I have multibyte CSV files (extract from BI) : Excel says "Unicode txt" and when I save them from Excel in "Text CSV", they get half the size on the disk.
here is the piece of code where the uploaded file get converted from blob to clob then to varchar2 (CSV Util from Oleg.Lihvoinen [URL]...
SELECT blob_content
INTO v_blob_data
FROM wwv_flow_files
WHERE NAME = p_file_name;
I have tried different values for "blob_csid := 873 ;" (and by the way, the list of possible values for this code is very difficult to find : I know, there is a function CS_name to CS_ID but a list would be great), but without any visible effect.If I use the Apex CSV uploader app, the result is the same than with this code.
is an example :
instead of :
How I can have these files imported whithout an Excel conversion ?
I get an ERR-7621 from Apex whenever I do anything in an application the tries to read a file. For example importing images, css files, themes, or applications. Even the data loader app will get the error if you choose to load a "csv" file. The following appears in my Apex Listener Log (version 2 early adopter). I am running 4.1.1 of Apex and also have another server running the same where the problem does not exist. Following is the log output whenever the load occurs:
Sep 28, 2012 11:21:18 AM com.sun.grizzly.http.servlet.ServletAdapter doService SEVERE: service exception: java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "" at java.lang.NumberFormatException.forInputString(NumberFormatException.java:48)
I got error "Upload New Image must be specified. Click browse to select an image from your local computer" while i upload image in shared components>image>create ...
my logo is saved in local drive D. when i browse file and click to upload it gives error that i mentioned. This is happening with every uploading weather its image or weather its plugin.
I have been searching the forum (and Google) looking for tips on how to ensure users can only upload files of specific formats (Word, PDF, etc) for specific document types as defined within the application (e.g. Curriculum Vitae (Word), Copy of Transcripts (PDF)).
While I have used this research to start work on a server-side solution, I would like to know if there is an apex-friendly way to "validate" a file-browse item based on mime-type.
When i am uploading data in an excel file to my Forms(Windows) the screen works fine but when i am uploading the same excel file to my forms in AIX(Where the application is running) the data is uploaded with decimal points.
The field is a char type and no format mask is set.
E.g. : Actual data: In Form(Windows) In Form (AIX) 4080026 4080026 4080026.0
When i am uploading data in an excel file to my Forms(Windows) the screen works fine . But when i am uploading the same excel file to my forms in AIX(Where the application is running) the data is wrongly uploaded . The field is a number type and no format mask is set.
E.g. : Actual data:---------- In Form(Windows)------In Form (AIX) 3101513480750030000 3101513480750030000 3101513480750029800
I'm uploading data from excel to our database using forms thru webutil. The problem is when I open the same excel file while the upload process is in progress, the uploading stops, BUT not displaying any error. Not even when I chick Help->Show error.
How could I prevent this error and how to trap and display error message?
I'm looking for a solution to hyperlink to a local file (i.e. C:/test.txt). I want that the user clicks on a "browse file" button like the file browse item. after the user selected a file or just a folder the path should be shown in a display only item. this item should be clickable...
Is it possible to create a "Browse file" dialog? I know that to link to a file is possible with some HTML tags in the "pre element text" and "post element text" fields. something like "<a href="... but I don't know how this works.
I need to change "File Character" when I export application with Apex version, but this option, is not possible. The ComboBox already select with
"Unicode UTF-8]', but I need "ISO-8859-1 - Europa Ocidental",
I have a table with full path and name of a document or a URL.
Users can now open one of these documents by klicking on a link. P:Document est.doc or URL....
Some times this document no longer exisits. How do I make sure the user gets a correct error message? URL....How do I make sure the user gets a correct error message?
I want to print a report using the apex, but it looks like you need to configure BI, Is there an easy way to print it online and not print the page, which is page report.
My application has several update-able forms. And I build a single staging table to store all these records.
The user wants a button on the last form and by clicking on this button they want to export the file(updated records from all the forms) in ASCII format.
if its do-able or not in apex since I haven't come across this kind of request earlier and didn't find the same in this forum?
I'm trying to upload a xml file into a table but I don't know which separator do I have to select to show the columns well. I does not recognize the columns.
In my apex application needs to import data files, through end users. The fields in this file are not separated by any character (structure is not classic CSV), but have a fixed width.
How to do?
Scenario 1:
import file to a temporary table with a blob column, create a trigger for this table via a PL / SQL code meet end table
I'm starting with APEX, I would like to know how to insert the contents of a file. Csv in a table, how to map a file to a table, how to insert file contents. Xls in a table.
I would like to ask if is possible to translate the "Browse..." button of File Browse item.
For me it seems that the button cannot be translated to a different language. I have tried to export the XLIFF and there is no string like "Browse...", also I have tried to edit it manually in translation repository, but the string is not present here.
While I try to download a file using the below code; an HTTP 404 error is coming although the proc is being called and the parameter is correctly being passed.
create or replace procedure download_myfile1(p_id in number) as v_mime varchar2(255); v_length number;
It shows a POP up window by which u can save or opens the file. But no pop up displayed in this case.
I want to upload file using restful service This is my code to send file to rest service
MultipartEntity reqEntity = new MultipartEntity(HttpMultipartMode.BROWSER_COMPATIBLE); FileBody bin = new FileBody(f); FormBodyPart bodypart = new FormBodyPart("file", bin); reqEntity.addPart(bodypart);
But how can i retrive at server side in restful service using plsql?
I am trying to upload big files to individual table with BLOB column. During upload process after long time approx. 2h I get the following error message:
[#|2012-08-01T19:03:01.667+0200|WARNING|sun-appserver2.1|java.lang.Class|_ThreadID=27;_ThreadName=httpSSLWorkerThread-8082-2;_Reques tID=4cec5fc8-b9e1-4017-a859-8759ec1f5d37;|oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleBlobOutputStream.flushBuffer(OracleBlobOutputStream.java:236) java.io.IOException: ORA-01013: user requested cancel of current operation [code]....
I am using Glassfish Server v2.1.1 with APEX Listener v1. Timeout parameters for JDBC settings in APEX Listener are default. Thus I would expect to abort earlier to be an issue of JDBC Connection?
I am using jasper integration package ..from www.opal-consulting.de using apex 4 and i Am currently able to generate pdf invoice..using jasper and store in a database.. table.
I need to generate the pdf invoice in the background ..without displaying in my screen..Without downloading on my machine..And store directly into the database table..
Not able to understand what's wrong with the code. I am trying to import data to a table using a CSV file. I have exported the data (CSV) from the interactive report and I am just trying to insert the same data to the table, through a process. When, I tried to do so; its throwing an error message saying NO_DATA_FOUND and file is not getting inserted into wwv_flow_files table.
But when I removed the data from the CSV file for the comments field and then tried importing the file, the process worked. I don't understand whats the problem with the code.
I have a sample app setup in my workspace for this weird problem.
Workspace details:
CSV file with comments field and data in it - when trying to import - throws an error message NO_DATA_FOUND
CSV file with comments field and without data in it - tried importing - this worked
I am using Oracle APEX 4.0. I want to create a tabular form with one column as File Browse field.I've created form using APEX_ITEM and file browse item using pure HTML tags as we do not have any such item in APEX_ITEM. So these fields are appearing now but how do I save uploaded files in APEX_APPLICATION_FILES and then in my table?