How To Recover Missing Rows

May 28, 2013

In one of my table i found some rows missing, how can i recover it ?????

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How To Recover Missing Log Files

Feb 23, 2011

Currently my Source Database capture state stream is "Waiting for Dictionary Redo FIRST SCN" some logfiles are missing. My problem now is how to recover those missing logfiles.

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Backup & Recovery :: Missing Some Tables After Recover To A New Host

Oct 20, 2011

My scenario is use RMAN to restore and recover database to a new host.The structure of two hosts are same.

In Host A:
1. Take a full backup.
2. Import a schema which has 191 tables in order to generate archivelogs.

In Host B:
I put all the folders(backupset, autobackup, archivelog) to the same directory. But after recovered the database, i checked that schema just has 175 tables, the latest few tables are missing.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Show Missing Rows In Query

Feb 7, 2012

SQL> select * from t1;


SQL> select * from t2;


SQL> select from t1 a, t2 b where <>
2 order by name;


I would have expected to see the following:


how to fix this query? In additon, is there a way to print the table name or some arrows (>>, <<) to show which table the values came from


JOHN t1 or <<
JENN t1 or <<
PAUL t2 or >>

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Server Utilities :: Export / Import From One Oracle DB To Other - Rows Missing?

May 31, 2011

I am new to Oracle DBA. m facing one problem. i imported and exported my data from one oracle DB to another by using exp/ both exp/imp log files, its shows the fallowing messages at the end.

"Import terminated successfully with warnings."
"Export terminated successfully with warnings."

but when i count there are some rows missing in some tables...

what could be the cause? is there any other way to cross check whether export/import was successful...

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RMAN :: Difference Between Recover Database And Alter Database Recover?

May 9, 2013

Oracle database 11.2

What is the difference between

recover database until cancel using backup controlfile; and alter database recover automatic until cancel;

1. in user managed and server managed backups. What would be the location of the controlfile which is used in (recover database until cancel using backup controlfile;) .

2. why user first option and why use second option.

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How To Recover A RAC

Dec 28, 2010

how to recover a RAC instance if it is a 3 node RAC environment..

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Recover Control File

Jul 24, 2011

In my system all my control files get corrupted.

FYI,I have taken control file backup and DB backup also 6 hour before the control file get corrupted,then there are quite lot of DB structure change, so Now how to recover my control file with the upto time DB state , since the backup was taken for control file 6 hour before the file get corrupted, now how do I revery the DB/control file, step by step with syntax as well.

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Jul 13, 2010

While trying to copy a database, i used the command: RECOVER DATABASE USING BACKUP CONTROLFILE until cancel; it gave:

ORA-00279: change 7866782806751 generated at 07/12/2010 19:39:23 needed for thread 1
ORA-00289: suggestion : /moteurs/oracle/r11110/R11110/archivelog/2010_07_13/o1_mf_1_1158_%u_.arc
ORA-00280: change 7866782806751 for thread 1 is in sequence #1158

Specify log: {<RET>=suggested | filename | AUTO | CANCEL}
ORA-01547: warning: RECOVER succeeded but OPEN RESETLOGS would get error below
ORA-01194: file 1 needs more recovery to be consistent
ORA-01110: data file 1: '/data01/oracle/r11110/data/SYSTEM01.dbf'

ORA-01112: media recovery not started what can i do in this case of issue?

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Database Crashed - How To Recover

Mar 25, 2011

i took the backup database with dump file.. today morning database is crashed but i have only yesterdays backup dump file. How can i recover the full database?

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How To Recover A Dropped Table

Apr 10, 2013

DB: 11G

I need to recover a dropped table, I have a RMAN backup of midnight and the table was dropped at 7:00 PM today. I do not have flash back enabled on the database. I am thinking of restoring midnight backup and applying the archives just before the table was dropped and opening the database in resetlogs method.

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How To Recover Temporary Tablespace

Aug 8, 2013

Today I found a Temporary tablespace is corrupted, generally speaking, how we can recover a temporary tablespace?

