Application Express :: Jasper Response Parsing?

Nov 7, 2012

I have a lot of problems in parsing SOAP web service response of Jasper The major problem is that the report document in the response appears at the end of the response. It appears even after the closing tag of the soap response. The images in the response are returned in binary form.

Because the response is partially binary and partially characters so I am not able to parse it correctly. If i make a web service call using APEX webservice references and then put the response in a collection then I get an error. I guess APEX collections are not able to handle this response. I say this because If I call the webservice using UTL_HTTP, then I get the response.

parsed a Jasper SOAP web service response which has a report in it.I have gone through h[URL]..but I am not using it.My question is focused on parsing the response and not on finding other ways of getting it

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Application Express :: How To Print Jasper Report From On-Demand Process

Aug 7, 2013

i have a report with a parameter that i would like to print out  from an On demand Process.When there is an Ajax Call Return. i want the report to show before printing.Here is an example of the code used  
l_customerid varchar2(200);
l_customerid:= wwv_flow.g_x01;
select product_id


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Application Express :: PDF File To Be Stored Directly In Database Using Jasper?

Jul 16, 2012

I am using jasper integration package ..from using apex 4 and i Am currently able to generate pdf invoice..using jasper and store in a database.. table.

I need to generate the pdf  invoice in the background ..without displaying in my screen..Without downloading on my machine..And  store directly into  the database table..

Below is my existing part of code..

l_blob BLOB;
l_mime_type VARCHAR2 (100);
l_blob2 BLOB;
l_mime_type2 VARCHAR2 (100);
mport varchar2(200);


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Application Express :: Database Link Slows Down The Response Time

Jul 11, 2013

I have a question regarding db link. I have a query that uses a database link, i speed it up by adding the DRIVING_SITE hint and it worked when executed from

sql*plus or pl/sql developer.

It returns results in 3 seconds or even less. However, when i put this query back into the APEX application, specifically into an interactive report page -- it runs for 3 mins!

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Application Express :: Response Time Too Long - 4.2 RESTful WebService

Aug 26, 2013

i need to consume web services within my apex Apps, i tried sample app from here: worked, but response time is about 15 seconds, then i tried another with Google Geocode APIURL.... and again time is 15-16 seconds. It's normal response time from Apex Web Services or is there something to do.

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Workflow :: How To Get Response Of Notification Email From MS Outlook Express

Oct 20, 2012

I have two questions:

1. Our business users had a requirement to approve or reject the Workflow Notification Emails form their Email account on MS Outlook Express. When they perform action from MS Outlook Express it sends email to wfmailer but no action perform in application. The notification inbox in application shows this notification as OPEN notification and the requested function also shows 'Waiting for Approval'.

2. I need to hide Request Information button/link from the email notification send through Workflow mailer to user. There are three actions button available in email notification Approve, Reject and Request Information. I need to have only two button Approve and Reject. How to hide Request Information button.

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PL/SQL :: How To Call Procedure In Jasper

Sep 16, 2012

How to call plsql in jasper. i have try this code in jasper -> select query langiuage = plsql

{CALL STD03_MERIT_PROCESSING($P{std03_studentVal},$P{std03_studentVal})}

but there is error taht said no data found.

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Target Name Space Response Is Low?

Feb 27, 2013

We are using oracle version on HP-UX B.11.23 U ia64.

We are facing a lot of delay in TNS ping reply. It is taking 8000+ msec.

$ tnsping XXXXXX 20

TNS Ping Utility for HPUX: Version - Production on 27-FEB-2013 12:37:15

Copyright (c) 1997, 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved.

Used parameter files:

Used TNSNAMES adapter to resolve the alias
Attempting to contact (DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS_LIST = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = xxxxxx)(PORT = 1531))) (CONNECT_DATA = (SERVICE_NAME = xxxxxxx)))
OK (1250 msec)
OK (1150 msec)
OK (860 msec)
OK (860 msec)
OK (790 msec)
OK (810 msec)
OK (790 msec)
OK (570 msec)
OK (650 msec)
OK (630 msec)
OK (790 msec)
OK (1240 msec)
OK (1090 msec)
OK (1030 msec)
OK (870 msec)
OK (690 msec)
OK (740 msec)
OK (650 msec)
OK (490 msec)
OK (560 msec)

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RAC & Failsafe :: DNS Response Time For Nodes

Feb 24, 2011

I'm trying to install 2 nodes oracle RAC 11gR2 on SLES11. I configured DNS for public,virtual, private and scan IPs. when I check with nslookup, everything seems ok. but when I run, it says that:

" PRVF-5636 : The DNS response time for an unreachable node exceeded 15000 ms on following nodes: rac1,rac2"

How can I decrease the response time?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Extracting Data From Web Service Response

Mar 26, 2013

I need to extract tag values from REST web service response.

