Server Utilities :: Run Exp Utility In Background Mode

Oct 29, 2013

I have executed the exp utility to take schema backup as below.

DAY=`date +%a_%d-%m-%Y`
gzip < exp_test_pipe > exp_test_${DAY}.dmp.gz &
exp file=exp_test_pipe log=exp_test_dumps.log parfile=export_options.par

more export_options.par

my password is starts with $

example: $12300$ahhh and hence its not allowing me to execute when given like below..

exp username/$12300$ file=exp_test_pipe log=exp_test_dumps.log parfile=export_options.par

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Server Utilities :: Can Data Pump Utility Do Imp While Exp

Oct 14, 2013

I met some problems with data pump tools. We have a large db(oracle, single instance on hpux v11.11, data about 8TB), while we wanna migrate to Linux ia 64bit, RAC. The migrate window is around 20 hours, so the window can NOT be assign more hours.

As we consider if impdp & expdp work can start together, that will be save a lot of time. So I wonder if there are any ways to implement this or any other ways can speed up and make the data integrate better?

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Server Utilities :: Running Export Utility Online

May 26, 2010

Just want to confirm if I can run the export (command line) even if the database is up (online)? Are there any risks/impact while doing so?

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Server Utilities :: Error Executing Impdp Utility

Nov 9, 2012

I exported three databases : servicedesk, report and mostcmdb on server A to a dumpfile. Moved them to similar dump location on server B. Now, I want to import them into B by using:

[SQL> impdp system/OSS_MOS7100 dumpfile=MOSTCMDB_0211.DMP schemas=mostcmdb

The error was:

SP2-0734: unknown command beginning "impdp syst..." - rest of line ignored.

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Server Utilities :: Restore A Package Only With Original Import Utility?

Jun 28, 2013

I am trying to restore a package only from a dump file that was exported by original exp command. I know you can do it with data pump, but unfortunately this is dump file is not exported by expdp. Can I do that. I really do not want to import the whole database.

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Server Utilities :: Import A Dump File Using Impdp Data Pump Utility On Oracle 10g

Feb 19, 2012

Is it possible to import a dump file using impdp data pump utility on oracle 10g where the export dump was taken using traditional exp utility and vice versa.

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Server Utilities :: Does Oracle Forms / Report Services (Standalone) Support Data Export Utility

Jun 10, 2010

I have a From which take Logical Backup through oracle export utility. This Form work fine when i Start OCJ4 but when i want to take backup after running oracle Forms & Report services its not take backup.

My Question is dose Oracle Forms & Report Services (Standalone) Support data backup through Export (exp) utility. I have install Oracle Forms and Report Services (Standalone) on Window XP (SP-3).

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Server Utilities :: Does Source Database Opened In Read-only Mode

Jun 28, 2012

does the source database have to be open in read-only? or can it be online at the time of exporting?

*do not take mean-while running transactions into consideration, I will do it at night when nobody's working.

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Server Utilities :: Export Schema Which Contains Space More Than 100 GB Using Compressed Mode?

Jul 13, 2010

I need to export one schema which contains of huge space of 100GB in oracle 9i ,can u pls provide the command to export in the compress mode.

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Server Utilities :: Schema Export In Command Prompt Mode?

Jan 6, 2012

I want to take a export of schema JACK of size 700 MB which contains list of objects in it.

SQL> select count(*),object_type from dba_objects where owner='JACK' group by object_type;
---------- -------------------

6 rows selected.

The export command i am going to use is as below.

exp system/oracle@ORCL1 file=schemaexp.dmp log=schemaexp.log owner=JACK rows=y direct=y
grants=N constraints=y COMPRESS=N buffer=100000000 RECORDLENGTH=64000

Is it possible to take this schema export in windows command prompt mode and any guess how long it would take to complete the export ?Because based on the time it takes, i am going to perform the export in windows command prompt.

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Server Utilities :: User Creation Definition In User Mode Export

Mar 31, 2010

I would like to know if 'user creation definition' is exported in user mode export if export is done with DBA role..If it is Not, does it mean we always need to precreate the user before we import the dump created using 'user mode export'?

