Security :: Import XLS File That Converted Into CSV
Jul 27, 2010
I'm trying to import a xls file that I converted into a csv. I have a notes column that has carriage returns in it. This is causing SQL LDR to error out with the following error:
second enclosure string not present
It is only grabbing up until the first carriage I can get it to load?
How can I export FGA / row level security policies from one database to another? I have created a new version of my schools ERP database, with upgraded application software, and now need to get the policies from our current production system to the new one.
I am new to oracle and sql in general, I received an oracle create schema that needs to be converted using non-oracle syntax. I have never seen this syntax before.
What does the following syntax mean? CODE,line_status(1:20) char(2) null
I have a requirement in which a particular a timestamp column (date1) whose values are in CET timezone needs to be converted to EST and day light savings should be taken care of in the conversion logic. I should not use any ddl statements for altering the timezone and all.
How do i check in Table B whether it is converted correctly into words taking input or reference from table A
Consider below example:-
Table A Table B $125 Dollar One Hundred twenty Five only $45,542 Dollar Forty Five Thousand Five Forty Two Only $145.56 Dollar One Forty Five and fifty six cents Only $145,253 $35,256.65 $560,250.67
I am facing issue related to Number data while it is being converted to Varchar2, it is automatically getting rounded off after 32 decimal place.My database version is "Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production".
"First" string got rounded off to 97 (last 2 digits) instead of 9679 but for "Second" record it holds the actual value.Only thing which I could figure out while the number is getting type casted to String, it is getting rounded off to 32 decimal place.throw off some light on it and provide the solution how the original record can be kept intact without rounding off.
As per Article mentioned in Oracle Base,I have converted non-partitioned table (1 million data) into range-partition table,but,I don't see performance improvement in explain .
c:usersjohnhome> c:usersjohnhome>orapwd file=%ORACLE_HOME%databasePWDorcl.ora password=oracle c:usersjohnhome>sqlplus sys/garbage@orcl as sysdba
SQL*Plus: Release Production on Sat Jan 5 18:25:06 2013 Copyright (c) 1982, 2011, Oracle. All rights reserved.
Connected to: Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - Production With the Partitioning, Oracle Label Security, OLAP, Data Mining, Oracle Database Vault and Real Application Testing options
orcl> sho user USER is "SYS" orcl> select sys_context('userenv','ip_address') from dual; SYS_CONTEXT('USERENV','IP_ADDRESS') ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
orcl>Why can I get a sys login, when I am connecting through the listener and giving an incorrect password? The listening address is a loopback address, is Oracle clever enough to realize that I am in fact logged on to the server as a member of the OSDBA group? I didn't think that information was passed through SQL*Net.
i had import a database dump file & this database has username/password say abc/xyz. my database username/password is system/vinod. after importing i'm unable to login with system/vinod(error:invalid username/password) and one strange thing was happened;a user was created with abc/xyz(username/password). after altering my user only then i'm able to login with my original user.
I want to load data to a table and from a simple file text, using a application which will connect to a oracle 10g , or a SqlServer or a MySql database, depending the params.
When i connect to a SqlServer Database i use the sql command "BULK INSERT CODPOSTAL2 FROM file.txt with( DATAFILETYPE = 'char',FIELDTERMINATOR = ';', ROWTERMINATOR = ' ')"m" and it works fine.
With a DB Mysql i use "LOAD DATA INFILE file.txt INTO TABLE CODPOSTAL2 FIELDS TERMINATED BY ';''" and also works.
My problem is with Oracle. I tried the same example as MySql, but it gaves the error "wrong" ou "unknown command". I also tried in Sql*Plus but it seems to not recognised the command "LOAD".
Another thing, i can't use the Oracle Loader, it must be like this.
I have two columns in excel which i need to import in oracle table , but the problem is one column is of type date , i want the same date format to be maintained in table too.
my problem is that whenever i want to import a dump file(oracle 10g) oracle just import 4 tables and then goes into hang state(not responding) i'm using old import method (not datapump).
