Application Express :: Create Charts With 4.1?

Jan 29, 2013

I need to create a Radar Chart, this kind of chart isn't avaible on APEX then, I should buid it, I have found some models of this chart, but I'm not getting sucefull when I try to use the data from my database.

I'm using APEX 4.1.

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Application Express :: Pie Charts Not Displaying

Jun 25, 2013

I just upgraded from APEX 4.1.1 to APEX 4.2.2All is good, but I can't create pie charts.  Pie Charts never worked for me, but I waited until 4.2.2 to try again.  Still will not work. I imported the workspace from my previous APEX version,so something must not be set correct in my workspace.  I can create the pie chart on

Here's my info:- Application Express Version:  4.2.2- Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production- OS  Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 5.9- WebLogic 10.3.5- Apex Listener

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Application Express :: Develop Charts And Dashboards

Oct 18, 2012

using APEX can we develop Charts and dashboards.

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Application Express :: Printing BI Reports For Charts

Nov 21, 2012

I am using "Function Returning SQL Query" (as query is dynamic) to draw the bar chart (flash).

I am facing some issues while trying creating a BI report for this chart.

Issue is : In Shared Components -> Report Queries : Its only expecting an SQL Query.

Do we have any ways to define a "Function Returning SQL Query" over here ? Note that, If using a static SQL both charts / BI reports are working fine with out any issues.

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Application Express :: XML From Directory To Generate Charts

Jul 17, 2013

I have a requirement create graphs, charts and maps based on data from a data warehouse (dw). 

As I see things, there are two possibilities: Graphs, charts and maps based on an XML fileGraphs, charts and maps based on Oracle tables Both would contain small data sets that will allow for quick response. 

The intent of these graphs, charts and maps is to generate a dashboard that would allow the user to quickly drill down to the desired warehouse data. The proof of concept has already been validated using the Oracle table scenario. 

My question is whether or not this could be accomplished reading xml files for generating the same set of dashboard items?  My Oracle database and APEX environments configuration are as follows: 

NLSRTL  Production Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition    64bit Production PL/SQL   Production TNS for Solaris:                                                              

ProductionApplication Express Listener Release 2.0.2.  / Tomcat  

An Oracle database directory has been setup and is accessible to our APEX application. 

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Application Express :: Charts Not Displaying After Upgrading To HTML5 In 4.2

Feb 20, 2013

I just upgraded my APEX 4.0 application to 4.2, and ran the utility to upgrade my charts to HTML5. After completing the upgrade, I noticed my charts no longer displayed in the region.

I am currently using IE9 to view the application, since that's the browser over 90% of my users have. Is there something more I need to install?

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Application Express :: Multiple Overlapping Series In Charts

Oct 11, 2012

whether the overlapping Multiple series charts are possible in Oracle APEX or not .

I am trying to create two graphs for two data sets , one as marker and another as line , but its giving me issues such as

1) X axis is taking all the points of the first series suppose(
1,5,10,180) itsplotting these first . and its then starting labeling
the x-axis for another one which has values like

so my X-axis is now ---> 1,5,10,180, 20,50,100,10000,150000

In case i make my marker chart series as the 2nd sequence , then its drawing all the markers on the right side of the chart .


Workspace:- NR_WORKSPACE
password:- H123$

whether this thing is achievable in oracle apex or not , is there any work around ?

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Application Express :: Prevent Combining Labels Into Another Category In Charts

May 31, 2013

Is there a way to prevent Apex from combining labels into an "other" category in the charts?

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Application Express :: How To Create Customize Report

May 10, 2013

I am having the table columns called

level1_name, level2_repemail, level2_name, level2_repemail, level3_name, level3_repemail,

using this columns i would like to create a report region as mentioned below.

Lvl 6 | Lvl 7 | Lvl 8 |
Name | Rep | Name Rep | Terr Name Rep |
AP | | AAA | | AAA |
AP | | BBB | | BBB |
AP | | CCC | | CCC |
AP | | DDD | | DDD |

how can i create this type of report.

I am using ORACLE 11G, and APEX 3.2 .

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Application Express :: How To Create 3D Column Chart

Sep 6, 2013

MONTHSTAT_NAMEPERCENTAGE_OF_TOTALApr-08USER_TIME35.43Apr-08SYS_TIME3.74Apr-08BUSY_TIME38.33Sep-13USER_TIME42.92Sep-13BUSY_TIME45.54Apr-08IOWAIT_TIME20.12Aug-13SYS_TIME2.43Aug-13IOWAIT_TIME0.04Aug-13BUSY_TIME45.05Aug-13USER_TIME42.59Sep-13SYS_TIME2.52Sep-13IOWAIT_TIME0.04select null, month, stat_name, Percentage_of_Total from oshistory

I want to create 3d column chart for above chart.

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Application Express :: How To Create Sentry-Function

Jul 18, 2013

I want to build a custom authentication scheme which combines the funcionality of of SSO and a custom authentication function.

