Trace Particular One User SQL Activity In Oracle 10G Database?

Jan 27, 2013

I want to trace particular one user SQL activity in Oracle 10G database.

Note - Not only one session / Not for all Database activity

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Security :: Trace Or Audit User Activity

Dec 9, 2011

i want to trace user activities, I want to generate the file with SQL statement generated by particular user. I tried to look in to sys.AUD$ but all i get is logging logout and locations but no SQL Text.

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Tracking Mechanism For Oracle User Activity

Mar 14, 2011

I have a question about system logon / logoff triggers that can provide a tracking mechanism for Oracle user activity you've described:


If this approach is good for high-concurrency OLTP databases?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Trace Sessions From Specific User And Machine?

Sep 10, 2012

I need to trace all sessions created from specific user and specific machine . Got some code from internet and customised .

CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER SYS.enable_trace_trigger


I have yet not created it on db .

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Performance Tuning :: No Significant Database Activity To Run ADDM

Apr 11, 2012

As there was a database performance, we started to analyse the issue by running ADDM using below.


The result of running ADD is below.

Analysis Period: 10-APR-2012 from 06:00:15 to 07:00:22
Database ID/Instance: 324353546/1
Database/Instance Names: JACK/jack1
Host Name: fdsfggwe001

There was no significant database activity to run the ADDM.The database's maintenance windows were active during 100% of the analysis period.The analysis of I/O performance is based on the default assumption that the average read time for one database block is 10000 micro-seconds. An explanation of the terminology used in this report is available when you run the report with the 'ALL' level of detail.

Current parameters set in database are below

statistics_level ---- string
timed_statistics --- boolean

1.Do i need to set the initialization parameter to some other value?

2.should i run the below command before executing the ADD report ? exec dbms_workload_repository.create_snapshot();

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Enterprise Manager :: Blank Content Instead Of Database Performance And Activity?

Feb 4, 2010

I've installed Grid Control (aka OMS) and try to look at the Database Performance. But instead of information I receive headers and blank picture in the place where usually all charts are shown. As a matter of fact it looks like the page tries to access that data source, but fails in that and shows just a symbol of picture that was not loaded and all menus from that page.

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Server Administration :: User Dump / Trace Files With Huge Size In MBs

Mar 22, 2012

I am facing problem in user_dump_dest directory...I have noticed that there are a lot of trace files with huge size in MBs.I clean it and after 4 days there are 40G of size..

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Trace Particular Object (procedure / Package) On Database?

Dec 13, 2012

How do I trace an particular object (procedure/package) on the database. my database version is Oracle 11g(

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PL/SQL :: Unlock Oracle Database User?

Jun 14, 2013

Could the Oracle database user be configured so that it will not get locked with infinite wrong tries.

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Replicate User In Oracle Database

Jan 31, 2013

I Have one oracle user ABC which is having 10 Tables.

Now i want to create replica of this user XyZ which can access only 5 tables from . This user having All access.

Example :

Any DML changes made in XYZ these changes should be reflected in ABC user. and vice a versa.

How can i achive this in ORACLE DB.

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Access Oracle Database From Root User?

Dec 18, 2012

i have an linux instance running oracle 11g as oracle OS user. i am able to connect the DB from clients.

i need to access this DB from OS root user. what should i do.

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Security :: How To Find User And IP Address From Oracle Database

Jun 19, 2013

Last week we have realized that a user who connects through SQL Developer(as nothing wrong found in application server logs) has made a serious change in the database which created a real mess. The user has done some mischief in some calculations by making some inserts and updates in some important tables in our production database.

How can I find which user or from which IP the change is made.

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Oracle Database 11g Accepts DBA Login For Not Existed User?

Oct 24, 2012

I have Installed Oracle database 11g, By mistake I logged as :

mm/mm@orcl as sysdba

The Database acctepted the login with a full DBA privillages, although this user is not created within the database users.

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Security :: Lock User Accounts In Oracle Database

Jul 12, 2011

I have a doubt in locking user account in oracle database.I was told to drop some unusable users in database which my clients dont require them.I verified the dependent objects of those users but not sure if these users can be dropped.

