Allocation Unit And Striping Attribute
Dec 21, 2012difference between stripe attribute and the AU size.The ASM distributes the data in AU in the disk, and what the role of strip size in this case?
View 2 Repliesdifference between stripe attribute and the AU size.The ASM distributes the data in AU in the disk, and what the role of strip size in this case?
View 2 RepliesI Have a server System Configuration with
RAM size: 16GB Ram & Hard disk Size of 1TB.
I Installed Oracle 11g R2 in the server SystemI want to Allocate Dedicated Memory for oracle..How Should i calculate the Memory size of SGA+PGA for good Performance..
We are planning the RAC installations. We are allocate 3TB on HP SAN Storage to be used to setup rac environment with 2 nodes.
1. Do we accept one 3 TB from SAN engineers or ( Which RAID)
2. Multiple Luns totality to 3 TB.
3. Remember this is 11g R1 OCR and VOTING DISK cannot be managed by ASM.
I am using 11g version, and trying to understand the Memory Allocation.
1) The new feature Memory target parameters are dynamic? is in it? But when I set with the ALTER SYSTEM... it was not changed, then I had to restart the DB.
2) With the new 2 parameters (MEMORY_MAX_TARGET, MEMORY_TARGET), the SGA_MAX_SIZE parameter should be 0, right? But in my case, the SGA_MAX_SIZE value is automatically assigned.
[URL] ...... Oracle Database 10g Express Edition Release - Product
I have the following table
Given that
1. An associate must be allocated to at-least and a maximum of 100% at any given point of time
2. User selects 2 dates between which inconsistency of allocation needs to be displayed
If the end user selects 1st Apr 2012 and July 31st 2012 between which reports needs to be generated, am looking for the following output
2 01-APR-12 15-APR-12 75
2 16-APR-12 15-JUN-12 25
2 16-JUN-12 30-JUN-12 50
The Allocation_Inconsistency denotes that the associate has a deficit of allocation between the 2 dates. The associate with ID 2 has a deficit of 75% of allocation from 1st Apr 2012 till 15th Apr 2012. Similarly 25% deficit between 16th Apr 2012 and 15th June 2012 and so on so forth. However, there is no allocation deficit for the month of July as he is allocated 100% for this month and hence is not appearing in the expected output.
Phyical memory : 420G My database version : running on linux machine.
Memory_target = 200G . I would like to allocate this value to following SGA components. I don't want to automatic memory management enabled. how to split 200G for following components. Is there any percentage for each components ?
I wanted to know what is the standard memory allocation for SGA & PGA in a normal installation of Oracle database 10g or 11g? Are the figures of 270M and 90M standard for a 10g or 11g installation using automatic memory management feature?
View 9 Replies View RelatedI want the output from two tables with rows to columns and generate dynamic basing on the columns.
For example: Table A (a1) , Table B(a1,b1)
Data: A B
------ ----
a1 a1 b1
--- ---- ----
1 1 x
2 1 y
3 2 a
2 b
2 c
o/p: Columnname col_1 col_2 col_3
a1 b1_1 b1_2 b1_3
----- ---------------------
1 x y
2 a b c
Columns should be generated based on the second table second column.
I want to change space allocation for character columns in my database, So it will store them as 'CHAR' and not 'BYTE'.my character set is
SQL> alter system set NLS_LENGTH_SEMANTICS='CHAR' scope=both;
System altered.I bounced the instance just to make sure
System altered.
SQL> shutdown immediate;
Database closed.
Database dismounted.
ORACLE instance shut down.
Connected to an idle instance.
SQL> startup
ORACLE instance started.
And then I want to see that when I create a table with some varchar2 column,The space for it will be allocated by chars, and not by bytes! However, when I run a check of create table, this is what I get:
SQL> drop table check_char;
Table dropped.
SQL> create table check_char (some_name varchar2(10));
Table created.
SQL> select a.char_used
2 from all_tab_columns a
3 where table_name='CHECK_CHAR'
4 and a.owner='SYS';
What is the reason for space allocation to remain in BYTES and not CHAR, or what else I can check?
while executing a clone script i got the below error : -
RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
RMAN-00569: =============== ERROR MESSAGE STACK FOLLOWS ===============
RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
RMAN-03002: failure of restore command at 11/15/2011 20:07:34
RMAN-12010: automatic channel allocation initialization failed
RMAN-06758: DB_UNIQUE_NAME is not unique in the recovery catalog
Here i understand that RMAN couldn't find which SPFILE to use to restore the target DB.
How do i check for the DB_UNIQUE_NAME in recovery catalog?
The proposed solution that i found was Use the FOR DB_UNIQUE_NAME option to specify the name of the instance whose parameter file you want to restore. how to implement this in my clone script?
I am facing below Oracle error when ever I am changing the contents of the package within it. %ORA-06508: PL/SQL: could not find program unit being called:
The packages and the dependents are recopmiled successfully and there are no invalid objects.The problem is resolved only if the database is reastarted.
What might be the problem?I am using a PL/SQL collection of record datatype in this package.
When i am trying to create awr snap shot using
exec dbms_workload_repository.create_snapshot;
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-04063: package body "SYS.DBMS_WORKLOAD_REPOSITORY" has errors
ORA-06508: PL/SQL: could not find program unit being called:
ORA-06512: at line 1
I am getting below error when SP (Packaged Procedure) is called from application...
ORA-06508: PL/SQL: could not find program unit being called
After checking DB, i found package to be valid and call to SP giving same error ORA-06588.If i fire alter command to compile the package..
alter package name compile; and then if i try to run the SP in db it runs sucessfully.again after some time ORA-06508 it occurs again. after compiling it starts working fine again.
