SQL & PL/SQL :: Select * From One Table But Not All Tables In A Query

Oct 30, 2013

How does one select * from one table without selecting * from other tables that are included in a query? For example, if in the query below I want to view all fields in some_table, but not the fields from other_table, how do it?

select *
from some_table st,
other_table ot
where st.id = ot.id

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Select Query From Two Tables?

Jun 7, 2011

I have two tables a and b column names are id and date. Data type of date in a and b are different

table (a)

date id
10-DEC-01 2:08:39 PM 1
10-DEC-01 2:08:39 PM 2
10-JAN-02 10:10:22 PM 3
10-JAN-02 10:10:22 PM 4
10-JAN-02 10:10:22 PM 5

table (b)
date id
10-DEC-01 1
10-DEC-01 2

I need table b like this one

table (b)

date id
10-DEC-01 1
10-DEC-01 2
10-JAN-02 3
10-JAN-02 4
10-JAN-02 5

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Select Data From 2 Tables And Insert Into Another Table

Apr 25, 2013

I want to select data from different tables and insert this into one table based on some conditions:

FROM welltest_msr
WHERE well_s = 3419740
AND check_ind = 1


So I tried doing this with selecting the data and looping through it to do the insert.

CURSOR c_well


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PL/SQL :: Select Query On Emp Table

Jun 7, 2012

How to find display the o/p like manager name under dependent employess same like parent child relation ship on noraml emp table:

sample o/p:

name job
xx manger
yy sales
yy1 sales
aa manager
rr marketing
rr1 marketing

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Create Table From Select Query?

Sep 13, 2004

Can we create a table from a Select query ?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Insert Into Table A With Select Query On B And C?

Mar 22, 2013

I have a table A on dev with definition as TAble A(address,name) and the same table on Prod is defined as Table A(name,address).

my question is Ihave one package in that am trying to insert into this table as follows:

SELECT b.name name,
a.address address,


so the query works on Prod but fails on Dev because column order is different.

I have 2 solutions:

1. I can mention column names in insert line and modify the query but tomorro some body changes again the definition of table A I need to change the query, so do I have solution in oracle sql that can handle the column order without specifying the column names in insert line.

so tomorrow On prod column order and on Dev column order is different though my sql should successfully execute.

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PL/SQL :: Same Alias For 2 Tables / A Table Without Join in A Query?

Jan 24, 2013

In a query can we have the same alias for more than 1 table as in the following example

Select C.ContractNum, B.Billnum, B.Billamt,A.
From Contractmaster C,
Billdetails B,
Address A,
Currencymaster c,
Where B.billtype = 1
and C.Contractnum = B.Contractnum
and C.customerref = A.Customerref
and c.currencycode ='EUR'

In the above query, Table Contractmaster has an alias C --in capitals  while table Currencymaster has an alias c - in small caps ...

Is this possible in Oracle 11g ? Also i found that the table Currencymaster has no Join conditions I executed the query, without any errors!

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How To Give Table Name Dynamically In A Select Query

Aug 23, 2012

I have 12 different tables


Based on the month i need to do some i/o operations from these table.

For eg: If it is january then Record_jan table should be accesed or for nov Record_nov table should be accesed.

If I try to store the table name in some variable and then give the variable name in place of table name then it gives error.

Select * from var;

this gives error.

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Select Query With Four Table Its Generating Around 650 Rows?

Feb 20, 2013

i have a select query with four table its generating around 650 rows. and i need to update these 650 rows only.

for example

update ps_po_lining b
set y.recv_req = 'N'
where recv_req in


this query runs but its updating 6000 rows. which is not right. we need to update what ever the select query is retrieving.

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PL/SQL :: Hierarchical Query To Select Data From One Table?

Sep 7, 2012

Here is my case,

create table t (id number,row_id number primary key ,value number);ID   row_id value
1     1     10
1     2     11
1     3     1
2     4     11
3     5     11
3     6     12
4     7     12
4     8     12
4     9     13
4     10     11
4     11     10Requirement is

1) To get all the ID that have the value 10

2) The row_ids for the ID I got in I

Can I do this with Hierarchical query. If not which one of below will be fast?

select * from t where id  in (select id from t where value=10);


select T2.* from t T1, t T2 where T1.ID=t2.id and T1.VALUE=10;

I have billion of rows so I am looking for either Hierarchical query to solve it or some other way . All the three column the index.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To View Rows In Table Format Using Select Query

May 28, 2012

I need to view the rows of the result of a select query in table format in GUI application.I have used XMLELEMENT to somewhat match the scenario to display as ','(comma) separate values as b belwo

AS empid,
RTRIM (XMLAGG (XMLELEMENT (e, ENAME || ',')).EXTRACT ('//text()'),


But the case is I need to display the value in table format Horizontally as below

EMPIDemployee nameDEPID


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SQL & PL/SQL :: Insert Records From A Select Query Into Temporary Table?

