Lost Windows password? Forgot Windows password? Your PC was hacked? Therefore, it is a basic step for every Windows users to enhance the security of Windows password. In the networks, it is found that a number of user's passwords are easy to guess. Only the smallest groups are the most security conscious and select passwords that are mixed lowercase and uppercase letters, numbers and punctuation to create cryptic passwords. Adopting strong password is one of the most effective ways to ensure system security. Here are several methods for you to enhance the security of your passwords in Windows 7/2000/XP/Vista and so on. You'd better remember the methods below unless you want to reset Windows password from time to time.
1. Is random password a great password?
A common myth is that totally random passwords like Ht3&e#L%5d@$B are the best passwords. This is not true. While they may be strong passwords, they are usually difficult to remember, slow to type, and sometimes vulnerable to attacks against the password generating algorithm. It is easy to create passwords that are strong but much easier to remember by using a few simple techniques. For example, consider the password "Luck-73@Better?". This password utilizes uppercase and lowercase letters, two numbers, and three symbols. The password is 15 characters long and can be memorized with very little effort. Moreover, this password can be typed very fast. The portion"Luck" and "Better" alternate between left and right-handed keys on the keyboard, improving speed, decreasing typos, and decreasing the chances of someone being able to discover your password by watching you.
2. Create the long Windows password
Although a password may eventually be discovered through some means, it is possible to create a password that cannot be cracked in any reasonable time. If a password is long enough, it will take so long or require so much processing power to crack it. That is essentially the same as being unbreakable (at least for most hackers).
3. Create the Windows password constantly?
This may be good advice for some high-risk passwords, but it is not the best policy for every user. It is frustrating for a user to have to constantly think of and remember new passwords every 30 days. It may be better to focus on stronger passwords and better user awareness rather than limiting password age. A more realistic time for the common user may be 90-120 days.
4. Write down Windows password in a proper place
Sometimes it is necessary for some users losing and forgetting complex passwords easily to write down them somewhere proper. However, it is important to educate users on how to write down passwords properly. Obviously, a sticky note on the monitor is not a good idea, but storing passwords in a safe or even a locked cabinet may be sufficient.
5. 14 characters is the optimal password length
Each character that you add to your password increases the protection. Your passwords should be 8 or more characters in length; 14 characters or longer is the Optimal Password Length. Many systems also support use of the space bar in passwords, so you can create a phrase made of many words. It is not easier to forget and lose, as well as longer than a simple password, and harder to guess.
6. Try not to use the same Windows password for all accounts
Some users always make the same passwords for every account to make it easy to remember. In that case, when any one of them lost, your other information protected by that password will be in danger as well. It is serious to use different passwords for different systems and accounts.
7. Do not use some common words that other users maybe guess
Most of users prefer to use some common words to remember easily, for example, login name, birth date, driver's license, passport number, pets' name and other words contained their personal information someone knows. In that case, your Windows system will not be safe anymore. Moreover, do remember not to use some words spelled backwards, abbreviations, sequences or repeated characters and adjacent letters, such as, asdfgh, 123456, 888888, abcdef and so on.
You can smoothly use your Windows now because the strong and powerful Windows password is created successfully, Certainly, I believe that many users lost Windows password and forgot Windows password, then you need have to reset Windows password or recover Windows password. It is a big problem for plenty of Windows users that how to reset Windows password. how to recover Windows password and they are puzzled by resetting windows password, for instance, reset Windows 7 password, recover password Windows XP, remove Windows Vista password and other operating systems after they create the password with complex letters, numbers and symbols. However, it is unnecessary to worry and it is said that things will eventually sort themselves out. There are many ways to reset forgotten Windows password, including use windows password reset disk and windows password reset software, like Super Windows Password Reset, a professional windows password reset software which could enable you to logon to Windows smoothly without reinstalling system.
recover database until cancel using backup controlfile; and alter database recover automatic until cancel;
1. in user managed and server managed backups. What would be the location of the controlfile which is used in (recover database until cancel using backup controlfile;) .
2. why user first option and why use second option.
i have 100 records in table1,like as we have more 15 tables without data. the issue is how can i insert above table1 data(100 records) into different 15 tables in single sql command.
I want to insert 10 records from table a to table b. If i m using statement level trigger how many record insert?In row level trigger how many record inserted?
I have a form with a datablock displaying 3 text item fields.But the actual oracle table have 8 columns.When ever I insert new data and save it, only the three records are being stored in backend whereas remaining column stores with null value.That is the basic function of the form.
