WHERE Clause Of Some Update Statements Not Using Primary Keys

Feb 3, 2009

Inside procedure,I need to validate all the columns (Ex:col1 should not accept more than 40 chars) and update status(containing error or not) of these columns into another column in the same table.For this,I mentioned only 'UPDATE' statements.So 'WHERE' clause of some update statements not using Primary keys.

In that table composite primary key was created.This procedure is successfully complied & executed now.But this procedure took more than 10 mins to execute.I need to reduce the time to less than a min.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Update Table With Primary Key In Where Clause

Dec 11, 2012

Is is required to check the number of rows updated in a table when the primary key of the table is used in the filter criteria of the update statement? As I know,by default it will update only one record. But if it happens to be an important transaction table and only one record is required to be updated, then is it the best practice to use the 'SQL%ROWCOUNT' check in the query, even if the update query is using primary key in filter clause.

Example:Consider Trans table with trans_id as primary key. Then:
Update Trans
set trans_status='pass'
where trans_id=123;

I know this will update only one record. But what is the best practice? Shall I use 'SQL%ROWCOUNT' after this update to double check whether the record is updated or not?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Audit Table With Primary Keys?

Feb 19, 2013

I need to copy the changed and deleted data in an other table. I have searched this site ,asktom and other sites also. I found the following solution from asktom website. But it gives me the changed columns data only and i need the primary key with changed data and deleted rows also.

CREATE TABLE emp AS (SELECT * FROM scott.emp);
CREATE TABLE audit_table


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Creating List Of Items And Using Foreign Keys As Primary

May 19, 2007

How can I create a list of items in a field, for instance lets say I have a table called car and one of the sub categories is parts. How can I make it so that parts can be any number of pre-defined entities? Or even table, for instance if I make a table called parts how can I use that in the car table in place of parts?

My second question is about using foreign keys as primary keys. If I am writing an email sql DB and I decided to use the members usrname as the primary key in the member table but then made another table that lists all the emails and decided to make the foreign key member username the primary key there.

Is that safe to do or should i create a sequence in which to identify a primary key for the email list table? Also what if I extend member to several other tables and use it as a primary key there too, seems like a kind of dangerous way to do things...

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Server Utilities :: Primary Keys Are Not Exporting When Export Using EXP Command

Dec 27, 2011

I have taken database backup using exp command and when I try to import in other pc the foreign keys are not imported. It saying error message that no matching unique key or primary key for this column.

how will i take backup including with primary keys?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Query To Find Number Of Primary Keys Present In A Table?

May 17, 2011

is there any query to find number of primary keys present in a table.

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Running Multiple Update Statements At Once

Feb 1, 2012

It started out pretty simple where I had to update about 40 contacts in the database and I would have 40 separate update statements I would run. The task has jumped to about 300 contacts and I don't want to run 300 update statements. I would like to run this all at once. For example:

update contact
set name = 'Name1'
where row_id = 'row_id1'

update contact
set name = 'Name2'
where row_id = 'row_id2'

update contact
set name = 'Name3'
where row_id = 'row_id3'

My DB is oracle 10, and TOAD is version 9.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Insert And Update Through A Select Statements

Jul 7, 2010

how can i insert and update to a table in oracle database 10g through a select statement. not using merge.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Procedure Has Got Several Update And Delete Statements

Oct 23, 2013

One of the procedures that am working on is failing with ORA-0000: normal, successful completion error.

The procedure has got several update and delete statements and have logging enabled after each step. The problem with that again is, each time the log table gets updated thereby losing the history of until what point the procedure ran successfully.I have this issue only in production environment and unable to simulate it in dev environment which limits my options of troubleshooting the procedure code. I was using SQLERRM in the code.

Is there a way I can identify the bad records/ record causing this issue? Am very new to PL/SQL and do not know how to proceed with this.How do you debug this sort of issues??(where one procedure internally invokes another one which again invokes other one etc)

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Forms :: How To Update Primary Key In Master And Details

May 20, 2011

I have a form which consist of three form

one is master and other are details

I take one value at master level in primary key at starting point at entry, which is passed to details table

i want to update value of primary key at the last save level

but erro fired child reocrd found

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Use FROM Clause In Update Command?