Body of the procedure :-
indexFields(indexFields.last) := ATTRIBUTE_REC_TYPE(i_attributeName,i_attributeValue);
o_errorcode := '0';
o_errormsg := null;
sometimes it is working fine, sometimes gives error on compiling it works again.
Is there a webpage that posts the units of the fields in statspack Example readtim in PERFSTAT.STATS$FILESTATXS (centiseconds?)
SELECT snap_id
The following error has occurred:
ORA-06550: line 26, column 30:
PL/SQL: ORA-06552: PL/SQL: Compilation unit analysis terminated
ORA-06553: PLS-320: the declaration of the type of this expression is incomplete or malformed
ORA-06550: line 7, column 6:
PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored
I am getting the error when i run the below anonymous block. Historic_report_data has got plenty of columns and using only the columns that are in tb_Statement in the query. It is working fine if i use a table with same number of columns as tb_statement instead of historic_report_data.
v_cnt NUMBER:=0;
v_data_load_error EXCEPTION;
dbms_output.put_line('Reconciliation scripts');
dbms_output.put_line('Reconcile tb_bank_Account_month and report_hist_data');
I am using oracle 10g and toad 11.5 . i am trying to call an api from an anonymous block . If i recompile the api after adding dbms_output.put_line and then try to execute the anonymous block ,it shows error as "ORA-06508: PL/SQL: could not find program unit being called". However if i end current session and open a new session , then the anonymous block will execute without the error. i am made to reconnect the session everytime i make a change to API. making any configurations in toad or database level.
View 12 Replies View RelatedWhen I list the parameters with "show parameter", I get only numeric value for hash_area_size with no unit, what is the unit for that value and conversion of it to MegaBytes.
View 3 Replies View RelatedORA-06508: PL/SQL: could not find program unit being called ORA error, why it is getting, what is the corrective action for this error. i checked my package and dependent objects all are in VALID state only. But as soon as i get this error, LAST_DDL_TIME for my package is being changed to current time when the package was running.
View 10 Replies View RelatedActually what happens is that we are connected to oracle through forms 6i. suddenly we receive the error " ORA-06508: PL/SQL: could not find program unit being called "
while doing some transaction. we have searched on net and meta link. they say that the package / procedure called has become invalid or recompilation has occurred and that is not compatible. Now we have monitored carefully that there are no changes what so ever has been made in the the package/ procedure.
what could be the reason behind this. we have also checked the global variable issue. we use package level variables but declared in the package body only. (so these are not public)
i am creating a report using a function in the select query..suppose this is my function that i created in the program unit of the report
FUNCTION is_numeric_rep (p_strval in varchar2) RETURN
l_numval NUMBER;
l_numval := TO_NUMBER(p_strval);
END is_numeric_rep;
and also suppose this is the query of the report
From dual
when pressing ok on the query statment in the report it give me this error: ORA-00904 "is_numeric_rep":invalid identifier although when i create this function as a stored function in the database schema and use it in the report it works fine with no problems.
When I run my package in TOAD and SQL plus I am not getting any errors. My package is being compiled well. When I integrate my Package through WED ADI .I am getting the above error. I am new to oracle apps WEDADI. can any give your valuable sugessions. I have even bounched the apache two times.
The schema for my package is APPS. Can you tell us how to go check the schema of WEB ADI. We see my integrator created in BNE_INTEGRATORS_TL. Since it is store in BNE table, the schema for BNE table is 'BNE'?
How to provide the access of package to the WEB ADI?
know when to use a formula column and when to use a function in program unit in oracle reports.
View 1 Replies View RelatedHow can I add an attribute node to an existing xml in a xmltype?
Say I have
t_xml xmltype;
t_xml := xmltype( '<x a="1"/>' );
end;How can I manipulate this variable t_xml to become
<x a="1" b="2"/>Anton
1. i register scheme like this
schemaurl VARCHAR2(256);
xmlschema xmltype;
/2. i try to insert XML
insert into TMP_SPM_ACTLOGLINE values (xmltype(
'<ACTLOGLINE xmlns:xs=""
The question is how should the scheme look like to insert this XML?
I have a table with an attribute set to auto increment
how can I insert into the table without specifying the value of that attribute?
how to get visual attribute name into a variable ??I have used the below code....
but i am unable to get the name of the visual_attribute..
I have been tasked to validate the date format of some attributes in a table. So, to verify the data we will be getting the filed and the format to check against.
View 4 Replies View Relatedwe are trying to update the Email attribute in OIM followed by OID. we have written a scheduler to copy the username field to email field in USR Table through tc User Operations interface, followed by change email task and update email task to OID.
But it is taking 1 hour for 1000 records to finish the job. we have 200000 Users in Production, Is there any better approach I can fasten the process? we are having an idea to update the USR Table through SQL Querry for OIM Side. And when we tried to update the CT_MAIL table in OID. But it is not showing the values in the front end ODSM.
Now thinking to write a scheduler separately for OID by just connecting to ldapctx, update each records and disconnect finally after updating all the operations.
OIM Version :
OID Version:
i just want to know how can i create a procedure in the program unit and assign the output to a field in the report.
View 7 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to map a database (with a stupid schema) into an ontology. That's why I need to do such a stupid query (as you will see). Here is the structure of the table:
CodonUs {
and so on for all possible triplets
What I would like to do is to have a query that joins the organisme table on the ID and extract the name of the triplet (thus, the name of the column) and the exact value:
SELECT ID, 'GCT' AS Codon, Codon
FROM organisme JOIN codonUs ON Abbrev = ID
The result set should be something like:
ID of the organisme | Name of the triplet | Value of the triplet