Server Administration :: How To Count Connections Exist On DB

Jul 6, 2011

I wanna know the way to count connections exist on Database, and the max connections db accept.

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Server Administration :: ORA-10637 / The Segment Does Not Exist

Sep 26, 2011

Does It can not shrink in manual space managment tablespace?

I was confused by the error ORA-10637: The segment does not exist

create tablespace test_manual
datafile 'd:oracleoradataorcl est_manual.dbf' size 100m
segment space management manual
create user test_man identified by hxl
default tablespace test_manual;
grant create session to test_man;
grant resource to test_man;


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Server Administration :: ORA-27101 / Shared Memory Realm Does Not Exist

Jan 17, 2013

i did this step

SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Thu Jan 17 15:59:33 2013
Copyright (c) 1982, 2007, Oracle. All Rights Reserved.
Enter user-name: sys@orcl as sysdba
Enter password:
Connected to an idle instance.
SQL> create pfile from spfile;


here its my init.ora file

# Copyright (c) 1991, 2001, 2002 by Oracle Corporation
# Cache and I/O


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Server Administration :: ORA-27101 - Shared Memory Realm Does Not Exist

Sep 16, 2003

All of a sudden my oracle application has stopped functioning.When I try to log in I get the following messages:


From the command line when I try to connect as sysdba and startup the following message appears: "oracle instance terminated.Disconnection forced"

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Server Administration :: Unable To Drop User - Table Or View Does Not Exist

Jun 6, 2011

Im facing the problem whenever I try to drop a user. Following thing that I m trying..

system@vahan> drop user knp cascade;

Error at line 1:
ORA-00604: error occured at recursive SQL level 1
ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
ORA-06512: at line 7

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Server Administration :: Inserting Data To Oracle Database - Shared Memory Realm Does Not Exist

Sep 24, 2013

i am continuously inserting data to oracle database after some time like 2 hours oracle disconnects,it creates erros like

ORA-01034: ORACLE not available
ORA-27101: shared memory realm does not exist
Process ID: 0
Session ID: 0 Serial number: 0

after restarting the database with shutdown immediate ans startup if i start inserting records it will show erros like

ORA-01653: unable to extend table SYSTEM.GLT_PROT_TRAFFIC_SUM_VOIP by 8192 in tablespace GLCOMM

but i have created the Tablespace with BigFile Auto Extend and max size unlimited, i am having 400GB disk space created Redo logs with 15gb,i have tried serveral times reinstalling the oracle but problem is not solved.

same problem is happenging with small datafiles also,

operating system: windows server 2008 R2 standard
oracle server : 11g
oracle client : 64 bit

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Server Administration :: Default Count Of Oracle 11g Database

Mar 6, 2011

I installed Oracle 11g and created a test database in that the default count should be 4196... but it is 4143.. some packages are missing.. even when i'm creating materialized view it is showing some error that packages are missing. what can i do for that? Is my oracle s/w corrupted ? even when i downloaded from oracle site it also shows the same count.

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Server Administration :: Ora-00333 / Redo Log Read Error Block 203 Count 8192

Apr 17, 2010

When i was starting my database .there was an error

ora-00333:redo log read error block 203 count 8192.

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PL/SQL :: Single Long Connection Vs Multiple Short Connections To Oracle Server

Oct 8, 2012

A DB server (Oracle 11g) on Linux will support a Web Application Server (Java based) for hosting a public web site.For sending multiple INSERT statements over from the Java Server to Oracle Server, I have two ways to do it:

1) Wrap those insert statements together and send it over with one connection to Oracle

2) Send each insert statement separately to Oracle. As the result, multiple insert statements are sent and accordingly multiple connections to Oracle are needed.

Advantage of option 1 is just using one Connection. Disadvantages are that Oracle will then need to parse the statement string into multiple separate insert statements, and then loop through them to execute each. This may be costly in CPU sense.

While the option 2 may have quicker execute of each insert statement, but will need to create multiple connections.If the number of users is known and stable (such as intranet), I would prefer option 1; while for the internet there could hundreds concurrent users at the peak, I lean towards the option 2.

