SQL Response Time (Oracle 11g Win 2003)?
Mar 5, 2013My SQL Response Time is more ttan 100% and keeps on increasing. How can I fix this? The Application users are complaining that the system is very slow.
View 2 RepliesMy SQL Response Time is more ttan 100% and keeps on increasing. How can I fix this? The Application users are complaining that the system is very slow.
View 2 RepliesHow do you Display Response time in HTML? I want to run a PHP script that displays the oracle response time in an HTML table.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI wish to run a SQL query and measure elapsed time, then compare the values to other Oracle DBs from other companies. That will give me a feeling if our DB performs well.For example in UNIX world, you can create a random 4GB file to measure throughput I/O and compare the values (for example 4MB/sec).
What's the simplest way to compare DB response time from forum members to our own DB? I don't need 100% accurate numbers.
I'm trying to install 2 nodes oracle RAC 11gR2 on SLES11. I configured DNS for public,virtual, private and scan IPs. when I check with nslookup, everything seems ok. but when I run runcluvfy.sh, it says that:
" PRVF-5636 : The DNS response time for an unreachable node exceeded 15000 ms on following nodes: rac1,rac2"
How can I decrease the response time?
customer have a monitoring system that execute a script to check response time db (9i database).
The script do the following steps:
- Date
- select count(*) from all_tables
- select count(*) from v$lock
- Date
And then calculate the gap from end and start date, this is the response time.So, response time change from db to db depending on number of tables.
Is there any different method or different object to use?
I am working on oracle version database of my production,
when executed a simple drop command , the total time it took is 26 secs. on Avg. the table is holding only 20 records. this is happening for the last few weeks , prior to that it took less than 0 secs.
05:22:58 SQL> drop table C$_100GL_INTERFACE ;
Table dropped.
Elapsed: 00:00:26.67
but on successive executions the elapsed time falls to 10-15secs.
And on the same test env, we are achieving the expected results less than 0 secs.
I need to create a DB on a pc with 4GB (RAM). I can use the assistant but where I need to set correctly a value related to the memory? Is it necessary to set values for best performances in response time?
View 2 Replies View RelatedWhat should be our approach when we see the disk response time is bad for a particular tablespace in database.I heard a good disk response time should be on an average 10ms.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have a question regarding db link. I have a query that uses a database link, i speed it up by adding the DRIVING_SITE hint and it worked when executed from
sql*plus or pl/sql developer.
It returns results in 3 seconds or even less. However, when i put this query back into the APEX application, specifically into an interactive report page -- it runs for 3 mins!
i need to consume web services within my apex Apps, i tried sample app from here: URL....it worked, but response time is about 15 seconds, then i tried another with Google Geocode APIURL.... and again time is 15-16 seconds. It's normal response time from Apex Web Services or is there something to do.
View 0 Replies View RelatedI am looking for Oracle database 10g (best if it is the lastest release of 10G) 64bit for windows2003 64bit machine but cuold not find the download (Oracle has took this off line, only 11g is available). where can I get this installation file?
View 1 Replies View RelatedDoes already installed Oracle 10g ( on a windows 2003 server x64? Do you notice strange behaviors, any errors after the installation?
Does already installed Oracle 10g on a windows virtual machine? Are there any prerequisites?
Can I install Forms 10g on WIN 2003 64 bit server? From ORACLE site, I downloaded forms 10g, but it is not sepcified that it s for 32 bit or 64 bit.
View 1 Replies View Relatedi have a question about oracle database 9i in windows server 2003 R1 X86 . I set the parameter of pga_aggregate_target=1000M and 500M sometimes i found after few days that error message appear to client
ORA-12500 TNS:listener failed to start a dedicated server process
when i try to connect from the server sometimes logon and sometimes another message appear
ORA-12560: TNS:protocol adapter error
i think the problem in pga_aggregate_target value
Oracle 9i instalation problems in Windows Storage Server 2003.
I got the error "ORA-12546- TNS:Permission denied" when trying to install ORacle 9i in Windows Storage Server 2003. This error occurs at the time of Creating database.
I have a 11g database installed on a windows 2003 server. When I created the database I could not assign more than 2GB for SGA_TARGET where as I have 16GB of RAM available on the server. I created the database with SGA_TARGET as 1.5 GB and Memory_TARGET as 2GB. I could create the database successfully. Later when I again tried to increase SGA_TARGET to 6GB and MEMORY_TARGET to 8GB, I could not start the database. I got below error;
ORA-27102: out of memory
OSD-00022: additional error information
O/S-Error: (OS 8) Not enough storage is available to process this command
Quote:I added /pae in the boot.ini
Added AWE_WINDOW_SIZE key to registry as 2000000000
Set use_indirect_data_buffers=true
added db_block_buffer=131072 (ie. 2GB DB_BLOCK_SIZE=16kb)
java_pool_size= 1000M
I got again the same error
I could not use SGA_TARGET. So is AMM not allowed with AWE?
I have Oracle 9i DB in windows 2003 server, I want to access this DB from Linux desktop. Is there any 'client software' is available to connect Or procedure to connect the DB.
View 0 Replies View RelatedHow can i set db home name at the time of installation of oracle 11.2.O.3 .
View 3 Replies View RelatedI am trying to return a value of an oracle stored procedure using Excel VBA.
OS: Win XP SP3
Excel 2003
Ora Client: 11g
By trying different things I have noticed, that I could have troubles with the ODBC-connection. Maybe I am not using the right one. To store data returned from select statements I have an ODBC-Connection (Driver: Oracle in XE), which works perfectly, e.g.:
Sub Extract_Data()
Dim cn As ADODB.Connection
Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset
Dim db_name, UserName, Password As String
cn.Open db_name, USerName, Password
When debugging the connection string, I find the Provider=MSDASQL5.1.
