Server Administration :: Is User Connection Possible If Temp Space Is 0 Percent
Mar 10, 2010
If the temp space left is 0%, i.e. all temp space used up, is it possible to make new DB connection ( can new users still connect to the DB)?
Or re-phrasing the question... How much of temp space (if at all ) is required for a new user to login to DB? Like SORT_AREA_SIZE in PGA. So, as memory sort area is already used ( Temp space is 100% full), can DB make more new connections?
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Aug 27, 2013
How to determine number of connections establishing from application server to database server for a particular user and also query the user is running in database.
user -- application user created in database.
same user exist in application.
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May 2, 2012
how many maximum connection, a particular user can have in oracle. and how many maximum connection if user has 'resource profile' as default.and i am using oracle
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Mar 14, 2011
I created manually a database in 10g, after succesfully creating the dB, I created a single user re: LAMS. Now, I noticed that my USERS tablespace is currently at a 99.96% usage:
SQL> @check_space_used.sql
Monday, March 14, 2011 2:46:22 PM SGT
------------------------------ -------------------- -------------------- --------------------
SYSTEM 1073741824 239599616 23
UNDO 268435456 16449536 7
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Jul 26, 2010
i'm facing a problem while i'm inserting millions of record from table to table that undo tablespace reach 100% full and execution aborted. , how can free the undo tablespace ??? many of extendes are offline. will it flush automatically ??? or what i should do
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Oct 2, 2012
how to check the maximum space ever used for TEMP. I want to know it because I need to resize the TEMP and I want to know how small it can be. As I can see from a documentation hURL....max_size is max number of extens ever used in a segment
I could multiply max_size by extent_size and it would give me the max size of temp ever used
SQL> select segment_file, extent_size, max_size from v$sort_segment;
0 128 23625
0 128 753
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May 22, 2013
In 11g database i have allocated 30 GB temp space now am seeing only 500 MB free space in database.
how to reduse temp space.
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Sep 3, 2012
We are using a GTT table to store the summarize data and display it on same screen(10g Now we are facing temporary tablespace space issue very frequently as our client do not enable the auto extend on for temp table space. We have analyzed the AWR and came to know that there are 900000 inserts per hour on an average. Client DBA Claims that there are sessions(1or 2) which inserts the data in temporary table continuously for 2-3 days.
According to him one session is running from 28th Aug and problem comes on 2nd Sep and after killing the problematic session the application will work fine. Generally this problems come on weekend. I have discussed with our dev team and as per them there is no session leakage issue.
following is the insert statement:
:5,:6,:7,:8,:9,:10,:11,:12,sysdate,:13) ;
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Jun 30, 2010
i got a error temp tablespace cannot be resized. How to Resize Temp Tablespace?
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Oct 12, 2011
We have a database running with Oracle on Solaris 5.10 [SUN SPARC v240] where the assigned TEMP tablespace size looks to be quite huge ( = 8GB!). There are not much SQL queries being run on the database, but what can I do/find/investigate to be sure of how much TEMP space is 'actually' required for the application to run OK?
Note. I have seen the previous DBA's have marked AUTOEXTEND = ON for the TEMP datafiles as well.
Separate query (but linked to TEMP tablespace):
Even if the TEMP datafiles are created with AUTOEXTEND = ON, sometimes I am seeing 'ORA-01652: unable to extend temp segment by 128'.
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Jul 26, 2011
we have 5 tempfile ( each of 65 gb ) allocated to TEMP tablespace...and still we are running in short of space..when i checked the TEMP segment usage, i am able to see much FREE blocks. how to release those space ?