Mar 21, 2013

We are trying insert records from a select query into temporary table, some of the records is missing in the temporary table. The select statement is having multiple joins and union all which it little complex query. In simple terms the script contains 2 part 1st Part Insert in to temporary table 2nd part Select query with multiple joins, inline sub queries, unions and group by classes and conditions Eg. If we execute select statement alone it returns some count for example => 60000 After inserting into the temp table, in temp table the count is around 42000 why is the difference?

It is simple bulk inserts... insert in to temp table select * from xxx. also, there is no commit in between. The problem is all the records populated by the select statement are not inserted in to temp table. some records are not inserted.

Also, we had some other observation. It only happens in its 2nd execution and not its first run. Hope there might be some cache problem Even, we also did not believe that. We are wondering. In TOAD, we tested however at times it happens. In application jar file, after "insert in to temp select * from xxx" we take the i. record count of temp table and ii. record count of "select * from xxx" separately but both doesn't match. Match only at 1st time.

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PL/SQL :: ORA-03113 When Inserting CLOB Value Casted As XML From SELECT Query Into Table?

Aug 15, 2013

I have a table that contains a CLOB column with pseudo-XML in it. I want to keep this data in an XMLType column so that I can leverage some of Oracle's built-in XML features to parse it more easily.


The target (for testing this problem) table is defined as: CREATE TABLE "TESTME" ( "LOG_MSG" "XMLTYPE")  My query is: insert /*+ APPEND */ into testme ("LOG_MSG")select XMLTYPE.createXML("LOG_MSG") as LOG_MSG from "TSS_SRM_CBEBRE_LOGS_V" b; In SQL*Developer, my error is: Error report:SQL Error: No more data to read from socket In SQL*PLUS and Toad, my error is: ORA-03113: end-of-file on communication channelProcess ID: 13903Session ID: 414 Serial number: 32739

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Select All Columns From Table Except Those Columns Which Type In Query

Jan 21, 2011

I have a two question.

Question 1:How to select all columns from table except those columns which i type in query

Question 2:How to select all columns from table where all columns are not null without type each column name which is in empty data

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Storing Select Query Result Into Array And Using It In Another Query?

Aug 7, 2009

I am looking to simplify the below query,


Since both the inner queries are same,I want to extract out to a local variable and then use it.



And then ,


How to do this using SQLPLUS?

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3 Tables In SELECT

Jul 22, 2010

When I use the below code in my perl script (it is oracle database):

$query = "select a.sub_id, b.name from subscribertable a, invitationBin b where a.subscriberid=b.subscriberid";
$sth = $dbh->prepare($sub_query) or die "SELECT-Query failed";

everything is ok... and when I try to add a third table...

$query = "select a.sub_id, b.name, c.phone from subscribertable a, invitationBin b, personalDet c where a.subscriberid=b.subscriberid and b.subIdx=c.subIdx";
$sth = $dbh->prepare($sub_query) or die "SELECT-Query failed";

this fails... it seems like it doesnt let me add 3 tables in the SELECT query through perl script. The strange is that when I test this query with Oracle SQL Developer, it works fine...!

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Getting Top-N Query To Work As Sub-select In Larger Query?

Mar 10, 2012

Is there a technique to getting a Top-N query to work as a sub-select in a larger query -or- is there another way to generate Top-N like results that works as a sub-select?


We have a large query that is being used to build an export from a legacy HR system to a new one. Amount the data needed in the export is the employees primary phone number.

The legacy HR system allows multiple phone numbers to be stored in a simple table structure:

SELECT emp_id, phone_type, phone_number
FROM employee_phones

------- --------------- -------------------

The new HR system does allow for multiple phone numbers, however they need a primary phone number identified and stored with the employee master information. (Subsequent phone numbers get stored in alternate table.)

From a business perspective, we have decided that if they have a HOME phone in the legacy system that should be the primary in the new system, if no HOME phone, then WORK, if no WORK then CELL.

