Size Of Database
Aug 24, 2009i have few questions to ask.
1)How to find out the total size of my database.
2)what is dblink and how to find out the same.
i have few questions to ask.
1)How to find out the total size of my database.
2)what is dblink and how to find out the same.
I will be installing SOA Suite with OSB in Exalogic for testing. It is not for the production environment and very simple application will be used for testing. Database admin asked me what size database would be required but I did not find clear answer in the documentation anywhere.
View 0 Replies View RelatedWe have Oracle 10G database over Unix platform, Customer want to reduce the size of database as much as possible and the ami of customer to move the storage area of this database to other one. so we resize some datafiles and get lots of free space at mount point but while checking the utilzation of table is showing some what different as other. Below O/P:
% MaxPoss Max
Tablespace Name KBytes Used Free Used Largest Kbytes Used
------------------------------ --------------- --------------- --------------- ------ --------------- --------------- ------
*a DATA 45,875,200 8,740,992 37,134,208 19.1 1,728,512 100,663,248 45.6
*a HIGH_S_DATA 21,504,000 1,331,520 20,172,480 6.2 3,048,704 0 .0
*a HIGH_S_IND 15,360,000 853,568 14,506,432 5.6 1,661,504 0 .0
above all o/p is different, no able to understand it. is there any way to reset the HWM at Datafile level and how we reset the HWM of those tables having Materlized view?
In Oracle 9i
I know that db_block_size defines the standard/default block size for my datafiles.
I know db_cache_size defines the size of the my default database buffer of the size of my standard/default block size.
db_block_size = 8192 (8k)
db_cache_size = 200Mo of 8k block
Is there any needs for the other buffer cache
and so on?
If I have NO datafiles other than of the default block size, would I need to define a size for those other buffer pool? Is there any process that would benifit of these pools?
We have Employee table, there is a field name Employee_no. field size is 6.can we restrict some one not to increase or decrease the field size of Employee_no. even User has admin role.
is there any way to restrict admin user that he should not allow to enter the value of field more or less than 6 characters through Toad or SQL Plus 8.0.
for example
field: employee_no
feild_size: 6
field_type: Varchar2
When we enter Employee no A000001(7 digit) then database not allowed to update because its field size is 6 characters we want to restrict admin user in Toad or SQL Plus 8.0 because he is Toad and SQL Plus user.
how can we find the size of the oracle database 11g.
View 2 Replies View RelatedHow can we find the size of a view or synonym or table in a database. What is the code.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have Oracle 11gR2 running on windows xp machine. Windows xp has total size of 150 GB and free space of 95 GB.
I checked the size of the database that I created. It showed the total size of the database as 2 GB and used space as 2 GB. If I want to increase the total size of the database to 50 GB, what should i do? Now which is the disk space size? Windows or Oracle?
select username,account_status,default_tablespace from dba_users;
The ran the above query and it return 80 users but when i ran below query it shows just 14 rows.
select owner,sum(bytes)/(1024*1024) "GB" from dba_segments group by owner;how to get the size of all 80 users from database ?
We are planning to export the table data to a file pipedelimited. How do i estimate the size of the FlatFile based on the table size? or avg rowlength
View 3 Replies View RelatedI am using oracle 8.1.5 database and my temp01.dbf file size is increased upto 19.8 GB now i want reduce its size .
View 13 Replies View RelatedI have checked the space of my tablespaces/datafiles in my database. I have 8 GB space left in my database server. I cant add more hard-disk as there is no slot left. We r planning to buy a new server with latest config.
My question is, how can we know upto what size our database can increase and when a datafile need to be added in advance. Sometimes even though datafiles have space left,it shows errors abt extents cannot be extended. We have coalesce the tablespaces and added a new datafile.
I am storing customer's snaps in a table ( column's data type as LONG RAW) using oracle forms Webutil. Now there are 250 snaps in the table. The file type of these snaps is JPG with the average size 30KB.
I made a backup using export utility before storing these snaps and the exported DMP file's size was 36MB. Now after storing these just 250 snaps of 30KB the DMP file's size is gone over 300MB.
i need to change column's datatype? or some where in oracle forms's image item. Because on window's file system the size of these files is just 8MB.
I was just asked by one of the sysadmins what the typical size of an oracle database install plus service pack be?
View 1 Replies View RelatedOur database size is 100GB and i removed few records from a table and rebuild the index.The size of Index reduced considerably after Index rebuild but now i see our database size increased to 115GB.I know online rebuild creates second index which is also removed after the build is finished then why the increase in database size?Is there a way so it shows up more space ?
select sum(bytes) from dba_segments where owner='abc' and segment_name='abc_index_1';
select sum(bytes) from dba_segments where owner='abc' and segment_name='abc_index_1';
SQL> select block_size from v$controlfile;
SQL> show parameter db_block_size;
------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------
db_block_size integer 8192
the 2 can have difference block size?
All the analysis till now on our system proves that our system is clearly I/O bound and db sequential read is the biggest culprit.