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Server Administration :: Use OPatch Utility For Patch Upgradation

Mar 14, 2012

How to set Path environment variable if we want to use OPatch utility for patch upgradation.

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Server Administration :: Gather Schema Stat Utility Of Oracle?

Oct 28, 2010

I have problem/misunderstanding with gather schema stat utility of oracle. Herewith i'm posting my try and output of it. My main question is why the column 'LAST_ANALYZED' of dba_tables not updated on gathering fresh schema level statistics.

SQL>select OWNER,TABLE_NAME,NUM_ROWS,AVG_ROW_LEN,BLOCKS,SAMPLE_SIZE,LAST_ANALYZED from dba_tables where owner='STO' and rownum<=10 order by LAST_ANALYZED;


10 rows selected.

SQL>execute dbms_stats.gather_schema_stats(OWNNAME => 'STO', OPTIONS => 'GATHER AUTO');

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

SQL> select OWNER,TABLE_NAME,NUM_ROWS,AVG_ROW_LEN,BLOCKS,SAMPLE_SIZE,LAST_ANALYZED from dba_tables where owner='STO' and rownum<=10 order by LAST_ANALYZED;

------------------------------ ------------------------------ ---------- ----------- ---------- ----------- ---------
STO BILLSLIPB 7695 26 36 7695 29-MAR-10
STO BILL_CHECKING_SLIP 2634 71 28 2634 29-MAR-10
STO FACTORYBILLA 2 119 1 2 29-MAR-10


10 rows selected. SQL>

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Server Administration :: Oracle Export Import Utility Different Versions?

May 10, 2012

We are migratingfrom [IBM P5 - AIX 5.3 - Oracle DB 64bit]to [IBM P7 - AIX 6.1 - Oracle DB 64bit]

The new database is already up and running, our next step now is the following:
1. Create Tablespaces (done)
2. Export the Database from P5
3. Import the dump to P7.

We have this following options:

I. Use a Windows XP workstation 32bit with Oracle Database software to export from P5, then import the dump to P7. (Export/Import Utility Windows 32bit)
II. Use the Export Utility of the P7 ( AIX 64bit) to do the export and import.
III. Use the Export Utility of P5 ( AIX 64bit) then use the Import Utility of P7 ( AIX 64bit)

BTW, our colleague tried to do the following:
A. Use Windows - Export Utility - 32bit to make a dump of our database (Oracle AIX 64bit)
B. Use Windows - Import Utility - 32bit to import the dump file from step A to our new database (Oracle AIX 64bit)

But after issuing imp system/password@NEWDB file=(a.dmp, b.dmp... c.dmp) full=y ignore=y statistics=none

The import seems to hang here...importing SYSTEM's objects into SYSTEM

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Dedicated Vs Shared Server Mode

Sep 17, 2013

Why for dedicated server mode session memory is alloted from PGA and same in shared server mode by SGA ??

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Server Administration :: Archive Mode In Database

Dec 28, 2011

what is the techniques to set the archive mode in oracle database on???????

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Server Administration :: How To Offline Datafile In No Archive Mode

Oct 31, 2011

I want to drop a datafile in my test db which is in no archive mode,at first, i want to offline the datafile,but it failed,is there any way to do it?

SQL> archive log list;
Database log mode No Archive Mode
Automatic archival Disabled
Archive destination USE_DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST
Oldest online log sequence 3237

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Server Administration :: Running DBCA In Silent Mode

Jan 27, 2012

I'm trying to run dbca in silent mode and works perfect, this is how the code look like:

dbca -silent -createDatabase -templateName Transaction_Processing.dbc -gdbName test.mydomain -sid test
-sysPassword passoracle -systemPassword passoracle -emConfiguration LOCAL -dbsnmpPassword passoracle
-sysmanPassword passoracle -characterSet WE8ISO8859P1
-initParams "open_cursors=500"

The problem is when I specify more than one initialization parameter in -initParams. If I try something like

-initParams "open_cursors=500, parallel_max_server=0"

Then I get this error Exception in thread "main".

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Server Administration :: Which Commands Only Can Use In Database Mount Mode

May 3, 2011

which commands only we can use in database mount mode?

