How To Change Default Destination Of Backup (archivelogs)

Jan 21, 2013

by default backup area is FRA, It can be change by db_recovery_file_dest FRA contains archivelog ,backupset,datafile,onlinelog folders..

NOW, i specially want to change backup dest. of archvelog to C: (suppose i have C , D, E, F , G) - (i know for archivelogs its log_archive_dest_N command can backup copies to other location but it also goes to default FRA )

backupset to D:
datafile to E:
onlinelog to F:
controlfile to G:

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Backup & Recovery :: How To Change Archive Log Destination In Oracle 10g

Jan 11, 2013

I want to change my archive log destination currently my database its in archive mode and this archive log detail as under

SQL> archive log list
Database log mode Archive Mode
Automatic archival Enabled
Archive destination F:archivelogs


this my f drive space is full so i want to change this my archive destination to my another g drive so how can i do this.and if i change this my archive destination does its affect any problem while recover my database in future.

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Backup & Recovery :: SCN Based Backup Do RMAN Generate Backup From Archivelogs

Oct 18, 2012

understanding rman scn based Backup Algorithm .. In SCN based backup do rman generate backup from archivelogs ???

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RMAN :: How To List Archivelogs That Need Backup

Aug 27, 2013

I would like to rman command syntax only for the following scenarios.I have archivelogs the disk , sequence = 40, 41, 42 , 43and say, I backed up only sequence 41 file. next time I want to list (not backup) which archivelogfiles have not been backed up since the last backup (which was sequence 41 was backedup).I would like to be able to list 40, 42. 43 that needed to be backed up as a list in the RMAN. I understand that I can look at find from v$archived_log view and I can backup using (backup archivelog all not backed up 1 times to device type disk - i am ok with this).I need to be able to list the archivelogs that need backup from existing disk-directory of archivelog files from RMAN prompt. 

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Backup & Recovery :: Restore Database / Copied Archivelogs

Dec 14, 2011

Question: does oracle recover past the scn mentioned in the control file or do you need recover using backup control file for it? No specific scn,time specified.

Scenario: Restore database on new server + copy archivelogs from original to minimize data loss.
Backup : 5 AM
Archivelogs: 7 AM

New server:
Configure dummy instance
Restore spfile from tape
Restore controlfile from tape: SCN 5AM
Restore database (no scn specified) from tape: : SCN 5AM
Copy archivelogs from old server to archivelog new location: SCN 7AM.
Recover database
open database -> SCN 5AM or 7AM?

Does it recover till SCN 5AM (controlfile) or SCN 7AM (latest scn in copied archivelog)

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Backup & Recovery :: Oracle Database Recover Using Reset Archivelogs

Jan 24, 2011

We have faced database(10.2.0) issue cause incomplete recovery and have performed open resetlogs. This DB is of 12Tb. In 10g opening database with reset logs do not invalidate previous backups. we have another replica(no reset state)of this database which we sync using we can apply those archives(reset database)to previous database?

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Backup & Recovery :: Incremental Backup Level 1 Or Level 0 Without Archivelogs?

Oct 22, 2012

Can you take an incremental backup level 1 or level 0 without archivelogs?

syntax would bebackup as compressed backupset cummulative level 1 database.

The reason I ask is because when I run backup as compressed backupset cummulative level 1 database plus archivelogs # it runs fine, but when I run backup as compressed backupset cummulative level 1 database it just hangs.

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RMAN :: Failed To Backup Because Archivelog Destination Was Out Of Space

Dec 16, 2012

RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
RMAN-00569: =============== ERROR MESSAGE STACK FOLLOWS ===============
RMAN-00571: ===========================================================

RMAN-03009: failure of backup command on t1 channel at 12/15/2012 06:15:11
RMAN-10015: error compiling PL/SQL program
RMAN-10033: error during compilation of job step 2: ORA-00603: ORACLE server session terminated by fatal error
ORA-04030: out of process memory when trying to allocate 400 bytes (PL/SQL DIANA,LISIMA: Add cells)

We received the above error message after the following event:

rman failed to backup because archivelog destination was out of space

We moved SOME of the archivelog file manually using operating system command mv to another location so that our application can run first.When the engineers restarted the rman to backup, we receive the above error.

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Backup & Recovery :: How To Check Archive Log Destination Utilization In Oracle 9i

Oct 24, 2011

Is there any view in oracle 9i like V$RECOVERY_FILE_DEST where we can check the archive destination space utilization from database end ?