Instead can i make those user accounts locked so that they cannot connect to database? Would there be any impact on database performance if i lock those user accounts?

Is locking an account and dropping users is similar in anyway?

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Server Administration :: How To Create Best Profile For Huge User In Oracle Database

Mar 5, 2013

how to create best profile for huge user in oracle database user which take lagre uga memory.

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Trace Events (19027) Generated In Oracle

Aug 31, 2013

DB version:

I have enabled the below trace event before running query on my session. 

ALTER SESSION SET events = '19027 trace name context forever, level 0x1000';ALTER SESSION SET tracefile_identifier = store_trace;

Then I ran my query, and upon the finishing of the query, I ran the below to disable trace. 

ALTER SESSION SET events = '19027 trace name context off, level 0x1000'; 

Now I checked back on the trace folder in my Oracle DB directory structure, but cannot find any file created by using the above set tracefile_identifier. I had previously run the query with "sql_trace" ON with tracefile_identifier, and successfully got the tracefile generated by using the identifier. 

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PL/SQL :: Create Trigger To Insert Data From One User To Another User In Same Database?

Apr 16, 2013

I Created One Trigger as Follows

ON table1


Here , I Want To Insert The Data From My User To Test User . In This Situation When I Execute The Above Trigger It Shows The Error PL/SQL: ORA-00942: table or view does not exist

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Server Administration :: Create / Drop User / Schema In Another Oracle Database Through Apex

Jul 7, 2012

Through an Oracle Apex application I need to create/drop a user/schema in another Oracle database. i.e., create/drop user remotely using an Oracle Apex application.

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Application Express :: Oracle APEX_ITEM For Non Database Table Columns - User Entered

Aug 21, 2012

how to use APEX_ITEM.text for where the source for this comes from user input values and not for an underlying table.I have a report where three columns are coming from an actual table (one being a checkbox for selection) but then also have two additional fields on the screen that are not from a table but placeholder fields for user's to enter data.

For example, my query looks like this:

select apex_item.checkbox2(10,id),
apex_item.text(20,NULL) as "Date Contacted",
apex_item.textarea(30,NULL,5,80) as "Comment"
from my_table

I am not seeing any values for the two user fields when entering values and doing a view source?

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PL/SQL :: Oracle RDBMS 10g R2 - SQL Performs As Expected When Trace Enabled

Aug 7, 2012

Oracle RDBMS 10g R2.
DB OS: HP Itanium

We use Oracle EBS R12.1.2 in our company and one of the analyst reported performance with saving the configuration in Pricing module. The common fix is to gather stats on BOM_EXPLOSIONS table. Recently, when the issue occurred I collected statistics on the table. The performance didnt improve. I went ahead and decided to trace the Oracle form session using the profile 'Initialization SQL Statement - Custom" at user level.

I also monitored the session in OEM 10g grid. The analyst performed the same set of steps and the performance was normal and acceptable. Analyst tried again and performance was matching with the expectation. I cleared the trace profile and analyst tried again. This time analyst had worse performance as the original issue. The issue got fixed later part of the day on its own. This has made me curious and thought to discuss it here.

I have had similar experience with 10g and 11g, when I enable the trace on the issue cannot be reproduced and when trace is off the issue pops back up.

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Windows :: Installation Of Oracle 11gR2 - Error In Trace File

Apr 8, 2013

I am trying to install Oracle 11g R2(64bit) on Windows 7 64 bit OS. While Creating Database using DBCA. I am getting error. Below is the screenshot.

Below is the error in the Trace file...

Error in Process: C:Oracleapporacleproduct11.2.0serverinorapwd.exe
Unable to find error file %ORACLE_HOME%RDBMSopw<lang>.msb

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Server Utilities :: Execution Series Of Application Through Oracle Trace Events

Feb 20, 2013

Would like to know the execution series of an application(From a particular screen) through Oracle trace events.

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Security :: To See Any Database For The Operations Of Sys User Or Any Other User

Aug 23, 2011

I have enabled Auditing in my oracle Database but I am not able to see any database for the operations of sys user or any other user in my "SYS.AUD$" and "SYS.FGA_LOG$" tables.