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Use Recover Database Statement

Nov 8, 2010

I had a problem starting up my database but was able to get it up and running. The only difference in my two scenarios was that I added a "recover database" statement, which seemed to do the trick.

I was under the impression during startup Oracle implicity does a recover if needed. If that is the case, how come I needed to use the "recover database" step. why the first scenario did not work and the second did.


Total System Global Area 3775086592 bytes
Fixed Size 2159192 bytes
Variable Size 1694502312 bytes
Database Buffers 2013265920 bytes
Redo Buffers 65159168 bytes
Database mounted.
SQL> alter database open;
alter database open

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Recover Database Using Cold Backup

Dec 7, 2007

I have an oracle 8i recovery scenario. I have database cold backups of MONDAY and WEDNESDAY evenings. backup contains control files, data files, redo files

Database runs in Archive log mode and all archives of the month are available. Hard disk crashed on SATURDAY

all archive logs are still available at different location. Control files are not backed up to trace or file name or automatically means no backup control file (except ones in cold backups described above)

restoring all files from cold backup of either MONDAY or WEDNESDAY (I recovered to Wednesday) leaves nothing to recover. Querying V$RECOVER_FILE returns nothing. All log sequences higher to the number nnn displayed as result of ARCHIVE LOG LIST are present at correct location in correct format

My question is how do i ROLL Forward the Database from WEDNESDAY to SATURDAY in the above scenario.

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Possible To Recover BLOCK Corruption With Exp Backups

Jul 9, 2013

While taking a full export i came to know there was a block corruption in SYSAUX tablespace. I dont have any COLD/HOTBACKUPS/RMAN BACKUPS. As i have only the Exp backups and the database is in archive log mode. Whether is it possible to recover the BLOCK CORRUPTION with exp backups.

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RMAN - Recover Files In Other Machine?

Dec 5, 2011

I have many backup sets of my database.

I need to recover a especific set of data, but where these data are. I thought of install oracle in a new machine and recover the backups one by one.

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Flashback Tables - Recover Index Name?

Dec 27, 2011

I fired following commands .

>create table t1(id number);
>create index indx_t1 on t1(id);
>drop table t1;
>flashback table t1 to before drop;

but when i fired
>select index_name , table_name from dba_indexes where table_name='T1';

it shows index name something like "BIN$QvTWVG3dTxmBBJ607f9CWQ==$0" so is their any way to recover that index name

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Possible To Recover A Deleted Column Of A Table

Mar 18, 2011

I am new to oracle database. I wanted to know if it is possible to recover a deleted column of a table. If yes, how can it be done? I tried flashback but it seems that flashback doesn't support recovery of deleted column.

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Archivelog - Recover Database Using Backup

Apr 2, 2013

i have one question regarding archivelog and backup if i take just backup excluding archivelogs like = RMAN>backup database; (not plus archivelog ) now when even i recover database using backup , will it also recover changes that was in archives?

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Backup & Recovery :: Timezone And SET UNTIL For Recover

May 15, 2011

I'm in the process of testing a restore/recover from a simulated full system and media loss. A level 0 backup was taken from the server, and I'm trying to restore/recover to a point in time on a second server. I have created the database (with the same name) and have been able to successfully restore both the controlfile and spfile from the autobackup.

how does RMAN treat the "set until time"? The level 0 was taken on a database/server that is in CST while the database I'm trying to do a restore/ recover to is in EST. So when trying to do a point in time recovery, should I specify the time in EST or CST?

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Backup & Recovery :: Recover Table Which Truncated

Jun 11, 2012

How to recover a table which truncate incautiously?

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Backup & Recovery :: How To Recover Truncated Table

Apr 20, 2011

One of our programmer/user accidentally truncated 2 tables in production. The dB is in NO ARCHIVELOG MODE.

How can we restore records of the 2 tables?

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Server Administration :: Restore And Recover Database?