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Server Utilities :: SYS.DBMS_EXPORT_EXTENSION Does Not Exist

Dec 30, 2002

I have Oracle 8.0.5 running on Windows NT 2000 Server.While trying to export tables using @ORACLE_HOMEbinexp80 I get the following error.

I must mention that I ran the catproc.sql script and utlrp.sql. However I'm getting 191 invalid objects when running:

select object_name, object_type, status, owner from dba_objects where status='INVALID';

Here is the exception
. . exporting table IMDTB_DOCS
EXP-00008: ORACLE error 4068 encountered
ORA-04068: existing state of packages has been discarded
ORA-04067: not executed, package body "SYS.DBMS_EXPORT_EXTENSION" does not exist
ORA-06508: PL/SQL: could not find program unit being called
ORA-06512: at line 1

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Server Utilities :: ORA-01918 / User (SDE) Does Not Exist

May 25, 2010

I'm trying to move a complete tablespace with all associated schemas/users and data.

The command that I'm using is as follows:

impdp DP_USER/DP_USER directory=datapumps network_link=backup tablespaces=SDE

DP_USER has the IMP/EXP_FULL_DATABASE, as does the target of the database link.

The error that I get is the following:

Processing object type TABLE_EXPORT/TABLE/TABLE
ORA-39083: Object type TABLE:"SDE"."VERSION" failed to create with error:
ORA-01918: user 'SDE' does not exist

The SDE tablespace has objects from the SDE schema, but the SDE schema does not seem to be created along with the tablespace. How do I cause it to be?

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Server Utilities :: ORA-00942 / Table Or View Does Not Exist

Jul 22, 2004

i imported a .dmp file but i got this error:

Connected to: Oracle8i Release - Production
JServer Release - Production
IMP-00003: ORACLE error 942 encountered
ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
IMP-00023: Import views not installed, please notify your DBA
IMP-00000: Import terminated unsuccessfully

Then i run the catexp.sql using SYS user. But i still got that error.

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How To Kill Inactive Connections Automatically

Apr 26, 2011

i was gone through the below link


so when i changed my idle_time value in profile and the when the user exceeds the idle_time value the user still i can see in-active state in v$session.

and when i was tried to execute any query on inactive session that time i got an ORA- error and then session was not visible from v$session.

in my environment inactive session was not getting used afterwards so is there any way to kill that sessions automatically once reached idle_timeout value.

lets say i have 50 max sessions, out of which 10 are inactive state and 40 in active state .what if i created one more sessions will that give me ORA- error stating max sessions reached or it will kill the one session which are in-active state.

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Performance Tuning :: SSL On Database Connections?

Oct 10, 2012

insight into the overheads for mutally authenticated SSL for database connections? This is over a fast local network, to a RAC cluster, with DB firewall in front. There's always a large element of "it depends"

Information I'm interested in are things like latency for initial session setup and subsequent data transfer. Also the increase in network packet size, and the increase in CPU cost for the database server. I guess there is some implications for session memory usage as well.

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PCI - Auditing Connect / As Sysdba - Connections?

Feb 15, 2012

I have a problem with a PCI DSS - requirement in Oracle 11.2. (PCI DSS = Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard)


we connect via ' ssh -2 -X -l oracle hostname ' to the databaseserver and become os-user 'oracle'. we have also two offshore locations with dba's and each dba comes with his personalized user to the jumphost and then with the above ssh command to the database server.

the problem is that each dba becomes the oracle-os-account and can now connect with '/ as sysdba' to the pci-dss this is not allowed !

now my question:how can I audit these '/ as sysdba'-connections and prove which user connected at which time with the '/ as sysdba' command ?

database is in audit mode. we log to syslog on linus redhat 5. I know one solution could be setting "SQLNET.AUTHENTICATION_SERVICES" parameter to "NONE" in sqlnet.ora file will make it not possible to connect to the database without a password as sysdba. (sqlplus / as sysdba). but we have to many applications and jobs and this is not really the solution in this case.

I think I can only solve this problem with personalized OS-user DBA-accounts in the dba-goup on os-site and os-user oracle should not be used for the future ?? I also need personalized dba-user-accounts in the database. using sys and system is not allowed. this users has to be locked and only for special administration work could it be unlocked.

