---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
1 RN 10 10
3 C 20 40
4 A 10 20
5 B 20 100
6 D 10 11
7 S 30 300
6 rows selected
Now I need to update the table as for all employees will get sal 100 for depetno=10 and employees of deptno=20 will get sal=200. I need to update this with a single query.
And I just need to display only the T's that would meet the condition Col2 in (15,18) and Col3 in (20,19).
I try with a condition where col2 in (15,18) and col3 in (20,19) and that works, but I don't need to display T1, because T1 has a Col2=5 and Col3=20, I just have to display T2 that just satisfies all my conditions, Col2 in (15,18) and Col3 in (20,19). It's something like a vertical search.
The question is how could i update all the qualifier from /acec/nv2am/data/input/NXPRI/NXUPM.P691811_691910 to /acec/nv2am/data/input/NXUPM/NXUPM.P691811_691910 where qualifier like '%NXPRI%NXUPM%' ?
Actually i want to change the NXPRI to be NXUPM only for all record with qualifier like '%NXPRI%NXUPM%'
I Require to Update the Data in Join Condition. When Run the Query the Error display as ORA-00933: SQL Command Not Properly Ended.
Update a set a.Dr_Re = Nvl(b.Dr_Amt,0), a.Cr_Re = Nvl(b.Cr_Amt,0) FROM xxsc.xxsc_creditors_aging_brnwise a join (Select Branch,Invoice_id,vendor_site_code,segment1, case when (sum(nvl(dr_re,0)) - sum(nvl(cr_re,0)) > 0) then sum(nvl(dr_re,0)) - sum(nvl(cr_re,0)) Else 0 End DR_AMT, [code]........
i am reading the columns value from different table but i want to update it with single update statement. such as how to update multiple columns (50 columns) of table with single update statement .. is there any sql statement available i know it how to do with pl/sql.
CREATE TABLE test1 (strt_num NUMBER , end_num NUMBER , des VARCHAR2(5), CONSTRAINT pk_strt_num PRIMARY KEY (strt_num) ); INSERT INTO test1 VALUES (5, 8, 'GC'); INSERT INTO test1 VALUES (10, 25, 'AB'); INSERT INTO test1 VALUES (12, 35, 'PC'); INSERT INTO test1 VALUES (22, 65, 'LJ');
STRT_NUM END_NUM DES -------------- ------------ ------------- 5 8 GC 10 25 AB 12 35 PC 22 65 LJ
The requirement is the records should be split based on below conditions
1. Split only those records WHERE (end_num - strt_num) > 10 2. If TRUNC((end_num - strt_num)/10) = n, then n + 1 number of rows should be created for that record 3. While splitting the records, -> For first record , START_NUM = Original STRT_NUM and END_NUM = START_NUM + 10 -> Second record , STRT_NUM = previous END_NUM + 1 and END_NUM = previous END_NUM + 10 And this should continue for all records except the last record -> For last record, STRT_NUM = previous END_NUM + 1 AND END_NUM = Original END_NUM
This table has 5 million records. Only for 2000 records (end_num - strt_num) > 10.
Expected Output.
STRT_NUM END_NUM DES ------------- -------- --------- 5 8 GC -- No chage, END_NUM - STRT_NUM < 10
I have a column "empno" in EMP table and "deptno" in DEPT table . I want to update both the columns with single UPDATE statement. With out a creation of stored procedure or view(updating it through view).
i want to update record that is fetched based on join condition on form
1. made a block manually :::: EMPSAL 2. Query DATA SOURCE NAME :::: EMP a, Sal b 3. Where Clause :::: a.empid = b.empid 4. DML DATA Target Type :::: Table 5. DML DATA Target Name :::: EMP a, Sal b 6. All Columns are marked a.empid, a.empname, b.sal, b.date etc
Table LEAVE Column Type Null Description APP_NO Number(6,0) Not Null PK Leave Application Number ECN Number(6,0) Not Null FK Employee Code Number APP_Date Date Not Null Date of Application From_Date Date Not Null Date from which the leave starts TO_Date Date Not Null Date upto which the current application leave remains i.e. end of leave applied for date NO_OF_Days Number(2,0) Not Null Difference between TO_Date and From_date LEAVE_TYPE VARCHAR2(3) Not Null Can be one of SL, CL, LWP or LTA Status VARCHAR2(25) Not Null Can be one of Saved, Rejected or Approved Remark VARCHAR2(100) Nullable Reason to be put if status is rejected [code]....
