I'm trying to install 2 nodes oracle RAC 11gR2 on SLES11. I configured DNS for public,virtual, private and scan IPs. when I check with nslookup, everything seems ok. but when I run runcluvfy.sh, it says that:
" PRVF-5636 : The DNS response time for an unreachable node exceeded 15000 ms on following nodes: rac1,rac2"
i am have a problem with Oracle user equivalence. long time ago, we have created Two node RAC. that time, we configured Oracle user equivalence.
today when i am trying to install Oracle Agents on this RAC pair, installation was failed due to Oracle user equivalence. not sure how it happened, and i was confused too.
if i configure Oracle user equivalence again, will it cause any problem to my RAC setup?
is there any way to find, when was the Oracle user equivalence was changed/ ssh keys got changed?
I am working on oracle version database of my production,
when executed a simple drop command , the total time it took is 26 secs. on Avg. the table is holding only 20 records. this is happening for the last few weeks , prior to that it took less than 0 secs.
05:22:58 SQL> drop table C$_100GL_INTERFACE ;
Table dropped.
Elapsed: 00:00:26.67
but on successive executions the elapsed time falls to 10-15secs.
And on the same test env, we are achieving the expected results less than 0 secs.
My SQL Response Time is more ttan 100% and keeps on increasing. How can I fix this? The Application users are complaining that the system is very slow.
I need to create a DB on a pc with 4GB (RAM). I can use the assistant but where I need to set correctly a value related to the memory? Is it necessary to set values for best performances in response time?
What should be our approach when we see the disk response time is bad for a particular tablespace in database.I heard a good disk response time should be on an average 10ms.
I have a question regarding db link. I have a query that uses a database link, i speed it up by adding the DRIVING_SITE hint and it worked when executed from
sql*plus or pl/sql developer.
It returns results in 3 seconds or even less. However, when i put this query back into the APEX application, specifically into an interactive report page -- it runs for 3 mins!
i need to consume web services within my apex Apps, i tried sample app from here: URL....it worked, but response time is about 15 seconds, then i tried another with Google Geocode APIURL.... and again time is 15-16 seconds. It's normal response time from Apex Web Services or is there something to do.
I wish to run a SQL query and measure elapsed time, then compare the values to other Oracle DBs from other companies. That will give me a feeling if our DB performs well.For example in UNIX world, you can create a random 4GB file to measure throughput I/O and compare the values (for example 4MB/sec).
What's the simplest way to compare DB response time from forum members to our own DB? I don't need 100% accurate numbers.
[oracle@server03 bin]$ ./runInstaller -updateNodeList ORACLE_HOME=$ORACLE_HOME CLUSTER_NODES="" -local Starting Oracle Universal Installer... Checking swap space: must be greater than 500 MB. Actual 20127 MB Passed The inventory pointer is located at /etc/oraInst.loc The inventory is located at /u01/app/oraInventory 'UpdateNodeList' was successful.then I executed:
To deinstall the Oracle home from the node you are deleting, run the following command from the Oracle_home/oui/bin directory:
Checking swap space: must be greater than 500 MB. Actual 20127 MB Passed Preparing to launch Oracle Universal Installer from /tmp/OraInstall2012-11-06_12-05-36PM. Please wait ...[oracle@server03 bin]$ Oracle Universal Installer, Version Production Copyright (C) 1999, 2008, Oracle. All rights reserved.
When I arrive to the point 5 I see one resource ora.DPCTTest.db ONLINE on one server (server02 or server03 that are the nodes I want to remove). If I execute:
crs_relocate ora.db_name.db
I obtain: [oracle@server03 bin]$ ./crs_relocate ora.DPCTTest.db Attempting to stop `ora.DPCTTest.db` on member `server02` Stop of `ora.DPCTTest.db` on member `server02` succeeded. Attempting to start `ora.DPCTTest.db` on member `server03`
I am getting starting with rac environments. I need to configure a two nodes active/active with rac and I need to know if always using rac both nodes will be active or if I have to do that at some point when installing. I have reading some docs from oracle and others authors about rac and its configuration process but that is not understood for my yet.
i'm keep on getting below error every morning in my Database.this indicate in Grid control every morning.
Metrics "Database Time Spent Waiting (%)" is at 34.336 for event class "Concurrency" Metrics "Database Time Spent Waiting (%)" is at 100 for event class "Other" Metrics "Database Time Spent Waiting (%)" is at 44.78 for event class "Other"
i need to know, this is something that i should consider as a critical warning and how can i solve this .
Initial situation: Oracle 10g database single instance on Windows 2008 (datafile within NTFS partition) Final situation: same database upgraded to Oracle 11g r2 on a two nodes RAC on Windows 2008 (datafile within ASM)
In your opinion, is this the best way to achieve the job ?
1) on the two nodes install grid 11gr2, asm, rdbms 11g r2 (SE) 2) export full from 10g 3) create a new empty 11g r2 database in the RAC 11g r2 infrastructure with the same tablespace layout of 10g database 4) import full from 10g to 11g r2
We have 2 Sun Solaris (Solaris 10) nodes each has an oracle db, and OID of the above versions.There is an ASR running between both nodes, and it has been setup as follow:
$ ./ldap/bin/remtool -asrsetup -v ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ASR Setup for OID Replication
Make sure that the replication administrator that you enter below does not exist already in any of the nodes that will be part of the DRG to be created now. If the user exists, that user will be dropped and will be created newly.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Enter replication administrator's name : repadmin Enter replication administrator's password : Reenter replication administrator's password : Enter Master Definition Site (MDS) details : Enter global name of MDS : node1 [code].....