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How To Find Number Of Connections From Specific Client

Mar 13, 2013

We are interested to find the number of connections from specific client. Is tracing on sqlnet.ora in the client machine the answer? If yes, which trace has the information?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Check Open Http Connections In Database

Apr 13, 2012

How to check the open http connections in the database as I am getting.

ORA-29270: too many open HTTP requests

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Checking Real Amount Connections To Oracle Database

Mar 12, 2013

My problem:

+ Oracle 11g
+ Centos 5.5
+ I create many users by shell script (user01, user02, user03 ..... user0n)
+ How can I connect all user to Oracle database in Centos (may be create - command line env ?
// user01 , user02 ... ---===> connect Oracles ?
My idea: using fork to create multi sqlplus to connect but it cant o_0

If all users can connect to Orcl db, I can count real user connections.

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Clusterware :: Listener On RAC Node 2 Not Accepting User Connections

Apr 11, 2013

I have a 2 RAC node cluster . The problem is that the second listener is not registering any connections . I have verified the services of listener using lsnrctl status (the default name is LISTENER), i also have verified the local and remote listener parameters they are fine but running the fol query shows count =0 against inst_id=2;

SQL > select count() from gv$session where username='XYZ' and inst_id=2;*


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Networking And Gateways :: Clients Connections Failed Intermittently?

Jul 16, 2012

have some problem between my database and the listener Sometimes I have connection errors: The error occurred intermittently

Oracle on RHEL 5
My listener:


The listener starts and stops normally
>lsnrctl start
LSNRCTL for Linux: Version - Production on 16-JUL-2012 17:51:09
Copyright (c) 1991, 2010, Oracle. All rights reserved.

Starting /opt/oracle/product/EE_11.2.0/bin/tnslsnr: .


But there is an error when the database register into the listener (in listener.log):
Started with pid=4029
Listening on: (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=xxxxxx)(PORT=1521)))
Listener completed notification to CRS on start


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RMAN Full Backup - All Application Connections Goes In Wait Mode

Aug 8, 2012

on our database, when we run full backup, my system performance comes to an halt. we run full backup and then do a validate backup to validate the structure of the database etc. Database performance takes a hit and all of the application connections goes in wait mode: On ASH or AWR - this is the top wait i see:

RMAN backup & recovery I/O

Event % Event P1 Value, P2 Value, P3 Value % Activity Parameter 1 Parameter 2 Parameter 3
RMAN backup & recovery I/O 22.22 "1","32","2147483647" 21.79 count intr timeout

what can we do to over come this issue?

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Restrict Client Connections To Just Two Specific IPs Over Oracle Listening Port?

Jan 18, 2013

I was asked if it was possible to restrict which users / or client IP's connect to my Oracle 11.2 database. I guess I could just shutdown the listener and have me and one other DBA connect to it via SSH / LOCALHOST but I was wondering if there was a more DBA specific way to restrict client connections to just two specific IP's over the Oracle listening port?

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Oracle Listener Log Entries Missing And Database Not Allowing Connections

Mar 20, 2013

We have a custom portal application that uses a bunch of application servers. Our connection pool max size is 1100. For the past two days, we had two incidents when the cpus reached the max limit and the db was not allowing connections to come thro' for 10 minute periods. The alert log does not have any entry and the listener log does not have any entry for that 10 minute period.

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Client Tools :: Alter Session Of Connections In JBoss Connection Pool

Aug 23, 2012

We have a Data Source with min_pool_size (10) and max_pool_size (20). A Data Source is by default a connection pool. By starting a transaction we are retrieving a connection from the pool (i.e., opening it to retrieve data, perform queries, inserts and updates). Our application server is JBoss. An application workflow uses many transactions to build a product. The same connection is not used by the application for the entire workflow; but, it uses and returns them to the connection pool. We do not use Java syntax like "rs.close():"... this is performed by iBATIS.

