I want to manage my database remotely, through Internet. Is it possible to do that with OEM? Where can I find information related to this? Is there another monitoring software that allows me to perform this?
I am having a database running in my windows 2003 server and I want to configure Enterprise manager for that database to check the resource utilization during the peak hours and also the number of transactions...
i have already give the grant option cnnect,resource to scott but it is not connecting to enter prise manager console of Oracle database 11gR1. i am getting this error while connecting "The application requires more database privileges than you have currently been granted. Click on Help to get more version specific information"
when i am giving scott the dba rights then it is connecting. but i cann't give dba rights to scott.so, how/what is the specific command to give permission scott for connecting to enter prise manager console.
We have the Oracle Enterprise Manager Grid Control We recently upgraded our Databases from to and since then we are having this problem.
Whenever i click an Agent on the Grid Control it gives me this error: "Communication between the Oracle Management Service host to the Agent host is unavailable. Any functions or displayed information requiring this communication link will be unavailable. For example: deleting/configuring/adding targets, uploading metric data, or displaying Agent home page information such as Agent to Management Service Response Time (ms)."
I get the same error when i try to configure a host or a database.
My problem is i install Oracle 9i enterprise edition in windows xp professional but at the time of oracle database confiuration assistent it show me following errors it show:
we have 5 database servers in different locations,
1.main database 10g(production) ip- 2.standby for production 10g ip-
both are linux
3.another database 10g windows 4. another database 9i windows
both are in same location
5.new database 10g in linux ip- some other location i m having a system windows xp installed i m monitoring, all 10g by oracle enterpric manager linux os monitor by Putty software
and i m monitoring below 10g database by sqlplus. now how could i monitor all the database by oracle enterprise manager grid control installed in my system that windows OS installed.
i have change my database name successful but after that when i open my enterprise manager i can open it but i cannot do anything in enterprise manager . i cannot show any tabs there.. i have attached my this enterprise manager login page here
I'm trying to install OMS on AIX and one of the prerequisites is JDK 1.6.0 SR6 but I couldn't find it in the IBM site, can some one tell me where can I download JDK 1.6.0 SR6?
I am trying to start enterprise manager without success. i used to work after installation of db 10g but do day when i run the command below it fails. also i donot see any thing useful in the logs that am being directed to directory /oracle/Ora10R2/Orahome/localhost.localdomain_dse/sysman/log
I have two databases on the same oracle 11g install. The first (ORCL) database uses the default port for EM (1158). However, I don't know what the second one uses. I go to the portlist.ini file, but it only has the entry for the default (ORCL) database.
When i run EM ,in my explorer show these SID = ORCL
instance is open agent is up but ...listener is down .my listener is active and run.... however i can connect to DataBase and execute DDL or DML transactions.How i could resolve it ?
I have install oracle 11g database enterprise edition But i cannot find the Oracle Enterprise Manager after the installation. i want the gui based Oracle Enterprise Manager i have access the the web base Oracle Enterprise Manager but not the gui based.how to use and download the GUI Based Oracle Enterprise Manager ....
when i install a db using the Assistant Configuartion Database i get no error exept this:
Enterprise manager configuration failed due to the following error - Listener is not up. Start the listener and run EM configuration again. Refer to the log file at C:\Oracle\cfgtoollogs\dbca\emConfig. Log for more details. You can retry configuring this database with Enterprise Manager later by manually running C:\Oracle\product\11.1.0\db_1\bin\emca script.
when I run the form and do some action intheform (call procedure , etc..) how can to see what is the process in running in OEM? Do it have any way to monitor it?
I am trying to install OEM but the GUI asks for weblogic server home.i checked many documents in net but none has weblogic installation procedure. Is it the sequence of installation ?
am trying to create a backup job in my UAT/testing instance, but with little success. I'm trying to create a backup job to disk (backup is to be stored in a drive local to the DB server) and it seems simple enough, but I keep getting the following error:
The job submission has failed for the following reason
ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: hex to raw conversion error ORA-06512: at "SYSMAN.DECRYPT", line 5 ORA-06512: at "SYSMAN.MGMT_CREDENTIAL", line 408 ORA-06512: at SYSMAN.MGMT_CREDENTIAL", line 1007 ORA-06512: at "SYSMAN.MGMT_CREDENTIAL", line 1400 ORA-06512: at SYSMAN.MGMT_JOBS", line 295 ORA-06512: at "SYSMAN.MGMT_JOBS", line 78 ORA-06512: at line 1
In "Recovery Settings", I have a "Flash Recovery Area Location" defined (path local to the DB -i.e. the server that the DB resides on), a "Flash Recovery Area Size" of 4 defined, and a Flashback Retention Time of 24 hours defined. Everything else is riding default values.