Value for the parameter "AUDIT_TRAIL" is set to "db,extended".

I am working as "SYS" user and I have shutdown and again startup the database but neither there was any information in both the tables nor I can see any files at the destination specified by "AUDIT_FILE_DEST".

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Security :: Authenticating Oracle User Based On Windows User ID?

Mar 11, 2011

We are trying to implement the following security to our database.

As of now, the access rights are same for all the windows users logging into the Oracle application with the same Oracle user Id.

But now, we want to improve our security by granting different levels of rights to the users based on their Network Id even though they use the same Oracle User Id to log into the application.

We are not looking for the users to be identified externally.


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OS User Occupying Shared Memory As Oracle User

Dec 11, 2012

we are trying ti implement BMC monitoring tool for our oracle 11g2 RAC/solaris10 environment. for the purpose we create a user called bmcuser in OS level, this user connecting database to monitor, this user occupy shared memory as oracle. Explain why this user taking that much shared memory just to connect database using sqlplus.

oracle taking 55% bmcuser taking 44%,

SQL> show parameters memory

------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------
hi_shared_memory_address integer 0
memory_max_target big integer 3232M
memory_target big integer 3232M
shared_memory_address integer 0
SQL> show parameters sga

------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------
lock_sga boolean FALSE
pre_page_sga boolean FALSE
sga_max_size big integer 3232M
sga_target big integer 0
6449 bmcuser 47M 44M sleep 23 10 0:57:31 0.2% PatrolAgent/1

pga & uga usage sessionwise

252     (null)     oracle (ARC3)     racdev1.     31054584     32168696     181056     181056
227     (null)     oracle (ARC2)     racdev1.     31054584     32168696     181056     181056
177     (null)     oracle (ARC0)     racdev1.     31054584     32168696     181056     181056
576     (null)     oracle (LGWR)     racdev1.     16693544     21281064     181056     181056
326     (null)     oracle (LMS0)     racdev1.     13753080     13753080     181056     181056
376     (null)     oracle (LMS2)     racdev1.     13556472     13556472     181056     181056

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Nested Table - Update Activity For Data Correction?

Mar 17, 2012

I've to do a update activity for data correction. There are about 1 crore records involved in this. I want to keep a log of the activity at least Sales No. so that I can validate my data correction. Main cursor is involved for this. The problem is if I insert each record for sales number in the loop then process will take about double time. So i decided to create a nested table and insert after each session finishes.

I'm talking about session here is. The table I'm updation is partition table. So I can have many sessions and each session updating different table partition. This way there is no lock, better performance. Server has 35 processors so I can at least have 25 sessiions.

I could have used varray for this. But I want to learn nested table also. Problem here is not to take different way to complete this activity but to learn why I'm facing this issue.

) ;


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Forms :: Keep Track Of Item Value Totals In Header From Items Under Each Activity

Nov 24, 2010

I have three blocks in my form , header,activity and item.One header can have many activities and one activity can have many items.I need to keep track of item value totals in header from items under each activity.

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Enterprise Manager :: Top Activity - How To Increase Number Of Execution Plans Kept

Feb 1, 2010

When viewing SQL statements in Top Activity in OEM, I am only able to see the Explain Plan for the most recent statement. Is there a setting to increase the number execution plans kept?

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Call Interface :: Monitor Stream Activity With Strmmon Tool

Dec 20, 2012

I want to monitor the stream activity with strmmon tool. How to compile the I was seeing with visual studio command prompt but it does not work properly.

Oracle Version:
Server: Win 2008 R2

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Windows :: Prepare Tablespace Growth Report For 106 DB - Reduce Manual Activity

Jun 29, 2011

I need tablespace name,tablespace total size and used size of every tablespace for my 106 databases. bcz I am planning to prepare tablespace growth report for my 106 dbs. If I have the 2 months data from now in xl sheet, then I can predict the growth rate of every tablespace accurate almost.

it is not a easy task to fill the space detail manually in xl sheet everyday.Hence I need some mechanism to do this activity automatically.

I know we can collect this detail in a csv file every day while running the script. but is there any mechanism to store these detail in a particular xl sheet one by one column automatically?

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