Windows :: ORA-29270 - Too Many Open HTTP Requests

Sep 6, 2012

We have a requirement like, we will get bulk data (2 GB) data file with different languages(Russian, chinese, Japanese, German) etc. and we need to load these data into our databse also we have to translate the same.

We are using Oracle 11g.

We had used Oracle httpuritype - And the below mentioned procedure PROCEDURE TEST.PRC_TRANS_GERMAN will call the function - trans_jef

Input parameter for PRC_TRANS_GERMAN - > To_language and from Language. and this procedure will store the translated word in the seperate table. Input parameter for the function trans_jef - > Word to be translated , from languae, to_language. And this function will return the translated word.

The issue I am facing is when I am passing the table of around 10000 records, around 4000 rows are not getting translated. So when i try to capture the error in exception- the error is

ORA-29273: HTTP request failed
ORA-06512: at "SYS.UTL_HTTP", line 1819
ORA-29270: too many open HTTP requests

When I try to re execute the missed words, they were translated. But they are not getting translated in one go because of the too many http open request.

how to resolve this ORA-29270 errror.


/* Formatted on 07-09-2012 09:19:33 (QP5 v5.215.12089.38647) */
v_SrcLang IN VARCHAR2,


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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Check Open Http Connections In Database

Apr 13, 2012

How to check the open http connections in the database as I am getting.

ORA-29270: too many open HTTP requests

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Server Utilities :: DIM 00014 - Cannot Open Windows NT Service Control

May 10, 2010

When I am creating service for oracle using oradim Utility ,following messsage appearing

F:Users>oradim -new -sid stby -startmode manual

DIM-00014: Cannot open the Windows NT Service Control Manager.
O/S-Error: (OS 5) Access is denied.

View 9 Replies View Related

SQL & PL/SQL :: Two Requests Instead Of Union All In Function?

May 24, 2011

I've got function with combined sql statement (union all), how do I split it into two sql requests? This is to avoid time increasing of sql executing. IMHO good solution is to write two functions, how do you think?

(mydate date,
cid number )


View 18 Replies View Related

Client Tools :: ORA-06413 - Connection Not Open Error Oracle On 64-bit Windows

Jul 11, 2013

I have newly installed Oracle 11g R2 64 bits to window 8 PRo 64 bits. Able to connection successfully Oracle NEt Configuration Assistant service name.

But when I try to connect it Toad 9.6 32 bits its show error message

ORA-06413: Connection not open

View 5 Replies View Related

Performance Tuning :: NOWAIT Lock Requests Could Hang

Aug 29, 2013

May any one confirm that the below issue is not only to RAC but also on normal database enterprize edition ? Bug 12865902 - NOWAIT lock requests could hang (like Parallel Queries may hang "enq: TS - contention") in RAC (Doc ID 12865902.8)

currently i am using for update nowait concurrently for 50 processes on similar table with similar query and getting performance issue.

SELECT txn_ID,status_FLAG
INTO txn_id,status_flag
FROM cp_txn_detail WHERE txn_ID = pi_txn_ID FOR UPDATE NOWAIT;

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Write A Single Query Showing Number Of Requests

Jan 15, 2011

I need to write a single query showing the number of requests (job_no) in my organization sections (1A,3A,4C,9Z....etc) based on these conditions..Less than 2 months & between 2 and 6 & between 6 and 12month & more than 12 months in my organization sections.

--Table structure

SQL> desc job_transfer
JOB_NO (Request number)
IN_SECT (name of entered section)
IN_DATE (date entered the section)
OUT_DATE (date went out from section)

I tried using UNION ALL but it didnt work fine.

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Forms :: Open Application Word 2010 With Forms Developer 6.0 - Windows 7?

Apr 20, 2011

I have u na forms developer application in 6.0 that generates a Word document. This application runs successfully on Windows XP operating system. We now have PC's new operating system Windows 7 and officce 2010. My procedure reads a specific route where a template in Word which is used to generate the document. In the user's PC application that does not generate the document even shows me an error message. But when I enter my network user with the user's PC and the document genre generates me perfectly. I checked if the user has access to the server path specifies where the template encuntra wish to open and if you have them.

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PL/SQL :: Reading 2 HTTP Headers?

Jul 15, 2013

I'm planning to do a single-sing-on in one of my applications. To get to my application, the user has to log in to a portal-application befor. From this application i receive 2 headers, to verify this person has authenticated successfully. But how can I read these 2 headers? It doesn't work with the UTL_HTTP package, because i don't do an active request on an url.

