Application Express :: ORA-56720 - I/O Data Limit Exceeded - Call Aborted

Sep 16, 2012

I have a workspace on [URL] I tried to copy an application. It gives me

GET_STMT error. ORA-56720: I/O data limit exceeded - call aborted:281:0

ORA-56720: I/O data limit exceeded - call aborted

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SQL & PL/SQL :: ORA-2391 / Exceeded Simultaneous SESSIONS_PER_USER Limit

Feb 3, 2008

I am using Oracle 10.2.03 database with 1.1 web application,

My application deployed on the production, but I got the Oracle Error:

ORA-2391: exceeded simultaneous SESSIONS_PER_USER limit

Can I have suitable remedy for this error?

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TNS-00510 / Internal Limit Restriction Exceeded

Aug 23, 2011

TNS-12540: TNS:internal limit restriction exceeded

TNS-12560: TNS:protocol adapter error

TNS-00510: Internal limit restriction exceeded

DEC OSF/1 AXP Error: 28: No space left on device

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Application Express :: 4.2 - 200 Page Items Limit

Jan 8, 2013

I have a master-detail form which was getting close to the 100 items per page limit in Apex 4.0 which I then scaled back and got to work properly. I had thought that I could start adding more columns to the detail part of the form since 4.2 was supposed to have increased that limit. I am finding that this does not seem to be true at least in the case of this particular form. I tried increasing and started getting 404 errors when trying to save data--same symptom I had had with 4.0. I am back nearly to the same # of columns I started with--and nowhere near the 200 limit. Columns are month by month projection data that I had hoped to extend with the increased page item limit.

I missing something required to take advantage of larger page items limit? Do I need to use one of the new templates?

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Backup & Recovery :: ORA-19809 / Limit Exceeded For Recovery Files

Mar 22, 2012

while opening my database i got this error i already increase my db_recovery_file_dest_size but still i got this error

E:oracleproduct10.2.0db_1BIN>SET ORACLE_SID=LIVEDB
SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Thu Mar 22 11:14:47 2012
Copyright (c) 1982, 2007, Oracle. All Rights Reserved.
Enter user-name: SYS AS SYSDBA
Enter password:
Connected to:
Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options


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Application Express :: Script Output Reached Maximum Workspace Result Size Limit

Oct 18, 2013

I have created a workspace to use oracle apex, after a while I tried to run a script, the following message has been displayed to me,  The script output reached the maximum workspace result size limit. Delete existing results or contact your administrator to increase the maximum workspace result size.

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Application Express :: How To Call EDQ Web Service

Oct 2, 2012

I am trying to figure out a way to call EDQ (enterprise Data Quality) web service from APEX ?

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Application Express :: Call Javabean From 4.2

Apr 3, 2013

How can i call a java bean from apex 4.2 ?. Actually i call my javabean from oracle forms 10.2.0, but i will like to call it from apex. i am using windows OS.

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Application Express :: How To Call Apex From Forms Without SSO

Feb 6, 2013

We'll soon start an upgrade of our Forms / Reports 6i Application to 11g. I was wondering, maybe, it would be nice to add some value for the upgrade process as a whole, using some of Apex new features like web mobile interface or maybe an integration between Forms an Apex, for example to provide users with the powerful features of Interactive Reports, just to name one.

I have found this interesting link: URL.... (not a 100% clear for me, but at least it is a start).Obviously, to make it attractive, one would expect automatic login between the two Apps. As far as i know, this could be done like this:

1) Using SSO. With that a Portal / Forms / Reports/ Discoverer/ version would be mandatory (too expensive for some clients).

2) Oracle Access Manager? Not sure, can Oracle Forms connect to Access Manager? or LDAP? How about the licensing costs?. Not a clue.

3) Make all Apex pages public? Not feasible.

4) Now this one: in our forms application, every user authenticates within the application and we internally map that application user to an actual database user. At all times we hold metadata info about the current user (app, and DB), as well as application context. So this is my question:

It is possible to create an Apex app, with database authentication method, and somehow pass the metadata from forms, and have a kind of custom login procedure that does all the application to DB user conversion process and application context setting?

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Application Express :: Call A Process On Logout URL In 4.2?

Jan 3, 2013

I m using apex4.2 with wls10.3 and database 11g

I m trying to call a process on log out URLIn apex4.1 in authentication scheme we have logout url were we change the page were we need to redirect on logout click

But In apex4.2 under authentication scheme Post-Logout URL

I have given url here like this apex_authentication. logoutp_session _id=&SESSION. &p_app_id=&APP_ID.:117 on this page i have the two process but i m getting error System Unavailable.

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Application Express :: Call OS Shell Script

Jun 13, 2012

I have a batch script "backup.bat" . How can I call this script in my Apex page? I have search the forum but their explanation is complicated. I can understand it better using sample apps. Add a sample call script in:


workspace: dev_ws_100

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Application Express :: Call Dynamic Action From Link

Nov 28, 2012

All I want to do is call a DA from an HTML link, is it possible? Do I call the DA function like I do with JS?

