Allocation Of Memory In Standard 10g Or 11g Install

Jan 17, 2013

I wanted to know what is the standard memory allocation for SGA & PGA in a normal installation of Oracle database 10g or 11g? Are the figures of 270M and 90M standard for a 10g or 11g installation using automatic memory management feature?

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Performance Tuning :: Memory Allocation In 11 G?

Jun 10, 2013

I am using 11g version, and trying to understand the Memory Allocation.

1) The new feature Memory target parameters are dynamic? is in it? But when I set with the ALTER SYSTEM... it was not changed, then I had to restart the DB.

2) With the new 2 parameters (MEMORY_MAX_TARGET, MEMORY_TARGET), the SGA_MAX_SIZE parameter should be 0, right? But in my case, the SGA_MAX_SIZE value is automatically assigned.

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Install / Use Enterprise Manager Grid Control If Only Have Standard Edition Licenses?

Jul 27, 2011

can I install/use Oracle 10g Enterprise Manager Grid Control if my organization has only Oracle 10g Standard Edition Licences.

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SGA And PGA Size Allocation?

Nov 21, 2012

I Have a server System Configuration with

RAM size: 16GB Ram & Hard disk Size of 1TB.

I Installed Oracle 11g R2 in the server SystemI want to Allocate Dedicated Memory for oracle..How Should i calculate the Memory size of SGA+PGA for good Performance..

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Server Administration :: Settings Infringe On Any Available Memory On System That Is Already Tight On Memory?

Jul 25, 2012

I have the following setup

SQL> show parameter sga;

------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------
lock_sga boolean FALSE
pre_page_sga boolean FALSE
sga_max_size big integer 3G
sga_target big integer 2G

from what I read I beleive this will initially grab 2GB of memory on startup and will grab up to to 3GB of memory total for the SGA. The "total" memory can be allocated to different peices of the SGA when needed but will never exceed 3GB. Is this correct or would these settings infringe on any available memory on a system that is already tight on memory?

Secondly, what happens if both these values are set to the same value?

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RAC & Failsafe :: LUNS Allocation To RAC

Dec 18, 2011

We are planning the RAC installations. We are allocate 3TB on HP SAN Storage to be used to setup rac environment with 2 nodes.


1. Do we accept one 3 TB from SAN engineers or ( Which RAID)
2. Multiple Luns totality to 3 TB.
3. Remember this is 11g R1 OCR and VOTING DISK cannot be managed by ASM.

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TimesTen In-Memory :: Process Of Initialization Of Database Into Memory

May 23, 2013

Can i know the internal process of initialization of DB into memory in timesten , when a new connection is establishing? Will timesten create tables and indexes in RAM when first connection is established if the RAM policy is default?

want to know the internal functional flow of timesten when any command is fired against it.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Rewrite Query Which Is In ANSI 92 Standard To ANSI 89 Standard

Jun 17, 2011

To rewrite this sql which is in ANSI 92 standard to ANSI 89 standard.

WHERE ("SAMPLE"."SAMPLE_TYPE"='EM' OR "SAMPLE"."SAMPLE_TYPE"='WATER') AND "SAMPLE"."STATUS"<>'X' AND("PROJECT"."X_SAMPLED_DATE">={ts '2011-05-01 00:00:00'} AND "PROJECT"."X_SAMPLED_DATE"<{ts '2011-06-01 00:00:00'})

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Allocation Unit And Striping Attribute

Dec 21, 2012

difference between stripe attribute and the AU size.The ASM distributes the data in AU in the disk, and what the role of strip size in this case?

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PL/SQL :: Calculating Inconsistency In Associate Allocation?

Oct 17, 2012

[URL] ...... Oracle Database 10g Express Edition Release - Product

I have the following table


Given that
1. An associate must be allocated to at-least and a maximum of 100% at any given point of time
2. User selects 2 dates between which inconsistency of allocation needs to be displayed

If the end user selects 1st Apr 2012 and July 31st 2012 between which reports needs to be generated, am looking for the following output

2 01-APR-12 15-APR-12 75
2 16-APR-12 15-JUN-12 25
2 16-JUN-12 30-JUN-12 50

The Allocation_Inconsistency denotes that the associate has a deficit of allocation between the 2 dates. The associate with ID 2 has a deficit of 75% of allocation from 1st Apr 2012 till 15th Apr 2012. Similarly 25% deficit between 16th Apr 2012 and 15th June 2012 and so on so forth. However, there is no allocation deficit for the month of July as he is allocated 100% for this month and hence is not appearing in the expected output.

