PL/SQL :: Automatic Rounding Off Number Datatype While Converted To VARCHAR2

May 29, 2013

I am facing issue related to Number data while it is being converted to Varchar2, it is automatically getting rounded off after 32 decimal place.My database version is "Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production".

1) create table test18 ( col1 varchar2(10), val Number);
create table succeeded.

2) insert into test18 values ('First', -347026.6408499652467480885711448714129679); -- After decimal 34 digits
1 rows inserted

insert into test18 values ('Second', -347026.64084996524674808857114487141296); -- After decimal 32 digits
1 rows inserted

3) select * from test18;

---------- ----------------------
First -347026.6408499652467480885711448714129679
Second -347026.64084996524674808857114487141296

4) As per the requirement, all the columns would need to be concatenated as a single string along with comma delimiter

select col1 || ',' || val as record_string
from test18;


"First" string got rounded off to 97 (last 2 digits) instead of 9679 but for "Second" record it holds the actual value.Only thing which I could figure out while the number is getting type casted to String, it is getting rounded off to 32 decimal place.throw off some light on it and provide the solution how the original record can be kept intact without rounding off.

Expected Output_

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Table Partitioning - Range On Datatype Number (21, 7) And Varchar2

Nov 15, 2013

Database Version : DB : Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit ProductionOS : HP-UX nduhi18 B.11.31 U ia64 1022072414 unlimited-user licenseAPP : SAP - ERP I have to RANGE partition on UPDATED_ON  or PROFILE  either one table which is having below

structure :   Name                Null?    Type
-------------------- -------- --------------------------------


 As per my knowledge, RANGE is better suited for DATE or NUMBER. and INTERVAL partition is possible on DATE or NUMBEr . Column PROFILEIts is of VARCHAR2 datatype. I know still I can partition as Oracle internally convert varchar2 to number while inserting data. But INTERVAL is not possible.  How to RANGE partition on PROFILE ? Column CREATED_ON :It is of NUMBER with decimal

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Passing IN Parameter Of Datatype Varchar2

Feb 16, 2010

I have a stored proc which takes IN parameter of datatype varchar2.When I am trying to run the proc it is throwing error that "input buffer too small".The datatype assigned to IN parameter is of varchar2(200) but actually the length of the parameter passed is around 500 characters.the way to increase the length of Input parameter to 500 characters??

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Forms :: Calculation In Timing With Varchar2 Datatype

Jul 16, 2011

I'm facing a problem where I create a form and I want to feed time in "HH:MI" format, Firstly I choose the "Date" datatype, but during the feeding of time i.e "00:30", means if I want to feed only mints, then it doesn't accept, at the other hand if I feed "01:30" means mints with hr then it accepts.

To get rid of this problem I changed datatype "Date" to "Varchar2".

I create 3 columns on my form "TTL_WORKING_TIME" - "TTL_RUN_TIME" = "BRK_DWN_TIME". If I get any value in "BRK_DWN_TIME" column thn it has to be distribute in 3 or 4 reason of B/D, means if I get 00:30 mints brkdwn thn 00:15 mints for "reason1" and 00:15 mints for "reason2".

How I make calculation where I use "Varchar2" datatype.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How Does Operator Works For Varchar2 Datatype Columns

Nov 22, 2011

I have a table called Student and a column as name now if i write a Query

select * from student where name < 'BRIAN D'

How does the comparison will be done.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Change Column Datatype From CLOB To Varchar2

Jun 22, 2012

I have to change the datatype of a column from CLOB to varchar2, without changing the order of the columns. The table has no data.
I could find any other way other than dropping the CLOB columns and then adding new columns with varchar2 datatype. But this changes the order of the columns in the table.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Write A Function That Receive As Parameter A Datatype Varchar2?

