Server Utilities :: Execution Series Of Application Through Oracle Trace Events

Feb 20, 2013

Would like to know the execution series of an application(From a particular screen) through Oracle trace events.

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Trace Events (19027) Generated In Oracle

Aug 31, 2013

DB version:

I have enabled the below trace event before running query on my session. 

ALTER SESSION SET events = '19027 trace name context forever, level 0x1000';ALTER SESSION SET tracefile_identifier = store_trace;

Then I ran my query, and upon the finishing of the query, I ran the below to disable trace. 

ALTER SESSION SET events = '19027 trace name context off, level 0x1000'; 

Now I checked back on the trace folder in my Oracle DB directory structure, but cannot find any file created by using the above set tracefile_identifier. I had previously run the query with "sql_trace" ON with tracefile_identifier, and successfully got the tracefile generated by using the identifier. 

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Server Utilities :: Trace DDL SQL That Comes From Application

Oct 14, 2012

I wanted to trace DDLs that comes from application and did this .

EXECUTE DBMS_MONITOR.SESSION_TRACE_ENABLE(session_id => 1727, serial_num => 14319,waits => FALSE);
<waited till session completed all operation(ie,drop indexes)>
EXECUTE DBMS_MONITOR.SESSION_TRACE_DISABLE(session_id => 1727, serial_num => 14319);

Now i looked at tkprof output, I dont see any single DDL . Is this not the way to trace DDLs.

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Application Express :: Separate Link For Each Series On Multiple Series Bar Chart From One Query

May 13, 2013

I have a query that selects multiple series for a bar chart (I have defined only one chart series, and have 3 columns selected to represent 3 series). The series display on Bar Chart is fine. Now I want to create a separate link target depending on which series is clicked on the chart. I am not able to do this.

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Turning Off Trace On Specific Deadlocks Events?

Jun 17, 2013

Can I disable tracing just on deadlocks events on 11gR2?One of our applications provoke several deadlocks. I've warned the developers team several times, but it's taking time to solve it. However, these deadlocks generate trace files of several sizes (from 300M to 3G ..)The Deadlock Graph on them are very useful but the PROCESS STATE section are too long, and until the developers team fix the problem they are just filling up my user dump dest.  Can I disable them or disable the PROCESS STATE section from them?

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Server Utilities :: Execution Of Oracle 11g Wrapped Procedure Gives Ora-00900 Error

Apr 4, 2013

I have a procedure which i wrapped using the oracle 11g wrap utility. If i execute the wrapped procedure using jdbc i am getting an error of 0RA-00900 invalid sql statement.

The procedure is having basic sql statements only.The same procedure if i wrap using Oracle 9i and execute using jdbc it works fine.Is there any change in Oracle 9i wrap utility and Oracle 11g wrap utility.

I tried even Oracle 10g wrap it is also not working fine.

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Server Utilities :: TKPROF Cannot Open Trace File

Jan 6, 2011

I am trying to get a readable version of a .trc file generated by Oracle with tkprof, but I still have been unable to get this done...and this is what I have already tried:

tkprof /u00/app/oracle/admin/DB/udump/*BITN1234.trc /batch/salidas/student/BITNTRACE.txt

And whether I run this from my PL/SQL process (PRO*C) or from a command line, it returns:

TKPROF: Release - Production on Thu Jan 6 11:04:38 2011
Copyright (c) 1982, 2007, Oracle. All rights reserved.

could not open trace file /u00/app/oracle/admin/DB/udump/BITN1234.trc

I have already (from my PRO*C code and from command line)...

- made sure that the file is in the directory.
- run this from the udump directory, where the .trc file is...didn't work.
- run this from the udump directory, and specifying explicitely the

complete path anyway in the tkprof line (redundant...I know)...didn't work.

- tried to copy the file to another directory in order to run the tkprof,

and it returns:

cp: BITN1234.trc: The file access permissions do not allow the specified


- tried changing privileges with:
chmod a+r BITN1234.trc

and it returns:
chmod: BITN1234.trc: Operation not permitted.

- tried to run tkprof01 instead of tkprof and it returns:

We trust you have received the usual lecture from the local System Administrator. It usually boils down to these two things:

#1) Respect the privacy of others.
#2) Think before you type.

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Application Express :: Multiple Overlapping Series In Charts

Oct 11, 2012

whether the overlapping Multiple series charts are possible in Oracle APEX or not .