------------ ---------- ------------------------------------------- ----------
TEMP 1 +DATA/tedw/tempfile/temp.3043.727779755 65535.9688
TEMP 2 +DATA/tedw/tempfile/temp.3042.727779749 65535.9688
TEMP 3 +DATA/tedw/tempfile/temp.3041.727779741 65535.9688
TEMP 4 +DATA/tedw/tempfile/temp.4065.730387401 65535.9688
TEMP 5 +DATA/tedw/tempfile/temp.4075.731586241 65535.9688SELECT tablespace_name,
total_blocks*16/1024 as total_MB,
used_blocks*16/1024 as used_MB,
free_blocks*16/1024 as free_MB
FROM v$sort_segment;
------------ ------------ ----------- ----------- ---------- ---------- ----------
TEMP 9994624 1007360 8987264 156166 15740 140426
1 row selected.
further when i checked the session details using TEMP segment, i got below output:
SELECT b.tablespace, b.segfile#, b.segblk#, b.blocks, a.sid, a.serial#,a.username, a.osuser, a.status
FROM v$session a,v$sort_usage b
WHERE a.saddr = b.session_addr
ORDER BY b.tablespace, b.segfile#, b.segblk#, b.blocks;
------------------------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ------------------------------ ------------------------------ --------
TEMP 15001 3549184 576 475 1237 EQUIPMENT infa ACTIVE
TEMP 15001 4002368 64 796 4677 CRM infa ACTIVE
TEMP 15002 580608 20352 868 615 EDW infa ACTIVE
TEMP 15002 3962112 832 92 1065 EDWSTG infa ACTIVE
TEMP 15002 4021120 576 1236 7257 EQUIPMENT infa ACTIVE
TEMP 15003 23936 64 819 5586 EDW infa ACTIVE
TEMP 15003 3798400 832 855 1801 EDWSTG infa ACTIVE
TEMP 15004 205056 21632 795 8171 EDW infa ACTIVE
TEMP 15004 4031488 832 403 1299 EDWSTG infa ACTIVE
TEMP 15004 4131456 576 19 6802 EQUIPMENT infa ACTIVE
TEMP 15005 3617856 832 1166 6204 EDWSTG infa ACTIVE
TEMP 15005 3741760 576 862 953 EQUIPMENT infa ACTIVE
TEMP 15005 4042752 18176 1226 5379 CDM infa ACTIVE
3 rows selected.
if i killed the SID - 1226, then those temp blocks ( 18176 blocks ) will be released and can other session use that space further ?
there is one more column - SEGBLK#
explain what is the exact meaning of this column ?
to reclaim the space, should i issue below command -
sql>alter tablespace TEMP coalesce;
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May 9, 2012
I am getting error "ORA-1652: unable to extend temp segment by 128 in tablespace" but i can see there is enough free space left in TEMP. I can see we have many active session. how can we drill down to solve this error. Below is the status for all the tablespaces.
Tablespace STA M A Init Total MB Free MB Used MB LrgstMB MaxExt %Fr A
------------ --- - - ---- ------------ ---------- ----------- -------- ------------ --- -
AMINDEX OLN L S 64K 5,120 5,120 0 3,968 2147483645 100
AMOWNER OLN L S 64K 5,120 5,120 0 3,968 2147483645 100
BOB_TS OLN L U 10M 17,240 16,130 1,110 9,740 2147483645 94
DDP_TAB OLN L U 1M 5,120 3,700 1,420 3,507 2147483645 72
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Nov 17, 2011
I am getting temp tablespace error "ORA-01652: unable to extend temp segment by 128 in tablespace TEMP" for the following code.
SELECT /*+ USE_NL ( vd1 ,vd2 ,vd3 ) leading ( vd1 ,vd2 ,vd3 , tvd) */ vd1.vendor_record_seq_no,
tvr.checksum, tvr.rownumber, tvr.transaction_type, 'U'
FROM vendor_data vd1, vendor_data vd2, vendor_data vd3,
(SELECT rownumber, MAX (DECODE (control_column_seq_no, 91150, original_value, NULL)) AS value1,
Right now used tables has the following number of records-
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM vendor_data --292890442
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM temp_vendor_data --0
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM temp_vendor_record --0
This query is part of an application, but consuming too much of temporary tablespace (68 GB allocated). I found it out by using query below:
select * from v$session a, v$sql b
where a.sql_id=b.sql_id
and status = 'ACTIVE'
I am not sure, why this problem is occuring.
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Nov 23, 2011
I run a query, takes 20 minutes or so, I traced it and can see no more then 20-30 mb of temp space required in the plan.