Jul 18, 2012

here is the situation, I have to write a function that receive as parameter a datatype varchar2 and validate if the letter is less than "A" or greater than "Z", it must print do not correct, or correct depending on the situation, no problem so far, the only problem I've got is: If the symbol is ";" is valid, but i do not know how to write it, It does not depend on the PL/SQl languaje but depends on the logic itself.

v_nombre varchar2(20):='john;%';
vv varchar2(1);
for i in 1..length(v_nombre) loop


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SQL & PL/SQL :: Conversion Varchar2 To Number

May 14, 2011

I have 2 tables.The column in table A is number and Column in table B is a varchar2 datatype.I have to use the Column of table B as a filter to column of Table A.Below is the example.

create table A(Col1 number);
Inert into A values(1);
Inert into A values(2);
Inert into A values(3);
Inert into A values(4);

Create table B(Col1 Varchar2(100));
Insert into b value ('1,2,3');

Select * from A where col1 in (select col1 from b)
Error: Invalid Number

Is there a way to convert the varchar to number.The varchar field have multiple characters (numbers) seperated by commas.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Convert Varchar2 To Number

Jan 15, 2013

How to convert varchar2 to number data?

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PL/SQL :: Invalid Number With VARCHAR2

Apr 3, 2013

I keep getting this error when I run my update statement. Here is what the coding looks like. I'm running Oracle 11g.


I want the output to look like


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Conversion Number(19) To Varchar2(19)

Sep 18, 2009

When I try to convert numeric values � number(19) p.s 111111111111111111, the to_char function returns �1111111111111110000� because the to_char functions doesn�t support precision bigger than 15.

Is there any way to solve it?

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PL/SQL :: Remove Spaces Between Two Number From A Varchar2?

Oct 18, 2012

I have a question respect to remove spaces from a varchar2.

The varchar2 is '7987451 1234567' and i need that string like '7987451 1234567', because the field has a length of 15.

i try with this, but does nothing

Select TRIM('7987451 1234567') from dual

Other possibilities are find several spaces and try to replace with only one, but would a heavy work (may be with sentences Loop).

This problem is now in our loading processes. Exists some function to replace spaces between numbers of varchar2?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Convert Varchar2 To Date Or Number

Jun 18, 2011

I created table Contains then following columns

cheq varchar2(50)
date_due varchar2(50)

and data entry in this columns

cheq 500,1500,5000 all values numbers in this columns

date_due 1-1-2012 , 15-9-2010 all values in this columns date

i want sum the column "cheq"

when used this code but it's not working

select sum(to_number(cheq))
from table_name but the code not working

second column "date_due"

i want search between to date i used this code but also not working

select cloumn1,cloum2
from table_name
where to_char(date_due,'dd-mm-yyyy')
between to_char(date_due,'dd-mm-yyyy') and

but not work

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Check Constraint To Disallow Number In Varchar2 Column

Apr 21, 2010

I have table customer which contains a column CUSTOMER_FIRST_NAME


What will be sql statement to add a constraint on the CUSTOMER_FIRST_NAME column of the CUSTOMERS table so that the value inserted in the column does not have numbers ?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Composite Index Having Varchar2 Number And CLOB Column

Feb 25, 2012

I need to create a composite unique index on varchar2, number and CLOB column. I haven't used such index before that have the CLOB column indexing. I found the below link related to CLOB indexing...


Links from where I can get related info. Also I would like to know the impact of such index on performance. I have to store and process around 50 million records in such a way, will it be beneficial to use this index?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Number Datatype Size Can't Decreased

Mar 22, 2010

In my table there is column with number datatype of size col1 number(15,3) and my data in column is like


and i am changing its size to number(10,3) by alter table command but it not allowing. why?????? as my data in that column still satisfy the the changes.

and even when i modify the char column to varchar2 column by alter table command and changing the size of that column,it is not allowing me to change it why?

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PL/SQL :: Apply LPAD In NUMBER Datatype?

Jun 27, 2013

Can we apply LPAD in NUMBER datatype?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Decrease Size Of Number Datatype Column

May 24, 2012

I want to decrease the size of testid column of number datatype in my "test" named table from size 20 to 15 and the data of maximum size is of 10 digits. but oracle throws an error "ORA-01440: column to be modified must be empty to decrease precision or scale". i cant understand why it is happening?

what is the reason behind it even though new size is maximum than the maximum size of existing data. but when i decrease the size of "varchar2" then oracle does not through any error.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Truncate Precision In Number Datatype Oracle?