That can be represented as:

FROM employee_people_phones
WHERE emp_id = '46021'
ORDER BY decode(phone_type, 'HOME', 'a', 'WORK', 'b', 'CELL', 'c', 'z')

------- --------------- -------------------

Or similarly with Top N concept:

FROM employee_people_phones
WHERE emp_id = '46021'
ORDER BY decode(phone_type, 'HOME', 'a', 'WORK', 'b', 'CELL', 'c', 'z')) results

------- --------------- -------------------

Or really what I want in my export:

SELECT phone_number
FROM (SELECT phone_number
FROM employee_people_phones
WHERE emp_id = '46021'
ORDER BY decode(phone_type, 'HOME', 'a', 'WORK', 'b', 'CELL', 'c', 'z')) results


However, when the Top-N query is added as a sub-select in a larger query using the employee id from the larger query (WHERE emp_id = export.emp_id), it fails saying that �export.emp_id� is not a valid id.

(SELECT phone_number
FROM (SELECT phone_number
FROM employee_people_phones
WHERE emp_id = export.emp_id
ORDER BY decode(phone_type, 'HOME', 'a', 'WORK', 'b', 'CELL', 'c', 'z')) results

1.Any way around this? Is it possible to put a Top-N (with a WHERE clause using data from the main query) in a sub-select?

2.Any alternatives (other than Top-N) to delivering a ROWNUM=1 result with a �custom� ORDER BY statement?

Other Notes: Yes, we know we could do two queries in the data conversion first deliver the bulk data to the target table, and then update with the phone numbers. However, for multiple reasons, that is less than desirable.

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How To Select Rows From Two Tables

Aug 30, 2007

Consider the following tables


101 ----------------24
101 ----------------26
104 --------------- 27

write sql query to get the following output without using minus,union,intersect.

101 ---------------------------------- 24
101 -----------------------------------26
102 -----------------------------------N/A
103 -----------------------------------N/A
104 -----------------------------------27

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Select Count Using 2 Tables?

Mar 28, 2011

I'm having trouble with some SQL code regarding count and an outer join.

Here is my code.

SELECT o.salespersonid, Count(*) from
salesperson s, Ord o
Where s.salespersonid(+) = o.salespersonid
Group By o.salespersonid;

Where salesperson is a salesperson table and ord is a table containing orders.

The orders table contains a FK to salespersonid in the salesperson table.

I want it to return all salespersons along with the amount of orders they are on. It works but does not show the ones that do not appear on any orders hence the outer join.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Select Data From All Tables At Once

Sep 12, 2011

Is there any way i can select * from all the tables owned by particular schema at once.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Select From Multiple Tables?

Mar 29, 2011

I have two tables containing dates:

01.01.2009 || 01.01.2010
01.01.2013 || 01.10.2014

01.01.2007 || 01.01.2008
01.01.2011 || 01.10.2012
01.01.2009 || 01.01.2010
01.01.2015 || 01.01.2016

I need to get list of all entries from Table A and entries from B where dates are before min begin date from A or somewhere between any entry from A.

In this Example result:
01.01.2007 || 01.01.2008
01.01.2009 || 01.01.2010
01.01.2011 || 01.10.2012
01.01.2013 || 01.10.2014

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Coding Select In Multiple Tables

Aug 25, 2011

I am working on the following SQL select and I am having a mental block on how to get it fixed. I have two tables that I need to match on the codes in each table. If there is a just one record in Table1 with the same code as one record in table2 and both the date and name match then dont output those two records. Output all records if there are more than 1 record with the same code in each table. Below is some example data that is representive of a sample in the two tables and how the output should look based on that data:

code date name
aaaa 1/1/2003 billy bob
bbbb 2/2/2004 louis lewis
cccc 3/3/2005 joe crab
dddd 4/4/2006 mary little
eeee 5/5/2007 joe black

code date name
aaaa 2/2/2004 larry cole
aaaa 3/3/2005 nat king
bbbb 2/2/2004 louis lewis
cccc 3/3/2005 joe crab
cccc 6/6/2008 dennis jackson
dddd 7/7/2009 missy muffet
dddd 5/5/2007 joe black
eeee 8/8/2010 elton rocket

desired output results from select

aaaa 1/1/2003 billy bob aaaa 2/2/2004 larry cole
aaaa 1/1/2003 billy bob aaaa 3/3/2005 nat king
cccc 3/3/2005 joe crab cccc 3/3/2005 joe crab
cccc 3/3/2005 joe crab cccc 6/6/2008 dennis jackson
dddd 4/4/2006 mary little dddd 7/7/2009 missy muffet
dddd 4/4/2006 mary little dddd 7/7/2009 missy muffet
eeee 5/5/2007 joe black eeee 8/8/2010 elton rocket