What I really want to do is that when a record is inserted in the LEAVES table (an application for leave is submitted by any employee and if it is approved) then I want to update the _USED values of the corresponding LEAVE_TYPE in the LEAVEENTITLE table which holds values of types of leaves entitled to employee.
For example if 3 rows are inserted in the LEAVES table as INSERT INTO LEAVES (APP_NO,ECN,FROM_DATE,TO_DATE,APP_DATE,NO_OF_DAYS,LEAVE_TYPE,STATUS,REMARK) (1,1234,'2012-01-01','2012-01-05','2012- 01-01',5,'SL','APPROVED',null); INSERT INTO LEAVES (APP_NO,ECN,FROM_DATE,TO_DATE,APP_DATE,NO_OF_DAYS,LEAVE_TYPE,STATUS,REMARK) (2,1235,'2012-01-01','2012-01-05','2012- 01-01',5,'CL','SAVED',null); INSERT INTO LEAVES (APP_NO,ECN,FROM_DATE,TO_DATE,APP_DATE,NO_OF_DAYS,LEAVE_TYPE,STATUS,REMARK) (3,1236,'2012-01-01','2012-01-05','2012- 01-01',5,'LTA','REJECTED','Clash with the annual meet, revise dates');
Then the value of SL_USED in the LEAVEENTITLE table of record corresponding to the ECN = 1234 should be updated with +5 and naturally the SL_ UNUSED value of the record should be updated as SL_ENTITLED - SL_USED. For the APP_NO 2 and 3 none of the values in LEAVEENTITLE should be updated as the STATUS is not 'APPROVED'
I tried with the following trigger, but is compiling with a warning (not showing what the warning is)
I have made a travel booking system which comprises of 3 forms
1)Travel Booking form 2)Reservation Form 3)Cancellation Form
Under one booking number i can add multiple users in which they can have there multiple travels.
Users can cancel there individual travels under a prescribe booking number which on doing the Cancel flag turns to 'Y'.
What i want is, If a user is cancelling his/her travel under any booking number then while retriving the records in Travel Booking form, the travels which are cancelled should not be in enable mode.
For one user there can be 4 travels out of which 2 are cancelled, how can i track only those records whoes cancel flag is set to Y. some logic to find it out. Else can i use :system.cursor_record. If yes, How to use it for this system.
Tables same column names but diffrenet index structures and traget one to be partitioned hence only want to import the content Each table on source datbaase hascolumn seq number and only want to extract the last few months of data.
TABLES:table1,table2... DUMPFILE=dump_dir CONTENT=data_only QUERY= table1:"WHERE seq_num >100 "want to use expdp but not sure about how to ensure all tables have the WHERE seq_num >100 condition, if leave table1: out and just have QUERY= "WHERE seq_num >100 " will this condition be applied to all tables which is what we want.
I'm assuming also can use impdp CONTENT=data_only?
and I want to insert First Name and Second Name records using the ID as the reference. The new data is currently in a .csv file, but I could put them in another table if that's easier.
ID|First Name|Second Name 1|Adam|Adamson 2|Ben|Benson 3|Chris|Christophers 4|Dave|Davidson
I understand how to do individual updates, I want to know how it is possible for me to do this as one query, as I have several thousand records to update.
It started out pretty simple where I had to update about 40 contacts in the database and I would have 40 separate update statements I would run. The task has jumped to about 300 contacts and I don't want to run 300 update statements. I would like to run this all at once. For example:
update contact set name = 'Name1' where row_id = 'row_id1'
update contact set name = 'Name2' where row_id = 'row_id2'
update contact set name = 'Name3' where row_id = 'row_id3'
insert into TEST (ENT_SIG, EMP_ID, DATE_START, DATE_END) values ('014', '120', TO_DATE('20080101','YYYYMMDD'), TO_DATE('20080131','YYYYMMDD')); insert into TEST (ENT_SIG, EMP_ID, DATE_START, DATE_END) values ('014', '121', TO_DATE('20080201','YYYYMMDD'), TO_DATE('20080228','YYYYMMDD')); [code].....
I'm asking if there's a way to do this:
update test a set (date_Start, date_end) = (select date_start, date_end from test2 b where b.emp_id = a.emp_id [code].......
Without using the WHERE EXISTS. I don't want to make two accesses to table2, I would like instead to do something like "If subquery returns a row, use it, else keep what you have in destination table".
