Oracle oracle = new Oracle(szJdbcURL, szUser, szPasswd);
Model model = ModelOracleSem.createOracleSemModel(
oracle, szModelName);
This is the exception I am getting.
at oracle.spatial.rdf.client.jena.OracleRepeatApply.nextStage(OracleRepeatApply.java:794)
at com.hp.hpl.jena.sparql.engine.iterator.QueryIterRepeatApply.makeNextStage(QueryIterRepeatApply.java:101)
at com.hp.hpl.jena.sparql.engine.iterator.QueryIterRepeatApply.hasNextBinding(QueryIterRepeatApply.java:53)
We want to convert our application from Jena TDB to Oracle. In our ontology there are 40.000 triples. Oracle takes 6.8 sec. while Jena TDB takes 0.59 sec. Oracle is much slower than jena TDB. You can see both codes below. There are no inferencing for both apps. How can I improve the performance of Oracle?
Both applications and their data sources are running on same machine.
Oracle code:Oracle oracle = new Oracle(szJdbcURL, szUser, szPasswd); Attachment attachment1 = Attachment.createInstance( new String[] { szSchemaName, szImpactName }, new String[] { }, InferenceMaintenanceMode.NO_UPDATE, QueryOptions.DEFAULT); graph1 = new Graph Oracle Sem(oracle, szModelName, attachment1);m = new ModelOracleSem(graph1); listSubclass = m.listStatements(null,) [code]....
I'm new in the group and no have much experience in Spatial area.
I'm looking for information about the posibility of use google places apis to get point of interest from Oracle Spatial / MapBuilder / MapViewer in order to use point of interest from google with own spatial information.
I am using Oracle 12c Spatial and Graph and I would like to retrieve the nearest neighbors of a point from a dataset encoded according to GeoSPARQL.I have created a spatial index on the datatype geo:wktLiteral and I to the query so the optimizer pick a plan using the index RDF_V$GEO_IDX. The query I pose is the following:
I do not get any error but I do not get any results neither. However, there are a lot of points around POINT(22.39 38.25) in my dataset and if I remove the filter I get results.Do I use orageo:nearestNeighbor in a wrong way?
can i create the user-defined functions and use them in the FILTER clause in the sem_match function? there are some built-in functions for the FILTER clasue. however, only one function (DATATYPE(literal)) support for date/time in the built-in functions. i want to implement some user-defined funcitons in the FILTER clause which can check time intervals in ontology. there are some functions about valid time in the WorkSpace Manager such as WM_OVERLAPS, WM_CONTAINS,WM_MEETS, etc. so, can i write some functions using the these valid time functions in WM and use them in the FILTER clause?
I'm currently doing migration from Oracle 10gR2 RDF to Oracle 11gR2 Semantic Technology.I followed the steps on the documentation and successfully created the network using the following:
----- EXECUTE SEM_APIS.CREATE_SEM_NETWORK('rdf_tblspace'); CREATE TABLE rdf_network_trace (id NUMBER, triple SDO_RDF_TRIPLE_S); --Created SEQUENCE andTRIGGER FOR rdf_network_trace id [code]....
when I looked at my Node Ids, they were like +635762253807433724+, +6118969225776891730+. The problem is, I am not the one who is assigning Node Ids, They were automatically generated when inserting TRIPLE data to the rdf table.
I got an exception when I was using sesame adapter to dump a turtle file which contains long texts as objects into oracle semantic database. The exception information is:
org.openrdf.repository.RepositoryException: org.openrdf.sail.SailException: java.sql.SQLException: ORA-01461: can bind a LONG value only for insert into a LONG column
ORA-06512: in "SF.ORACLE_ORARDF_ADDHELPER", line 1 ORA-06512: in line 1 at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CTTIoer.processError(T4CTTIoer.java:439) at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CTTIoer.processError(T4CTTIoer.java:395) at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4C8Oall.processError(T4C8Oall.java:802) ...
I am developing android application connected to Oracle database using PHP, and I use PL/SQL statements with semantic technologies provided in Oracle(specifically, SEM_MATCH, SEM_MODELS, SEM_RULEBASES or something like this).
However, it doesn't work properly...the connection between android and Oracle works well, though. Also, the query statement is implemented well in the sql developer.The whole php code is shown below :
I could execute a package for eg if i had a package with procedures related to statistics and i run them each night, could i just do an exec on the package and it would run all those procedures??