In "Backup Settings", there's nothing defined. Everything here is riding default values. As I understand it, not specifying a Disk Backup Location is fine so long as the Flash Recovery Area is defined. All the local services are turned on (scheduling, etc.).
If it's relevant, I mirrored the recovery/backup settings in UAT to the same as PROD, but changed what I needed to in order to accommodate the UAT environment (e.g. paths, etc.)
enctl is started but its status shows that EM Daemon is not running.What does it mean?And how can i reolve this error.
oracle@srv603484:~> emctl start dbconsole TZ set to US/Pacific Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Database Control Release Copyright (c) 1996, 2005 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
I have been starting to use OEM 10g and am configuring backups through the maintenance portion. Is there a way to get backup success / failure notification sent to an email address?
I suddenly started getting this error message "Error
java.lang.Exception: IOException in sending Request :: Connection refused: connect ". on the dbconsole of my database. Any clue where to proceed or how to find whats causing this error.
i am learning oracle technologies,i downloaded and installed 11g and log in as sys as sysdba in enterprise manager,in em certain tasks ask for password again, for example in main page when you want to edit the listener it asks for password, the problem is what kind a password does it want?, i tried os password and sys or system password but it did not work, it also happens when you try to shutdown the database,it asks for os and below it asks for another password,
I worked on SQL Server used a GUI,SQL Server Profiler, to debug queries. In ORACLE how to debug queries.Is there any GUI utility for debugging?.Can i see all the queries run by a specific user?.
I am trying to use Database Replay in 11g Release 1 using Enterprise Manager. In the last step it asks for 'Host Credentials' to start the capture. But when i give the username and password for the host, it throws error as 'Invalid username/password' all the time.
I am an OEM Gird Control 11g server with Oracle 11.2.0 running on OEL 5.3
I also have 2 node RAC cluster running Oracle 11.2.0 on OEL 5.3. I have installed OEM Agent on nodes of this cluster. I can see them on OEM Grid Console. When I check the configuration of the Database Instance GTRD1 (one of my target instance)I can see that the "Listener Machine Name" is the management IP address of target database server. Similarly Database Instance GTRD2 has the management IP address of target database server. When I click test conenctions it works. This is without entering any reference to this server/IP address in /etc/hosts file.
But when I select targets->all targets->Database Instance GTRD1 and then try to access performance tab, it does not connect. I get this error "The Network Adapter could not establish the connection"
Looking at the "emoms.trc" I find the follwing
2012-04-30 14:02:12,071 [EMUI_14_02_12_/console/database/instance/sitemap] ERROR perf.sitemapPerfChart logp.251 - java.sql.SQLException: The Network Adapter could not establish the connection
The Connect Descriptor was (description=(address=(host=GTRD-scan.GTRD)(protocol=tcp)(port=1521))(connect_data=(service_name=GTRD1)(instance_name=GTRD1)(UR=A)))java.sql.SQLException: The Network Adapter could not establish the connection
The Connect Descriptor was (description=(address=(host=GTRD-scan.GTRD)(protocol=tcp)(port=1521))(connect_data=(service_name=GTRD1)(instance_name=GTRD1)(UR=A)))
But when I enter the scan address in the /etc/hosts as " GTRD-scan.GTRD" Then everythign work works. NOTE: is GTRD1 server and is GTRD2 server
Now my questions are: 1. Do I must enter scan address/ref "GTRD-scan.GTRD" in /etc/hosts? 2. Is there are way to change it to use hostname or the IP address? 3. If I am to use scan address, then how I refer to the other IP address in hosts file?
I am getting one error message while installing this OEM grid control in existing DB. this error come at last in configuration step. This is the error stack:
Getting temporary tablespace from database... Found temporary tablespace: TEMP Checking SYS Credentials ... OK. Checking DB Init Parameters ... OK. Checking for Repos User ... Does not Exist. Loading necessary DB objects ... Checking DB Object (DBMS_SHARED_POOL , PACKAGE) ... Exists. DBMS POOL package exists. Done Loading necessary DB objects Creating repos user ... Done. Creating EM Schema ... Failed. Repository Creation failed. Failed to create repository schema. Configuration assistant "Enterprise Manager Repository Creation Assistant" failed -------- I am using oracle on Windows XP.
what this error means? or any way that complete without it and later create manually.