I have long select which operate on 5 tables and has a lot of conditions in where clause (many combinations of values of just a few columns). Does reducing of those conditions could improve performance or just has a small impact?
I think if I have a lot of conditions on the same column, it don't take a lot of time to check them because values are in memory.
If i try to find length of the string with more than 4000 char in SQL Developer it throws error "ORA-01704: string literal too long". if anything i need to SET in preference.
select length('string with more than 4000 char) from dual;
We have a huge table in production, with LONG column. We are trying to change its datatype to CLOB. The table has 120 Million records and is of 270 GB in size.
We tried using the oracle expdp/impdp option to try the conversion in our perf environment. With 32 parallels, the export completed in 1.5 hrs. However, the import took 13 hrs.
I also tried the to_lob option using inserts, it went on for 20 hrs and I killed the process. Are there any ways to improve the performance of LONG to CLOB conversion on huge tables? This is for a build. We are still in development. No risk of data loss. As part of the build, I drop the user,re-create it, re-create the objects. Allows us to test the build all the way through. Its our process. This user has some tables with several 1000 partitions. I ran a 10046 trace and oracle is using pl/sql to do loops to do DML against the data dictionary. Anyway to speed this up? I am going to turn off the recyclebin during the build and turn it back on. anything else I can do? Right now I just issue 'drop user cascade'. Part of is the weak hardware we have in the development/environment. Takes about 20 minutes just to run through this part of the script (the script has alot more pieces than this) and we do fairly frequent builds. I can't change the build process. My only option is to try to make this run a little faster.
I have a quite complex view that selects from approx 10 long tables (approx 4M records each) and build one "customer sentence" pre customer id. I will be always getting just one row from this view, eg. select * from my_view where party_id = XYZ. I'll NEVER EVER select the whole view.
The problem is that running a query: select * from my_view where party_id = XYZ takes really long time, while putting the party_id = XYZ condition directly into the view executes in 0.0 seconds.
After putting a ORDERED FIRST_ROWS(1) hint into a view the execution plans seems to be the same (or very similar) for both queries. Unfortunately, I can not transfer anything but screenshot from the environmnet - therefore I paste the exec plans as screenshots only - pls follow the link: [URL]...
View DDL: create or replace view my_view as select /*+ ORDERED FIRST_ROWS(1) */ pt.party_id pt.party_id as id_klienta_mdm, pt.master_reference_no as id_klienta_ref_mdm,
I got an exception when I was using sesame adapter to dump a turtle file which contains long texts as objects into oracle semantic database. The exception information is:
org.openrdf.repository.RepositoryException: org.openrdf.sail.SailException: java.sql.SQLException: ORA-01461: can bind a LONG value only for insert into a LONG column
ORA-06512: in "SF.ORACLE_ORARDF_ADDHELPER", line 1 ORA-06512: in line 1 at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CTTIoer.processError(T4CTTIoer.java:439) at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CTTIoer.processError(T4CTTIoer.java:395) at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4C8Oall.processError(T4C8Oall.java:802) ...
resolve problem with move lob objects ? I move table partition and lob (BLOB) from one tablespace to another :
alter table EBIF.APO_T_VER_DISP_ACC_RESP MOVE PARTITION P1M20120901 LOB(SIGNATURE_PATTERN) STORE AS (TABLESPACE tmp) t able EBIF.APO_T_VER_DISP_ACC_RESP MOVE PARTITION have : pbeb_ap1.SYS>select partition_name , tablespace_name from dba_lob_partitions where table_name='APO_T_VER_DISP_ACC_RESP';
I have the following situation. There are two selects in the which look like this
DB: Oracle 10i
MyFunction is relatively expensive and the second select works on a subset of the data considered in the first one (because of a.col2 > b.col3). For this reason I am looking for a way to do the job in only one update statement and compute MyFunction (a.x) only once per row.
My data warehouse application involves partitioned tables where indexes are originally unusable on the last partition and only built until the next partition is created. We have a query tool that our users use to query this table that has an option "include not indexed data", which is essentially telling the tool whether to include that last partition in the query. IF this is checked, and they are filtering against on of the indexed fields, there is the potential for an Oracle error stating it tried to use an unusable index so our tool basically builds the query like this:
select ... from ( select ... from table where partition_key < (last usable partition key) union select /*+ NO_INDEX */ ... from table where partition_key >= (last usable partition key) ) where index_field = :value
I have had a difficult time getting reasonable data to test this myself, so I'm asking the question here:
Is Oracle probably pushing that outer filter into the inner individual queries in the UNION? If we were to move the index_field filter into the inner query against each of the individual queries in the union, would it make a difference performance-wise?