1. If the HTTP Header Variable REMOTE_USER is set, this user should be a valid logged on user. (Single Sign On functionality)

2. If the HTTP Header Variable is not set, the LOGIN-Page should appear. (local user Administration)

3. The user/password combination from the login page should be validated by my own authentication function I think I have to create a sentry-Function, which is a combination of the sentry-functions which are used in the schemes "custom" and "HTTP Header Variable". I tried to find an implementation of these functions in the APEX_040200 database scheme, but without success.

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Application Express :: How To Create Authentication Scheme

Aug 16, 2012

Task is to create application for almost 10,000 PHD Scholors, i want to know which authtication scheme i used so that each Scholor can access his/her data only after authtication (Login Page).

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Application Express :: How To Create Multiple PDF Files

Jan 12, 2013

I have two tables, one with the customer address and another one with a note. May I know how to create a separate PDF file (for each customer) that should start with the customer name/address (from customer table) and followed by a note (from the note table)

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Application Express :: How To Create Drill Down Reports

Jun 7, 2012

step to create drill down reports...Find the manager and their employees Manager names are abc, def employees are abc manager employees are john, lilly. def employees are mark,syam

How can i acheive below format.


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Application Express :: Create Tab Menu Like In Sumneva Site

Aug 28, 2012

i want to create tab menu like in sumneva site URL.....

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Application Express :: 4.1 Create Webservice Reference / Test

Aug 29, 2012

I created an report and made it accessible as Restfull server. When I checked the url, I got an XML back. So the service is working.

As test I wanted to create a webservice reference to that same page, but receive ORA-06502 PL/SQL: numeric or value error: hex to raw conversion error whenever I test the service. I tried all kind of options.

URL ...........
(and even parmvalues, lang, output)
outputformat : XML

When I test this service I receive above error. I use Apex 4.1

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Application Express :: How To Create Different Bodies In Single Region

Jul 12, 2012

How to create more than 1 body in a single region. E.g i created report region and under body tag in region all other charts reports are created.

i dont want that .. i want to create different bodies in a single region.

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Application Express :: LOV Select List / How To Create Query With Begin And End

Jun 11, 2012

i am using Apex 3.2 ver.

i want to use below code in LOV select list



When i put this code in my LOV Select list Section then display me Error

Not Found The requested URL /pls/apex/f was not found on this server.

Oracle-Application-Server-10g/ Oracle-HTTP-Server Server at tidevserv1 Port 7777

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Application Express :: How To Create Tabs With Drop Down Submenu Items

Dec 20, 2012

how to create tabs with drop down submenu items like the ones we have under products tab in the link below.


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Application Express :: How To Create A Display Field In Tabular Form

Oct 1, 2012

I am stuck at point.

using apex 4.1, created tabular form for inserting values from customer with a simple query

table name : customer



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Application Express :: How To Create Automatically Item If Value Insert Into Masters

Oct 14, 2013

 i have create service rate card Form for transport Service and i have declare transport component into master lookup table .There is 11 component into master.To Difine rate for a particular transport service i have insert these component name with there rate into another table transport_rate _card.

 To do this i have created page with these 11 component name item and there 11 rate item to enter component rate  with respective services. Problem is if i create 11 component name text item and 11 text item to enter there conmponent rate but if user add 3 or 4 or 5 more componenet name into master then i'll be need to add extra component name text item and component rate text i need to create form where if user add more component into master then component name item and component rate item should be increase automaticaly. 

How i can create form where item added auotmaticaly acording to component which are exist into master table. there is only component name into master table. 

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Application Express :: Create A Global Region In Page 0 And Then Access It From Other Pages?

Apr 26, 2013

I have a number of pages containing charts and gantts. I want the user to be able to filter the data shown in these various charts. More than that, I want the user's filters to persist between pages. So, if they select "Key project = 'Y'" on the gantt page, the gantt will filter - and if they then navigate to a report (bar chart) page, that will also be filtered for Key projects only.

To make this happen, I plan to have an identical sidebar on all these pages. This will contain maybe 8 dropdowns and tickboxes allowing the user to create or remove these filters. Eventually some users might save preferences for certain choices within these dropdowns.

Since the sidebar will almost always be identical from page to page, the smartest approach would seem to be to create one sidebar (as html region) and access that sidebar from all pages rather than copying the code from page to page. Then I thought I'd create application-level items in order to create global variables for each of the dropdowns.

My question is: is this approach possible? And can I create a "global" region in Page 0 and then access it from other pages? (This is how I thought it would work but I have tried and can't see how to do it.)

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Application Express :: How To Create Report Where Depending On Field User Searches On

Oct 12, 2012

APEX 4.1
11g db
Internet explorer 8

I have a region with 4 fields - ID, name, address, telephone. A user can search on any one of theses fields, depending on which field they search on the query is different e.g. Searching on telephone is a different query to searching on address. The query will bring back the same columns, so I just need one report.