Oct 21, 2010

I create a test database which is duplicate of my production server and after every 15 or 20 days I need to synchronize test db with production db.So I clone it and it takes about a day.I have to remove all datafiles from test and move from production to there on test server and I applied restore and recover.So it is very time consuming process.

I want to know is there any process which makes my work less like I just need to apply all rest of the logs which are new after synchronize last time from production server that need restore and recover.

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Backup & Recovery :: How To Recover Database Having Only DBF And CTL Files

Oct 15, 2013

I have the following situation: a customer sent me a group of files, that he said to be a "backup" of an old database, that is no longer online (he doesn´t use our software anymore). However, he needs to recover the data in this database. The person at the company who generate these files doesn´t work there anymore, so we don´t have any of the following information:

- Database version, connection details, service names, user names neither tablespace names.

We were just told that these files were recorded in a DVD, and is que only source remaining.
The files he sent are the following:


Is there a way to access this data? Or can I tell our costumer that your data is lost forever..

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Backup & Recovery :: Recover Data From DBF Files?

Feb 24, 2013

My server hard disc crashed yesterday and i don't have any backups.

I am able to recover the .dbf files by using a recovery tool.

is it possible to use this .dbf files into new server and recover my data.

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Backup & Recovery :: Database Recover Until Cancel

Feb 10, 2011

Currently my DB is running on 10g Archivelog mode. All the archive logs being generated at /u04/dbarch/.The server crashed yesterday. Now when I want to start my instance it throwing the error ORA-01110 and ORA-01113-- system01.dbf need more recovery.The below are the command I fired from sql prompt:-

But still oracle suggesting that system01.dbf need more recovery.

how can I recover my database.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: DBLink Insert - How To Recover Lost Records

Jun 20, 2010

I am inserting data into database_A table from database_b using dblink,

INSERT INTO database_A@database_B SELECT * FROM student;

while inserting if we loss some records how can we recover those records.

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Backup & Recovery :: Recover Drop Table

Dec 29, 2011

How i can recover my drop table..i use user managed backup concept after dropping table i cant recover my i use step that my dropped table recover.

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Recover Tablespace (Database) To Older State

Jan 30, 2013

i have the following problem:

At a test database instance of Oracle 11g ( at CentOS 6 i've imported a tablespace from another instance to test my backup strategy.

First i've done a fullbackup with RMAN:
# rman target /
Then i thought to test the database i could delete something and restore and recover the database from the backup. So i deleted a table in the imported tablespace:
# sqlplus / as sysdba
SQL> drop table TESTTABLE;
After that i would start the restore and recover process by restoring and recovering the tablespace in which I deleted the table with RMAN. At first i've set the tablespace offline:
SQL> alter tablespace TESTTABLESPACE offline immediate;
Then I go to RMAN and start the restoring:
RMAN> restore tablespace TESTTABLESPACE;
Now there is a problem when i execute the recover command. The recover command includes the recovering from the redolog files, right? As I dropped the table from the tablespace this operation was written in the redolog files. So when i make a :
RMAN> recover tablespace TESTTABLESPACE;
The dropped tablespace would be dropped also, because the last redolog file told RMAN to drop the table. So i think I have to restore and recover my tablespace from an older timestamp, so RMAN would ignore the dropping of the table in the redolog file. Is that right so?

And when it is right how can i restore a tablespace from an older date so RMAN would ignore the dropping?

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RMAN :: Restore And Recover Tablespace (s) In Another Database

Dec 3, 2012

I'm using Oracle Standard edition 11gR2, actually that's why I'm posting this thread because I can't use TRANSPORT TABLESPACE feature.

I need to restore and recover two tablespaces, backed up in source database in another database. The destination db has been duplicated from the source db a couple of days ago so the structure is identical.

I cannot use Data Pump on this specific tablespace, because it causes some strange behavior in our application. So I took a backup from tablespaces and now I'm looking for a solution to restore and recover it in another db.

Is there any command to restore a tablespace from a specific file? I googled a lot and no luck so far..

P.S: I use controlfile instead of recovery catalog.

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