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Real Application Clusters :: Unable To Open Wallet / ORA-28353 / Failed To Open Wallet

Jul 11, 2012

I want to create a wallet on RAC setup.I have two node setup.I have created the wallet directory under shared folder /u01/oradata/$ORACLE_SID/wallet

I am Unable to open wallet.I tried this using the below command

SQL> alter system set encryption key identified by "aryabhat";
alter system set encryption key identified by "aryabhat"
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-28353: failed to open wallet

Following is the content of sqlnet.ora file

(path : /u01/app/11.2.0/grid/network/admin/sqlnet.ora)
ADR_BASE = /u01/app/oracle
(DIRECTORY = /u01/oradata/$ORACLE_SID/wallet/)))

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Http Output Text Truncating?

Oct 12, 2011

I have a requirement to capture a large number character string which is an output from http request. I created a CLOB datatype to capture it. I see an issue of truncating of the characters after 1998 character's (Block 1, below). If i assign the same ouput put and assign to variable of CLOB type and displaying 3794 Character as required(Block 2) which i am expecting the same in Block 1 too to see entire string ....

For your reference pl copy below link and past in explorer to see th entire output put.
http://gissms-stg-05:8399/arcgis/rest/services/ESRI_Route_NA_SA_CF/NAServer/Service%20Area/solveServiceArea?facilities=-95.452487%2C2 9.789048&barriers=&polylineBarriers=&polygonBarriers=&defaultBreaks=1&travelDirection=esriNATravelDirectionFromFa cility&outputGeometryPrecision=&outputGeometryPrecisionUnits=esriDecimalDegrees&f=json


l_text3 CLOB;


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Networking And Gateways :: HTTP SSL Certificate Causes Errors In IE 6 / 7 / 8

Mar 10, 2012

We installed new SSL certificate on Oracle HTTP server and getting an error in IE 6,7,8:


Examining http headers provide following error description:


How was it resolved?

View -1 Replies View Related

XE :: HTTP Status 404 Error - Servlet With Oracle DB?

Oct 15, 2012

i use netbean 7.2, oracle 10g, when i run a servlet with db connection program i got 404 or 405 error type. if it is not properly to db ? i download a odbc6.jar file and paste it in C:Program FilesJavajre1.6.0lib also add as jar file in library tab of netbean ide. then whats the problem in it?

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Forms :: FRM-10142 - HTTP Listener Is Not Running

Mar 12, 2007

Currently I am using Oracle 9i Database and 10g Developer when I connect via login/password successful login but not execute and shows the error

FRM: 10142 The HTTP listener is not running on <computer Name> at port 8889. start the listener and check your runtime preference.

View 11 Replies View Related

JDeveloper, Java & XML :: Unable To Access URL Using HTTP Connection

Mar 9, 2011

I am using Http URL Connection class to post a data to a URL (which is a web service). The web service accepts data as text / XML.

Following is the code snippet i used:

URL url = new URL("");
HttpURLConnection conn =(HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();

But when i execute the code, I am getting following error at the line(InputStream in2 = conn.getInputStream()wink.gif Server returned HTTP response 400 for URL

View -1 Replies View Related

SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Give Username And Password When Calling HTTP Page

Apr 16, 2013

I have this code when i run this I get credentials error. How to give credentials .The authentication is set to windows in the https page. Means pop up will appear to get the credentials

value varchar2(1024);
p_url varchar2(4000);
OPT varchar2(1000);


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Application Express :: HTTP Header Authentication For Web Sheets

Dec 20, 2012

Apex 4.1.1 or 4.2 -

I do not see an option in web sheets to use HTTP Header values for authentication. Any workaround in order to use OAM for authentication to web sheets?

