for creating a db link, How to get the encrypted passwordhere is an example
create public database link "TEST1.UNIX.190.ORG"
connect to "scott" identified by values '053E6879854B7744F64396350297E1D6EF191163AE35216E64'
where or how to get the encrypted password(Pink colored above) to create db link.
I have a script that creates all db links for a schema. The script currently has hardcoded password use to create db link. We do not want to hardcoded password in the script.
I am planning to manually ask to input the password using accept command in sqlplus but this may be time consuming because there are many db links. So, I wanted to know if there are any better options ? Is there any way to use encrypted password in the sql file?
we have the following requirement for creating materialized view.
In database "DB1", a table "abc" is there in "user1" schema. In database "DB2", in "user2", we are accessing the "abc" through DB link "DBL1" to DB1: select * from; we have created a public synonym for "" as "sabc".
In database "DB3", we need to create the materialized view to access "abc" in DB1 through DB2. we are not allowed to access "DB1" directly from "DB3". so we create a db link as "DBL2" in "DB3" to "DB2".
when i try to create a materialized view as below: create materialized view abc_mv as select * from sabc@DBL2;
But got the error as "synonym translation invalid". When i access the SQL statement separately as below select * from sabc@DBL2, its working but in Materialized view, it shown that error. Even i tried with schema name as well like "user2.sabc@DBL2" , but that also thrown same error.
Is there any option available for this type of creating materialized view?
I am creating prim and phy standby on same WIN machine. I have done with all settings. I can do TNSPING to both oracle_sid.I am trying to connect as sysdba to UP the phy standby. But it gives below error:
Enter user-name: sys as sysdba Enter password: ERROR: ORA-12560: TNS:protocol adapter error
So i tried creating password file for phy standby. But gives below error:
Unable to find error file %ORACLE_HOME%\RDBMS\opw<lang>.msb
I have an Interactive Report with a column that I need to create a link on but I need to pass the value of another column.
This report shows the Features of a particular Release. There is a select list for the Release that is selected and executes the report. There is a column that indicates whether the Feature has a Commitment attached to it. If there is have that a link to another report that shows all the Commitments for that Feature by passing the FEATURE_ID which is also a column on the Feature report.
Query: SELECT .... ,CASE WHEN ft.feature_id IN (SELECT cc.feature_id FROM customer_commitments cc WHERE ft.feature_id = cc.feature_id ) THEN 'Yes' ELSE 'No' END "Commitment Exists" ,ft.feature_id ....
FROM ....If "Commitment Exists" has a 'Yes', the 'Yes' is a link that will pass the FEATURE_ID to another report that will show the Commitments for that Feature. If the "Commitment Exists" has a 'No' then no link. I was also wondering if the Commitment report could open in a seperate window and make it modal?
I have a report with 2 groups Gheader and Glines.The report looks at PO headers and lines. I want to create a data link from the the 2 queries based on the line id in po_lines_all.However I only want to select this in the lines query so I do not get repeating records at the header query.
C:Documents and SettingsAdministrator>sqlplus /@db10g SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Wed Apr 13 22:53:06 2011 Copyright (c) 1982, 2007, Oracle. All Rights Reserved.
ERROR: ORA-12534: TNS:operation not supported
Enter user-name:
so I Google around for the solution to the ORA-12534 error, one of the site,
here's my lsnrctl services
Connecting to (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=)(PORT=1521)) Services Summary... Service "MIKEXDB" has 1 instance(s). Instance "mike", status READY, has 1 handler(s) for this service... Handler(s): [code].....
The command completed successfully
right now I think I will be a fool to think that the solution is to resolve the ERROR: ORA-12514: TNS:listener does not currently know of service requested in connect descriptor. so what is wrong with my setup, or is it some patch that I need to apply?
I've created a password verification function (verify_pwd) in a schema which is not in SYS, but an equivalent of SYS. However, the problem arises when I'm trying to create a profie (MAIN_PROFILE) with the following attributes :
I'm trying to create a functionality on my application that lets the user change their password whenever they want or when the password gets expired.
But to do that, first I need a Branch to the page "Password Change" whenever the login procedure returns "Password Expire", but when the user has an expired password he can't access none of the pages of the application.
My other problem is:
Even if I can get the user to be redirect to the "Password Change" page, I would need a function that validate his current expired password, because in order to alter his own, he would need to inform his current password and the new one he desires. If I was using Apex Authentication that would be very easy I think, but I'm obligate to use Database Account Authentication.
I need to create a forgot password page in which there will be two text box named user name and email id and user will provide his usename and email id in those text box. so apex will check that the provided name and email id are there in the data base and if email id corresponds to right user name then a mail will be send to that email Id containing auto generated password.
I created an encrypted tablespace for testing. I later dropped it but don't remember if I specified "including contents and datafiles". The tablespace was empty and there are no datafiles for it. However, the information for this dropped tablespace still shows up in v$encrypted_tablespaces. How do I get that lingering information removed?
I am trying to create a procedure that will send in the customer id, password and new password. The procedure will say if it has been updated or not. this is the code i have.
