Application Express :: Adding Users To A Database?

Nov 7, 2013

I have an application that I am adding users to as end users. How do I assign them to a particular application? I am using Apex 4.1, Oracle 11g. 

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Application Express :: Raise Warning When Password Due To Expire - Oracle Database Users

Aug 23, 2012

Using Apex 4.1 and custom authentication based on Oracle Database users.

I want to be able to show a warning immediately after a user logs in if their password is due to expire in xx days. Oracle raises a warning (ORA-28002) but I don't know how to handle that from the standard Apex login page.

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Application Express :: Display List Of All Users On Page / Accessing Or Using Application

Mar 23, 2013

i want to display a list of all users on a page those currently accessing or using the application. How do i accomplish this requirement?

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Application Express :: Application Locking - Force Logout All Current Users And Prevent Login

Jun 12, 2012

I have an application that I'd like to prevent activity in after a certain time of day, say 3pm. Is there any way I can force logout of all current users and then prevent re-login until 9am the next day (short of deleting all of their login credentials and then recreating them the next morning)?

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Application Express :: Adding All Records In Report Parameter

Aug 8, 2012

I am trying to create a report parameter using an lov. You be able to pick one item or return All

The source for my lov is

SELECT l.extkey||' - '||l.longdescr a,  l.clocid b
from udm_cloc l, udm_cust c, udm_lde lde
where l.custid = c.custid
and c.ldeid = lde.ldeid

But I keep getting an error
'LOV query is invalid, a display and a return value are needed, the column names need to be different. If your query contains an in-line query, the first FROM clause in the SQL statement must not belong to the in-line query.

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Application Express :: Adding Checksum To URL For Popup Window

Oct 18, 2012

Using Apex 4.1.1

I have button which opens up a pop-up showing a report passing some parameter in URL. The button calls the javascript function defined below:

<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
  function newReport()
          url = 'f?

It all works well but for security I would like to add checksum to arguments in URL. I had a look at the Javascrpt API for Apex and couldn't find any for creating a checksum I can append to the URL.

Is there one that I missed or is it possible to do it by other means?.

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Application Express :: Adding Calculation Of Amount In Invoice Line?

May 10, 2013

I need to add the calculation of the amount in an invoice line.

I write the item description, the price, the quantity and the tax. Which is the best solution to calculate the total price of the line. I think to add a SQL function after the button “Add line” is clicked.

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Application Express :: Restricting Access To Users

Dec 22, 2012

restrict access to page or component for particular user. when that user login , restricted page should not be visible to the user..

APEX Verison :4.2

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Application Express :: Implementing DMZ For Intranet And Internet Users

Aug 28, 2012

We are planning to use an Application Express application for intranet and internet users. We want to implement a DMZ configuration for this application.

Is there any good guide to implement it?, we want to use Oracle Http Server to access Oracle Application Express.

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Application Express :: How To Access Data Of All Users In A Page

Jan 23, 2013

I have installed APEX on my local machine, created a workspace, and added a few users with roles.

I am creating an application, similar to a Library app, where I have a table that stores Books information (BOOK_ID, BOOK_NAME, etc). I'd like to create another table BOOK_USER with two columns, BOOK_ID and USER_ID. BOOK_ID would refer to the BOOKS table, and I want USER_ID to refer to the table that stores user details of the workspace that I am using. The data entry would happen from a page that has two LOVs, one for book name (using BOOK_ID as the value) and another for user name (USER_ID, or whatever field APEX uses to store user's ID). Can I do that in APEX? I've found ways to access and authenticate a user for a page, but how to get data of all users in the workspace? In other words, how to get all usernames in a LOV?

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Application Express :: No Data Found When Adding Column Link To Classic Report

Jul 16, 2012

Oracle 11g r2, APEX

I have some classic reports.

I go to Report Attributes, then I click Add Column Link in the "Tasks" right menu, it adds me a column link, I just add some text for the link and a page to go to. Then I run the report and I get :

report error: ORA-01403: no data foundTested with several classic reports on multiple pages.