Its not possible but i could call each procedure from ONE procedure
I am getting errors while executing the following block.
create TYPE c_Rec as object(a VARCHAR2(1), b NUMBER); DECLARE -- TYPE c_Rec as object(a VARCHAR2(1), b NUMBER); TYPE c_collection IS TABLE OF c_Rec; l_coll c_collection := c_collection(); BEGIN [code]........
06530. 00000 - "Reference to uninitialized composite"
how to use the MERGE Statement. actually I've used oracle Merge Statement before and it works very well. However today I tried to use and perform a command like that:
Merge into myTable mt using ( select 'data' field1, 'data2' field2, ect from dual union select 'data' field1, 'data2' field2, ect from dual union
This has not worked.What am I doing wrong?What could I do to solve this problem and axecute this statement sucessfully?
I'm trying to execute a procedure within a Declare/Begin/End statement and using variables as input parameters in my procedure but I keep on getting an Invalid SQL Statement Error. My code is below:
SELECT '01-APR-2011' INTO END_DT FROM DUAL; [code]....
The table the procedure is pulling data from doesn't have proper date/time stamps but my procedure takes the varchar dates above and turns them into dates in the procedure so the input date parameters are left as just string characters.
there are 4 jobs scheduled in oracle dbms_job. 3 jobs will run everyday at 4.00AM. 1 job will run at every hour.Daily jobs are running fine. But hourly job is not executing automatically. If forced (exec dbms_job.run(<enter here job number>), this execute fine.
job_queue_processes=5 total jobs in schema=2503 total jobs in db = 2614
Even there are many jobs scheduled, next_date for 2234 jobs are lesser than the sysdate. Again in 269(2503-2234) jobs, 2265 are having NULL in the interval column.
Database 2(sm02): ============= oracle,
there are 4 jobs scheduled in oracle dbms_job. 3 jobs will run everyday at 4.00AM. 1 job will run at every hour.All the jobs are not running automatically. If forced (exec dbms_job.run(<enter here job number>), these execute fine.
job_queue_processes=5 total jobs in schema=7 total jobs in db = 7
I planning to follow the below steps to avoid the above issue.
1.) Restart the job queue process by executing alter system set job_queue_processes=0
2.) Increase the value for the job_queue_processes.
3.) Restart the database
But I got stuck in the 2nd step. what value I need to put for this job_queue_processes parameter?
How to dynamically execute a select command whether it is retrieved a single record or multiple record in oracle database 10g. i have tried with the command execute immediate but it was not successful.
is it possible can i delete or drop multiple tables in a single drop and delete statement.
In my form i have 2 datablocks, the first contains only a display item which is populated from a lov when a user presses a button. The second datablock shows a list of items which should be queried dependant on the value of the above LOV. What i thought i could do is on a post-change trigger for the display item is:
go_block('block_name'); do_key('execute_query');
However, i am told i cannot do these in a post-change trigger, how to acheive what I am looking. Would i perhaps have to create my own trigger somehow or is their a simplier way.
How to execute Sql Server procedure from Oracle.I have created a dblink and when calling directly to that procedure it is throwing error.
--creationg sqlserver procedure create proc getRecords as print 'testing'; --creating db link create database link remote connect by ss identified by ss using 'remote'; [code]....
I have found DBMS_HS_PASSTHROUGH package is capable of doing it but not sure how to do. Nathan
I am trying to insert data from 9i to 11g using db link with the below query but while doing so the select statement is going for a full table scan even though rowid is used. But when we execute the same select statement without this insert command it is using proper index. Similar issues I am facing for updates.
INSERT INTO /*+ APPEND */ emp@db_link select * from emp where rowid ='AAC2SmAIIAAAHQgAAZ'
I'm trying to find a simple way of getting around this. I have a PL/SQL procedure which loops through a list of values in a table. These values are the actual names of the functions I want it to run in sequence. The problem is I can get the string value each time but I need to store the return value of each function into a number variable e.g.
BEGIN open all_tests; fetch all_tests BULK COLLECT INTO test_tabl; close all_tests;
for myindex IN 1..test_tabl.count LOOP
time_taken := test_source1 ==> this will work but how do I avoid hardcoding the name of the function to be executed and use the test_name value instead?? time_taken is declared as a number (ie the return value of each function is a number)
test_detail := test_tabl(myindex).test_name; ==> test_detail now contains the string name of the function dbms_output.put_line('Test detail is ' || test_detail); end loop;
I am using embedded sql in a Fortran program on IBM AIX. Whenever I execute a SQL statement other than connect I get a coredump. So I wrote a small test program, but same thing happens. This is the test program -
And then when I run test, I see the 'Connected' print & then coredump. Same thing happens for EXEC SQL Prepare statement. Am I not linking some library ?