Application Express :: Coding Stored Procedure - Create Material IN And OUT Form

Nov 21, 2012

I have to develop an application for a store, where some material In and Out on daily basis. and i want to see current status any time.

How to do that means coding of stored procedure, on whose basis i can create material IN and OUT form.

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Application Express :: URL For APEX To Run A Stored Procedure

Jun 26, 2013

I would like to run this procedure using a URL ... I have apex installed.   What URL would I use.  This procedure is compiled in the database.  I have been trying to look thru the APEX installation guide for an example but I must be missing it somewhere.  

CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE ORASYSAD.HELLOWORLD is htp.print ('<hl>Hello World</hl>');  end;   

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Application Express :: How To Execute Stored Procedure From APEX Page

Oct 17, 2012

I just started to play with this system and don't understand how to execute the the stored procedure (that creates report) from the APEX page. I know that they have sample documentation and java script call (show below):

<script language=”JavaScript” type=”text/javascript”>
function callMyRep() { var formVal1 = document.getElementById(’P_PAR1′).value;
var url;
url = ‘rep1?p_session_id=&SESSION.’+'&p_par1=’+ formVal1; window.location.href=”f?p=&APP_ID.:12:&SESSION.”;
w = open(url,”winRep”,”Scrollbars=1,resizable=1,width=800,height=600″); Close here. X

In this example rep1 is the stored procedure that creates report.How can I execute it using url?

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Application Express :: Calling A Procedure From A Tabular Form

Apr 30, 2013

I am new to APEX (well all of Oracle really so only have limited knowledge of PL/SQL etc too) but have created a couple of simple applications via wizards. One of these has a tabular form which works fine for updating records for the table that the form was built over but I need a way to write a record to a second (audit) table as well.

My form is used for cycle counting of items in a location. It originally shows the quantities of all the items in a location and allows the user to make corrections by updating any incorrect quantities to the correct value (this would then update the quantity column in the main table). It then needs to calculate the difference between the old and new value and write this as a record to an audit file (might be a positive or negative number).

do I call a procedure once (on submitting the page) and get the procedure to loop through the changed records writing to my audit file OR do I call my procedure once per changed record on the tabular form, if so how do I know what parameters to pass to the procedure?

I have tried researching this online but can find no easy to follow examples. All examples of code I have seen for tabular forms refer to fields referenced by apex_application.g_f01 or f02 etc - how do you know what items on the page these relate to?

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Application Express :: Integrate Google Geo Coding As Restful Service

Dec 3, 2012

How to integrate Google geocoding as RESTful service introduced by APEX 4.2? my supervisor wanted to use RESTful service for geocoding function. While I am using Google geocoding through simple HTTP request. I even do not know whether I am using SOAP or RESTful with PL/SQL utl_http.request.

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Forms :: Material Form With Master Items - Insert And Update

Apr 4, 2012

i have (ship_master-ship_detail) receive material form.when open the form all the master items appears except receiver name and receiver id. when i select the receiver name and id thru lov...all the items (with send information)in ship_detail also comes up expect rec_qty.i put the rec_qty and save from.

now i want to insert(ship_detail) information in another table apart from ship_detail table. if that particular matrial already exist in table it shud only update receive quantity column with +. if i am receiving the material first time then it should just insert a record with ship_detail items.

so where should i write the insert and update.

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Application Express :: How To Create A Display Field In Tabular Form

Oct 1, 2012

I am stuck at point.

using apex 4.1, created tabular form for inserting values from customer with a simple query

table name : customer



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Application Express Listener :: Acquiring Access Token Via Coding - Not Web Logon Screen?

Sep 20, 2013

I'm setting up APEX REST security by following the instructions from [URL]...Everything works great according to document.

I can acquire a token, then passing it in the header to get needed data from REST service. Consumer acquires an token by going on web browser to [URL]...

It will be redirected to[URL]...  asking for username and password on browser. Once entering them correctly, it will be directed to Redirect URI defined in the OAuth2 client with the token in the URL.

 My question is that is it possible to do token acquiring by coding (like in Salesforce) without going to web browser? We've tried doing that, it will stop due to redirect to sign-on. 

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Application Express :: How To Create Validation Only For Created Rows In Tabular Form

Sep 19, 2012

Is it possible to create a validation for tabular form which will be fired only for created?

There is a possibility in APEX 4.1 to choose two types of "*Execution scope*" first is "*For created and Modified Rows*" and second is "*All Submitted Rows*".

