How To Create SQL File

Sep 18, 2008

I have connected to the database and am logged in with SQLPLus and have the SQL prompt.

I need to run a query and would like to create a file 'x.sql' and type the query into that file, save it then run it.

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JDeveloper, Java & XML :: Create XML File From XSD File?

Dec 14, 2010

get me an example where i create a XML file from a xsd file?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Create TSV File?

Dec 4, 2012

As per project requirement, we need to create tab seeprated file for a table. This table contain around 1000000 records.I have written below sql

set pagesize 10000
set feedback OFF
set serveroutput on
set heading OFF
spool D:OfficeworkDatabase_maintainceMATRIX.txt


This query is taking more than 6 hours.if there any other way how can we create tab separated file. Or we can export the entire table in tab separated file format.

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Error In Create Control File

Apr 8, 2012

By mistakenly Oradata file has been deleted and there is I have not any backup when we Startup the database then we get an Error as

ORA-00205: error in identifying control file, check alert log for more info

Now I want to create controlfile as

Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7600]
Copyright © 2009 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Sun Apr 8 23:15:09 2012
Copyright © 1982, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.
Enter user-name: SYS AS SYSDBA
Enter password:

where is My Mistake in Creating Cotrolfile..I want to know that in which condition we use "SET" or "REUSE" in Create Controlfile.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Create Temp Table From A File

Aug 22, 2011

I'm having some trouble dealing with the PL/SQL coding. At the moment, I have a file (set of data) that is read using java. An array is created (line by line) and is passed into a temp. table, which is then called by the plsql (call PKG_xxx.PRC_xxx...) script/command for processing. Is there any way I could directly get the file loaded into plsql (into a temp. table maybe?)

The data are just numbers and letters. I already got the PL/SQL part to select the set I want for different cases. All I need is to get the file (directly or indirectly) for the procedure without going through java.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Create Report In Excel File?

Dec 22, 2010

I want to create a excel report by joining 2 tables.

Is there any stabdard package which i can use for creating this report.

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To Use UTL_FILE Package To Create OS File

Apr 26, 2013

I want to use UTL_FILE package to create OS file. How to resolve this error. Oracle11g under XP.

SQL> create directory my_dir as 'c: emp';

Directory created.

1 create or replace procedure test_1(md in varchar2)
2 is
3 file utl_file.file_type;
4 begin
5 file := utl_file.fopen(md,'abc.log','w');
6 utl_file.put_line(file,'EMPLOYE REPORT');
7 utl_file.fclose(file);
8* end;
SQL> /

Procedure created.

SQL> execute test_1('MY_DIR');
BEGIN test_1('MY_DIR'); END;

RROR at line 1:
RA-06510: PL/SQL: unhandled user-defined exception
RA-06512: at "SYS.UTL_FILE", line 98
RA-06512: at "SYS.UTL_FILE", line 157
RA-06512: at "SCOTT.TEST_1", line 5
RA-06512: at line 1

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Nov 18, 2013

I am working on web services. im getting soap response and i need it to be, created as xls file.i have used DBMS_XSLPROCESSOR.CLOB2FILE  it throws error while opening in excel. Is there any other way.

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Unable To Create Audit Trail File?

Jun 29, 2012

problem with oracle 10 g . i started service through server i got some error

ora-09925 unable to create audit trail file.

3 files are missing in admin folder these are three files adump, dpdump, pfile was missing i have not taken any backup also.

in admin file also the database folder name was missing.

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Server Utilities :: Tool To Create CTL File?

Oct 25, 2011

Are there any GUI based tools that can auto generate a CTL file based off a CSV input? I'd love something like this since I have quite a few SQL*LDR projects coming up!

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Create One BLOB Column Including One PDF File?

Dec 24, 2010

I use Database 11g .

I have 2 BLOB columns include pdf files.

How can I create one BLOB column include one one pdf file? merge 2 pdf files into one file.

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Client Tools :: Create Utl File Setup?

Jul 23, 2012

Is there any setups required for creating a utl file using sql developer. If yes, what are the setups to be done.

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Reports & Discoverer :: How To Create Directly PDF File In 6i

Jul 27, 2012

How to create directly pdf file in reports 6i and what type of parameter use and how to use?

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How To Create Instance Using Database Template File

May 8, 2012

how to create database instance using database template file(.dbt) while running DBCA?

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Server Administration :: Create A New Control File?

Jul 12, 2012

I am trying to create a new controlfile. I used "alter database backup controlfile to trace;" and then I copied and pasted the contents of the trace file into the .sql file. My sql script is



Actually, the name of my database was 'STAR' and I changed it to "FIVESTAR" int this .sql script. Now when I run this script with SQL> @ <path of my sql script>, it gives me the following errors:

ERROR at line 1:
ORA-01504: database name 'FIVESTAR' does not match parameter db_name 'STAR'

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Security :: Create Password File In Oracle 10g?

Nov 28, 2011

I want to create password file in Oracle 10g, setp to create password file.