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Backup & Recovery :: Default Location For RMAN Backup

Jun 1, 2012

What is the default location for the Rman backup ORACLE_HOMEdbs is it correct?

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Change Default Datafile Permission (640) To (644)

Mar 15, 2013

How datafile is created with 640 file permission by oracle software.(I know for security reasons it is created with 640 permission)

-rw-r----- 1 orasd dba 104865792 Mar 15 01:17 users01.dbf

I want to change the datafile permission as below. how to change the default value of the datafiles permission from (640) to (644) internally while creating the datafile from oracle side.

-rw-r--r-- 1 orasd dba 104865792 Mar 15 01:17 users01.dbf

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Forms :: Possible To Change Default Label

Jan 6, 2012

I want to know about that is it possible to change the default label that i.e. "oracle As form service" after run a form.

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Server Administration :: How To Change Default XML Storage

Sep 21, 2012

As per the bellow the default XML storage has been changed in 11gr2.

Oracle Database 11g Release 2 ( New Features in Oracle XML DB

The following Oracle XML DB features are new in Oracle Database 11g Release 2 (

Default Storage Model for XMLType

The default XMLType storage model is used if you do not specify a storage model when you create an XMLType table or column. Prior to Oracle Database 11g Release 2 (, unstructured (CLOB) storage was used by default. The default storage model is now binary XML storage.

We have a application which works fine on r1 but not on r2 due to this change, we are going to investigate resolving the issue on the application in the future, in the mean time we need to be able to use the CLOB storage.

Does any one know where we can change this functionality back to the pre 11gR2 change?

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Forms :: How To Change Default Runtime Logo In 6i

Feb 5, 2012

How can I change the default runtime logo in forms 6i.

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Forms :: Change Color Of Canvas To Default

Apr 12, 2010

The Background colour of the canvas is "gray" i want to change it to default.

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Security :: How To Change DEFAULT-ROLE Of A User

Jul 13, 2011

I want to change the DEFAULT_ROLE column to NO for following user 'P10_DEMO'.

SQL> show user
SQL> select name from v$database;


how to do this ?

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Change Default Value Of Certain Column In A Table In Oracle 11g

Aug 18, 2013

I have a table called cust_file, his table consists of a lot of columns (one of these columns called cus_tax) and have a lot of data,I use oracle 11g, I want to change the default value of the column cus_tax to be equal 1, I wrote   

ALTER TABLE cust_file MODIFY(cus_tax DEFAULT 1); table alteredbut

after I inserted new data to test the operation, I found that the new record has a value

= null for the column cus_taxthen 

I tested using the following query select

data_default from all_tab_columns where table_name='CUST_FILE' and column_name='CUS_TAX'; no rows selected...

Change the default value of the column cus_tax.

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Networking And Gateways :: Change Default Port Number Of Listener - Instance Registration

Feb 19, 2013

i am trying to chnage the default port number of listener but facing problems in instance registration. i did as follows:

1. stop the listener as lsnrctl stop (default listener).
2. chnage the listener.ora and tnsnames.ora with desire port numbers (1526) as follows:-


but i didnt get the reason of aforsaid error and my instance is not registering

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Backup & Recovery :: Change Backup Datafile Name Into Its Original File Name?

Dec 16, 2011

how i can change backup datafile name into its original file name,bcoz at time backup datafile name is different and how i can change that name into its original datafile name so i apply recovery command in user managaed recovery..

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Application Express :: To Change The Default Behavior Of Hide / Show Region To Show

Jun 26, 2012

I am trying to change the default behavior of Hide/Show Region to show, after some attempts i got it partially working but now clicking the icon to toggle hide/show doesn't work also changed the icons and added type="" but its not working.

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Networking And Gateways :: Any Option To Change Default Listener As Listener 1

Mar 11, 2010

I am using oracle 11.2.0 in linux platform.i have created a listener for the asm database. and i am using non default port of 1525 whenever i go for lsnrctl>status always shows for the port 1521. i don't want the default port 1521 and i have changed the local listener as listener1 with port 1525 protool tcp in spfile and registered with the asm database.Is there any option to change the default listener as listener1.

also,everytime when i give lsnrctl>show current_listener it is showing "listener"

i have set the current-listener to listener1 and save_config listener1 and reloaded.After exit and enter lsnrctl>status it will show for port 1521 When i attempt to start listener1 every time. it will prompt listener1 is already running.