On the Linux side when we execute a "ps" command (ps -elf|grep -i ora) we see all the Oracle processes. A further refinement of that command (ps -elf|grep -i local=no)shows a list of the "waiting" connections in the connection pool. The DB may be queried with the following syntax:

SELECT schemaname, sid, serial# FROM gv$session where schemaname = 'APP_USER' order by SID;

A list of connected sid and serial numbers is returned, identifying which connections are in use. From here we are able to force the connection to trace by executing the following:

exec dbms_monitor.session_trace_enable(249, 6595, TRUE, FALSE); ! 249 and 6595 being SID and Serial# from query above

There should be no need to execute the inverse, since the connection is returned to the pool when the transaction is committed or rolled back.

exec dbms_monitor.session_trace_disable(249, 6595);

We are trying to trace in order to use the Quest Benchmark Factory. Their instructions request the following syntax be applied to each session:

alter session set events '10046 trace name context forever, level 4';

and again, the inverse should not be necessary.

alter session set events '10046 trace name context off'

When it became too cumbersome to alter each session as it appeared, we issued an "alter system" to monitor (trace) everything. The trace files filled the disk, and four hours of testing was stopped two hours in. Doing a system level trace is probably not a good idea.

My first inclination was to create a post-logon trigger to set trace in the session; however, these connections, coming from an JBoss connection pool, do not logon each time, and I presume that they are not all the "same session".

We opened a support ticket with Quest last Friday and do not have an answer yet. This was the third ticket with them, the first to get Benchmark Factory installed (the original installer did not work). The second ticket was to setting up a shared directory on Linux with a folder on Windows, a setup configuration required by their tool. The third ticket to address this issue.

They needed to contact "the developers" to answer the last two questions. Their latest suggestion is to fix ticket two so we "won't need to trace" anything. How do I set trace in these connections?

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Server Utilities :: Count Of Data In Sql Loader?

Aug 3, 2012

I want to populate totale number of record in the file. Usually i get 10000 records per file and i load them using sql loader.I want to also insert the number of records in file while loading the data in table.

How can i achive it.

structure of control file is

load data
BADFILE '/backup/temp/rajesh/RIO/BadFiles/FILENAME'
append into table ERS_RIO_SRC



V5_RIO_5K7C|78967||RioLoginSrc.asp|0.375|01/08/2012 07:44:44.623|01/08/2012 07:44:45.000|V5_RIO_5K7C||||||||||
V5_RIO_5K7C|78968||RioLoginSrc.asp|0.187|01/08/2012 08:22:32.813|01/08/2012 08:22:33.000|V5_RIO_5K7C||||||||||


table structure



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Server Utilities :: Getting Count Of Objects After Schema Refresh

Sep 13, 2013

Iam having the following query, After executing schema refresh using export & import , getting count of database objects comparison to be done,

SQL> SELECT 'select count(*) from '||OWNER||'.'||TABLE_NAME||' ;' FROM DBA_TABLES WHERE OWNER='PRICING' order by TABLE_NAME;

The output expected was to display each table name in a schema following below with corresponding number of records to be displayed, but it wasn't showing correctly.

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Server Utilities :: Increasing Commit Record Count In Sql Loader?

Oct 11, 2011

I have created a sql loader control file to load a delimeter file in a table.

The file gets loaded into the table properly, however the commit is happening for every 64 records.

My aim is to rise the commit count by 1000 records.

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Server Administration :: Create Tablespace For Administration

Nov 29, 2010

i'm a student currently learning database administration security.

I need to create a tablespace for administration of database but i don't know what datafile settings are best suited for admin usage.

I have attached the schema that was given to me for this assignment.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Difference Between Count(*) And Count(1)?

Nov 16, 2009

When we execute select count(*) from table_name it returns the number of rows.

What does count(1) do? What does 1 signifies over here? Is this same as count(*) as it gives the same result on execution?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Difference Between Count(1) And Count(*)

Nov 24, 2011

difference between count(1) and count(*). As i know count(*) will give number of rows irrespective of null and count(1) will not count the null.My Oracle version is 10 g.

SQL> select * from t1;

---------- -------------------- --------------------
1 2 3

SQL> select rownum,a.* from t1 a;

---------- ---------- -------------------- --------------------
1 1 2 3
2 2
3 5

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