Debug mode shows me :

0.43816     0.00240     ...Execute Statement: select distinct [...] order by 3,11 ,4
0.44056     0.00162     print column headings
0.44218     0.04816     rows loop: 25 row(s)
0.49037     0.00141     report error: ORA-01403: aucune donnée trouvée
0.49175     0.00078     Computation point: After Box BodyWhen I run the query in my favorite tool, I get expected results.

Did I missed something ?

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Application Express :: Creating Functionality For Changing Users Password

Mar 12, 2013

I'm trying to create a functionality on my application that lets the user change their password whenever they want or when the password gets expired.

But to do that, first I need a Branch to the page "Password Change" whenever the login procedure returns "Password Expire", but when the user has an expired password he can't access none of the pages of the application.

My other problem is:

Even if I can get the user to be redirect to the "Password Change" page, I would need a function that validate his current expired password, because in order to alter his own, he would need to inform his current password and the new one he desires. If I was using Apex Authentication that would be very easy I think, but I'm obligate to use Database Account Authentication.

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Application Express :: Store Encrypted Numeric Value And Make Unencrypted Value Visible To Just Some Users In Apex

Jul 3, 2013

I'm looking for a way to store an encypted numeric value in one field in a table (so that it appears encrypted even to a DBA) and to display the unencypted value in Apex forms and interactive reports for some users but not others.

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Application Express :: Copy Team Development From Database To Another Database?

Feb 11, 2013

How can I copy Team Development from database to another database

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Application Express :: Database Authentication Via Database Link?

Jun 26, 2013

Is it possible to use Database authentication in APEX through database link, and how?Also is it posible to read roles from users through database link?

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Create As Many As 100 Database With Upto 100 Users (max) For Each Database As Client

Aug 25, 2010

I have CPU based Oracle server license. In this case as per license policies of Oracle I can have unlimited database with unlimited users connecting it.

I need to create as many as 100 database with upto 100 users (max) for each database as client. What is the recommended hardware for this server? CPU/ RAM/Harddisk, recommended chipset on the motherboard (in case of database storage capacity required is not high typically - 20 GB is OK per database - average), redundancy is critical, also Oracle database vault is going to be installed; as security is of prime importance between users of different database. Which specific server models from specific vendors like IBM/ Dell/ HP are good ones for this purpose?

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Find Sql Queries Run By Users Through Application?

Jul 10, 2012

We have a database version and it is connecting through an application with a schema called HR_OR.

I am using the below query to get sql statements.


It is showing same query for all users and I tried to run the quey from sqlpus,getting error [SP2-0552: Bind variable "xxxx" not declared]. So I hv confusion here.

1. How I can see the queries running by users though application.

2. get the exact query run by users and the same query I want to run from sqlplus.

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Audit Dml On Few Table For Non Application Users

Oct 12, 2013

I want to audit  dml on few table for non application users.can I omit only application users from audit so that whenever new user is created we need not to add audit for i have to create audit logon trigger for this which check first the application user names from table and if logged user is not application user auditing will start for it.

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Application Express :: How To Connect Second Database From Another One

Apr 5, 2013

how can I connect a second database from another one?

Ex.My APEX application in a database instance DEVELOPER and I want to connect with tables in DEVELOPER_B instance.

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PL/SQL :: Killing And Dropping Users Connected From Application

Jul 11, 2012

I have a data base for the bank application development. So there might be more than one sessions of the application running on the data base as well as there might be more than one data base sessions being connected from the dbas.

There is refresh procedure to refresh the data base from the baseload scripts ,So for that first we need to disconnect the users (Kill the sessions) and then drop the users then recreate the users and populate the users with the base load data.