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Application Express :: Painting Page Error During AJAX Call

Feb 15, 2013

I am doing a simple AJAX call test with the emp table. In my page I have a search field and a report and a button. You put in a text and click search and you will get the result which all works.

I have a requirement where if you click the button and there is no matching search you will get redirected to another page, else just reload the report to display the result as usual.

So I took the AJAX route where I am running a concurrent search when user enters a text and clicks the button. If the search count(*) > 0 then return return count else return 0.

The code for application process is:

CCOUNT number;
Select count(*) into ccount

The code for my Java script (still working on this) is :

<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">

function search_count()
var get = new htmldb_Get(null,null,'APPLICATION_PROCESS=SEARCH',0);
get.add('F_SEARCH_RESULT', $v('P1_ENAME'));
var gReturn = get.get();     

i am testing this code in Firebug and when I do a console.log(gReturn) on the output of the AJax call I am getting this error which stops me from processing the result of gReturn and finish off the code. The error looks like:

<h1>Error occurred while painting error page: ORA-01403: no data found</h1>
</body></html>I have tried adding exeption when no_data_found but with no luck. Still throws the same error. My APEX version is 4.2,

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Application Express :: Dynamic Action Call From An Interactive Report?

Jul 6, 2012

I’m on APEX 4.1, 11gR2, Windows 7 and the latest version of Firefox. I have an interactive report. I want the end user to have the ability to click on a row level link and launch a modal pop up view of another page. Ideally, I'd like to be able to use the Skillbuilders plug-in. I can get it to work if I just go the full page route but I cannot figure out a way to get it to work as a modal pop up. I’ve tried various methods, none of which work, but the one I believe I should be following is by using a page level Dynamic action that fires when a JQuery Selector found item is clicked. The problem I’m having is that I cannot find the correct JQuery Selector syntax for the column. My report has a static ID of IDN and my column a header of PARTS. The best I can manage is not to see anything happen other than a page refresh (when the link is set to the same page). I do not see and firebug console errors.

I’ve replaced the dynamic action modal page call with an alert, which is not showing, to make sure that it's not the plug-in configuration that is causing the problem.

what I should be filling in in the JQuery Selector field of the DA and what the link attributes should be? Given that I wish to redirect from page 1 to page 2, what do I put in the other link fields?

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Application Express :: How To Call Function Behind The Button And Update Only Specific Record

Oct 3, 2012

1 - i want to ask few things as i m new to apex, i am using apex 4.1, and created 3 select list and a button in selecting of parameter,

1 select list : select area
2 select list: select product
3- select list - size of the product

i want to generate Ids for the following. for that i created query for INSERTING RECORD FROM ONE TABLE TO ANOTHER , generation the ids when button pressed "Generate" after selecting parameters,

Now where i call that QUERY on button ? because when i create button its gives me option to submit, defined dynamic action, etc, where i call the function name id_generation when button pressed?

2- second thing i created tabular " select user_id, product_name, product_type from product".

By default check box list are create delete submit button are created, first when i insert record it saves that was fine, e.g i entered 50 records and afterward i want to update only one record, e.g there is a record product name = box, if i change it to box small and click submit then it saves all the page means all 50 records,

I want to submit only that record that i changed, for that i use the logic that only those records should be updated which are checked but the user. how will i do this ?

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Application Express :: Dynamic Actions Call A Javascript Function On All Text Items

Feb 21, 2013

On a tabular form I have 50 columns each an input box , (basically 50 weeks of the year)

in these boxes I want to make them numbers only and max length 2

currently I have in the ELEMENT ATTRIBUTES for each column

OnFocus="javascript:this.maxLength=2"; onKeyPress="return numbersonly(this,event)";

( I have a function called numbers only in page 0 )

what I would like to do , to make it more maintainable is to remove all the calls in the element attributes of each column

and put it in 2 dynamic actions how would I go about this ?

I have tried using jquery selector of input:text to call javascript code on both events , Get focus and Key Press for every text box but its not working .

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SQL & PL/SQL :: ORA-01000 Maximum Open Cursors Exceeded Frequently While Running Application In Java

Jun 23, 2011

I am working on SQL,PLSQL and my application is in Java. I have 2 schemas in same database.

In one schema, the DML operations are very slow while in other schema is fine.

Also I am getting an error ORA-01000 maximum open cursors exceeded frequently while running application in Java.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Session Aborted After Closing Window?

Nov 24, 2010

I created following table and procedure

create table t(n number);
create or replace procedure prc as
insert into t values (1);


I opened 2 sessions

from session -1, I executed

exec prc

from session -2, I executed

select * from t;

In the middle of the execution when I had following values inserted into t, I closed the sql window of session where I was executing the process prc

select * from t;

and found that the session got terminated and no values inserted into table t after this.

I may be missing some basic oracle stuff here but I was expecting the session would continue running on the server inserting values in table t upto 6.