We ran a perl script which is using ldapmodify to change the value of one attribute in all records (7 Millions records).That has been done by creating many of LDIF files each of 10,000 records in 26.04, and by mistake this script has ran 3 times in parallel.Currently the replication between both nodes are stuck, and when I query the ods_chg_log on the master node (node1):
SQL> select count(*) from ods_chg_log;
COUNT(*) ---------- 6690594 And the number is not decreasing. And I queried on the asr_chg_log on the master node (node1): SQL> select count(*) from asr_chg_log; [code]....
We are using oracle version on HP-UX B.11.23 U ia64.
We are facing a lot of delay in TNS ping reply. It is taking 8000+ msec.
$ tnsping XXXXXX 20
TNS Ping Utility for HPUX: Version - Production on 27-FEB-2013 12:37:15
Copyright (c) 1997, 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved.
Used parameter files: $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/sqlnet.ora
Used TNSNAMES adapter to resolve the alias Attempting to contact (DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS_LIST = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = xxxxxx)(PORT = 1531))) (CONNECT_DATA = (SERVICE_NAME = xxxxxxx))) OK (1250 msec) OK (1150 msec) OK (860 msec) OK (860 msec) OK (790 msec) OK (810 msec) OK (790 msec) OK (570 msec) OK (650 msec) OK (630 msec) OK (790 msec) OK (1240 msec) OK (1090 msec) OK (1030 msec) OK (870 msec) OK (690 msec) OK (740 msec) OK (650 msec) OK (490 msec) OK (560 msec) $
i'm trying to duplicate my RAC database with ASM and 2 nodes to a single node, non ASM with rman duplicate database for standby with active database on windows. The problem is i dont know how to remove RAC configuration when duplicating the database.
Here is the procedure:
On standby i've: - installed database software, - configured listener and tnsnames, - added instance service (oradim -new -sid STANDBY -intpwd PASSWORD -startmode M), - configured initora (with only db_name = STANDBY) - configured orapwd file - startup nomount
on RAC node1:
rman target sys/PASSWORD@RAC connected to target database RMAN> connect auxiliary sys/password@STANDBY connected to auxiliary database: STANDBY (not mounted)
now for the duplicate command:
RMAN> duplicate target database 2> for standby 3> from active database 4> spfile 5> parameter_value_convert = '+DATA/RAC','D:\oracle\11.2.0\DATAFILES\DATA\STANDBY' 6> set db_unique_name='STANDBY' 7> set log_file_name_convert = '+DATA/RAC','D:\oracle\11.2.0\DATAFILES\DATA\STANDBY' 8> set db_file_name_convert = '+DATA/RAC','D:\oracle\11.2.0\DATAFILES\DATA\STANDBY';
i have tried adding this parameter - set cluster_database='false' but no luck.
I am working on web services. im getting soap response and i need it to be, created as xls file.i have used DBMS_XSLPROCESSOR.CLOB2FILE it throws error while opening in excel. Is there any other way.
We are trying to increase ASM disk space and with respect to it when we are trying to allocate more space this question came across my mind. Now this was previously configured by my previous SA.
[root@oracledbtest1 ~]# /etc/init.d/oracleasm querydisk -d `/etc/init.d/oracl cut -f2,10,11 -d" " | perl -pe 's/"(.*)".*[(.*), *(.*)]/$1 $2 $3/g;' | while read v_asmdisk v_minor v_major do v_device=`ls -la /dev | grep " $v_minor, *$v_major " | awk '{print $10}'` echo "ASM disk $v_asmdisk based on /dev/$v_device [$v_minor, $v_major]"
why are my LUN's showing different sizes on RAC and also the best way to allocate the space to the disks in the above scenario.
I'm using ASM on LUNs from an EMC SAN, fronted by PowerPath. Right now I have only one fiber path to the SAN, so /dev/emcpowera3 maps directly to /dev/sda3, for example. Oracle had a typo in what they told me to do in /etc/sysconfig/oracleasm*, so the scan picks up both devices.
#/etc/init.d/oracleasm querydisk -p ASMVOL_01
Disk "ASMVOL_01" is a valid ASM disk /dev/emcpowera3: LABEL="ASMVOL_01" TYPE="oracleasm" /dev/sda3: LABEL="ASMVOL_01" TYPE="oracleasm"
But I don't think it can be using both. How do I see which one it's actually using?
I have a lot of problems in parsing SOAP web service response of Jasper The major problem is that the report document in the response appears at the end of the response. It appears even after the closing tag of the soap response. The images in the response are returned in binary form.
Because the response is partially binary and partially characters so I am not able to parse it correctly. If i make a web service call using APEX webservice references and then put the response in a collection then I get an error. I guess APEX collections are not able to handle this response. I say this because If I call the webservice using UTL_HTTP, then I get the response.
parsed a Jasper SOAP web service response which has a report in it.I have gone through h[URL]..but I am not using it.My question is focused on parsing the response and not on finding other ways of getting it
I need to write a script which will do tnsping to all the 6000 oracle databases my client have and I need to record the response of it for each database. What will be the best option to use with tnsping? SID of these databases or net_service_name?