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Application Express :: Clearing (or NOT) Form Fields After ARP CREATE Or DELETE Operation

Jan 15, 2013

I understand everything -- <gripe> need better Automated Row Fetch (ARF) documentation </gripe>, but I now have CREATE, QUERY, and DELETE working and I can choose to clear the form (or NOT). And I don't claim this is the best or simplest or most-efficient or most straight-forward approach. It's one virtue is that it does seem to work.

I need to be careful state that this involves both Automated Row Processing (ARP) -- which enables INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE. And Automated Row Fetch (ARF) -- which enables SELECT. ARF is found under Page Rendering and ARP is found under page processing. As we have seen, the two are -- or can be -- interdependent. For example, I believe the error I talk about next is caused by ARF trying to fetch the record just deleted by ARP.

Starting from the situation of

1) having the values retained on the screen when CREATE is clicked and the record is added and
2) getting a database error after a DELETE of a row, A solution is the "reset" processes. Under Page Rendering add a "reset page" process to: "Clear Cache for all Items on Pages (PageID,PageID,PageID)" and indicate the page with the database operations and under Conditions: When Button Pressed: choose CANCEL, CREATE, DELETE, QUERY or SAVE. I made two of these - one for CREATE and one for DELETE. To cover both buttons, you need two processes as you can only indicate one button per process.

Now the form (screen) is cleared after the CREATE (by process
1). And since it's also cleared after the DELETE (by process
2), there is no Database error on DELETE.

(The source of that error was ARF trying to retrieve the deleted record because the PK field had the "just deleted" key value. This nulls it and I have ARF set not to attempt a fetch when the key field is null.

So, how about that? Burleson has an example here which adds more detail than I recall seeing before.URL>....

I think the DML Fetch Mode settings he shows are new to the ARP screen in 4.2. I don't see them in 4.1.

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Application Express :: Possible To Avoid Hard-coding Item In Shared Select List Query

Sep 4, 2012

I created a "Select List" in the Shared Components area as follows:

My goal is to create a shared select list that can be used on any form for a particular Field.

'select col_description, col_code_pk
where col_active_ind = ''Y''';

Which works great, but how can I make the select list work for the same column on a different form? Because :P10_FK_RSTA_CODE is hard-coded in the function, I can't reuse this Function from a different form. (I could rename the Field on every form to the same name, but I'm hoping there is a better way.)

Is there a way I can pass in a variable from the Field Item to make this dynamic where I can use it on any form?

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Forms :: Call Oracle Form Using Stored Procedure?

Mar 14, 2011

How to call Oracle Form using a Stored Procedure?


create or replace procedure ........



Inside such procedures , is it possible to call a form ?

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Create Toad Stored Procedure?

Mar 8, 2007

I am trying to create a stored procedure in TOAD. I've found example code on the Internet to write a stored procedure, but it doesn't seem to work with Toad. I tried to write the procedure and execute it to save it to the DB, and instead I keep getting error messages like "an INTO clause is expected in this SELECT statement" when I used the


or "bad bind variable 'CPKS'" when I tried the following instead:

Into :Cpks;

post some example code here with short explanations for me on how to write a stored procedure.

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Create A List In Oracle Stored Procedure?

May 14, 2013

How to create a list in oracle stored procedure and that list contains two columns.

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Oracle 10g - Create A Stored Procedure Without Parameters

Oct 11, 2010

Iam using oracle10g . when i created a simple stored procedure,got an error

PLS-00428: an INTO clause is expected in this SELECT statement

here is my code

create or replace procedure sp_TrialLiswt
as begin
select * from mivrs_studyinfo;

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Create Stored Procedure Where Tables Of Two Different Databases Are To Be Used?

Feb 22, 2012

I want to create a stored procedure where tables of two different databases are to be used.

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Application Express :: Create Items Context Help Editable Report Or Report And Form App

May 9, 2013

How do I create Items context help editable report or report & form app?

what is its table?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Create Stored Procedure To Update Columns In Table

Dec 8, 2010

I have three tables fixtures, fixture_teams and team_tbl

fixtures consists of:

create table Fixture_tbl(
fixt_id varchar2(8),
fixt_date date,
fixt_time varchar2(10),
fixt_location location_t,
umpire_id varchar2(8),
player_of_match player_of_match,
home_team varchar2(20),
away_team varchar2(20),

creating a stored procedure that updates the points column in the teams_tbl , the value that is updated in to the points column will be retrieved from the fixture_team table. so if team a has more goals than team b then the points column for team a will be increased by 6 else if the scores are equal they get 4 points each.

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Forms :: How To Create Data Block Using Stored Procedure In 10G

Apr 30, 2010

How to create Data Block Using Stored Procedure in Forms10G ?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Create Stored Procedure With Array As Output Parameter?