I developed it for use in a materialized view, however when I create the mview with the sql, the temp space required grows until it maxxes out. I increased the existing 10gb to 50gb but still maxxed out. Took the SQL out, reran it, ran in 20 minutes barely scratching the temp, I ran a "create table as <select>" and same behaviour as the SQL, barely touched the temp as per the plan. So the temp space blolwing is unique to the mview create.
Im working with mviews years on several sites and have never seen this.
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Jul 20, 2013
I've used custom written statistics gathering scripts that by default gather statistics on large tables with a small estimate percentage and FOR ALL COLUMNS SIZE 1. They allow the estimate percentage to be set higher on individual tables and allow me to choose individual columns to have histograms with the maximum number of buckets. The nice thing about this approach was that the statistics ran very efficiently by default and they could be dialed up as needed to tune individual queries. But, with 11g you can set preferences at the table level so that the automatic stats job or even a manual run of gather_table_stats will use your settings. Also, there is some special sampling algorithm associated with auto_sample_size that you miss out on if you manually set the estimate percentage. So, I could change my approach to query tuning and statistics gathering to use AUTO_SAMPLE_SIZE and FOR ALL COLUMNS SIZE AUTO by default and then override these if needed to tune a query or if needed to make the statistics run in an acceptable length of time. I work in an largish company with a team of about 10 DBAs and a bunch of developers and over 100 Oracle databases so we can't really carefully keep track of each system. Having the defaults be less resource intensive saves me the grief of having stats jobs run too long, but it requires intervention when a query needs to be tuned. Also, with my custom scripts I get a lot of hassles from people wanting to know why I'm not using the Oracle default settings so that is a negative. But I've seen the default settings, even on 11.2, run much too long on large tables. Typically our systems start small and then data grows and grows until things start breaking so the auto stats may seem fine at first, but eventually they will start running too long. Also, when the stats jobs run forever or with the automatic jobs don't finish in the window I get complaints about the stats taking too long or not being updated. So, either direction has its pros and cons as far as I can tell.
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Jan 18, 2013
There is a readonly user on our reporting server. Developers want to use global temporary tables with this user. I don't want the user to have permissions other than readonly.I can grant the user CREATE TABLE privilege and did not grant quota on any permanent tablespace, therefore user would not be unable to create permanent tables but still should be able to create global temporary tables.
Question is would a user with such permissions still be able to utilize temp tables as part of a scheduled job?
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Dec 1, 2011
I am having a very big Temp Tablespace with 4 tempfiles each of 32GB.Usually there is nightly run involving very big tables.
When i got the error ORA-1652:
unable to extend temp segment by 128 in tablespace TEMP
the temp usage was as follows
Tablespace name Total MB UsedMB FreeMB
TEMP 128818 100735 28083
Only 100GB was used and there was about 28GB free space in Temp.But still i was getting the error.Was it becos it was defragmented and was not able to find a contigous segment? Is it applicable for temp tablespace also..
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Sep 16, 2012
while trying to refresh an materialized view.. oracle throws cannot extend temp table space error.. while starting to refresh mivew temp table space is empty but once refresh started temp tablespace is growing and throws cannot extend temp tablespace error,,,size of temp tablesapce is 200GB..when i monter the session it does an sort event of an table(ammt_pol_ag_comm).. only 4% of this sort event is completing after that it throws error bu occupying the entire 200 GB tabespace.. MView script below..
CREATE materialized VIEW ammv_agent_pol_persis_emas
Parallel 10
Build Immediate
Refresh on demand
With Primary Key
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Nov 15, 2010
I created an externally authenticated user in database. And can login without password with below syntax.
SQL> connect / @TESTDB
SQL> show user;
This scott user has a proxy permission to another DBuser PROXY_USER. Previously I used to login using below syntax.
connect scott[proxy_user]/password_for_scott@TESTDB
So now, what syntax should be used for this "ExternallY Authenticated" user to login as a proxy user?
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Mar 10, 2012
When i try to create a duplicate table from an existing table i get error.