Jul 13, 2011

Can we use FROM clause in update command?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Join Update Clause

Jun 9, 2010

I want to use join condition in update syntax.Like the following way but it doesnot work.how to fix it.

update tab_1 a
set a.qty = b.sell_qty
from tab_2 b
where a.nbr=b.nbr

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With Clause - Use Values Of Cteas In Update?

May 2, 2013

with cteas
select hit from radial,gib
where no=id
select hit from cteas


for the above query can i use the values of cteas in update .because it throws error cteas as table/view not found

if i use like this am getting error in update (missing select key word)

with cteas
select hit from radial,gib
where no=id
update xenon
set nub=(select hit
from cteas
where ren=hit)

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Update With Case Clause Auto Commits

Nov 26, 2012

i tried the following update on one table:

update siebel.s_contact
set marital_stat_cd =
when (marital_stat_cd = 'Casado') then 'Married'
when (marital_stat_cd = 'Solteiro') then 'Single'
when (marital_stat_cd = 'Divorciado') then 'Divorced'

As you can see i forgot the else, so my update is wrong.

I thought i could rollback the update issuing the rollback statement, but when i have issue the rollback, the i query the table to confirm that the update was rollbacked and for my suprise the update is commited.

I didn�t issue the commit statement after the update and i confirmed that the auto-commit feature to worksheets is disabled, so i don�t understand whit the update was commited.

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Lock Child Table By FOR Update Clause?

May 7, 2013

I am using the Oracle 10g and I have question related to "for Update" clause.We have the data warehouse db, so no foreign key constraint between parent and child.We process the data files every hour, the condition is If we find the row in parent table then we go and look into child tables and perform insertion (if no corresponding record is present) or updation (if one corresponding record is present) in the child table.

The problem is If I run the two process simultaneously for the same kind of data, and if no record is present in the child table then it create the duplicate in child table.My question is if I use FOR Update clause while selecting the data in parent table will it lock the child table for any insertion or updation?

Ex- We have employee table for employee 1

In my data files I have the row for employee 1, so when I run the select query on employee table I found 1 row.The I look the child table "Salary" as there is no record for emp_id =1 in this table I insert the record for this

Emp_id Salary
1 500

The problem is if both the process run at same time then I get duplicate rows in child table

Emp_id Salary
1 500
1 500

we do not want the duplicate row insertion. Can I lock the child table during first process run

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Insert Statements / Give A Commit One By One After Each Insert Statements?

Oct 11, 2012

Can we execute more than one insert statements at a time (eg 10) in database and givecommit at the end of insert statements or else give a commit one by one after each insert statements ?

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Removing Duplicate Keys

Jul 3, 2008

Trying to delete duplicate rows from a table. The problem is, they aren't exactly duplicate rows. Let me explain.

I am migrating data from a Oracle 8.1.7 db to a 10.2.1 db. In the older db, this certain table does not have a PK/Unique Index, but in the new db there is a unique index. The fields that the index is unique on are:


In the old db, when I run this query I get 1229 rows. With a count of 2 each.

from customer_id_equip_map
having count(*)>1;

They are duplicates on those fields, but they are not totally duplicate rows because there is a field called is_current that has 0 in one row and has 1 in the other. What I need to do, is delete the 1229 rows with is_current=0.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Defining Foreign Keys

Oct 7, 2010

In my sql developer I have created a table. Created primary keys. Using alter table I have also created the foreign key. Now I need to add one more foreign key to the same table. Do I have to drop the existing foreign key and then create the 2 new foreign keys using the alter table condition or can I retain the existing FK and just use alter table to add another FK.

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Relationship - Table Creation With Keys Looks?

Feb 24, 2007

the relationship on my script.What I want to do is make it possible to assign many courses to a student.But I have read a few books on foreign keys and primary keys, and I still dont get how to go on doing this....

