Adding Column With Default Value?

Jul 11, 2007

how do I add a column to an existing table which when rows are added to the table this column will have the same default value?

alter table thetable add (new_column_name varchar2(100) default bbubu);

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Adding Column If It Does Not Exist?

Mar 31, 2010

I've been trying to write some code to add a column if it does not exist as the code will be run numerous times and will be parameterized in other software to run across multiple tables.

Here is what I have made so far:

COLEXISTS integer;
vCmdStr varchar2(4000);


I can't figure out where the invalid character is.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Updating Nth Row And Adding Column

Aug 7, 2012

I had created a table which have 100s' of entries in it.

create table reg_user


1. In this table, how to update the Nth row, how can I do it

2. Now I need to add USERID in this table,which will get value from 1 to max no. of rows. I do not want to drop the table and again re create it adding USERID or update each row manually. Is there any other way to add USERID and have IDs from 1 to max IDs.

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Adding Column To Large Table

Aug 12, 2013

I want to add column to table which has huge amount of data and fill with data from another table. What is the best way to do it? Is it faster to use CTAS instead of ALTER TABLE ADD COLUMN?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Adding A Column Between Existing Columns

Jul 8, 2010

I want to add some new columns in an existing table that has over 10 millions rows, but not at the end of existing columns, my requirement is such i want new columns between existing existing columns. Is it possible.....

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Summing Column - Adding Values Of Attribute

Apr 25, 2013

i have 2 data block (maintenance & maintenanceparts) in one form and i will like to add the values of the attribute "LineCost" in the maintenanceparts datablock and put the sum into 'Totalcost' attribute in the maintenance datablock.

I tried use the code

select sum(maintenanceparts.LineCost)into :maintenance.totalcost
from MaintenanceParts;

But it ended up adding all the records that was save in that attribute and putting it in totalcost. I am new to oracle

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Adding Column In Middle Of Existing Table

Sep 6, 2010

below query.

1) How to add a new column to the existing table's particular position, instead of atlast.

2) I created a table without mentioned the datatype size as below Create table dummy (name char, age number). Then what is the default size will be allocated for those column's?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Adding Audit Column To Track Delete And Update

May 15, 2012

we received a design advise to add columns to track the update and delete done on each row in our tables:


In our architecture, the application can only access functions/procedures to access/modify data. Each function logs the action, the executed sql statement, oracle error, user terminal, and the user into a unified log table by using v$ tables to create a general log function that is called after execution or error.

The only advantage is that it will be easier to know the delete and last update information faster versus space and design modification.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Set Default Value For A Column Of Table

Aug 30, 2010

How to set default value of particular column of a table ?

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Add Constraint Default Value For Table Column With Name?

Oct 26, 2009

I would like to add a constraint "default value" for a table column, with a name.

I know how to do it for a constraint "not null" : ALTER TABLE tablename MODIFY columnname CONSTRAINT constraintname NOT NULL;

But I don't know how to do it for a constraint "default value".How can I do ?

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PL/SQL :: How To Find If Column Default Value Is Stored As Metadata

Aug 17, 2012

I'm using Oracle 11g enhanced ADD COLUMN Functionality. Adding new columns with DEFAULT values and NOT NULL constraint no longer requires the default value to be stored in all existing records.

Sometimes we change DB columns from NOT NULL with DEFAULT to NULL with DEFAULT. This operation "materialize" column default. Is there an easy way (Dictionary view) how to find, that COLUMN default value is stored as metadata or is "materialized" ?

Oracle RDBMS version : Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production

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Change Default Value Of Certain Column In A Table In Oracle 11g

Aug 18, 2013

I have a table called cust_file, his table consists of a lot of columns (one of these columns called cus_tax) and have a lot of data,I use oracle 11g, I want to change the default value of the column cus_tax to be equal 1, I wrote   

ALTER TABLE cust_file MODIFY(cus_tax DEFAULT 1); table alteredbut

after I inserted new data to test the operation, I found that the new record has a value

= null for the column cus_taxthen 

I tested using the following query select

data_default from all_tab_columns where table_name='CUST_FILE' and column_name='CUS_TAX'; no rows selected...