--Patty Carson --Assignment 3 Question 3 --Description: Allows the user to change a password for a customer CREATE or REPLACE procedure ChgPwd (custid OUT number, password OUT VARCHAR2, newpassword IN VARCHAR2) AS [code]...
I want to know what if any person don't know the password of SYS, can he create password file, becauase i dont know the password of sys users, generally login with '/ as sysdba',
We have over 200 different servers that are running Oracle and every 2 months, we have our passwords expire. Instead of having the DBA's go into every server to sync the passwords I would like to have some sort of way of pushing the encrypted password in the Oracle DB to other databases.
Two things to keep in mind.
1) Every user may not be in every DB so if the user does not exist, the code should not try to update that users password 2) I have all my DB's in a tnsnames.ora file or I can put into an easy to parse file, so I can connect to every DB.
Using Golden Gate to replicate a database (Encrypted Tablespace, Oracle, Windows 2008) to a different database server (No Encrypted Tablespace Oracle 11.1 Linux)
Following error goldengate report ERROR OGG-01771 DBOPTIONS DECRYPTPASSWORD must be used to decrypt TSE data. Use TRANLOGOPTION IGNORETSERECORDS if you do not need to capture any tables that are in an encrypted tablespace.
How use it
GGSCI> ENCRYPT PASSWORD "shared key" Add an entry to the Extract parameter file to decrpt the new shared password
"All data you create in this tablespace will be encrypted using an AES256 encryption key. You cannot encrypt an existing tablespace. To encrypt data, first create an encrypted tablespace, then use alter table move, CTAS or datapump import to move your data into the encrypted space. Remember to drop the old tablespace BUT not including datafiles. Use an OS schred program to remove the old datafile. If you are on ASM you may use the including datafiles option since you can’t schred files from the OS inside an ASM instance."
But i want to know why we should NOT drop the including datafiles, when dropping tablespace (so 'drop tablespace my_tbs including contents and datafiles'). So what option should we use when dropping tablespace?
Why we should use OS capabilities to remove the datafiles?
What happens if i remove the datafile when i drop the tablespace?
We are exporting from a 9i db to an 11g. During the migration, we are changing our character set from USASCII7 to AL32UTF8 so that the "extended" characters that our users like to put in text fields are stored and retrieved properly.
However, we've found a problem, and i'm not sure if Oracle has a method of dealing with. Searching this site and Oracle docs got me nowhere.
We store account #'s and credit card info in the DB encrypted with the dbms_obsfucation_tookit. We have an encryption key cross reference table that we use to store the key to un encrypt the data.
However, what we've found is that by importing these keys into our new character set database, the keys are no longer valid and can't be used with the DES3DECRYPT function to get the correct numbers out.
Is there a conversion utility or any tool that Oracle provides to maintain the encrypted datas "decrypt ability"? Worse comes to worse, we will have to write a script/procedure to decrypt everything on the 9i, import it to 11g, and then re-encrypt it.
i am using version of oracle. We are planning to move some ~40 tables/indexes to new encrypted tablespace as a part of TDE(transparent data encryption). Currently three tables are having size ~30GB and one having ~800GB other have <2GB in size. And tables/indexes are altogether placed in different tablespaces.
whether i should create as many no of encrypted table spaces as it was before as unencrypted tablespace? or I should create one encrypted tablespace and move all the tables/indexes into that?
We have a primary and a standby (Physical Dataguard) site.
1. How do i check if the database is encrypted or not on primary as well as standby ? 2. If primary and standby are encrypted, does the data that gets replicated from primary to standby also in encrypted form ? If not, does it make sense to encrypt that ?
Our product needs to use SecureMag Encrypted MagStripe Reader to get the credit card info in POS.After adding the code in every module, most of them work well now. But one of them does not. We met the error FRM-41344.This module is called from another(using call_form) that could also have this functionality(it works well in this module).
The error raise in this code. The global variable is assigned a value in each module.I got some info from the internet. But I still get error after I did the following operation.When using Oracle Forms, you might receive this run-time error:
FRM-41344: OLE object not defined for object in current record.
which can occur for either of these reasons: The OLE container has lost the definition of the Oracle Video Custom Control. To fix this problem, go into the Forms Designer, and re-insert the Oracle Video Custom Control by clicking the right mouse button inside the OLE container and choosing Insert Object
The Oracle Video Custom Control has not been initialized. To fix this problem, modify the form so that it can navigate to the block that contains the Oracle Video Custom Control. You can either make this block the first block on the form or add a GO_BLOCK command in the WHEN-NEW-FORM-INSTANCE script to navigate to that block. If necessary, you can add a GO_BLOCK command followed by SYNCHRONIZE before any commands that access the Oracle Video Control. (You can tell if the Oracle Video Control has been initialized because the video control buttons will be visible.)
I'm looking for a way to store an encypted numeric value in one field in a table (so that it appears encrypted even to a DBA) and to display the unencypted value in Apex forms and interactive reports for some users but not others.