This is how the table creation with the keys looks right now...

   CAMPUSID            NUMBER(4) NOT NULL,
   NAME                VARCHAR2(80) NOT NULL,


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Advanced Replication And Foreign Keys

Sep 10, 2010

I have few BDs replicated using Advanced Replication, some tables are read only (Basic Replication) and another ones are Updatable (Advanced Replication).

The infraestucture is Materialized View Replication, my trouble is, I do not know how to should treat the updatable tables that have foreign keys, I read in another FAQs that you should replicate the indexes using the same way to replicate tables (dmbs_repcat.create_master_repobject)

Which is the correct manner to treat the foreign keys with this kind of updatable snapshots,

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Forms :: Disable Function Keys In 6i?

Apr 3, 2006

how to disable function keys in forms6i(i.e., i want to deactivate the default function keys when running a form)

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Forms :: Why Function Keys Are Not Working In 9i

Dec 27, 2012

why function keys are not working in forms9i?

Like whenever I press F7 for query or F8 to fetch records or F10 to save records they are not functioning.

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Performance Tuning :: Index On Foreign Keys?

Jul 22, 2010

I have to create indexes on foreign key columns ,now if composite index is already there with foreign key column then that will work or i will have to create a single column index.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: ORA-02298 Cannot Validate - Parent Keys Not Found

Mar 6, 2012

i need to delete a record from table but it showed a error for foreign key constraint so i disabled the constraint and again deleted, now the row is deleted.

Again inserted another values instead the deleted value. after that i tried to alter the constraint but i received the error ORA-02298 cannot validate - Parent keys not found

alter table t1 enable constraint FK_T1;

But i am not able to enable the key. what to do?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Multiple Of Same Constraint Keys In Parent Table?

Jun 9, 2011

I used



to create a parent key table sort of thing, but for some reason there are rows that display multiple times

-------------------- -------------------- --------------- ------------------------------ ---------

[Code] ..........

is it something to do with the join command

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PL/SQL :: Up And Down Arrow Keys Not Working Properly When Using SQL CLI On Linux?

Feb 27, 2013

Every time I hit up, down, left, and right arrow keys to return to a previous sql command I got ^[[D, fix this issue? The backspace works fine with me.

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Server Utilities :: DB Import With Same Schema But Duplicate Keys?

Apr 19, 2010

I have two oracle 9i databases A and B with complete equal schema. Only the data is different. I want to import all table data from A to B. The problem is that there are duplicate primary keys. Therefore I want to insert data with new primary keys (all referencing tables are concerned too).

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Server Administration :: How To Calculate Number Of Hash Keys

Mar 31, 2011

I was reading the documentation for oracle 11gr2, with reference to URL>.....

The following examples show how to correctly choose the cluster key and set the HASH IS, SIZE, and HASHKEYS parameters. For all examples, assume that the data block size is 2K and that on average, 1950 bytes of each block is available data space (block size minus overhead).Note that 34 hash keys are assigned for each data block

how they arrive at 34 hash keys because another portion of the document states

This space determines the maximum number of cluster or hash values stored in a data block. If SIZE is not a divisor of the data block size, then Oracle Database uses the next largest divisor.

if that is the case, then number of hash keys should be 1900/55 = 34.55 which should have rounded up to 35.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Partition Keys Has To Be Changed To Dept From The Existing Version

Aug 9, 2011

table was defined as below & indexes are also created on name /dept columns, data is also available :

create table test (
name varchar2(10),
version NUMBER(12),
dept varchar2(10)

Now the requirement is that the parition keys has to be changed to 'dept' from the existing 'version' . How to accomplish this without any implication on the indexes and other constraints.

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Server Utilities :: ORA-02298 / Cannot Validate - Parent Keys Not Found

May 12, 2011

I received the below error while importing the dump file.

IMP-00017: following statement failed with ORACLE error 2298:
IMP-00003: ORACLE error 2298 encountered
ORA-02298: cannot validate (bala.TSK_FK) - parent keys not found

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