I have prepared the killing and dropping user script in the following manner, Most of the times it is working fine and killing the users but some times it is not able to kill the drop the users it is erroring out with the error that can not dorp the users as there are active sessions running ,

set termout on
set echo on
spool Kill_sessions_drop_users.log
v_kill_stmt VARCHAR2(1000);

--This will kill all the sessions except the current session

CURSOR cur_usr_dtls IS SELECT username FROM all_users WHERE username IN ('ACTIVITI','TP','TPCORR','TPTUX','TPVIEW');
v_dr_stmt VARCHAR2(1000);
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('The database has been put in the restricted mode');
FOR v_cur_ssn IN cur_session

--Here we are making the processor to wait for 60 mins so that that the killing will happen at the OS label

FOR v_cur_usr_dtls IN cur_usr_dtls LOOP
v_dr_stmt :='DROP USER '||v_cur_usr_dtls.username ||' CASCADE';

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Application Express :: Upgrade Failed In Database From 10g To 11g

Jul 30, 2012

When we upgraded the database from 10g to 11g, Apex upgrade failed. Due to the failure, I removed the old schema and did a fresh install of Apex 4.1. It is working but we lost the applications from previous Apex.

What is the best strategy when you need both database and Apex upgrades? We are a Linux workshop, setting up Apex in Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g environment.

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Application Express :: Installation On Oracle11gXE Database

Aug 27, 2012

I tried installing application express on oracle11gxe database.I running the scripts apexins and I got an error message SP2-0024: Nothing to change.

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Application Express :: Creating Procedure Using Database Package

Oct 23, 2012

I have created a procedure within a database package, but when I want to create a form based on procedure but I can't call it. I think that I have to use prefix, I am a beginner in database and I don't know how to do this.

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Application Express :: Database Monitor Module Missing In 4.2.2?

Jul 4, 2013

When login as a administrator, am unable to find the above in SQL Workshop / Utilities. it's not drop from 4.2.2 , very useful functions. 

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Application Express :: How To Retrieve Item Help Text From Database

May 23, 2013

I would like to let the customer edit the item help text. Is it possible to retrieve item help text from my own custom database table based via a PLSQL function call or something similar?

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Application Express :: Importing CSV Files To Database Backend

Dec 15, 2012

There is a report that is generated everyday in the .csv file format that i would want to load into the database. I want to completely automate this process. I don't want to use the load function available in APEX. I use APEX 3.2 Version.

What i mean by automation is that i will create the CSV file and automatically move to a location from which APEX can access the data. I would then write a procedure to fetch the content directly from CSV file and write to the database. What i need is the location from which APEX can access data directly ?

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Application Express :: 4.2 New Database Sessions Per Report Region?

Nov 22, 2012

Does version 4.2 create a new db session for each report run on a page?

The reason I ask is we have a page with 4 report regions, each querying a global temporary table that is populated in a 'Before Regions' page process. The first report displays the correct data, but the others return 'No Data Found' and it is because the Global Temporary Table has been cleared out following the first report. This did not happen in 4.1.

I know we should be using Apex Collections, and we will in future, but time is at a premium to get this live

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Application Express :: Validate Database Column Using Validations Tab?

Sep 11, 2012

I'm trying to validate a database column using the validations tab in APEX, the data entered will always be in 'A0000' format but i cannot work out how to set up the validation correctly

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Application Express :: Conditional Read Only That Saves To Database?

Nov 27, 2012

I have an item that does not save to the is conditional read only based on the value in another column, when it is not read only it displays as a Select list.. then whatever is chosen triggers a dynamic action that sets other setting it as a display only is not an option.

after upgrading from 4.0 to apex 4.2 this gives error:   Session state protection violation: This may be caused by manual alteration of protected page...

the only workaround I have found is to set the Read Only to none, then create a dynamic action that conditionally sets the field to disabled..This works, but my problem with it is that it looks different than the read only was Black Text and no textbox..disabled is a text box with greyed out text that is hard to read for some of the users..

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How Many Users Can Connect With Database

Apr 23, 2010

I want to know what will be the performance of my DB before loading data and how many users can connect with my database.

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