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Oracle SGA Components Manual Allocation

May 13, 2013

Phyical memory : 420G My database version : running on linux machine.

Memory_target = 200G . I would like to allocate this value to following SGA components. I don't want to automatic memory management enabled. how to split 200G for following components. Is there any percentage for each components ?


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SQL & PL/SQL :: Rows To Columns With Dynamic Allocation Column Names

Nov 16, 2012

I want the output from two tables with rows to columns and generate dynamic basing on the columns.

For example: Table A (a1) , Table B(a1,b1)

Data: A B
------ ----
a1 a1 b1
--- ---- ----
1 1 x
2 1 y
3 2 a
2 b
2 c

o/p: Columnname col_1 col_2 col_3
a1 b1_1 b1_2 b1_3
----- ---------------------
1 x y
2 a b c

Columns should be generated based on the second table second column.

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Server Administration :: Change Space Allocation For Character Columns In Database

Oct 24, 2012

I want to change space allocation for character columns in my database, So it will store them as 'CHAR' and not 'BYTE'.my character set is

SQL> alter system set NLS_LENGTH_SEMANTICS='CHAR' scope=both;

System altered.I bounced the instance just to make sure

System altered.
SQL> shutdown immediate;
Database closed.
Database dismounted.
ORACLE instance shut down.

Connected to an idle instance.

SQL> startup
ORACLE instance started.

And then I want to see that when I create a table with some varchar2 column,The space for it will be allocated by chars, and not by bytes! However, when I run a check of create table, this is what I get:

SQL> drop table check_char;

Table dropped.

SQL> create table check_char (some_name varchar2(10));

Table created.

SQL> select a.char_used
2 from all_tab_columns a
3 where table_name='CHECK_CHAR'
4 and a.owner='SYS';


What is the reason for space allocation to remain in BYTES and not CHAR, or what else I can check?

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Backup & Recovery :: RMAN-12010 / Automatic Channel Allocation Initialization Failed

Nov 15, 2011

while executing a clone script i got the below error : -

RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
RMAN-00569: =============== ERROR MESSAGE STACK FOLLOWS ===============
RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
RMAN-03002: failure of restore command at 11/15/2011 20:07:34
RMAN-12010: automatic channel allocation initialization failed
RMAN-06758: DB_UNIQUE_NAME is not unique in the recovery catalog

Here i understand that RMAN couldn't find which SPFILE to use to restore the target DB.

How do i check for the DB_UNIQUE_NAME in recovery catalog?

The proposed solution that i found was Use the FOR DB_UNIQUE_NAME option to specify the name of the instance whose parameter file you want to restore. how to implement this in my clone script?

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Jan 15, 2011

I have a confusion with MEMORY_TARGET and MEMORY_MAX_TARGET parameter. if i set SGA_TARGET, SGA_MAX_SIZE along with MEMORY_TARGET and MEMORY_MAX_TARGET then how oracle will manage the memory? Because as per my understanding if we set MEM

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Move From Standard To Enterprise 11g

Mar 9, 2012

i want to move from 11g Standard to 11g Enterprise (same Version) on Windows.

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Using Oracle XDB In Standard Edition

Feb 20, 2013

I am using Oracle standard edition. Now i want to use Oracle XDB in the same.

Can i use this directly or does this require license.

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Enterprise To Standard Edition

Sep 12, 2012

Recently we have downgraded our database from enterprise to standard edition.....our sga size before downgrade was 11 gb and now it is 11gb and there is no as such problem in database..I have read somewhere that standard edition doesn't support sga size more than 2 gb .

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Not Able To Increase Value Of Memory-Target Up To Memory-max-target?