Is there a way to do it without entering test2 twice?
I need to write a script which copies 4 col data from one table to another table. there are three tables
cwat_curr_mst and cwat_assigned_customer and cwat_assignment_mst. Cwat curr mst has PK curr_id and cwat_assigned_customer has PK assignment_id. Also cwat_assigned_customer has customer_id. In cwat_assignment_mst has Curr_id and Assignment_ID.
cwat_curr_mst and cwat_assigned_customer tables has 4 cols in common they are ASRT_SNM_NO, SNM_NO, FLORIDA_NO, CBRN_NO.
So from curr_mst all these 4 cols data needs to come/copy into cwat_assigned_customer.
I am issuing an update statement in which I am using multiple tables it is giving me an error " set keyword missing"
update E_CONT_DETAIL_NUMB_VALUE ecdnv, y_obj_category yoc, t_contact tc set ecdnv.ContTPRecCount = 1000 where tc.default_category_id = (select primary_key from y_ojb_category where tree_position = 'CONT') and ecdnv.detail_field_id=tc.default_category_id;
update E_CONT_DETAIL_NUMB_VALUE ecdnv, y_obj_category yoc, t_contact tc * ERROR at line 1: ORA-00971: missing SET keyword
I have to write a "after update trigger". Here, i have to update the stock table by other inventory tables (by complex query). I have written trigger below. how to make it correct?
create or replace trigger trg_stk_upd_pur after update on O_STOCK_EFFECTS REFERENCING NEW AS new OLD AS old FOR EACH ROW
This is a surprisingly common one I've found on the web...even on devshed forum
I am updating one table from another (Updating Table A from Table B):
Table A ID, Value -- ----- 1 A 1 A 2 B
Table B ID, Value -- ----- 1 Animal 2 Box
Table A (modified) ID, Value, Name 1 A Animal 1 A Animal 2 B Box
No I need to update a new column in Table A with the value in Table B.Value where the ID's from both tables match. Problem is: When I do this I get multiple rows and hence Oracle won't let me update this column. Now, I keep reading that for these types of updates, there has to be a one-to-one relationship...
Is this true...is there anyway of telling Oracle to update wherever it finds that ID, regardless of how many duplicate ID's there are?
This is quite a frustrating problem and most of the sites that I've looked for solutions try get the query one-to-one...problem is...with my table sets it's impossible to do that - I need to update wherever the id's match (even if it return multiple rows).
i am trying to update multiple records using store procedure but failed to achieve
for example my source is
emp_name sal abhi 2000 arti 1500 priya 1700
i want to increase salary of emp whose salary is less than 2000 it means rest two salary should get update..using stored procedure only
i have tried following code
create or replace procedure upt_sal(p_sal out emp.sal%type, p_cursor out sys_refcursor) is begin open p_cursor for select sal into p_sal from emp; if sal<2000 then update emp set sal= sal+200; end i;f end;
and i have called the procedure using following codes
set serveroutput on declare p_sal emp.sal%type; v_cursor sys_refcursor; begin upt_sal(p_sal,v_cursor); fetch v_cursor into p_sal; dbms_output.put_line(p_sal); end;
the program is executing but i should get o/p like this after updating
I am trying to update multiple columns from one table based on the results of another table So I have 3 tables as follows
This works, and I am able to SUM the column as I need with the right numbers. I altered the SUMM_SNAP table and now I want this summarized column to be in the table I tried using UPDATE, but there is no FROM clause to let me do the table join/group by
The above is obviously wrong - but just trying to show whatI was thinking What would be the best method to get the numbers from the SUM into a table?
Updating multiple ROWS with different values using single statement. Requirement is to update one column in a table with the values in the other table.
Each MEMBER has CORPORATE PROFILE which in turn is associated with CORPORATION. Now I need to update MEMBER table with CORPORATION identifier for members who belong to corporations with identifiers say 'ABC' and 'DEF'.
MEMBER table contains column 'CORPIDENTIFIER '. CORPORATEPROFILE table contains MEMBERID and CORPORATIONID,this will associate a member with the corporation. CORPORATION table contains ID and CORPIDENTIFIER.
Using the below query I am getting error,ORA-01427:single-row subquery returns more than one row
Sub query in the above query returns multiple rows and hence it is throwing the error.More than one members are associated with Corporations ABC and DEF. Is there any way possible to update all the rows in single query with out iterating the result set of sub query.