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Enterprise Manager :: Startup Of HTTP LISTENER Failure

Mar 1, 2012

we have RAC of two nodes and EM is not running on one instance and running on another instance. when i issue emctl start dbconsolecommand it trying to start for 50 minutes but at the end, it failsi have checked the log (emagent.log) which is as follows

2012-02-29 14:18:48,971 Thread-1 Starting Agent from /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome (00701)
2012-02-29 14:18:48,973 Thread-1 <Agent Startup> : Startup of HTTP LISTENER failure (00716)
2012-03-01 10:25:43,414 Thread-1 Starting Agent from /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome (00701)
2012-03-01 10:25:43,525 Thread-1 <Agent Startup> : Startup of HTTP LISTENER failure (00716)


and output of tail -100 emagent.trc is

2012-02-29 09:24:39,821 Thread-1 ERROR http: nmehl_startHttpListener: failed to listen to HTTP(s) port for https://db1:2928/emd/main
2012-02-29 09:24:39,821 Thread-1 ERROR main: nmehl_startHttpListener failed starting http listener.
2012-02-29 09:43:29,057 Thread-1 ERROR http: snmehl_allocateListenerPort: failed to listen on all sockets for hostname


View 10 Replies View Related

Forms :: FRM-10142 / HTTP Listener Is Not Running At Port 8888

Jul 6, 2005

I am still facing the following error even though i have started the OC4j instance,

"FRM-10142: The HTTP Listener is not running on <computernam> at port 8888.start the listener or check your runtime preferences."

View 24 Replies View Related

Application Express :: Allow Only Specific APEX App Through Oracle Http Server

Aug 1, 2012

I'm having some difficulty securing my Oracle APEX + Oracle HTTP Server environment.

There are currently around 20 Applications running on the APEX Server, and I'd like to publish 2 of them Externally for users.

I have added a certificate to Oracle Wallet Manager to secure the OHS, but I can access all the Applications on the APEX Server by just changing the Application ID suffix.

How can allow only two applications to be accessible via the internet?

View 11 Replies View Related

ORA-29273 - HTTP Request Failed ORA-12535 - TNS - Operation Timed Out?

Jun 19, 2013

SQL*Plus: Release 10 SPARC I get the following error when trying to make an HTTP request. Below is the snippet of code I run. I get the error after exactly 60 seconds(default timeout?). The problem does not exist in the rest of our environments, only our test environment.

   p_mid_tier    VARCHAR2 (500);
   responsestr   VARCHAR2 (500);

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Application Express :: ORA-29273 / HTTP Request Failed ORA-06512

Mar 11, 2013

We are getting the following error when trying to access a RESTful web service coming from Apex workspace 4.2.1 and Apex listener 2.1:

ORA-29273: HTTP request failed ORA-06512: at "SYS.UTL_HTTP", line 1130 ORA-29024: Certificate validation failure

In the Debug report, besides the above I also see:

error_backtrace: ORA-06512: at "SYS.UTL_HTTP", line 1130 ORA-06512: at "APEX_040200.WWV_FLOW_WEB_SERVICES", line 543 ORA-06512: at "APEX_040200.WWV_FLOW_WEB_SERVICES", line 1164 ORA-06512: at "APEX_040200.WWV_FLOW_PROCESS", line 396

We get that error whether we use https or http in the URI pointing to the web service. When I test the Web Service in Workspace RESTful service GUI, I get the data back. When I go build an application with a report calling the RESTful Web Service I get that error. Both the Application and the Workspace RESTful services are on the same Apex environment and even the same workspace.

What is odd is that I can actually put the URL of the web service into a browser and I get the data: (using the demo hr data in sample RESTful services.)IN browser-- [URL]


7839,KING,PRESIDENT,,1981-11-17T05:00:00Z,5000,,10 7698,BLAKE,MANAGER,7839,1981-05-01T04:00:00Z,2850,,30 7782,CLARK,MANAGER,7839,1981-06-09T04:00:00Z,2450,,10 7566,JONES,MANAGER,7839,1981-04-02T05:00:00Z,2975,,20 7788,SCOTT,ANALYST,7566,1982-12-09T05:00:00Z,3000,,20 7902,FORD,ANALYST,7566,1981-12-03T05:00:00Z,3000,,20 7369,SMITH,CLERK,7902,1980-12-17T05:00:00Z,800,,20 7499,ALLEN,SALESMAN,7698,1981-02-20T05:00:00Z,1600,300,30 7521,WARD,SALESMAN,7698,1981-02-22T05:00:00Z,1250,500,30 7654,MARTIN,SALESMAN,7698,1981-09-28T04:00:00Z,1250,1400,30 7844,TURNER,SALESMAN,7698,1981-09-08T04:00:00Z,1500,0,30 7876,ADAMS,CLERK,7788,1983-01-12T05:00:00Z,1100,,20 7900,JAMES,CLERK,7698,1981-12-03T05:00:00Z,950,,30 7934,MILLER,CLERK,7782,1982-01-23T05:00:00Z,1300,,10

what would be causing the Error above in our application?

