Show Rights Of A User On Tablespace

May 13, 2013

just a short generally Oracle question with (i think) many solutions:

How is it possible to show the rights of a user on a tablespace?

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Forms :: Login User From One CANVAS And Access Second As Per-user Rights?

Oct 20, 2012

- we have user id parameter.can we update the parameter(:parameter.p_userid) before firing "WHEN NEW FORM INSTANCE TRIGGER"(when new form instance trigger contain code for tree node), for login another canvas as per user rights?

- i have created a login form in one canvas.

- also tree node Hierarchy form created on another canvas. now we want to login through login screen, after login only those forms should show in tree Hierarchy which users have rights. for this purpose we want to pass the parameter of userid before connecting to tree node form through the following query

INTO v_count
FROM usersinfo
WHERE usersname = :USERBLOCK.usernames AND passwords = :USERBLOCK.passwords ;


Every thing is working but when we click on button in login form at that time parameter.p_userid will return null. because above code is define on button click in login screen, i cannot understand where i need to define the above code .

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Forms :: Table Oriented User Rights

Nov 10, 2009

I have build a sw containing 20 forms & 35 reports. I have created users table.

Now I want to assign different rights to different users like update, view , update, print, delete etc etc. Enable disable add/delete/update buttons on basis of user rights.

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Application Express :: Tab Hide And Show According To User?

Dec 26, 2012

i want to hide/Show tab according to application user.i want to display tab abc if application user exist in group 006 .

My Column Name in user table name :user_master

user_id varchar2(15),
grp_id varchar2(10)

what sql statement i apply to hide and show Tab.

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Reports & Discoverer :: How To Show User Help Message In 11g

Jul 4, 2010

In Reports 11g when user move mouse to hyperlink then I want to show user help message Like 'Please Click here for more detailed Information'

Same as Forms Tool tip property.

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Application Express :: Tabular Form - Let End User Hide / Show Columns?

Aug 6, 2012

I have been requested to create a tabular form, but end user should have ability to hide/show columns, also they should rename the column headers. So I have created a table with column name called "attribute1", attribute2", etc. Based on that table, create a tabular form, which has column header as "attrbute1", "attrbute2", etc.

Now end user wants to rename attrbute1 as he wants. And he/she also wants to have a link called "hide/show" next to the column header, so end user can control which column they want to hide/show. It is so easy to do that control from developer side, however, shift that function to end user from front end seems very difficult to me

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Server Utilities :: Imported Dump File Does Not Show Any Table Under User Amol

Dec 20, 2011

I have dump file of 17 GB,which i want to import in my database db1 in user amol ;so i created new user under db1 as below ,before this i have created tablespace so that i can import my data only to that tablespace only. My steps are as below.

CREATE TABLESPACE ptaxold1 DATAFILE '/home/oracle/oracle/product/10.2.0/oradata/cvsdbm/ptaxold1.dbf' SIZE 6024M AUTOEXTEND ON;

create user amol identified by amol default tablespace ptaxold1 temporary tablespace tem; imp amol/amol then i mentioned my dump file but after importing it does not show any table under user amol.

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User Without Tablespace

Feb 14, 2011

I have come across a small incident in oracle. I have user that exists on the database and is open but user's tablespace is not listed under v$tablespace.

SQL> select * from v$version;

Oracle9i Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
PL/SQL Release - Production
CORE Production
TNS for Solaris: Version - Production
NLSRTL Version - Production


------------------------------ -------------------------------- ------------------------------ ------------------------------

SQL> select name from v$tablespace;


6 rows selected.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Extract The Rights Of Users On ERP

Mar 2, 2013

I would like to extract the user rights from the ERP that I use with SQL/Oracle.

There are 3 databases. The first gives me all the users with the main key id_user. The second one gives me the actions with the main key id_action. The third one only gives me what the user can't do.

I would like to know all the actions that all users can do or not.

The result must be something like:

Action 1
User 1 Yes
User 2 No

Action 2
User 1 No
User 2 Yes

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SQL & PL/SQL :: No Privileges On Tablespace User

Jul 25, 2013

> conn sys as sysdba;
enter password:TIGER
>create user ram identified by ram;
>grant create session to ram;
>conn scott/tiger
>create table ram.emp2
as select * from emp;

this is the query and i want to create emp2 table for user ram while i am connected to scott,
ealier i was able to do this but now oracle shows error 01950,

then i connected to sys again and ran this command >alter user scott quota unlimited on scott;
but it also not worked

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Access Rights To Be Given For Using Pivot Function

Dec 28, 2011

Is any access rights to be given for using pivot function...i tried below query but it throws error

select * from BI_BALNCE_SHEET
PIVOT(sum(balance) for gl in('Income','Expenditure'));

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Tablespace - Privileges To Newly Created User

Apr 13, 2012

i have created a new tablespace and assigned it to new user. What are the minimum no. of grants i should give, so that the user can made any kind of changes to all the objects within the tablespace and cant access other tablespace.

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Find Which User / Program Is Using USERS Tablespace?

Feb 27, 2012

I have a database in which there are lots of programs running by default user or programs started by some oracle users.

Now, I know that the USER tablespace is growing at very high speed - But I dont know which user/program is causing this growth of USER tablespace.

how to identify the program/user who is responsible for this growth of USERS tablespace.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Query To Get Default Tablespace Of Current User?

Oct 27, 2010

I need query to retrive the default tablespace of the current user, when the user is not a dba, i.e. user doesn't have access to dba_users table.

