Semantic Technologies :: MapViewer And Google Places API
Apr 17, 2013
I'm new in the group and no have much experience in Spatial area.
I'm looking for information about the posibility of use google places apis to get point of interest from Oracle Spatial / MapBuilder / MapViewer in order to use point of interest from google with own spatial information.
We want to convert our application from Jena TDB to Oracle. In our ontology there are 40.000 triples. Oracle takes 6.8 sec. while Jena TDB takes 0.59 sec. Oracle is much slower than jena TDB. You can see both codes below. There are no inferencing for both apps. How can I improve the performance of Oracle?
Both applications and their data sources are running on same machine.
Oracle code:Oracle oracle = new Oracle(szJdbcURL, szUser, szPasswd); Attachment attachment1 = Attachment.createInstance( new String[] { szSchemaName, szImpactName }, new String[] { }, InferenceMaintenanceMode.NO_UPDATE, QueryOptions.DEFAULT); graph1 = new Graph Oracle Sem(oracle, szModelName, attachment1);m = new ModelOracleSem(graph1); listSubclass = m.listStatements(null,) [code]....
I am using Oracle 12c Spatial and Graph and I would like to retrieve the nearest neighbors of a point from a dataset encoded according to GeoSPARQL.I have created a spatial index on the datatype geo:wktLiteral and I to the query so the optimizer pick a plan using the index RDF_V$GEO_IDX. The query I pose is the following:
I do not get any error but I do not get any results neither. However, there are a lot of points around POINT(22.39 38.25) in my dataset and if I remove the filter I get results.Do I use orageo:nearestNeighbor in a wrong way?
============================================ Oracle oracle = new Oracle(szJdbcURL, szUser, szPasswd); Model model = ModelOracleSem.createOracleSemModel( oracle, szModelName); ==============================================
This is the exception I am getting.
java.lang.NullPointerException at oracle.spatial.rdf.client.jena.OracleRepeatApply.nextStage( at com.hp.hpl.jena.sparql.engine.iterator.QueryIterRepeatApply.makeNextStage( at com.hp.hpl.jena.sparql.engine.iterator.QueryIterRepeatApply.hasNextBinding( [code].....
can i create the user-defined functions and use them in the FILTER clause in the sem_match function? there are some built-in functions for the FILTER clasue. however, only one function (DATATYPE(literal)) support for date/time in the built-in functions. i want to implement some user-defined funcitons in the FILTER clause which can check time intervals in ontology. there are some functions about valid time in the WorkSpace Manager such as WM_OVERLAPS, WM_CONTAINS,WM_MEETS, etc. so, can i write some functions using the these valid time functions in WM and use them in the FILTER clause?
I'm currently doing migration from Oracle 10gR2 RDF to Oracle 11gR2 Semantic Technology.I followed the steps on the documentation and successfully created the network using the following:
----- EXECUTE SEM_APIS.CREATE_SEM_NETWORK('rdf_tblspace'); CREATE TABLE rdf_network_trace (id NUMBER, triple SDO_RDF_TRIPLE_S); --Created SEQUENCE andTRIGGER FOR rdf_network_trace id [code]....
when I looked at my Node Ids, they were like +635762253807433724+, +6118969225776891730+. The problem is, I am not the one who is assigning Node Ids, They were automatically generated when inserting TRIPLE data to the rdf table.
I got an exception when I was using sesame adapter to dump a turtle file which contains long texts as objects into oracle semantic database. The exception information is:
org.openrdf.repository.RepositoryException: org.openrdf.sail.SailException: java.sql.SQLException: ORA-01461: can bind a LONG value only for insert into a LONG column
ORA-06512: in "SF.ORACLE_ORARDF_ADDHELPER", line 1 ORA-06512: in line 1 at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CTTIoer.processError( at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CTTIoer.processError( at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4C8Oall.processError( ...
I have a PL/SQL procedure which gathers data from multiple places as well as calculates some data. I want to store all this in a materialized view.So, I created an object type (I've shortened the definitions):
CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE mf_record_type AS OBJECT (identifier VARCHAR2(6), name VARCHAR2(100));
Then created the table type of the object:
CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE mf_table_type IS TABLE OF mf_record_type;
Then in the stored procedure defined a variable of the table type:
I need to print a value of a report partially at three places.
Example: If Field Value is 12-24-15 then I need to print 12 at One Place then 24 at second Place and 15 at third Place on the same page of a report and omitting -(Hyphen).
I am developing android application connected to Oracle database using PHP, and I use PL/SQL statements with semantic technologies provided in Oracle(specifically, SEM_MATCH, SEM_MODELS, SEM_RULEBASES or something like this).
However, it doesn't work properly...the connection between android and Oracle works well, though. Also, the query statement is implemented well in the sql developer.The whole php code is shown below :
We have just upgraded from APEX 4.0.1 to APEX 4.2. The installation and migration of the applications went very well (after installing the patch for the import of the workspaces :-) ). But we have met a problem - we have a Google reCaptcha plugin on 101 page (authentication page). It has runs pretty well on 4.0.1, but after upgrade whole plugin item just has disappeared from 101. Actually it has disappeared from IE9, IE8, Mozilla 16 and Google chrome. The only browser that is displaying reCaptcha is Opera.
why this happened and how we can fix it? The client wants to make some tests this week and we have to fix the situation.
Is there a way I can integrate my customer base (over 100k with address information) to a Google map. High level, I want my user to enter an address and on google map it should show me markers for existing customers closer to that address.
I am using http url for Google translator to convert into different languages.
While passing the string, to escape the white spaces, I am using utl_url.escape . But many of my words contain special characters like '+ , @ , $ , ) ,. ,; [, ] etc.
Not sure how to pass these special characters in uri type.
How to integrate Google geocoding as RESTful service introduced by APEX 4.2? my supervisor wanted to use RESTful service for geocoding function. While I am using Google geocoding through simple HTTP request. I even do not know whether I am using SOAP or RESTful with PL/SQL utl_http.request.
I am trying to open the url from the form and block the form when working on the url.I am able to block the form when working on notepad, adobe and word doc by using the below code
and when I use CLIENT_HOST( 'cmd /C "C:/Program Files/Internet Explorer/iexplore.exe"'); it is opening the but unable to block the form when working on google webpage.
I am using oralce forms and the browser is IE8.
When I see the apex dashboard in the IE or google chrome, part of screen goes missing.Last part of dashboard doesn't come but it works fine in Mozilla Firefox.What should I do? Is there some settings I need to do in IE.I am using the IE version 9.0 for 64 bit.
I did an application and i used "Bluejay Theme" and found out that the buttons are distorted when viewing in Google Chrome. Strangely it doesn't happened when viewing in IE or Firefox.