In reviewing the above error, I think we are realizing that we have to have the Weblogic layer SSL cert (actually the CERT from our BigIP load balancer which also does our SSL termination) imported into the Oracle server wallet where Apex is installed. Am I correct?

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Application Express :: 4.1 Restful Services Give HTTP 404 If Cookie Is Not Sent Along

Nov 12, 2012

When I call a classic report that is exported throuh restful webservice, result depends on whether I also send cookie or not. In the first case, access is enabled, in the latter case, HTTP 404 is returned.

Restful access is enabled in the instance. Having an app with ID=101, page 9901 that is public, a classic report called MYREPORT on the restful side, the following call is issued:


If my browser send the cookie below with the request, I get back the result. If I delete the cookie from my browser, the result for the exact same apex_rest call is HTTP 404: Not found.

Cookie: ORA_WWV_USER_64731425336707=04893186A373057F5F1E1FCCD33113FA; PUBLIC_ORA_WWV_USER_64731425336707=-1; ORA_WWV_REMEMBER_UN=MYNAME:myworkspace

Details on my configuration is as follows:

Database: Oracle XE 11g,
Apex version:
Platform: Linux x64
HTTP is handles by XEXDB as folows from lsnrctl status:
Service "XEXDB" has 1 instance(s).
Instance "XE", status READY, has 1 handler(s) for this service...

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Application Express :: Changing Scenario To HTTP Server Or Listener From XE Installation?

Dec 4, 2012

I have installed Oracle 11g XE . After this , i have upgraded to Apex 4.2 All it's working fine, but..... by default XE installs and configure apex to use embebed pl/sql gateway.

In this scenario, the images are stored directly in the database within the oracle XML DB repository. This may be a problem because XE have a 11GB limit and my apex aplication is simple, but it may upload pictures for customers, etc, and in this schenma the pictures will consume space in the database instead consuming in the linux filesystem.Can i install HTTP server in a 11g XE and reconfigure apexr?, or can i change to apache+listener? or more easy....can i upload images outside the XML DB in my apex application easily?

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Application Express :: Obtaining Custom HTTP GET / POST Parameters Of Variable Length In Application Process

Sep 5, 2013

I'm trying to connect a javascript UI control within my page to an APEX Application Process. The control calls the application process via AJAX and appends a variable number of GET / POST parameters to its URL.What is the best way to obtain these parameters from within the PLSQL procedure of the process? Or is there a better way to connect my javascript AJAX control to the Database behind my APEX app?

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Backup & Recovery :: Transfer Database From Windows 2003 32 Bit To Windows 2008 64 Bit

Mar 30, 2011

I want to Transfer Oracle Database 11g Release on windows 2003 32 bit server to Windows 2008 server 64 bit I have Cold RMAN backup. and directory structure of both server are same Do i need to do anything to change datafile to 64 bit or do i need to apply any change to any object

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Windows :: Unable To Install Oracle 10g Client On 64bit Windows 2008

Jul 16, 2008

We have a .NET application on windows server 2008 32bit using the stored procedures on an Oracle 10g environment. We are trying to deploy the .NET application onto a 64bit x86 Windows server 2008.

We face an error trying to install the x64 version of the Oracle 10g client on windows 2008. The error we get is Problem signature:

Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
Application Name: javaw.exe

Is the x64 version of the Oracle 10g client certified for Windows 2008? Has anyone successfully installed the 64bit version of the oracle client on win2008?

We have a workaround in place with 32 bit version of the client running with the 32 bit version of the .NET application on x64 win2008. However to maximize the infrastructure we need to use the 64 bit version or we would have to turn to MSSQL Server .

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Windows :: Installing 10g Database Software On Windows 2008 Server?

Sep 28, 2010

I've tried to install Oracle 10gR2 ( on Windows server 2008 (64 bit). I just click on installer and a message appears:

Checking Operating system version: must be 5.0,5.1,5.2 or 6.0

Actual 6.1


Exiting Oracle Universal Installer

Press any key to Exit.

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Windows :: Installation Process Of Oracle 10g At Windows 7 Ultimate 32 Bit?

Feb 27, 2012

can i install oracle 10g at windows 7 ultimate 32 bit

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Windows :: Does Oracle Database (64-bit) Compatible With Windows 2003 R2

Jan 9, 2011

Does Oracle Database (64-bit) compatible with windows 2003 R2 standard X64 edition with Service pack 2.

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