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Windows :: Create BAT File With Query To Run A Package

Dec 14, 2010

I need to create a bat file which include a query to run a package. I use plsql developer to develop the package. its username,password and database is user,pswd,db1 respectively. the query to run the package is "SELECT


FROM TABLE(PKG.GET_SUM('09-NOV-2010','12-NOV-2010')) "

what code should I write to create a bat file.

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Create File With (other) User Having Read Permission When Using Utl_file?

Dec 23, 2012

We have a requirement to create a file using UTL_FILE package. so we tried to generate the file in directory at UNIX level,for example "/tmp" which means when we executing the stored procedure which in turn calls UTL_FILE package and create a file say "a.txt". On checking the permission for "a.txt", it shows as follows

-rw-r----- oracle dba a.txt

this means read and write for oracle user, read for dba group and no permission for other user.

our requirement is to have the following privileges at UNIX level.

-rw-r--r-- oracle dba a.txt

Is it possible to do at oracle level since the file is owned by oracle user or at UNIX level (with out logging to oracle user)?

Environment: UNIX AIX 6.1 and Oracle

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Create Flatfile From Dump File Created By Expdp?

Mar 23, 2013

Can we create flatfile from dump file created by expdp?

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Server Administration :: Unable To Create Control File

Jun 3, 2010

I am not able to create control file from scrip . it showing following error

ORA-01081: cannot start already-running ORACLE - shut it down first
ERROR at line 19:
ORA-02236: invalid file name

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Forms :: FRM-30087 - Unable To Create File (Developer 9i)

Jun 5, 2003

i have successfully compuled and run my Developer9i form on the web but when i make a slight change in the form (add any control or do anything with form) and then recompile it it gave me error: FRM-30087: Unable to create form file why forms show this error and how it can be solved?

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RAC & Failsafe :: Create Shared File System Between Two Desktop PC?

May 14, 2013

We are setting RAC between two machines(Desktop PC connected wirth LAN ....have storage Local to them and no Shared storage..Only NFS).We have shared the mount point by NFS.We do not have any shared storage but we need to share the RAW files to setup the OCR and VOTING DISKS.

The problem is:

1. We need to keep the RAW devices for OCR and voting disk common to the machines (Desktop PC..both Linux OELU5). I am able to create the raw file systems but that is local to one machine. I am not able to understand how to share the raw devices between two machines.

2. Tried to use ISCSI utility but that did not work. (How_to_use_iSCSI_Targets_on_Linux)

Scenario : One Machine has 500 GB Storage. Second machine has 80 GB Storage. Made private and public networks(Used two Network cards in LAN). All are communicating.

Problem : Need to make the storage 300GB (Out of 500 GB) of Machine 1 as shared storage. How can we do that? (Do we need any virtual software...ex .. vmware for that?)

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Forms :: How To Create A Browse For File To Upload Window

Mar 27, 2011

I have a major issue because I have to finish this project by tomorrow and I don't know how I could create a button on a form that will pop a window where the user can browse his system for and Image, select it and upload it on the Database.

The idea is that I have this table called APPLICANTS with columns like:


I have created a registration form for the applicant inorder to register to the system but I just can't figure out how to upload a photo of the applicant.

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Reports & Discoverer :: How To Create Text File Of Report In 10g

Mar 18, 2013

How to create text file of report in 10g ? In reports 6i having default option in menu bar(mail). When clicking the mail option in reorts 6i it will attached to the outlook and we can sent. but in reports 10g not having that Option . It is possible in reports 10g?

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Server Utilities :: Unable To Create Control File?

Mar 8, 2011

I tried a lot to load data to table from excel(.csv) using sql*loader the oracle version of sql*loader doesn't support the control file created using notepad(.ctl).Though i given a filename with extension as .ctl it seems as a .txt file. Is there any alternate way to create it?

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PL/SQL :: Create Multiple External Tables From Same Flat File?

Nov 28, 2012

using oracle 10g currently create many external tables like so..


"Q1_2012" VARCHAR2(25 BYTE),
"Q2_2012" VARCHAR2(25 BYTE),
"Q3_2012" VARCHAR2(25 BYTE),
"Q4_2012" VARCHAR2(25 BYTE)

is there any way I can use 1 flat file (csv) to populate many external tables ?

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Client Tools :: Create MDD File - Database Designer

Jun 5, 2013

I heard .MDD file is Database Designer for MYSQL(i don't knw exactly).how to create it..

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Oracle Forms PL/SQL - Create Text File For Multiple Records?

May 15, 2003

i'm working on a project right now using Oracle Forms 6.0 and Oracle 9i. after i create a record and save the data in the table, how can i generate/create a text file of that particular record? i need this text file in order to run it in another computer and somehow upload the data in the text file to another database.

i will also need to create the text file for multiple records.

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Reports & Discoverer :: How To Create Link File Dynamically In Oracle 6i

Oct 27, 2012

how to create link file dynamically in oracle reports 6i

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Reports & Discoverer :: How To Create Link For Uploading File From Report

Feb 4, 2012

how to create link for uploading file from report

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