I am trying to import data in the following user : core_edb_20112_ct/local This user is already created , using the tablespace named C64_EDB_TS The dmp file resides in the location dir_core20112 ( e:\oracle)
I am getting the following error while i try to import
Import: Release - Production on Mon May 2 12:47:54 2011
Connected to: Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - Produc tion With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options ORA-39002: invalid operation ORA-31694: master table "CORE_EDB_20112_CT"."SYS_IMPORT_FULL_01" failed to load/ unload ORA-02354: error in exporting/importing data ORA-02368: the following file is not valid for this load operation ORA-02369: internal number in header in file e:\oracle\core_edb_20112_ct_20110426.dmp is not valid.
The DMP is copied from a different network location into the local drive where the command is running.
We have an old full export .dmp file from a 10g db and there are 451 records in one specific table that we need to export. Is it possible to IMP just the one specific table from a full dump? Or, another option, can we extract the records from the one table in the .dmp file into an xml file?
Import: Release - Production on Tue May 7 16:51:47 2013
Copyright (c) 1982, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Username: sys as sysdba Password:
Connected to: Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options ORA-39001: invalid argument value ORA-39000: bad dump file specification ORA-39088: file name cannot contain a path specification
[oracle@oracledbserver product]$
This is Oracle 11g hosted on an eucalyptus cloud instance.
I am trying to run the imp command from dos prompt.
Here is the error I got .
C:Documents and SettingssairammMy Documentsartmsexp_AUDT2_04292012>imp sairamm/mypassword@aws fromuser=AUDT2 toUSER=SAIRAMM file=exp_AUDT2_04292012.dmp log=imp_AUDT2_04292012.log BUFFE R=10000000 GRANTS=y Import: Release - Production on Mon Apr 30 14:23:29 2012 Copyright (c) 1982, 2002, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
Connected to: Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production With the Partitioning, Oracle Label Security, OLAP, Data Mining,Oracle Database Vault and Real Application Testing option
IMP-00010: not a valid export file, header failed verification IMP-00000: Import terminated unsuccessfully
I am facing a problem importing DMP file in 11g. While importing it gives me error not responding. I have to attached the jpg file for that to clear you my point whats wrong is going during import. My Dump is on 9i i want to import that on 11G R2.
I am trying to import data from a dmp file created using expdp. Running on oracle 11g Express and getting following error, and tried to fix but could not succeeded, I have tables exist in POI schema and trying to import them in ghi schema. Created dmp file from poi shcema with two tables= '''REL20_AU_POI'',''ARCHIVE_POI''' and these tables do not exist in ghi schema
I'm trying to upload a xml file into a table but I don't know which separator do I have to select to show the columns well. I does not recognize the columns.
In my apex application needs to import data files, through end users. The fields in this file are not separated by any character (structure is not classic CSV), but have a fixed width.
How to do?
Scenario 1:
import file to a temporary table with a blob column, create a trigger for this table via a PL / SQL code meet end table
I know that this topic in not new, but maybe my case is a bit different than common.My form has multi-record block (4 columns) in which i want to upload CSV file.
The form will have "Browse..." button to piont CSV file (on local users disc, not where Forms server resides) after pointing the CSV file, user will press UPLOAD button which will import CSV data into block. After that data is visible in block. But whole form must not be refreshed.
I'm studying about UTL_FILE package, but it seems it allows manipulating files on server not local user's machines. Do Forms have such "Browse... -> UPLOAD" possibility or I need to learn Java and create Java funcionality inside Forms?
Or it is impossible to load data directly into form? (I have to use SQLoader and load data into temp table then into block on form????)
I want to import dump file (without 2 tables) .The dump file contains 100 tables,indexes and constraints. So out of 100 tables i want to import 98 tables from dump file (without 2 tables).
I want to import 1 .dmp file into oracle database. I dont know what exactly what that .dmp file contains e.g i dont know the Users inside the dump.While importing it gives me the error.
1. Do i need to create those users first and then import if yes then how would i know how many users are inside that dump.
2. Currently the objects are created in SYSTEM user by default. I want to import those objects in the MACL user which i created. How can i do it?
IMP-00003: ORACLE error 1917 encountered ORA-01917: user or role 'MALCCOMAN' does not exist IMP-00017: following statement failed with ORACLE error 1917: