation Products in my Runtime client. I do Deinstall Products, click on any of my Oracle homes, click on Remove, and a Warning window pops up saying to run a command at some location, but the location is truncated since I can't expand the window.

b) In my client_2, there is a deinstall Windows Batch File in the deinstall folder. When I run this, the command window sits there for a little bit, saying that some files were copied and that 1 directory was removed. It then closes on its own. This doesn't seem to do anything.

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Client Tools :: TOAD 8.6 And Oracle 10g - Cannot Connect?

Feb 22, 2012

I have TOAD 8.6 installed and hoping to use with Oracle 10g databases. I have SQL Navigator also - it works fine. However TOAD does not. Open up TOAD and see the TNS dropdown, select a database and try to log in - click on Connect and the little SQL hour glass comes on, goes off - there is no error, no message and no connection. I have tried several databases and again, SQLPlus, SQL Navigator are both working fine.

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C++ Call Interface :: Instant Client 11g OCCI In MSVC6++ Windows 7 32-bit

Jun 28, 2012

I install Oracle instant client 11g in my Windows 7(32bit), and use MSVC6++ to test program occidml.cpp, compile is no problem, but when I run it, it crash on create Connection. I have tried to link with different version of OCCI library ( v8,v9), but all crash on create Connection.

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Client Tools :: Unable To Connect To Oracle From Toad

Jul 28, 2010

I installed Oracle 10g XE and Toad 10.5 in my home system.I am able to connect to Oracle from Oracle XE homepage and XE SQL command line but when I try to connect to Oracle from toad 10.5 I am getting the error 'TNS: could not resolve the connect identifier specified (XE)'.From toad I tried direct and TNS options but it did not work. My tns ora file looks like below.

XE =

TNS_ADMIN variable has correct parameter and Toad is directing the correct TNS file. I tried changing hostname with my system's ip but still I am unable to connect to Oracle from Toad.

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Client Tools :: Oracle Toad 8.6 Install In Window 7?

Apr 25, 2010

I am try to install the oracle toad 8.6 in oracle 11g 32bit for window 7 operating system.

- the install oracle toad completed, but trying to connection to the database, unable to connect, nothing error when trying to connect.

-is oracle toad 8.6 support to window 7? any version for oracle toad to support window 7.

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Client Tools :: Comparison Of Toad And Oracle Enterprise Manager?

Feb 12, 2013

comparison of oracle and toad products.I know we have oracle enterprise manager for doing application and enterprise management.I am listing the tools from toad

Can list the tools from oracle which have or perform the same functionality.

Toad Development Suite for Oracle
Toad DBA Suite for Oracle
Toad for SQL Server Professional Edition
Toad for SQL Server Xpert Edition
Toad Data Point Pro Edition
Toad Data Point Pro Edition- with analytics


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Client Tools :: Does Toad 8.5 Work With Oracle 10gr Database

Jul 7, 2010

We plan to migrate the databases to Oracle 10gR2 from Oracle 9i. know whether Toad 8.5 works fine with Oracle 10gR2 or not?

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Instant Client :: ORA-12545 / Connect Failed Because Target Host Or Object Does Not Exist

Jan 31, 2013

I have installed the Oracle Instant Client* on UNIX(Mac OS X Lion 10.7.5), and I want to use it on localhost because i just want to study and test it.but here, the some error appeared to me. so I was so screwed up.

here is the error messages and the settings


~ user$ sqlplus scott tiger


ORA-12545: Connect failed because target host or object does not exist

env settings:

$ORACLE_SID="Oracle 10g+ASM" // I don't know what ORACLE_SID means

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Client Tools :: Connect With Sqlplus Or Toad - Unable To Initialize Oracle Call Interface

Sep 6, 2012

when i try to connect with sqlplus or toad then i get an error

Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7600]
Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
SP2-1503: Unable to initialize Oracle call interface
SP2-0152: ORACLE may not be functioning properly

and i want to tell what i do before it-my all files were be converted in .FLT then i shorted out this problem after that when i tried to connect with sqlplus or toad then i get above error.and i have restarted my system but throwing same error.

i am using oracle on windows 7

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Cannot Connect Oracle Instance Remotely In LAN

Jun 24, 2012

I have installed oracle 10g database in the my local laptop ( Windows 7) . This laptop is in LAN. I am not able to connect from other machines in LAN. When i open sqlplus, SQL Developer from the same machine, i was able to login to the instance.

But when i want to login from the other machines in LAN. I was not able to connect. I was able to ping the server on which the database was installed from other machines. why i am not able to connect ?

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Client Tools :: Getting Error While Connecting To DB In PL/SQL Developer

Dec 5, 2012

I am able to connect to the DB in TOAD , but I am not able to connect to the DB in PL/SQL developer.

PL/SQL developer

01.61091 - Unlimited user license
Windows 7 6.1 Build 7601 (Service Pack 1)
Oracle 11g

I am getting the below error

ORA-12154: TNS could not resolve the connect identifier specified

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Networking And Gateways :: Connecting 32 Bit Client On 64 Bit Server

Feb 15, 2011

I am having difficulty in making the 32 bit Oracle client connection to an existing 64 bit DB. The 64 bit SQL*Plus will connect just fine, but when trying to configure the 32 bit client I can never get a successful TEST of the connection. It always returns "No TNS Listener". I have tried several things, but may be way off base. To name a couple ...

1) Stopped the 64 bit listener so my 32 bit listener can use Port 1521 ... no success
2) Tried naming the 32 bit listener to LISTENER32 to not conflict with the original LISTENER name ... no success

If there is a documented way to make this work, I would surely like to be pointed to the "how to" of this item. I need this as a commercial application I have that connects to the DB requires the 32 bit client.

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Client Tools :: New TOAD After Old One

Sep 26, 2011

I was downloaded new version of TOAD for Oracle version 10.6 and I try to connect to my current database (oracle xe) and TOAD raise an error ORA-12154 Could not connect to XE..., but with old version of TOAD 9.6 all works fine. What can be an solutions?

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Client Tools :: Toad Out Of Memory

Aug 30, 2012

2 questions:

I'm fighting with a fairly large set of dynamic queries created by some developer (often SQL is over 2MB) accessing plenty of tables having something like 1000 columns...

Formatting of such query takes ages in Toad while is pretty fast in Oracle SQL Developer... SQL developer is running plenty write operations in local app data directory... moving it onto a ram-drive didn't worked how I could optimize Toad's formatter?

I'm often accessing a small table which has 100 columns of type VARCHAR2(4000).

The problem is that I cannot see the results of such query as Toad is throwing "out of memory" exception. How to deal with that?

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Client Tools :: Installation Of Toad 10.1

Apr 22, 2010

Had some annoying problems with installing TOAD on Windows 7, 64 bit.Got I working now, but anyway I thought I share it here.

1. Toad 10.1(latest) doesn't work with the Oracle 64 bit client. The problem is that this is a limitation of the tool Quest uses to build Toad. So that will not work in a "near" future.

2. Never choose the default suggested installation path which is "C:Program Files(86)",that will mess it up totally. Point to a new or existing directory without brackets.

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Client Tools :: Toad And Windows 7?

Sep 15, 2011

Our company has finally undertaken the task of getting us all off Windows XP and onto Windows 7. My turn came this afternoon, they gave us all clean installs and after walking through oracle client, toad, visual studio setup I finally started using it an Toad is unbearably bad. I have found:

Loaded files suddenly become read only for no apparent reasonAfter selecting a file on a network drive and clicking the open button, a blank edit pane is loaded in place of the file, sometimes it has the name of the file sometimes no name and sometimes I get an error that the file does not exist Empty file listings, I will browse into a directory that has files in it but toad shows nothing or freezes completely

I have not used Windows 7 much or this version of Toad at all I am loading much of this over the network so that is one possible culprit but it has never been a problem in the past with XP or older versions of toad

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Client Tools :: Can Install Toad In Mac OS

Mar 2, 2010

whether we can install Toad in Mac OS.

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Client Tools :: Wait Tab In Toad

Mar 30, 2011

I open the session browser and wait tab . here is the image

what does the wait_time and second_in_wait indicate , some times I saw wait_time more that 15 seconds what does this mean ?

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Client Tools :: How To Enable Profiler In Toad

Oct 2, 2010

I'm using toad to do my plsql development. How I can enable the Profiling option so that I can analyse the performance of my stuff - currently the grey profiler icon is greyed out

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