Webservice response

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>
- <LicenseDetailsRes xmlns="com:*******services:LicenseDetailsRes">
<ResponseCode>LD001 - SUCCESS</ResponseCode>

I am storing above response in a table column 'output_xm' of xmltype datatype.

My requirement is to extract 'ResponseCode' & 'quantity' values from above response. For which I am using below query but it's not working.

SELECT x.order_number
,EXTRACT (VALUE (d), 'LicenseDetailsRes/ResponseCode/text()').getstringval () status
,EXTRACT (VALUE (d), 'LicenseDetailsRes/quantity/text()').getstringval () pak_quantity
FROM xxcfi.xxcfi_vt_tnc_pak_details x
,TABLE (XMLSEQUENCE (EXTRACT (x.output_xml, '/LicenseDetailsRes'))) d
WHERE x.order_number = 50403901
AND x.line_number = 2
AND x.tnc_pid = 'R-LMS-4.0-100-K9';

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Script To Check Response Time?

Nov 27, 2012

customer have a monitoring system that execute a script to check response time db (9i database).

The script do the following steps:

- Date
- select count(*) from all_tables
- select count(*) from v$lock
- Date

And then calculate the gap from end and start date, this is the response time.So, response time change from db to db depending on number of tables.

Is there any different method or different object to use?

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XML DB :: APEX Soap Web Service Response Into DB

Oct 29, 2013

How do i get a response from a soap webservice and insert it into a DB

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Drop Table Response Time?

Jul 23, 2012

I am working on oracle version database of my production,

when executed a simple drop command , the total time it took is 26 secs. on Avg. the table is holding only 20 records. this is happening for the last few weeks , prior to that it took less than 0 secs.

05:22:58 SQL> drop table C$_100GL_INTERFACE ;

Table dropped.

Elapsed: 00:00:26.67

but on successive executions the elapsed time falls to 10-15secs.

And on the same test env, we are achieving the expected results less than 0 secs.

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SQL Response Time (Oracle 11g Win 2003)?

Mar 5, 2013

My SQL Response Time is more ttan 100% and keeps on increasing. How can I fix this? The Application users are complaining that the system is very slow.

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Nov 18, 2013

I am working on web services. im getting soap response and i need it to be, created as xls file.i have used DBMS_XSLPROCESSOR.CLOB2FILE  it throws error while opening in excel. Is there any other way.

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Oracle Response Time In A HTML Table

Apr 24, 2013

How do you Display Response time in HTML? I want to run a PHP script that displays the oracle response time in an HTML table.

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Windows :: Set Values For Best Performances In Response Time?

Jun 12, 2013

I need to create a DB on a pc with 4GB (RAM). I can use the assistant but where I need to set correctly a value related to the memory? Is it necessary to set values for best performances in response time?

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Script To Record Response Of Tnsping For 6000 DBs

Jun 5, 2013

I need to write a script which will do tnsping to all the 6000 oracle databases my client have and I need to record the response of it for each database. What will be the best option to use with tnsping? SID of these databases or net_service_name?

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Parsing Address And Name

Jan 25, 2012

I intend to write procedures/functions in PL/SQL to parse Name field into various fields : Title, FirstName, MiddleName, LastName, Gender.

Nguyen Van A
Nguyen Thi B

After parsing, the result will be shown as:


 Parsed.gif ( 4.94K )
Number of downloads: 2

I supposed that Title & Gender are realized through MiddleName field. If MiddleName's values in (Thi, Dieu) then Title is assigned as Ms, and Gender = "F". Otherwise, Title = "Mr", and Gender = "M".

2/ Another procedure/function is [i]ParseAddress with the requirement as:[/i]Address field is divided into Street, Group, Area, Ward, County fields
E.g.:No 6 Sum Street - Group 8 - Area 2 - ABCD Ward - London

The result:

StreetGroupArea Ward County
No 6 Sum StreetGroup 8Area 2ABCD London

I have tried coding by Visual Basic, it is OK. But if I interpret to PL/SQL ->it doesn't work.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Parsing Name And Address?

Jan 25, 2012

I intend to write procedures/functions in PL/SQL to parse Name

field into various fields : Title, FirstName, MiddleName, LastName, Gender
Nguyen Van A
Nguyen Thi B

After parsing, the result will be shown as:


I supposed that Title & Gender are realized through MiddleName field. If MiddleName's values in (Thi, Dieu) then Title is assigned as Ms, and Gender =

Female. Otherwise, Title = "Mr", and Gender = "Male".