SQL> create table COMP_TEMP as select * from COMPETITIVE;
create table COMP_TEMP as select * from COMPETITIVE
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-01652: unable to extend temp segment by 128 in tablespace DATA_01
The table size is 15 gb.
Currently the tablespace has 2GB free space. If i need to increase the size of the tablespace DATA_01,how much space is required.
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Nov 9, 2011
I have a strange problem when creating a view in user from another user
I have a user called "Cash_tst"
its syntax creation is
-- Create the user
create user CASH_TST
identified by ""
default tablespace CASH
temporary tablespace TEMP
profile DEFAULT
quota unlimited on cash;
-- Grant/Revoke object privileges
grant connect to CASH_TST;
grant dba to CASH_TST;
grant resource to CASH_TST;
-- Grant/Revoke system privileges
grant create any view to CASH_TST;
grant unlimited tablespace to CASH_TST;
I want to create a view
"AROFL" is another user on the same database
when try to create the view "tamer" i got message of
"insufficent privilege"
although i granted "create any view" to the user "cash_tst"
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Aug 27, 2012
In My database rollback segment space is not releasing space even though, there is no transaction is using RBS. RBS tablespace size is around 70GB. Unfortunately still our environment is running in 9i due to application code
SQL> show parameter undo
------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------
undo_management string MANUAL
undo_retention integer 1800
undo_suppress_errors boolean FALSE
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Nov 17, 2011
Is there any way I can calculate percentage of space used in a block.Eg if a table size is 100 blocks,How Can I check the percentage of used space in block.
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Feb 26, 2013
for some reason,i want to know which data block contains free space,or which table/index contains free space.
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Oct 13, 2010
am using Oracle on win 2008 server SP2. I would like to know if we can set the Segment Space Management feature to AUTO for RBS and Temporary tablespaces. As the data is not permanent in these tablespaces, will it manage automatically?
Presently its Segment Space Mgmt is manual for System, RBS, Temporary tablespaces.
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Oct 27, 2010
In my drive E: I'll have a space issue soon because one file is taking all space. SYSTEM01. DBF size is around 25GB. I want to know if I delete some data in my database I'll gain space.
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Mar 26, 2013
In one of our Data warehousing DB, even though, all the tablespaces' space should keep on at least 1 month, but our leader want us to estimate how much space can free up with db method.
I have referenced
<Administrator Guide> - Reclaiming Wasted Space
I have several questions on reclaim space:
1. It seems that segment adviser give a really cool view to know which segment should be shrink and how much size will free up after shrink. But actually, this need a very a job or manually do this. I have once heard about some query from can estimate this :
A script from MOS, but actually I found this it's not very accurate with segment adviser. This script should report the real space the table occupy, but after shrink space, the space doesn't free up.
SELECT TABLE_NAME , (BLOCKS *8192 / 1024/1024 ) - (NUM_ROWS*AVG_ROW_LEN/1024/1024)
"Data lower than HWM in MB" FROM DBA_TABLES WHERE UPPER(owner) =UPPER('&OWNER') order by 2 desc;
Also there is a script evaluate the tablespace fragments from some people:
SELECT tablespace_name,
SQRT (MAX (blocks) / SUM (blocks))
* (100 / SQRT (SQRT (COUNT (blocks))))
FROM dba_free_space
GROUP BY tablespace_name
if the value is very low, we can coalesce the tablespace. But after I coalesce the tablespace, I can't see any space free up.
From <Concepts>:
Quote:Coalescing extents is not necessary in
locally managed tablespaces, because all contiguous free space is available for
allocation to a new extent regardless of whether it was reclaimed from one or more
2. is there any good way to estimate how much space we should free up? ( After free up the space , dba_free_space should see this result)
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Jan 9, 2012
Application team requested hosting team to add some space to tablespace as it was exceeding 80% used.Now the hosting team have added the space as per recommendation and the application team wants us to verify if the space was added. How to check the space was added in GB to list of tablesapces ?
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Jan 4, 2012
I just want to know whether we have to pre-allocate space for temporary tablespaces?
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Feb 15, 2012
How to delete flashback log and to release the space?
I guess that it maybe like archive log ,it can release the space using RMAN.But when i try a test ,it fail.
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