I am trying to create two graphs for two data sets , one as marker and another as line , but its giving me issues such as

1) X axis is taking all the points of the first series suppose(
1,5,10,180) itsplotting these first . and its then starting labeling
the x-axis for another one which has values like

so my X-axis is now ---> 1,5,10,180, 20,50,100,10000,150000

In case i make my marker chart series as the 2nd sequence , then its drawing all the markers on the right side of the chart .


Workspace:- NR_WORKSPACE
password:- H123$

whether this thing is achievable in oracle apex or not , is there any work around ?

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Application Express :: CHART SERIES - Show That If Value One Of Sources Had Fallen?

May 30, 2013

issue with my apex line chart. The scenario is as follows: have a table called revenue. revenues per year are saved in it. and revenues are generated from three sources which are also saved in the same table. I have made a line chart on it. works well.

Now I have to show that if the value of one of the sources had fallen, how must have it affected the total. I made a number field that takes an estimated change value, and build my sql query with it. it works but the problem is that it changes the non-affected source too. it must change the value of the affected source only and hence the total value.

bold or I will put it this way, how can I write a select statement for a chart series so that one of the rows value does not change and the other two change.

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Application Express :: How To Order  X-axis In Multiple Series Chart

Aug 17, 2012

I am using apex 4.1, i created a chart with 4 series in each series i am calculating sum of the no.of students joining in different classes of a institute for every year.

example my table is like this
date_of_join     class    student_id
'07/22/2012'      8       1
'07/22/2011'      8       2
'07/22/2009'      8       3
'07/22/2012'      7       4
'07/22/2010'      7       5
'07/22/2011'      6       6i wrote query like

select null as link,UNISTR('�0A0') || to_char(date_of_join,'YYYY'),count(student_id) "class 8" from stdent_record where class=8 group by to_char(date_of_join,'YYYY') order by to_char(date_of_join,'YYYY')


select null as link,UNISTR('�0A0') || to_char(date_of_join,'YYYY'),count(student_id) "class 7" from stdent_record where class=8 group by to_char(date_of_join,'YYYY') order by to_char(date_of_join,'YYYY')but what happened is the x-axis is coming in order like

2009  2011 2012 2010because the series1 no student is joined in 2010 so its taking the series1 order but i need the years in normal order.

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Export/Import/SQL Loader :: Server Connecting Oracle DB Using Linked Server Execution Delay

Jul 24, 2012

I have installed Oracle server and SQL Server on separate machines which cause me a time delay of 21 seconds for each execution. Why executions delay?  I have set RPC out (true).

Note: My main concern is either if the query is correct/incorrect it executes for 21 seconds._

Another case when I have both servers on the same machine it executes in milliseconds. I have tried Following methods in SQL SERVER.

*1, Using OPENQUERY:*
SELECT * From OPENQUERY(Linked Server Name,’Select * from OracleTableName ‘)

*2, Using Exec:*
SET @sql =(’Select * from OracleTableName ‘);
EXEC (@sql) AT Linked Server Name ;

How to reduce the time delay caused for the execution?

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Application Express :: Registration Form For Events?

Nov 6, 2012

registration forms for events (like Technology days and so on) with Apex? I want to build up something like that where customers can register for several events.

What is needed:

registration form with a limited registration (e. g. 80 customers) e. g. create a trigger?

show how many seats are still available

cancel of the registration

I´m using Apex 4.1

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Application Express :: Application Process Execution?

Jul 26, 2013

Application process (with htp.p in it) does not execute when onSubmit page process returns error (and shows it in notification bar).

How can I make process to execute? Or it is a bug? You can see example in test application Report 1Just press SUBMIT button and see difference near phrase "application process is here" at the top.

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Real Application Clusters :: 11GR2 RAC Deadlock Trace File - Where Have Reported Row IDs Gone?

Jun 3, 2013

I have a deadlock trace file to analyse and i used to be able to see the rowid as a 16 bit hex value in the trace file, which i could then query on to get the actual real world row name.I see in the 11GR2 deadlock trace the formatting is different and for the life of me i am unable to see the rowid. Has Oracle stopped reporting this now, or is their another way to get this value? The deadlock graph shows me

*** 2013-05-14 14:49:15.047
Submitting asynchronized dump request [28]
Global blockers dump end:-----------------------------------
Global Wait-For-Graph(WFG) at ddTS[0.16e] :
BLOCKED 0x4362890f8 5 wq 2 cvtops x1 TX 0x3d001b.0x18a3021 [FF000-0001-00000002] inst 1
BLOCKER 0x436288f38 5 wq 1 cvtops x28 TX 0x3d001b.0x18a3021 [102000-0001-00000002] inst 1

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Application Express :: Execution Order In

Feb 14, 2013

If I have Before header Application level process (with id=5) and page Before header process (with id=5), which one will execute first? Is there any relation based on id or there is other logic? I want to understand general order of execution in the same area without manual experimenting and debugging data in both process?