I placed an another list item field in a control block which is non-database item.Now I want to store the list item value into a column along with the 3 columns.In a simple way, how to insert record manually along with the other records?
I am working on form builder 6i. I have multi record datablock 't1'.' I have 'Submit' Button, which contains 'commit_form'. I am able to insert records.
Now i have a check box in data block, i want to insert records which are checked. I followed below thing to achieve that.
ON-INSERT Trigger:
If check_box ='Y' THEN INSERT_RECORD end if.
SUBMIT BUTTON: commit_form.
Let us say, i have 5 records, 2 records are checked, after clicking SUBMIT button, it's inserting 2 records only. But in console window, it's showing '5 transactions are saved'. I want see '2 transactions are saved' message in console window.
How to get it or any other solution which will insert records which are checked and show correct message in console window.
Insert multiple record in table. I have a table of customers . It has column cus_name, cus_fruit, cus_date, cus_qty.
Select * from customers; cus_name cus_fruit cus_date cus_qty Maria Anders Apple 18-July-2013 10 Maria Anders Apricot 18-July-2013 20 Maria Anders Asparagus 18-July-2013 100 Maria Anders Avocado 18-July-2013 5 Ana Trujillo Apple 18-July-2013 10 Ana Trujillo Apricot 18-July-2013 20 Ana Trujillo Asparagus 18-July-2013 100 Ana Trujillo Avocado 18-July-2013 5
how I can insert record in one time in table. All table data same only change the cus_name.
Thomas Hardy Apple 18-July-2013 10 Thomas Hardy Apricot 18-July-2013 20 Thomas Hardy Asparagus 18-July-2013 100 Thomas Hardy Avocado 18-July-2013 5
After Insert record result. Select * from customers;
cus_name cus_fruit cus_date cus_qty Maria Anders Apple 18-July-2013 10 Maria Anders Apricot 18-July-2013 20 Maria Anders Asparagus 18-July-2013 100 Maria Anders Avocado 18-July-2013 5 Ana Trujillo Apple 18-July-2013 10 Ana Trujillo Apricot 18-July-2013 20 Ana Trujillo Asparagus 18-July-2013 100 Ana Trujillo Avocado 18-July-2013 5 Thomas Hardy Apple 18-July-2013 10 Thomas Hardy Apricot 18-July-2013 20 Thomas Hardy Asparagus 18-July-2013 100 Thomas Hardy Avocado 18-July-2013 5
I am getting this error FRM 40508 in inserting data to any table through forms 11g.
my test table having two columns : id and name
i wrote a simple insert statement insert into test values (:id, :name); commit;
when i run the application and insert the values, it shows the above error.
when I use the display errors , it shows that there is a violation : ora - 00001 (duplicate values)
however, there is no such value in the database.
The same scenario is repeating with every table I have.
I thing more, when I use the commit_form only without using any manual insert statement, then everything goes well. But with manual insert it all fails.
I want to know how we can insert more than 3 million records from one table to another table. Can we use Bulk collect and forall to insert the all data.Can we use create table tableB as select * from tableA; From the above which is one is performance wise good.
I am trying to insert rec into target table if those rec are not existing and trying to update those rec if they already exists from three source tables.I had seen in posts that merge cannot be used with cursor.
SQL> create or replace 2 PACKAGE sis_l_cpl_sis_reb_pgm_hist_pkg 3 IS 4 /******************************************************************** ****************** 5 PACKAGE: sis_load_cpl_sis_reb_pgm_hist 6 PURPOSE: Load CMPLY_SIS_REB_PGM_HIST with data from cmply_sis_p h_dtl,cmply_sis_sls_dtl, 7 cmply_sis_excl_dtl(intial load) 8 ********************************************************************* ******************/ [code].......
Package created.
SQL> create or replace 2 PACKAGE BODY sis_l_cpl_sis_reb_pgm_hist_pkg 3 IS 4 /********************************************************************** ****************** 5 PACKAGE: sis_l_cpl_sis_reb_pgm_hist_pkg 6 PURPOSE: Load CMPLY_SIS_REB_PGM_HIST with data from cmply_sis_pur h_dtl,cmply_sis_sls_dtl, 7 cmply_sis_excl_dtl(intial load) [code].......
Warning: Package Body created with compilation errors.
I want to update / insert records from one user to other user therefore I write this code in my form but it gives me error.
REPORT_DETAILS is a detail table of REPORT_PARAM, given code is working fine at master tables.
Form always goes in TOO_MANY_ROWS exception.
Correct my code, my requirement is: if data found then update else insert new record.
declare cursor c1 is select * from factory_data.report_details order by rd_rp_id; rec c1%rowtype; v_check varchar2(1) := null; begin for rec in c1 loop [code].......