How do I create a report where depending on the field the user searches on, it uses the same report but different query.

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Application Express :: How To Pass Parameter / Create New Region / Set Display Point

May 3, 2013

On package application "Customer Tracking", there is good example about Modal Page. Quite simple but it work quite nicely.The step to create this Modal Page:

- Create new region, set display point: After Header and use region template: Modal Region and set the Static ID (eg. ActivityModal)
- Create the page item and put it on the above region (eyample: Name, Company etc.)
- Create a button, set the action to "Redirect to URL" and enter the URL target to: javascript:openModal('ActivityModal');

Now when you click on the button, the modal page will be display.How can I pass a parameter to the modal page, example: I want to pass text 'Johnny' to the Name page item which is on the modal region.

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Application Express :: Coding Stored Procedure - Create Material IN And OUT Form

Nov 21, 2012

I have to develop an application for a store, where some material In and Out on daily basis. and i want to see current status any time.

How to do that means coding of stored procedure, on whose basis i can create material IN and OUT form.

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Application Express :: Create Collection In A Process To Fire On Page Load

Dec 31, 2012

My collection is not working as expected, what could be the issue here. This is what i did,

1. I created a collection in a process to fire on page load

if apex_collection.collection_exists(p_collection_name=>'MMMM') then
end if;

2. On my page i have a text field P1_text1 when i enter value into text field like ="sample data" i want this data loaded into my collection, so i created a button and added a process(on submit - before computations...) so it should insert into the collection when i click the button but no data is loaded, process:

p_collection_name => 'MMMM',
p_c001 => :P1_TEXT1,
p_c002 => 'TESTDATA' );

3. when i run the below query it shows "no data found" ,

SELECT c001,c002
WHERE collection_name = 'MMMM';

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Application Express :: How To Create Validation Only For Created Rows In Tabular Form

Sep 19, 2012

Is it possible to create a validation for tabular form which will be fired only for created?

There is a possibility in APEX 4.1 to choose two types of "*Execution scope*" first is "*For created and Modified Rows*" and second is "*All Submitted Rows*".

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Application Express :: Clearing (or NOT) Form Fields After ARP CREATE Or DELETE Operation

Jan 15, 2013

I understand everything -- <gripe> need better Automated Row Fetch (ARF) documentation </gripe>, but I now have CREATE, QUERY, and DELETE working and I can choose to clear the form (or NOT). And I don't claim this is the best or simplest or most-efficient or most straight-forward approach. It's one virtue is that it does seem to work.

I need to be careful state that this involves both Automated Row Processing (ARP) -- which enables INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE. And Automated Row Fetch (ARF) -- which enables SELECT. ARF is found under Page Rendering and ARP is found under page processing. As we have seen, the two are -- or can be -- interdependent. For example, I believe the error I talk about next is caused by ARF trying to fetch the record just deleted by ARP.

Starting from the situation of

1) having the values retained on the screen when CREATE is clicked and the record is added and
2) getting a database error after a DELETE of a row, A solution is the "reset" processes. Under Page Rendering add a "reset page" process to: "Clear Cache for all Items on Pages (PageID,PageID,PageID)" and indicate the page with the database operations and under Conditions: When Button Pressed: choose CANCEL, CREATE, DELETE, QUERY or SAVE. I made two of these - one for CREATE and one for DELETE. To cover both buttons, you need two processes as you can only indicate one button per process.

Now the form (screen) is cleared after the CREATE (by process
1). And since it's also cleared after the DELETE (by process
2), there is no Database error on DELETE.

(The source of that error was ARF trying to retrieve the deleted record because the PK field had the "just deleted" key value. This nulls it and I have ARF set not to attempt a fetch when the key field is null.

So, how about that? Burleson has an example here which adds more detail than I recall seeing before.URL>....

I think the DML Fetch Mode settings he shows are new to the ARP screen in 4.2. I don't see them in 4.1.

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Application Express :: How To Create A Display Image Item With Apex Functions

Jul 28, 2012

I'm working on Apex in a 11g XE Data Base, I want to display a Image in a Report, I can do it using the "+BLOB Download Format Mask+", but the images displays at original size and I want to display them smaller.

I've read that you have to create a procedure, a SYNONYM and call them in the src of the img tag. as Zsuzsi Vadasz mentions here [URL] But I remember that I was able to create some items in reports with Apex functions, I think they were from APEX_ITEM Package, so I want to know if there is a way to create the "+Display Image+" item with one function of APEX.

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Application Express :: How To Create A Dynamic Action From Link Column In Classic Report

Feb 23, 2013

I Have an apex page that display a modal window utilizing jquery. In the modal window I have a classic report with a link column that I want to capture its click event.

I was thinking I could create a dynamic action with selection type=jquery selector. Not for sure if I need to do anything on link column and do not know the syntax jquery selector.

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