We are going to upgrade our Oracle client on our clients to But I can not record a resopnsfile with setup.exe. Have Oracle removed this feature?
Here's a dump from setup.exe
There is no possibility to run setup.exe witch -record -destinationfile option:
Preparing to launch Oracle Universal Installer from C:UsersTestAppDataLocal
TempOraInstall2013-01-14_02-12-48PM. Please wait ... Usage:
setup [-options] [(<CommandLineVariable=Value>)*]
Where options include:
-clusterware oracle.crs,<crs version>
Version of Cluster ready services installed.
-crsLocation <Path>
Used only for cluster installs, specifies the path to the crs home locat ion. Specifying this overrides CRS information obtained from central inventory.
-invPtrLoc <full path of oraInst.loc>
Unix only. To point to a different inventory location. The orainst.loc f
ile contains:
inventory_loc=<location of central inventory>
-jreLoc <location>
Path where Java Runtime Environment is installed. OUI cannot be run with out it.
-logLevel <level>
To filter log messages that have a lesser priority level than <level>. V alid options are: severe, warning, info, config, fine, finer, finest, basic, gen eral, detailed, trace. The use of basic, general, detailed, trace is deprecated.
-paramFile <location of file>
Specify location of oraparam.ini file to be used by OUI.
-responseFile <Path>
Specifies the response file and path to use.
For attaching homes to the OUI inventory.
Indicates that the Oracle home specified is on cluster file system (shared). This is mandatory when '-local' is specified so that Oracle Universal Installer can register the home appropriately into the inventory.
Session/Installer variables are specified using:
Ex 1: session:ORACLE_HOME_NAME="OraHome"
The lookup order is session:varName then just varName. The session prefix is
used to avoid ambiguity.
Component variables are specified using:
Ex 1: oracle.comp1:1.0.1:varName="VarValue"
Ex 2: oracle.comp1:varName="VarValue"
The lookup order is compInternalName:Version:varName, then compInternalName:
varName, then just varName.
i am trying to install Oracle on Windows Server 2003 standard x64 Edition Service Pack, but when i try to run the installer or open DVD it gives me below error.
"The image file D: is Valid, but is for a machine type other than the current machine."
Does Oracle Database (64-bit) compatible with windows 2003 R2 standard X64 edition with Service pack 2.
View 1 Replies View Related. I have this query:
select asl1.agentsessionid, asl1.endtime, asl2.starttime, 127 as agentstatus
select asl1.agentsessionid as sessionid1, min(asl2.agentsessionid) as sessionid2
from cti.agentsessionlog asl1
As you can see from my where statement I want to compare the endtime with the startime. This query returns zero results. Is there a way to write the where statement different so I can have results?
We are using oracle version on HP-UX B.11.23 U ia64.
We are facing a lot of delay in TNS ping reply. It is taking 8000+ msec.
$ tnsping XXXXXX 20
TNS Ping Utility for HPUX: Version - Production on 27-FEB-2013 12:37:15
Copyright (c) 1997, 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved.
Used parameter files:
Used TNSNAMES adapter to resolve the alias
Attempting to contact (DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS_LIST = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = xxxxxx)(PORT = 1531))) (CONNECT_DATA = (SERVICE_NAME = xxxxxxx)))
OK (1250 msec)
OK (1150 msec)
OK (860 msec)
OK (860 msec)
OK (790 msec)
OK (810 msec)
OK (790 msec)
OK (570 msec)
OK (650 msec)
OK (630 msec)
OK (790 msec)
OK (1240 msec)
OK (1090 msec)
OK (1030 msec)
OK (870 msec)
OK (690 msec)
OK (740 msec)
OK (650 msec)
OK (490 msec)
OK (560 msec)
I need to extract tag values from REST web service response.
Webservice response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>
- <LicenseDetailsRes xmlns="com:*******services:LicenseDetailsRes">
<ResponseCode>LD001 - SUCCESS</ResponseCode>
I am storing above response in a table column 'output_xm' of xmltype datatype.
My requirement is to extract 'ResponseCode' & 'quantity' values from above response. For which I am using below query but it's not working.
SELECT x.order_number
,EXTRACT (VALUE (d), 'LicenseDetailsRes/ResponseCode/text()').getstringval () status
,EXTRACT (VALUE (d), 'LicenseDetailsRes/quantity/text()').getstringval () pak_quantity
FROM xxcfi.xxcfi_vt_tnc_pak_details x
,TABLE (XMLSEQUENCE (EXTRACT (x.output_xml, '/LicenseDetailsRes'))) d
WHERE x.order_number = 50403901
AND x.line_number = 2
AND x.tnc_pid = 'R-LMS-4.0-100-K9';
How do i get a response from a soap webservice and insert it into a DB
View 0 Replies View RelatedI am working on web services. im getting soap response and i need it to be, created as xls file.i have used DBMS_XSLPROCESSOR.CLOB2FILEĀ it throws error while opening in excel. Is there any other way.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI have to migrate production database version 10gR2 on windows 2003 server to oracle 11gR2 on windows 2008 server...So far i have just installed the oracle software on 64bit windows 2008 server.how to move the data or migrate from old server to new server..
View 1 Replies View RelatedIs it possible to set a physical standby between 2 servers with same OS but different level ? I mean primary has windows 2003 SP1 and Standby has windows 2003 SP2. I want to know if it will work properly or not.
View 1 Replies View Relatedwe don't have system or storage admin available..I have to create the development environment. I have 2 Dell 2950 Power Edgde Servers and 500 GB Buffalo NAS with Windows 2K3 X64 EE, tell me whether I can install Oracle RAC with this kit.
If yes , how can I configure shared storage and present it to OS so that both nodes can see it.