Jul 19, 2012

We have truncated number based on the decimal value. i tried to truncate number based on the precision using cast function. i got an error "value larger than specified precision allowed for this colum".

create table TEST_NUMBER
(id number(4,1));
insert into TEST_NUMBER


ORA-01438: value larger than specified precision allowed for this column
01438. 00000 - "value larger than specified precision allowed for this column"
*Cause: When inserting or updating records, a numeric value was entered that exceeded the precision defined for the column.
*Action: Enter a value that complies with the numeric column's precision, or use the MODIFY option with the ALTER TABLE command to expand the precision.

i want result like 1.8

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Number Datatype Formatting To Show $ Sign And Commas

Mar 8, 2011

I have a Number(18,0) datatype.It could have millions/billions stored in that field.How can I show that amount in the form of $7,123,787 ($ sign and commas)?

By using To_char function like below, I am not getting the desired format.

Select to_char(123000000.25, '$9,9999999999.00') FROM dual;

Result is (no commas):


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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Do Rounding In 50s Or 100s

Jun 14, 2011

I need to do some analysis and would like to do the rounding/Ceil in 50s or 100s


1001 22.75
1002 1.75
1003 102.7
1004 240.5
1005 1020.6
1006 99.99
1007 49.99
1008 375


Result that I am looking

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PL/SQL :: SQL For Rounding To Nearest Value

Oct 3, 2012

My Oracle DB version is 10g Release2 and also 11gR1

I have data like below, I need to write a SQL for the below requirement.

ID   RANGE_LOW                RANGE_HIGH
--    ------------------     -------------------
1      50                    55             
2      55                    60
3      60                    63 
4      63                    77 
5      77                    84  

The requirement is like I need to check a value between the above range low and high then round it to the nearest value.

Say, for example if I have 68 then the value is rounded to 63 else if 74 then 77 else if its in the middle of two values (70) then rounded to the highest value, here its 77.

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PL/SQL :: Rounding Down Using Floor Function

May 21, 2013

rounding down to the nearest 5 using the floor function.My code appears to be correct but I'm not getting the wrong result.

create or replace

After the trigger executes I get a result of *54.00*, which is the result before the rounding should take place. The result should be *50.00!*

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VARCHAR2 (100) Changes Column To VARCHAR2 (100 Byte)

Oct 24, 2007

i am fairly new in the oracle arena, but what would cause a statement such as

ALTER TABLE TEST_TABLE MODIFY text_field1 varchar2(100) DEFAULT 'testval' NULL

to change a column's type from VARCHAR2(100) to VARCHAR2(100 byte)? i found a few mentions of the 100 byte concept online but nothing that jumped out at me.

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PL/SQL :: Conversion Of BLOB Datatype To CLOB Datatype

Aug 17, 2012

I would need to convert the column datatype from BLOB to CLOB. currently in the table, the BLOB column has the data. the requirement is to convert this column from BLOB to CLOB datatype.

How to convert from BLOB datatype to CLOB datatype ?

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Security :: Import XLS File That Converted Into CSV

Jul 27, 2010

I'm trying to import a xls file that I converted into a csv. I have a notes column that has carriage returns in it. This is causing SQL LDR to error out with the following error:

second enclosure string not present

It is only grabbing up until the first carriage I can get it to load?

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Create Schema That Needs To Be Converted Using Non-oracle Syntax

Jan 27, 2011

I am new to oracle and sql in general, I received an oracle create schema that needs to be converted using non-oracle syntax. I have never seen this syntax before.

What does the following syntax mean?
CODE,line_status(1:20) char(2) null

CODE,file_line(1:6) char(40) null

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Timestamp Column Whose Values Are In CET Timezone Needs To Be Converted To EST

Mar 6, 2012

I have a requirement in which a particular a timestamp column (date1) whose values are in CET timezone needs to be converted to EST and day light savings should be taken care of in the conversion logic. I should not use any ddl statements for altering the timezone and all.

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PL/SQL :: Verify If Salary In Numbers / Decimals Is Converted Into Words?

Aug 30, 2013

How do i check in Table B whether it is converted correctly into words taking input or reference from table A

Consider below example:-

Table A Table B
$125 Dollar One Hundred twenty Five only
$45,542 Dollar Forty Five Thousand Five Forty Two Only
$145.56 Dollar One Forty Five and fifty six cents Only

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Performance Tuning :: Converted Non-partitioned Table (1 Million Data) Into Range-partition

Mar 28, 2013

As per Article mentioned in Oracle Base,I have converted non-partitioned table (1 million data) into range-partition table,but,I don't see performance improvement in explain .

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