2/ Another procedure/function is ParseAddress with the

requirement as:

Address field is divided into Street, Group, Area, Ward, County fields
No 6 Sum Street - Group 8 - Area 2 - ABCD Ward - London

The result:

StreetGroupAreaWardCounty No 6 Sum StreetGroup 8Area 2ABCDLondon

I have tried coding by Visual Basic, it is OK. But if I interpret to PL/SQL ->

it doesn't work.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: String Parsing

Aug 28, 2012

I have the following table A that contain one column "MYREC"

1253 69889897 89884 891254
568989 89897891 321 698751232
1239892 123358798 7899 58123457

I need to parse the variable column, the issue is that the number of spaces.

The string might start with 2 or more white spaces, that I can get rid of with the LTRIM function..I'm having difficulties with the rest ):

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Server Administration :: Disk Response Time In Tablespace

Mar 22, 2012

What should be our approach when we see the disk response time is bad for a particular tablespace in database.I heard a good disk response time should be on an average 10ms.

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Installation :: Oracle 11gR2 Install Through Response File

Sep 28, 2012

How can i set db home name at the time of installation of oracle 11.2.O.3 .

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Enterprise Manager :: Response Action To Metric Being Tripped?

Jan 5, 2010

What are all the necessary steps in running a Windows OS .bat when a metric threshold has been tripped? Currently have a fully qualified path (C:scriptsRunthis.bat) entered in the Response Action column but no action is taken when threshold is reached.

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JDeveloper, Java & XML :: Parsing Through PL/SQL

Nov 21, 2011

oracle PL/SQL. I have almost finished this xml parsing task but their is one problem. Actually in our table there are more than 70-80 columns & due to that only I don't want to put the hard coded column name in my procedure, because if I will do that, the unnecessary procedure size will be increase(means line of code).Here is our procedure

Create or replace procedure loadMyXML(dir_name IN varchar2, xmlfile IN varchar2) AS
l_bfile BFILE;
l_clob CLOB;
l_parser dbms_xmlparser.Parser;
l_doc dbms_xmldom.DOMDocument;
l_nl1 dbms_xmldom.DOMNodeList;
l_nl2 dbms_xmldom.DOMNodeList;
l_n dbms_xmldom.DOMNode;
node1 dbms_xmldom.DOMNode;
l_colName VARCHAR2(100);

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Parsing BLOB Contents

Mar 28, 2013

I have some BLOB contents in the format of...

Each BLOB is associated to a file name in the format...

The blob for each file may be zero rows to n rows in size, but typically there are 2 to 5 rows (four rows were shown in the rows above).The following kind of gets me there, but not quite as it splits up the BLOB rows at the comma and not the line break (HEX=0D0A / CRLF).

with rec as
(select fs.file_name, utl_raw.cast_to_varchar2(fs.file_data) file_data
from tada.files_store fs
where fs.file_name like '%citations.txt'
and trunc(fs.date_created) = to_date('26-MAR-2013','DD-MON-YYYY'))

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SQL & PL/SQL :: XML Parsing Into Base Table

May 20, 2010

I want to load XML into base table using PL/SQL procedure.For that I have wrote procedure but that does not work well .

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Bind Variable In Parsing?

Aug 13, 2013

Identical statements  from this link :  Parsing in Oracle &mdash; d. The bind variable types of the new statement should be of same type as the identified matching statement. i am getting confuse here .. when  parsing occurs some links saying about bind variable.but official document  never said about bind variables.

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PL/SQL :: String Parsing Using Oracle

Sep 17, 2012

Oracle SQL.I need parsing Strings.


ID Name Address num
1 Peter 123 park st,223 park st 123,223

ID Name Address num
1 Peter 123 park st 123
1 Peter 223 Park St 223

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PL/SQL :: Parsing Date With MM.YYYY And Between

Apr 17, 2013

I got a table with a Date in it. Lets called it Testdate and an item called start month and end month.

The Item (varchar2) looks like

MM.YYYY f.e. 03.2012 and is a

I want to see all data between start and endmonth.

First I tried to convert the date from my orignial table:

SELECT distinct TO_CHAR(TESTDATE, 'MM'||'.'||'YYYY')
FROM mv_auswertung;This works:


But now I am trying to get all data between start and enddate:

Select *
from mv_auswertung
TO_CHAR(TESTDATE, 'MM'||'.'||'YYYY') between
to_CHAR(:P7_startmonth) and to_char(:P7_endmonth)

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