Here is the select that I have so far:

select table1.rowid, table1_code, table1_date, table1_name,
table2.rowid, table2_code, table2_date, table2_name from table1, table2
where table1_code= table2_code
order by table1_code;

The above select gives me all records just fine, but does not eliminate single records that match. I tried using the Count(table1_code) > 1 and table2 code but I get a message about inproper grouping.

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Select Fields From Across Multiple Tables?

Mar 25, 2011

I have had a google around and can't seem to find an answer as to how do do the following Select statement. i am wanting to Select the following fields from across multiple tables.


with 2 types of WHERE criteria:
WHERE SalesDate is between 'dateX' AND 'dateY'
and also WHERE OrderComplete = 'Y'

i understand this will require some sort of join in the statement so the keys for the different tables are as follows:

CustNo - PK

SalesNo - PK
CustNo - fk

ItemNo - PK

SalesNo -fk
ItemNo - fk (compound PK)

i have had a play around with using some joins & embedded statements

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Give Select Grant For Few Tables?

Jul 8, 2010

I created a user and granted connect,resource priviliges. I gave access to this user for only 5 tables. when i check it later, other tables are also given access. How can i avoid this and give access to selected tables.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Select Records Where Date Is Max From Tables

Oct 6, 2011

I've got 3 tables and I need to select records where date is max from these tables.

select * from the_table_1
contract_key date_1 saldo
1234 30.9.2011 12:06:50 14,6638

select * from the_table_2
contract_key date_1 saldo
1234 26.9.2011 11:04:02 5,6638

select * from the_table_2
contract_key date_1 saldo
1234 29.9.2011 17:39:43 2,5438

how to do that ?

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Application Express :: Select From Several Tables

Nov 26, 2012

i have 3 tables in my database..

table1 with one column


table2 with one column


table 3 with 2 primary foreign keys from table1 and table2

table1_id table2_id
11 21
11 22
12 23
12 24
13 21
14 22

i want a select statement that selects all from table2 where the specified table1_id is not in the list of the table1_id in table3

for example if i want the list for id 11 it should return (23, 24)

i came up with the following but it didn't work

select table2_id
from tabel3 c, table2 b
where table1_id <> 11 and c.table2_id = b.table2_id

i know my explanation is not that clear..

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How To Grant Select On All Tables Of User1 To Another Schema

Jan 18, 2012

User1 is having 10000 tables in his schema...How can i grant "select" on a all tables of a user1 to another schema(user2) so that in future when user1 will create tables , the user2 will have "select" access on those tables automatically.

I dont want user2 to have "select any table" privillege.

User2 should not have "drop" privillege on his own tables.

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Long Select Operate On 5 Tables - Optimization?

Sep 4, 2013

I have long select which operate on 5 tables and has a lot of conditions in where clause (many combinations of values of just a few columns). Does reducing of those conditions could improve performance or just has a small impact?

I think if I have a lot of conditions on the same column, it don't take a lot of time to check them because values are in memory.

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Left Joining Select Of Multiple Tables

Nov 22, 2010

i am trying to left join a selection of two or more tables. what i have found, and solved part of my problem, is that oracle left joins only the last table in the select statement ...

i.e : select * from A, B left join C on C.id = A.id wouldn't work because left join applies to B and not A.

but as my queries grow i need to make something as follows :

select * from A, B
left join C on (C.ID_A = A.ID and C.ID_B = B.ID)
[... evantually more left joins as the preceding one may go here]

this query works for DB2 but Oracle claims that "A"."ID" is an invalid identifier, while the B.ID is recognized since it's the last table stated before the "LEFT JOIN" keyword.

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Select From Two Tables - Remove Repeated Rows

May 31, 2011

I have two tables one source table and one destination . Column names and data types of both table are same.

source table (source)

1 aa
2 bb
3 cc
. ...
. ..
. ..

destination Table(dest)

1 aa
2 bb

I need destination table like

destination table
1 aa
2 bb
3 cc
. .....
. ....

I want to remove repeated rows

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