We have even identified the index which is being affected by sequential read. I am thinking of creating a new tablespace with 32K blocksize (currently all table spaces are 8k) and migrate this index to the new space. That way, Oracle will have to do less number of reads to get the required data.
But is there anything wrong in having just one tablespace with a differnt block size? Or is there anything that I have to be watchful about while doing it?
query to get the name and size of all the databases associated to grid..
I need to find this to do capacity planning in our environment.
i written this code i m facing ORA-04030: out of process memory when trying to allocate 16408 bytes error
/* Formatted on 2011/11/26 11:52 (Formatter Plus v4.8. */
row_id varchar2(50);
v_batch_id temp.batch_id%TYPE;
v_slab_id temp.slab_id%TYPE;
flag NUMBER (2);
num varchar2(50) := &row_id;
database size is 30GB is it recommended for RMAN backup
View 2 Replies View RelatedOne of my user is asking to give me the size(bytes) of row 39 and size(bytes) of row 49 of a table ZETR.
as i am not aware of how to collect size(bytes) for a particular row.
I Have a server System Configuration with
RAM size: 16GB Ram & Hard disk Size of 1TB.
I Installed Oracle 11g R2 in the server SystemI want to Allocate Dedicated Memory for oracle..How Should i calculate the Memory size of SGA+PGA for good Performance..
I have Oracle database.I take rman backup everyday.Also I set a scheduled backup script.But scheduled backup size is 166MB,but if I take manual rman backup(rman>backup database) this backup size will 2.8GB.This backup isn't incremental backup.
I wrote 3 batch script.Finally this backup script call
backup script:
backup database plus archivelog delete input format 'C:\db_11g_backup\backup\oracle_scheduled_backup\backups\%d_%t_%s.rman';
How to increase ASM DATA free size? I tried deleting expired backups and old archive logs which are backed up more than one time. Still no success ..
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm having some issues with my NVarchar2 columns that I want to solve
My current NLS_CHARACTERSET is 'AL16UTF16', and therefore I can only create NVarchar2 columns with an maximum extension of 2000 bytes. But I do need a column with 4000 bytes length. How can I create an 4000 NVarchar2 column?
(I do not want to use a CLOB column...only a NVarchar2)
AS of we know that we can get the number of blocks occupied by data in a table by querying the user_tables Data Dictionary.
My questions are,
1.)how to know if i want the each block size ?(i.e each block size either it is 4kb or 8kb or 16kb..)?
2.) Is the block size is same for all blocks in a table and in Database or it varies?
3.)The block size is DB dependent or Table dependent or Machine dependent(32-bit, 64-bit and OS)?
I have a form that loads an image. Before storing the image on the database, I want to verify the size of the image. If the image is 0kb, I want to pop up a warning message and fail the load into the database.
I am using Forms 6i Version
I find posted and written in many places that the DB block size should be a multiple of the OS block size. I can't find any information, however, on how to find what the OS block size is for an OS. How to find the OS block size for Windows and UNIX systems (Solaris, Linux, and HP-UX)?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI've read the documentation that describes the storage management.I create a tablespace as:
DATAFILE 'path/filename1.dbf' SIZE 3000M AUTOEXTEND ON NEXT 200M MAXSIZE 4000M
As the extent management is local, does it mean that any storage clause of the objects (tables, indexes etc.) placed in it isn't taken into consideration? I mean in a case of placing a table in the mentioned tablespace that has a storege parameters defined as follows:
1. what will be the initial extent size? 1M or 100M?
2. what will be the next extent size? 1M or 20M?
3. will the maxextents parameter be taken into consideration?
4. when i'm sure the tablespace is dedicated to keep only one object [MY_TABLE], what should be the relation between the initial datafile size [filename1.dbf] and the initial extent size? Should they be iqual or doesn't matter?
5. as the SEGMENT SPACE MANAGEMENT is AUTO, the PCTFREE param doesn't make sense, right?
I am running Oracle on MS Windows 2003 server 64-bit with 16G RAM.
Here is the findings for my Oracle database.
SQL> select * * from v$sgainfo;
-------------------------------- ---------- ---
Fixed SGA Size 1293560 No
Redo Buffers 7094272 No
Buffer Cache Size 830472192 Yes
I find that the SGA component "Buffer Cache" is decreasing from the start "1.8G" and down to now 0.8G. On the other hand, the component "Shared Pool" is increasing from the start 0.3G to now 1.2G. I noticed that there are 100 operations of shrinking of "Buffer cache" and growth of "Shared Pool" in Oracle every day.Is it a indicator that I should raise up the SGA_MAX_SIZE?
I tried to increase the SGA_MAX_SIZE to 4G. But I cannot start the Oracle afterward.Is it a limitation of MS Windows(OS) or Oracle?I set the SGA_MAX_SIZE to 3G. This time, I can startup Oracle.What is the optimum/maximum I can set to SGA_MAX_SIZE?Is there any adverse effect/concern when setting the SGA_MAX_SIZE more than 2G?