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Backup & Recovery :: Block_change_tracking Change

Apr 3, 2013

SELECT filename, status, bytes
FROM v$block_change_tracking;


If we turn on block_change_tracking with RMAN, will it require a downtime?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Default Values / Distinguishing Between Passed And Default Nulls

Nov 16, 2010

I was looking for a way to see if a default value for a procedure was passed NULL or it got NULL by default. [URL]

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Difference Between Backup Optimization And Change Tracking Block?

Sep 5, 2012

I am studying about these two technologies and the only difference that I found was that optimization doesn't backup the duplicated archivedlogs.

If both ignore not changed blocks, what is more effective?

The optimization backup also has some tracking file?

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Backup & Recovery :: How To Determine The Rate Of Block Change

Aug 3, 2011

rdbms:oracle 10gr2

with reference to


A.2.2 Writing Backup Scripts for Disk and Tape Scenarios

As in the disk-only scenarios, the backup scripts in this section are categorized based on database workload. as stated very clearly it depends on the workload, more precisely the rate of block change. The size of the database can be found out based on formula from


so how would I know the rate of block change in order to know which script is suitable for me? I try to find out the rate of block change for the database based on change tracking file but based on



The size of the change tracking file is proportional to the size of the database and the number of enabled threads of redo. The size is not related to the frequency of updates to the database. So how do I determine the rate of change? can the rate of block change based on size of archive logs?

I have the following information with me:

starting from 5/10/2011 0101
ending 5/18/2011 1114

this constitute to 9.5 days

1644 File(s) 27,942,770,176 bytes
2 Dir(s) 10,019,270,656 bytes free

average size of each file 27,942,770,176/1644

average size of each day's log = 27,942,770,176/9.5
about 3G

If I have a database size of 92G, based on the archive log size of about 3G per day, can I conclude that a change of 3G/92G is considered as few block change?

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Backup & Recovery :: Block Change Tracking File

Sep 10, 2011

does, block change tracking file is read during incremental level 0 backup?

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Backup & Recovery :: Change Archive Log Mode During DB Running?

Aug 24, 2011

changing archive mode during DB running.Before in 9.2, 'ALTER SYSTEM ARCHIVE LOG START/STOP' is available for this job. But, after 10g/11g, it cause 'archive log stop has been deprecated'.

However, for my practice, I need to estimate archived logs size before backup them, so I need to stop archive log for a while and enable it later during DB running.

I check Oracle documents, it only mentions changing archive log mode at DB mounted but not open.

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Backup & Recovery :: Enabling Block Change Tracking?

Jun 20, 2012

i want to enable block change tracking as our incremental level1 backup take a lot of time but i have a worry which i found it on oracle support and tha is as follows Database Instance Hang at Database Checkpoint With Block Change Tracking Enabled. [ID 1326886.1]

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Backup & Recovery :: Block Change Tracking File When It Is Used

Oct 11, 2011

i did such commands

1. RMAN -> backup incremental level 0 database;

2. SQLPLUS -> alter database enable block change tracking using file '/home/oracle/';

3. RMAN -> backup incremental level 1 cumulative database;

4. RMAN -> backup incremental level 1 cumulative database;

5. RMAN -> backup incremental level 1 cumulative database;

and for such order i noticed that block change tracking file wasn't used for any cumulative backup. for each cumulative backup was done full scan over database.

it was used after i did incremental level 0 backup, and again incremental 1 cumulative.

if i want this feature to be usefull i should enable it before my incremental level 0, or i should do incremental level 0 immediately after i enable it?

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Data Guard :: Archivelogs With FAL Request Created At Different Location?

Mar 29, 2011

I tried a Data Guard setup on Oracle Databases (version, on RHEL)

Primary Database is db5
Standby Database is db6

By the time I created standby database, 3 archivelogs (sequence 11,12,13) were generated on primary which I copied over to standby database server

Now while querying v$archive_gap on the primary database these archivelogs aren't listed
However at the same time querying v$archived_log on either Primary or Standby Database also does not list them

In such case do I need to register these archivelogs on standby database?
Or else do I catalog these archivelogs on standby database?

Also as soon as standby database is started in recovery mode as a part of setup, 1 archivelog (sequence 14) was shown on standby

Now this archivelog has different path than the archivelogs generated later (sequence 15, 16)and v$archived_log shows it is generated as a part of FAL request (FAL=YES)

Question are

1) why it was FALed while redo apply services were active?

2) why this particular archivelog only which is part of FAL request is generated at different location

Does it generate at standby_archive_dest rather than FRA when FAL=YES?

3) why subsequent archivelogs are not part of FAL request or FAL request wasn't needed for subsequent archivelogs?

Primary database init parameters


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