Change the default value of the column cus_tax.

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Application Express :: No Data Found When Adding Column Link To Classic Report

Jul 16, 2012

Oracle 11g r2, APEX

I have some classic reports.

I go to Report Attributes, then I click Add Column Link in the "Tasks" right menu, it adds me a column link, I just add some text for the link and a page to go to. Then I run the report and I get :

report error: ORA-01403: no data foundTested with several classic reports on multiple pages.

Debug mode shows me :

0.43816     0.00240     ...Execute Statement: select distinct [...] order by 3,11 ,4
0.44056     0.00162     print column headings
0.44218     0.04816     rows loop: 25 row(s)
0.49037     0.00141     report error: ORA-01403: aucune donnée trouvée
0.49175     0.00078     Computation point: After Box BodyWhen I run the query in my favorite tool, I get expected results.

Did I missed something ?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Create Table With Author Column Default Value As Administrator

May 25, 2013

I am trying to write a script to create a table with the author column default value as "Administrator" I use this execute immediate statement1;

Why does it create the table successfully with ',AUTHOR VARCHAR2(30) DEFAULT 1' and NOT with ',AUTHOR VARCHAR2(30) DEFAULT Administrator' ?

I want to set the COLUMN DEFAULT have to "Administrator" when I create the table.

When I try character I get this error "ORA-00984: column not allowed here"

statement1:='CREATE table TEST_ID2'
||',test_name VARCHAR2(40)'
',date_created DATE DEFAULT SYSDATE '


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Application Express :: Update Default Column Values In Database From Form

Sep 14, 2012

Application Express ver. 4.1

I have created a form. Some of the elements are hidden such as updated_by and update_date. I have provided the default values for these attributes as pl/sql expression in the "default section" (Application->page->edit page item). I am using the Process Row process that is automatically created when a form is created.

The problem is when I click the update button, the updated_by and update_date is passed as null values which throws an error from the database.

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Application Express :: Prevent Reset For Default Search Column In Interactive Report

Jul 19, 2013

I have created a IR report and I set the default search column  using the suggestion found in the thread URL....but how can I keep this default even after the research was done?Now it is resetted ! 

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Default Values / Distinguishing Between Passed And Default Nulls

Nov 16, 2010

I was looking for a way to see if a default value for a procedure was passed NULL or it got NULL by default. [URL]

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Adding Rows Value

May 28, 2013

I am having the following table and values.

A | B
1 | 1
2 | 2
3 | 3
4 | 4
5 | 5

I need an output in following

A | B | C
1 | 1 |
2 | 2 | 3 --> 1+2
3 | 3 | 6 --> 3+3
4 | 4 | 10 --> 6+4
5 | 5 | 15 --> 10+5

I mean add the first row of column b with second row of column ==> this output need to show in column c

again this output need to add with third row of column b .......

any sql commands / keywords for this

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Adding High And Low To Zip Plus Four Values?

Jan 19, 2011

I have a table with zip codes and their plus four values. For ex: zip code of 10000, which has corresponding plus four values of 001, 002, 003, and 008, 009, 010. The issue is just that--a zip code can have sequential plus four values, and then it will skip several potential plus four values, and then start again. I would like to assign a low plus 4 value and high plus four value to a zip code, keeping in mind that the plus four values are not always sequential. So, it would be similar to this:

zip plus4 low plus4 high
10000 001 003
10000 008 010

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RAC & Failsafe :: Adding New ASM Disk

Dec 23, 2012

I have DB on cluster and it set to active/active. ASM disk currently using raw device and connect to SAN storage. So i want to add new ASM disk on current environment.