I would like to know in which case a session executed from sql client will continue even while the sql window is closed?

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Application Express :: Where Sample Application Data Stored

Apr 11, 2013

I downloaded a sample chart application from oracle website


it is working perfectly, but I want to know how it is build exactly. This is one of the queries,

"select null link,
decode(status,'Closed',100,'Open',60,'On-Hold',10,'Pending',0) status
from eba_demo_chart_tasks
order by project"

But I don't know where eba_demo_chart_tasks is stored, where can I find it!

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Session Restriction - Limit Number Of Open Application Actions By Some Os User?

Sep 17, 2013

,in 11g,is there a way I could limit the number of open application actions by some os user ?We have an application where users are executing the same thing while the last is not yet finished,so we have several same things runninng at the same time executed by the same user.

Can we restrict that somehow through the database or that needs to be  done through application?

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Application Express :: Second LOV Data Depends On Selected Data Of First LOV?

Jul 14, 2012

In my page, I have two items(type Popup LOV): P2_APP and P2_MOD and I've created two LOVs for each item. What I want is that when I select one value in first LOV in second LOV I'll get data that is related with select value in first LOV.

My table logic in database is ok, and select statements are alright.

I think that select statement in second LOV is not fetching data from first LOV item:

select MOD_NAME as display_value, MOD_CODE as return_value
from MODS
where APPLICATION= *:P2_APP* <-------- this is first LOV item with data previously selected
order by 1

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Insert Data Into Another Table With FORALL Bulk Collect Limit 1000

Aug 21, 2011

Table contains 10k records,we are going to insert data into another table with FORALL bulk collect limit 1000. if i use 10000 ,it's completed fast compared to 1000 limit.Can u tell me which one is better Limit.

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Application Express :: Data Entry Validation

Feb 25, 2013

I have to check if an entered item is identical to a previous entered item.

Tried to use the Page Level Validation but am confused with the way to do it.

P.S> The issue is that the entered item should be identical to part of the previous item (i.e. substr(P5_item, 1, 8)...)

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Application Express :: Possible Data Loading Export Bug

Jun 8, 2012

I am using Oracle XE (11g) with APEX and Glassfish for the APEX Listener.I created a Data Upload set of pages and things worked great. I then exported the whole application and imported it into a new environment that was the same except the schema name was different. It was a different owner. I then tested the data upload in the new schema/environment and could not get the data loading to recognize the table. Upon comparison of the Shared Components between the two environments I discovered that the imported application in the new environment was still looking for the original schema name. The name is not editable via the Shared Components page. I had to recreate the pages and have it create a new Data Loading object before things worked again.

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Application Express :: 4.1 - Active Directory Data

Aug 22, 2013

I have one question. Is there any way to get some users data from active directory? I already have authentication scheme wich interact with AD, but now I need to get e-mail address from user who will login into application. Our Apex version is 4.1.

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Application Express :: Upload Data From CSV / XLS To Table

Jul 25, 2013

I am new to the Upload data from excel to Table..... how to implement on this.....I need code for UpLoad CSV/XLS Files to the Table ....Table name T_UPLOAD have contains 40 columns....

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Application Express :: ORA-01403 / No Data Found

Nov 26, 2012

if I click button RUN here -> f?p=4000:1500 i have error: ORA-01403: no data found

Problem is if I set Application - BuilderApplication xxx - User Interfaces - User Interface Details - Home URL = f?p=&APP_ALIAS.:2:&SESSION. (&APP_ALIAS searched alias for apex builder).

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Application Express :: Unloading Data From A Table

Mar 21, 2013

I'm trying to unload data from a table, so i go to SQL Workshop > Utilities > Data Workshop > Data Unload to Text, i select my table, select the columns, give the condition to unload the data of the last month (between sysdate-28 and sysdate), then i select the comma separator, including the column names, and finally press "Unload Data"...the file is downloaded correctly, but when i open the file, the data is not ordered as i expected.

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Application Express :: How To Access Data Of All Users In A Page

Jan 23, 2013

I have installed APEX on my local machine, created a workspace, and added a few users with roles.

I am creating an application, similar to a Library app, where I have a table that stores Books information (BOOK_ID, BOOK_NAME, etc). I'd like to create another table BOOK_USER with two columns, BOOK_ID and USER_ID. BOOK_ID would refer to the BOOKS table, and I want USER_ID to refer to the table that stores user details of the workspace that I am using. The data entry would happen from a page that has two LOVs, one for book name (using BOOK_ID as the value) and another for user name (USER_ID, or whatever field APEX uses to store user's ID). Can I do that in APEX? I've found ways to access and authenticate a user for a page, but how to get data of all users in the workspace? In other words, how to get all usernames in a LOV?

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Application Express :: Retrieve All Data From One Multiple Checkbox To Another?

Jul 11, 2012

How do you retrieve all data from one multiple checkbox to another? The method I'm using returns one choice even though multiple have been chosen.

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