I have a multi-record block with a check box(:B_ASTHEAD.CB_CHECK) for each record. user can select the record by clicking on the check box. when checked, value is 'Y' and when unchecked, value is 'N'.
when user clicks on 'OK' button (when button pressed trigger), the records which are selected(Checkbox) must be posted to the database table.
L_last_Rec number; L_first_Rec number; L_AST COP_DETL.AST%TYPE; BEGIN
The issue here is , check box selected records are not getting inserted into table when OK button is clicked and i could see that all checked checkboxes become unchecked immediately . But if i comment the --"if :B_ASTHEAD.CB_CHECK = 'Y' then " part, then insert works , but inserts all record.
We are trying insert records from a select query into temporary table, some of the records is missing in the temporary table. The select statement is having multiple joins and union all which it little complex query. In simple terms the script contains 2 part 1st Part Insert in to temporary table 2nd part Select query with multiple joins, inline sub queries, unions and group by classes and conditions Eg. If we execute select statement alone it returns some count for example => 60000 After inserting into the temp table, in temp table the count is around 42000 why is the difference?
It is simple bulk inserts... insert in to temp table select * from xxx. also, there is no commit in between. The problem is all the records populated by the select statement are not inserted in to temp table. some records are not inserted.
Also, we had some other observation. It only happens in its 2nd execution and not its first run. Hope there might be some cache problem Even, we also did not believe that. We are wondering. In TOAD, we tested however at times it happens. In application jar file, after "insert in to temp select * from xxx" we take the i. record count of temp table and ii. record count of "select * from xxx" separately but both doesn't match. Match only at 1st time.
I have datablock 'EMP', it's multi record block. I have a button 'CREATE', I have 'commit_form' in 'When button pressed' trigger, to commit records. It's working fine.
Now, i have a check box in the same block, i want to insert records which are checked only.
I am working in form 6i, EBS11i. I have a multi record data block, i am inserting checked records only using below logic.
ON-INSERT Trigger:
if checkbox_checked('block.checkbox') THEN insert_record; end if;
Requirement: Let us say, i have 4 records, i checked 2 records.. inserted them. Now if i want to insert other 2 unchecked records, it's not accepting, is it possible to insert records which are not checked after insertion.
I have created below function to remove specific words/special characters from string. This function is producing expected result. Using this function i need to insert around 900000 records in name_compress table. Insert is taking around 7 mins, how we can tune this function so that insert will be executed within 1-2 mins.
Function -
I know this question must have been asked several time. I just want to know the many ways in which we can have a DB up and running even if we do not have any backup of control file not even the trace of the same.
i was worked on oracle 11g.1, oracle data miner, sql developer 3.
unfortunately, after finishing my tables and models ,the hard disk damaged and was replaced with other.the oracle setup was not on system partition,it was on D:/ and i had windows backup for C, D partition. i restored oracle partition D which contains old oracle files and i installed oracle again but on partition F.
Oracle 11gI have a large table of 125 million records - t3_universe. This table never gets updated or altered once loaded, but holds data that we receive from a lead company. I need to select records from this large table that fit certain demographic criteria and insert those into a smaller table - T3_Leads - that will be updated with regard to when the lead is mailed and for other relevant information. select records from this 125 million record table to insert into the smaller table.
I have tried a variety of things - views, materialized views, direct insert into smaller table...I think I am probably missing other approaches. My current attempt has been to create a View using the query that selects the records as shown below. Then use a second query that inserts into T3_Leads from this View V_Market. This is very slow. Can I just use an Insert Into T3_Leads with this query - it did not seem to work with the WITH clause? My Index on the large table is t3_universe_composite and includes zip_code, address_key, household_key.
CREATE VIEW V_Market asWITH got_pairs AS ( SELECT /*+ INDEX_FFS(t3_universe t3_universe_composite) */ l.zip_code, l.zip_plus_4, l.p1_givenname, l.surname, l.address, l.city, l.state, l.household_key, l.hh_type as l_hh_type, l.address_key, l.narrowband_income, l.p1_ms, l.p1_gender, l.p1_exact_age, l.p1_personkey, e.hh_type as filler_data, 1.p1_seq_no, l.p2_seq_no , ROW_NUMBER () OVER ( PARTITION BY l.address_key ORDER BY l.hh_verification_date DESC ) AS r_num FROM t3_universe e JOIN t3_universe l ON l.address_key = e.address_key AND l.zip_code = e.zip_code AND l.p1_gender != e.p1_gender