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Server Utilities :: Finding Versions Of Exp And Imp Utilities Of Database Server?

Feb 23, 2012

how to find the versions of exp and imp utilities of database server from windows command prompt?

Note: Currently i have oracle software installed on my local machine.

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Server Administration :: ORA-01102 Cannot Mount Database In Exclusive Mode

May 10, 2002

I performed Shutdown Immediate in Oracle 8I and now I am unable to mount the database.I'm getting the following message: ORA-01102 Cannot mount database in Exclusive mode/I only have one database running on this machine. It was automatically created by Oracle installer upon installation of Oracle software. I can no longer connect via SQL * Plus,Only through Server Manager (connect internal)

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Server Utilities :: Do EXPDP Utilities Does Backup At Block Level As What RMAN Is Doing

May 29, 2013

I have one doubt on Expdp & RMAN. Do EXPDP utilities does backup at block level as what RMAN is doing? Which one is faster, expdp or RMAN?

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Server Utilities :: Intermediate COMMITS When Using Sqlldr Or Imp Utilities

Oct 29, 2013

I want to load lakhs of records into a table. My problem is when after loading the ΒΌ of records my process is abend due to the size of my rollback segment area. I don't have an option to increase it. So, Is there any way to go for intermediate commits when I am using the imp or sqlldr utilities to load the entire data without abend?

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Server Utilities :: Netca And Netmgr Utilities?

Feb 20, 2012

I am familiar with tool Netca. However there is one more utility exist for the same functionatlty which is netmgrI checked with many DBAs for the exact difference, however I did not get the best answer from them. I also have checked in google but not exactly got the difference. list the exact difference between those 2 tools (netca, netmgr)

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Forms :: Set Image In Background In 6i

Dec 15, 2011

I want to set image in back ground.but there no option in to set back ground.

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Server Administration :: Use Of LM ( Lock Mode) In V$lock?

Oct 4, 2012

we know we can see lock mode held in session can be analysed using LM column in v$lock.But i confused in seeing LM column it all shows in numbers from 0 to 6.


2,'Row Share(2)',
3,'Row Exclu(3)',
5,'Share Row Ex(5)',

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Call Dos2unix Utility

Aug 21, 2012

How can I call the dos2unix utility from Oracle ? I'm building an external table in a procedure where each time the latter is called the file name(s) are different.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Pattern Matching Utility

Jul 2, 2013

I am using version of oracle. I have not worked on regular expressions. During working on sql injection, I got set of below patterns which is feeded to some JAVA regx classes or utilityto restrict selective Request, based on patterns.below patterns and the characters which will be restricted by this pattern matching utility.

Given below are 3- patterns:

(.*?[sd)'])(?:AND|OR)(?=[s-+(']|.?d)(s*[-+(]?s*(?:[^s!<>=]+?|'.*?')[s)]*(?:s*(?:(?:[-+/*(.]||s*|)s*)+(?:[^s!<>=]+?|'.*?')[s)]*)*s*)(?: <s*>|>s*=|<s*=|!s*=|=|>|<)(.*)
(.*?[sd)'])(?:AND|OR)(?=[s-+(']|.?d)(s*[-+(]?s*(?:[^s]+?|'.*?')[s)]*(?:s*(?:(?:[-+/*(.]||s*|)s*)+(?:[^s]+?|'.*?')[ s)]*)*s*)(? <=[s)']|d.?)(?:LIKE|IN|BETWEEN)([s-+('].*)

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Forms :: Applying Different Background Colour?

Apr 21, 2011

I have got a form in tabular format. each record contains some specific colour or it may not contain.

i want to chage the backgroud colour of that record based on what so ever user wants. for example, user want first record should be of RED back groud, second green, third blue etc.

colours are available in RGB format.

when i try to set_item_property(backgroundcolor) on post-query or on when new item instance, it makes all record of same colour.

note:- if a put another text/display item and make it number of record displayed property = 1 , then it works, because only one record colour is seen at a time.

I can not use multiple visual attributes because number of colours are up to user feedback.

how can it be applied in tabular format?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How Oracle Background Process Works

Jul 12, 2011

how oracle background process works and in what sequence when we file an insert or update command?

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