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Server Administration :: Tablespace Size Is Same As Before Deletion Of User?

Oct 1, 2012

I have deleted a user with CASCADE option.

After deletion, the size of tablespace should be reduced.

But the tablespace size is same as before deletion of user.

Currently , that USER is deleted and not present in the database . Still space is not released after user deletion.

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Security :: Create User With Full Access On Default Tablespace?

Aug 12, 2011

i have been trying to create a user with full access on default Tablespace so that i can access all the objects without any restrictions for the new user.

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Application Express :: To Change The Default Behavior Of Hide / Show Region To Show

Jun 26, 2012

I am trying to change the default behavior of Hide/Show Region to show, after some attempts i got it partially working but now clicking the icon to toggle hide/show doesn't work also changed the icons and added type="" but its not working.

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Server Utilities :: How To Import Dump Into Specific Tablespace Instead Of Default Tablespace Users

Jan 18, 2012

How to import dump into specific tablespace instead of default tablespace users.

I want to import my dump file to newly created tablespace ,so how can i do that . I have created new user called cvm and while creating it i mentioned default tablespace to newly created tablespace . But when i try to import my dumo file it goes to users tablespace .

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Server Administration :: Creating A New Tablespace With Datafile / Assign Users To Current Tablespace

May 27, 2011

i have a tablespace which contains 121 datafile(max limit reached) as a dba what we have to do?

creating a new tablespace with a datafile and assign the users to the current tablespace which i created now.iif the above process is correct,after some time the tablespace which was filled up got freed can i give the access to the users previous (i.e. freed up tablespace) and current tablespaces

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Server Administration :: Single Big Tablespace Versus Multiple Tablespace?

Jan 26, 2011

My database version is

Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
PL/SQL Release - Production
CORE Production
TNS for Linux: Version - Production
NLSRTL Version - Production

My os version is

Linux damdat01 2.6.18-128.7.1.el5 #1 SMP Wed
Aug 19 04:00:49 EDT 2009 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64

My database is OLP system.

My question is what are the advantages and disadvantages having one single tablespace versus multiple tablespace?

Easy to maintain when you have single tablespace. but hard to track the IO issues if you have one single tablespace.

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Server Administration :: Convert Dictionary Managed Tablespace To Locally Managed Tablespace?

Jan 6, 2012

I have one database which is recently upgraded from oracle 8.1.5 to oracle database is having around 300 tablespace and total size of the database is 1.5 TB.

The database was created in oracle 8i and all the teblespace were DMT(Dictionary Managed Tablespace) .Usually after up gradation all the tablespace are in DMT mode. Now my requirement is to convert all the tablespace into LMT (Locally Managed Tablespace) so that I can AVAIL ALL THE FEATURES OF LMT.

This database is a mission critical database and very less downtime can be allowed.

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Product User Profile - Restrict User From Running Queries On DB From Third Party Tools

Apr 25, 2011

There is a requirement in my database that I want to restrict the user from directly running queries on database from third party tools such as pl/sql developer and toad.

There is a utility in SQL product_user_profile through which this can be done but it is only restricted if you run the query through sql plus. If I want to restrict and (give suppose select,insert) to a user for directly running queries through PL/SQL.

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Server Administration :: Externally Authenticated User Login Syntax As Proxy User?

Nov 15, 2010

I created an externally authenticated user in database. And can login without password with below syntax.

SQL> connect / @TESTDB
SQL> show user;

This scott user has a proxy permission to another DBuser PROXY_USER. Previously I used to login using below syntax.

connect scott[proxy_user]/password_for_scott@TESTDB

So now, what syntax should be used for this "ExternallY Authenticated" user to login as a proxy user?

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Forms :: User Privileges - Assign Permissions To One User To Add / Delete / Edit Data?

May 28, 2011

how can i assign permissions to one user to add,delete,edit data and other user should be able to perform all functions or selected functions

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Server Utilities :: User Creation Definition In User Mode Export

Mar 31, 2010

I would like to know if 'user creation definition' is exported in user mode export if export is done with DBA role..If it is Not, does it mean we always need to precreate the user before we import the dump created using 'user mode export'?

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Security :: Authenticating Oracle User Based On Windows User ID?

Mar 11, 2011

We are trying to implement the following security to our database.

As of now, the access rights are same for all the windows users logging into the Oracle application with the same Oracle user Id.

But now, we want to improve our security by granting different levels of rights to the users based on their Network Id even though they use the same Oracle User Id to log into the application.

We are not looking for the users to be identified externally.


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PL/SQL :: User Session Has Expired And Enable User Without Changing The Password

Aug 13, 2012

User session has expired. I have to enable user without changing the password of the user.

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Security :: User Locked / Track User Who Hit Wrong Password

Dec 21, 2010

We have the database user called c88888 and is locked yesterday. I came to this with the following query.

select * from dba_users where username like 'C88888';

Due to invalid password the user was locked. Can we track who hit the database with the wrong password?

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PL/SQL :: Create Trigger To Insert Data From One User To Another User In Same Database?

Apr 16, 2013

I Created One Trigger as Follows

ON table1


Here , I Want To Insert The Data From My User To Test User . In This Situation When I Execute The Above Trigger It Shows The Error PL/SQL: ORA-00942: table or view does not exist

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Client Tools :: Grant User Schema To Another User

Feb 9, 2011

I have two users say A and B. I have all the tables,views,indexes, types,procedures,packages etc. User B wants to access all the objects from user A.

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