Does oracle have this doc? What i can see from their said just show adding new ASM to new installation. Does it same as adding new ASM disk to current system? Does it success on implementation?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Only Adding Order By Row Count

Sep 15, 2010

select bill_no from bill_mst is showing 25 records.

select bill_no from bill_mst order by 1 is showing 5 records.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Adding Conditions In Where Clause

Oct 20, 2010

I am trying to run an SQL query which refers/joins around 10 tables.In my case I would want to add an if-else or case condition in the WHERE clause of select query

For example

select a.column1, b.column1, c.column1, d.column1
from a, b, c, d
WHERE a.column2 = b.column2
AND (if a.column3 = 10 then ( I want 2 conditions to be
AND b.column2 = c.column2) added
else after WHERE clause as AND...)
AND b.column2 = d.column2
AND d.column2 = a.column2

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Adding IF Statement To A Trigger

Jan 8, 2013

I have created the below trigger in Oracle to ensure that a value in a table remains at 180 but I need to restrict this to one row in this table. Is there a way to use an IF statement or a where clause of some type for a particular row in that table? The Row is called ADMIN. Triggers weren't covered in my course so only know a few basic statements.

:NEW.days_ago := 180;

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Adding A New Node In Oracle RAC

Aug 8, 2011

When I added a new node to RAC (existng 2 windows server 2008 R2 nodes), using the command,

CODEaddNode -silent

the output was "The cluster node addition <path> was successful".

But when I tried the following command,

CODEcluvfy stage -post nodeadd -node3

I got an error stating

QUOTE "ERROR: Shared resources check for node addition failed

The following node is not in cluster: node3

Post-check for node addition was unsuccessful on all the nodes."

When I checked the inventory logs, I found the following entry


oracle.sysman.oii.oiix.OiixException: The Oracle home '<path>' could not be updated as it does not exist.
at oracle.sysman.oii.oiic.OiicBaseInventoryApp.getOracleHomeInfo(
at oracle.sysman.oii.oiic.OiicUpdateNodeList.doOperation(
at oracle.sysman.oii.oiic.OiicBaseInventoryApp.main_helper(
at oracle.sysman.oii.oiic.OiicUpdateNodeList.main(

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Adding Number In Sysdate

Apr 26, 2013

Can we add 10000 days in SYSDATE using + operator ?

Quote: This I can test it but I don't have database access now that's why I am asking this question

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PL/SQL :: Timestamps - Extra Zero Are Adding?

Jul 8, 2013

view the below select statement..why it's adding extra zero's...

select to_timestamp('2001-05-22 12:00:18.600','YYYY-MM-DD HH:MI:SS.ff3AM') from dual
output: 5/22/2001 12:00:18.600000000 PM ---why it's adding extra zeors's
my output should be as " 5/22/2001 12:00:18.600 PM"

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Adding Check After Table Creation

May 23, 2009

I created a table but I want to add the Unique check to it as I forgot to apply it to the table when I created it.Is it possible to make the field Unique after having created the table or do I have to drop the table and re-create it?

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Adding Up Time Values In Varchar2?

Mar 6, 2009

column name: extra_hour

datatype: varchar2(5)

and so on...

Problem: I want to add up all the given value and display it in a select statment, that is the output should be:



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Adding Description On Lookup Table?

Aug 17, 2012

Ive got a look up table and i want it to display text instead of just the ID number, how would i do that? so for example if

1 = Hello
2 = Bye

it would display "Hello" instead of "1"

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Server Administration :: Adding Disk In ASM

Oct 16, 2012

I checked and found we have disk that is assigned with 0 disk GROUP_NUMBER. What does that mean ? how to check if disk T1_ASM05 is been part of any disk group or not.?

SQL> select GROUP_NUMBER,NAME from v$asm_diskgroup;

------------ ------------------------------
SQL> select GROUP_NUMBER,name,PATH from v$asm_disk;

------------ ------------------------------ -------------------------
1 T1_ASM01 ORCL:T1_ASM01
2 T1_ASM02 ORCL:T1_ASM02

6 rows selected.

SQL> !
/home/oracle > /etc/init.d/oracleasm listdisks
/home/oracle >

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