Question is related for Application Express

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Networking And Gateways :: TRACE LEVEL SERVER Off?

Apr 6, 2012

I am having database with windows2k3 OS. For ORA-609 error i have started server side tracing by adding TRACE_LEVEL_SERVER=16,TRACE_LEVEL_DIRECOTRY=D:TRACE,and DIAG_ADR_ENABLED=off in sqlnet.ora file and i reload the listener.

Now i want to stop tracing so i have tried TRACE_LEVEL_SERVER=off but it wouldnot work. After that i remove TRACE_LEVEL_SERVER=16,TRACE_LEVEL_DIRECOTRY=D:TRACE from sqlnet.ora file and reload the listener but trace file generation is going on D:TRACE. stop server side tracing.

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Server Utilities :: Importing Data From SQL Server To Oracle?

Mar 7, 2011

I'm importing data from SQL Server to Oracle. I used BCP to export the data from SQL Server. Below is the 1st record of table trlc from the csv file.


11032|100|Wman| | |2008-02-08| |

Using SQL Loader to import into Oracle:

TRLC table in Oracle database:

est_no varchar2(10) default ' '
right_no number(4) default 0
maj_auth varchar2(15) default ' '
weight varchar2(10) default ' '
idm_ht varchar2(8) default ' '
c_date date
P_tkt varchar2(5) default ' '

sqlldr user/pwd@db02 control=trlc.ctl log=trlc.log


load data
infile 'trlc.csv'
into table trlc
fields TERMINATED BY '|'

The rows get inserted successfully. But the result sets are different, for example: When I do a select in SQL Server,'select len(weight) from trlc;' , I get the length as 0. But when I do a select in oracle database, I get the length as 1. Also, the result set varies for the query below:

select * from trlc where weight=' ';

(SQL Server returns 1 row but Oracle returns no rows)

Do I need to mention any conversion code for the weight field to accept ' ' value?

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Server Administration :: Large Trace Files Generated In Udump?

Oct 24, 2011

We have Oracle 10g( RAC on AIX 5.3, there are 3 RAC instances on each node.From Oct 9th, we found one of the instance in node 1 generated a large size trace files in udump. The largest size of the trace file take up 3G. But there's only about 15G $ORACLE_BASE direcotry. After some time, we should delete some trace files for releasing the space.

Here is a part of alert log when this issue happen:

Sun Oct 9 23:18:15 2011
Errors in file /oracle/app/oracle/admin/bzywk/udump/bzywk1_ora_3166258.trc:
ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [17087], [0x70000010DF9F580], [], [], [], [], [], []
Sun Oct 9 23:18:16 2011
Trace dumping is performing id=[cdmp_20111009231816]


I checked with some trace files, I found all these files contains a huge info of processes.

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Trace Particular One User SQL Activity In Oracle 10G Database?

Jan 27, 2013

I want to trace particular one user SQL activity in Oracle 10G database.

Note - Not only one session / Not for all Database activity

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Server Administration :: Trace IP Address And OS Username / Service IP Who Modified Objects?

Sep 4, 2011

I have a problem some user modified the objects and now objects became invalid .How to trace the ip address and operating system username and service ip who modified the objects?

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Server Administration :: Large Number Of Trace File Generation In Bdump

May 7, 2010

We are facing one issue on one of the database. The database is generating large trace files(14000) from last two days. That consumes around 15G space on the disk. And the content of the trace files is not having any meaningful message to debug:

cat /apps/oracle/admin/fs90uat/bdump/fs90uat_p050_23966.trc

*** TRACE DUMP CONTINUES IN FILE /apps/oracle/admin/fs90uat/bdump/fs90uat_p050_23966.trc ***
Dump file /apps/oracle/admin/fs90uat/bdump/fs90uat_p050_23966.trc