Jul 14, 2011

how to create stored procedure with an array as an output parameter.I mean when we need to return multiple rows...

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Create Trigger To Execute A Stored Procedure During Source Code Compile?

Nov 9, 2009

I would like to create a trigger that will execute a stored procedure when a package/function/procedure is compiled. I tried creating an update trigger on user_objects, but it statues aI cannot create that trigger tyoe on views.

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Application Express :: How To Make Form With Report And Insert Form In Same Page

Dec 14, 2012

how to make a form with report and an insert form in the same page, these two forms are related to the same table. Our customer wants a user can add new row to the table in a form and see all of rows created by this user in a report, this report should provide edit link as well. the problem is: whenever I inserted a new row or edit a row or delete a row, and submitted, and return to this page, all of hidden items lost their values, so report is blank, and some display only items also lost their values.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: View Log Of Stored Procedure After Called By Application?

Aug 27, 2012

How can I view the log of a stored procedure after it is called by an application?

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Application Express :: Where Sample Application Data Stored

Apr 11, 2013

I downloaded a sample chart application from oracle website


it is working perfectly, but I want to know how it is build exactly. This is one of the queries,

"select null link,
decode(status,'Closed',100,'Open',60,'On-Hold',10,'Pending',0) status
from eba_demo_chart_tasks
order by project"

But I don't know where eba_demo_chart_tasks is stored, where can I find it!

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Real Application Clusters :: Stored Procedure Killed Root Blocker In 10g?

Jan 30, 2013

I need the procedure that killed root blocker in RAC environmental 10g, I found the stored procedure for 11g which simple but 10g required some expertise because I want to just exec [procedure] it will kill root blocker either locally and remote node

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Application Express :: Unable To See Items Of Detail Form In Master Detail Form In Page Details?

Oct 31, 2013

I created a master-detail form using wizard in oracle apex 4.2 Now I want to attach an LOV to one of the items of detail form, which is visible on the same window as of master form. To do so, I need to first find the item in detail page, details of which are not available in page definitions. I can see all the items of master form but none for detail form in "Page Rendering" section. 

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Forms :: Hard Coding Application Server IP In Oracle

Apr 1, 2010

Is it possible to hard code application server ip in oracle forms using plsql code. I am trying to open one form in my application but its giving me error as no data found. the application is using windows authentication. Unfortunately i don't have access to source code of the forms.

But i think there might be a possibility that application server/ db server ip might have hard coded in that forms so its may not be pointing to actual app server/db server.

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Application Express :: Modify Form Layout Of Existing Application?

Feb 22, 2013

I have to modify the Form layout of an existing application (Application Express 4.0.2.) where the data for each field is retrieved using SQL statements

Presently the form looks something like this and the Data for each field is rendered properly in this layout:

UNIT # :         123456
ADMISSION #: 2012101510         DISCHARGE DATE:                 ADMISSION DATE:
FIRST NAME:   JON                     LAST NAME: DOEFIRST NAME, LAST NAME and UNIT # are all "Display Only" item type.

What I'm trying to do is to move "FIRST NAME" underneath "LAST NAME" and "UNIT #" next to "LAST NAME" This part is very simple. However, the issue I'm having is as soon as the "UNIT #" is moved next to "FIRST NAME", the data for "FIRST NAME" and "LAST NAME" simply disappear

This is how it looks
ADMISSION #: 2012101510         DISCHARGE DATE:                 ADMISSION DATE:
FIRST NAME:                             UNIT #: 123456

I have played around for hours and even created from scratch a new page with a new form using SQL statements to pull the data for each field, only to get the same result.

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Application Express :: PDF File To Be Stored Directly In Database Using Jasper?

Jul 16, 2012

I am using jasper integration package ..from using apex 4 and i Am currently able to generate pdf invoice..using jasper and store in a database.. table.

I need to generate the pdf  invoice in the background ..without displaying in my screen..Without downloading on my machine..And  store directly into  the database table..

Below is my existing part of code..

l_blob BLOB;
l_mime_type VARCHAR2 (100);
l_blob2 BLOB;
l_mime_type2 VARCHAR2 (100);
mport varchar2(200);


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Application Express :: Image Stored In Table Is Not Showing In HTML Or Report Region

Aug 22, 2012

I am using apex 4.1 and database as oracle 11g. I uploaded images and stored in table structure as shown below

>> (     "ID" NUMBER,
>>     "MIME_TYPE" VARCHAR2(64),
>> )

My Requirement is to show the image in a report region as well as in a html region. I followed the methods in the URL links mentioned below.



But the image is not getting populated in the region, I tried with display_item with image i am able to view the image using this item.

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