Aug 24, 2012

We are using the database, we implemented the Memory_Max_Target and Memory_target in the database.Here is the value of the memory parameters:

SQL> show parameter memory_

------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------
hi_shared_memory_address integer 0
memory_max_target big integer 3G
memory_target big integer 2G
shared_memory_address integer 0

We want to increase the value of the Memory_target=3G, means, I want to increase the value of the memory_target upto Memory_max_target by using below command:alter system set MEMORY_TARGET=3G scope=both SID='OLTP1'; but I am getting below error:

ERROR at line 1:
ORA-02097: parameter cannot be modified because specified value is invalid
ORA-00846: could not shrink MEMORY_TARGET to specified value

I tried to give the memory_target value less than the memory_max_target value like:alter system set MEMORY_TARGET=2900M scope=both SID='OLTP1'; but get the same error:

ERROR at line 1:
ORA-02097: parameter cannot be modified because specified value is invalid
ORA-00846: could not shrink MEMORY_TARGET to specified value

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Standard Configuration That Uses Built-in Apache

Jul 1, 2010

This error occurs while trying to print a report in a PDF format using Oracle Application Express 3.0. I'm not sure what this means and how to fix it. I'm running Oracle 10g on Windows Vista.

ORA-29273: HTTP request failed
ORA-06512: at "SYS.UTL_HTTP", line 1186
ORA-12570: TNS: packet reader failure

This is the first time I'm attempting to print to a PDF. I did follow configuration according to the Oracle documentation. I selected the Standard configuration that uses the built-in Apache FOP or another standard XSL-FO processing engine.

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RMAN Restore In Standard From Enterprise

Jul 30, 2012

i can do a rman restore from 9i Enterprise to 9i Standard?

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Downgrade From Enterprise Edition To Standard

Feb 10, 2011

I am checking out licenses. We all know that EE is much more expensive than SE. But many customers do have EE installed - unsure if they need all the features at all. After several years of production, a downgrade is considered 'risky' and we continue to pay the full EE.

How can we check and be sure that a downgrade to SE would not be any problem?

Some checks include:
* partitioning used in user schemas? --> no downgrade to EE
* bitmap indexes in user schemas? --> no downgrade to EE

How can we complete this list, or is there some script to make this easy?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Return A List Of Non Standard Char

Oct 9, 2013

I have been tasked with producing a list of all non standard characters that are not one of 0-9, a-z, A-Z from a parts table. The list should capture any non-English characters i.e. áóú etc as well as !"£$%^&* etc. These are a small example of the data.

Probengefäss kompl.
Stützring zu Probenehmer
Zargendichtung m.2 Ventillöcher
Pneumatikdichtung m.2 Ventillöcher

Result from above example

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Use ANSI Standard JOIN Syntax?

Oct 9, 2013

Use ANSI standard JOIN syntax for example i have this code.

SELECT resv_num, unit_date
FROM p_resv_unit ru, p_pm_unit_night pun
WHERE pun.property_id = in_property_id
AND pun.pm_unit_num = cvUnitNum
AND pun.unit_date BETWEEN start_date AND end_date
AND pun.resv_unit_id = ru.resv_unit_id;


and is it a good idea to change it, because both ways it works?

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Server Administration :: Upgrade From 10G Standard ED To EE ED

Feb 12, 2012

We are going to upgrade our production database from Oracle10g Standard ED to Oracle10G EE.

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Patch And Non-Standard Block Size

Apr 14, 2013

1) When might one choose non-standard block sizes?
2) Why do we need to apply patch? Just to fix bugs?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Timestamp In ISO 8601 Compliant Standard

Mar 25, 2010

My scenario is like

i need to insert and retrieve the date fields in

ISO 8601 compliant standard ie..YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss±hh:mm.

I have many locations to get reflected.

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Forms :: Restrict Standard Save Functionality?

Jun 20, 2011

how can we restrict standard save button functionality in custom form?

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Server Administration :: Non Standard Block Size

Aug 15, 2011

I am using oracle 10g with sga_max_size =4GB and db block size 16k. Now i am creating a tablespace with block size 32 kb , whats value i select for the parameter db_32k_cache_size.

Is there any standard way to calculate the value of this parameter.

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Performance Tuning :: AWR Report In 11g Standard Not Supported?

Jan 15, 2011

I was trying to generate AWR report, but the report which got generated consist most of the sections without data. Later i came to know that AWR report is not fully supported in 11g? Is that true?

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