*** TRACE DUMP CONTINUED FROM FILE /apps/oracle/admin/fs90uat/bdump/fs90uat_p050_23966.trc ***

... (Many lines with above message)

The alert log is having one repeated error yesterday:

Thu May 6 22:00:03 2010
Errors in file /apps/oracle/admin/fs90uat/bdump/fs90uat_j000_11811.trc:
ORA-12012: error on auto execute of job 2647927
ORA-04063: ORA-04063: package body "ORACLE_OCM.MGMT_DB_LL_METRICS" has errors
ORA-06508: PL/SQL: could not find program unit being called: "ORACLE_OCM.MGMT_DB_LL_METRICS"
ORA-06512: at line 1

The corresponding trace file is having error:

Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options
ORACLE_HOME = /apps/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1
System name: SunOS
Node name: corpqadb30
[Code] .......

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Server Administration :: User Dump / Trace Files With Huge Size In MBs

Mar 22, 2012

I am facing problem in user_dump_dest directory...I have noticed that there are a lot of trace files with huge size in MBs.I clean it and after 4 days there are 40G of size..

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PL/SQL :: Oracle RDBMS 10g R2 - SQL Performs As Expected When Trace Enabled

Aug 7, 2012

Oracle RDBMS 10g R2.
DB OS: HP Itanium

We use Oracle EBS R12.1.2 in our company and one of the analyst reported performance with saving the configuration in Pricing module. The common fix is to gather stats on BOM_EXPLOSIONS table. Recently, when the issue occurred I collected statistics on the table. The performance didnt improve. I went ahead and decided to trace the Oracle form session using the profile 'Initialization SQL Statement - Custom" at user level.

I also monitored the session in OEM 10g grid. The analyst performed the same set of steps and the performance was normal and acceptable. Analyst tried again and performance was matching with the expectation. I cleared the trace profile and analyst tried again. This time analyst had worse performance as the original issue. The issue got fixed later part of the day on its own. This has made me curious and thought to discuss it here.

I have had similar experience with 10g and 11g, when I enable the trace on the issue cannot be reproduced and when trace is off the issue pops back up.

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Windows :: Installation Of Oracle 11gR2 - Error In Trace File

Apr 8, 2013

I am trying to install Oracle 11g R2(64bit) on Windows 7 64 bit OS. While Creating Database using DBCA. I am getting error. Below is the screenshot.

Below is the error in the Trace file...

Error in Process: C:Oracleapporacleproduct11.2.0serverinorapwd.exe
Unable to find error file %ORACLE_HOME%RDBMSopw<lang>.msb

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Server Utilities :: Oracle Imp.exe Appcrash

Oct 31, 2013

I have a dump file (exp done from Oracle 10.2) and i want to import this dump in Oracle (Windows 7 32 bit). The import work nice until, I got a crash message from Windows:

Faulting application name: imp.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x4bb5f1da
Faulting module name: ntdll.dll, version: 6.1.7601.18247, time stamp: 0x521ea91c
Exception 0xc0000005
Fault offset: 0x0001f9c3
Faulting process id: 0x10b4
Faulting application start time: 0x01ced5c178550439
Faulting application path: D:appionut_trascaproduct11.2.0dbhome_1inimp.exe
Faulting module path: C:WindowsSYSTEM32
Report Id: fa06ee43-41b8-11e3-82a9-001fe1f2e49e

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Server Utilities :: Oracle Metalink?

May 16, 2012

where find the oracle metalink to resolve the ora-00600 and ORA-07445 error at the oracle website.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Print Fibonacci Series

Nov 8, 2006

I want to print Fibonacci Series like :-


How can i do it.Can i do it by procedure or function?

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Server Utilities :: Reading From Oracle Dump

Jun 14, 2006

Is there is any way of reading from oracle dump file?

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Server Utilities :: Migrate Table From 10g Xe To Oracle 9i?

Dec 1, 2011

how to migrate a table from 10g xe database to a oracle9i database.Both the database are stand alone and we cannot create a dblink.

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Server Utilities :: ORACLE Import Error?

Feb 23, 2012

I have the problem with import in Oracle 8.1.7.The size of import file is 29600 kb and tablespace size is 16gb and when I try to make import oracle back this message:

IMP-00003: ORACLE error 1659 encountered
ORA-01659: unable to allocate MINEXTENTS beyond 7 in tablespace DATA

The data tablespace is full. I think that the import file contains information about the original tablespace from which has made ​​export. But I don't now how to resolve the problem

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