I am looking for some tools for Performance analysis and optimization for Oracle. For now I looked over Spotlight, Ignite and Embarcadero DB Optimizer.
I have a Tablespace DP_TS_LOBS and i stores only secure file blobs in it. DP_TS_LOBS has only one datafile "LOB1.dbf" . I have RAMN optimization parameter on. I also have the backup of DP_TS_LOBS tablespace.
RMAN> backup tablespace dp_ts_lobs;
after storing few blobs the data file "LOB1.DBF" got full and added a new data file "LOB2.DBF". Few more BLOB's were stored to DP_TS_LOBS tablespace. Then I tried to backup the DP_TS_LOBS table space again, as expected both the data file were backed up as there were changes to both the datafile since last backup.
I was expecting with Optimization Parameter on, if RMAN has a datafile with same DBID, checkpoint SCN, creation SCN,RESETLOGS SCN,time already in the backup and data file is offline RMAN wont backup that data file again.
After few minutes with out performing any activities in the database, I put the "LOB1.DBF" to offline and executed the DP_TS_LOBS table space backup again but I still see RMAN backing up the both the data files.
I was closely monitoring the "CHECKPOINT_CHANGE#" and "CHECKPOINT_TIME" columns of v$datafile, the values for those columns changes for data files "LOB1.DBF" and "LOB2.DBF" when I execute backup tablespace command on DP_TS_LOBS even thought there was not any activity in the database to add or update or delete blob that are stored in DP_TS_LOBS table space.
Initially I thought it can be due to some unwritten committed blocks of dp_ts_lobs table space in the memory that got written to the datafiles while executing backup tablespace command and that why i saw the change in checkpoint scn and checkpoint time , but it keeps happening every time when I tried multiple times.
create table ACTIONARI_ARH ( actionar_id NUMBER(10) not null, id VARCHAR2(20) not null, id_2 VARCHAR2(20), tip VARCHAR2(1), nume VARCHAR2(100), prenume VARCHAR2(100), adresa VARCHAR2(200),
and this view
The table has about 30 milion records and holds persons names, addresses, personal id (id), and internal id(actionar_id) and date when a new adress has been added.
The view is about getting only the most recent info for one person (actionar_id).
if i run a
a) select * from actionari a where a.actionar_id = 'nnnnnnn', result is returned immediatly, oracle uses index and does not do a full table scan.
b) select * from actionari a where a.actionar_id in ('nnnnnnn','mmmmmm','ooooooo'), result is returned immediatly, oracle uses index and does not do a full table scan.
my problem when i use this view in a join.let's assume i have another table with no more than 500 records, something like
create table SMALL_TABLE ( actionar_id NUMBER(10) not null, ...... );
and if i run
select * from SMALL_TABLE s join actionari a on a.actionar_id = s.actionar_id;
it takes like forever to process, forever means 1~3 minutes.by looking at the execution plan, oracle does a full table scan, creates the view for all unique 7milion persons, and only then joins the result with the actionar_is's in the small table and returns the desired 500 record result.i am using oracle 10g.
I would like to know that if I enable backup Optimization on then incremental full backup skip any files which was earlier backup? Because we may know that backup Optimization on ensure skip those files which are already taken backup.
When I use the below code in my perl script (it is oracle database):
$query = "select a.sub_id, b.name from subscribertable a, invitationBin b where a.subscriberid=b.subscriberid"; $sth = $dbh->prepare($sub_query) or die "SELECT-Query failed";
everything is ok... and when I try to add a third table...
$query = "select a.sub_id, b.name, c.phone from subscribertable a, invitationBin b, personalDet c where a.subscriberid=b.subscriberid and b.subIdx=c.subIdx"; $sth = $dbh->prepare($sub_query) or die "SELECT-Query failed";
this fails... it seems like it doesnt let me add 3 tables in the SELECT query through perl script. The strange is that when I test this query with Oracle SQL Developer, it works fine...!
I'm having trouble with some SQL code regarding count and an outer join.
Here is my code.
SELECT o.salespersonid, Count(*) from salesperson s, Ord o Where s.salespersonid(+) = o.salespersonid Group By o.salespersonid;
Where salesperson is a salesperson table and ord is a table containing orders.
The orders table contains a FK to salespersonid in the salesperson table.
I want it to return all salespersons along with the amount of orders they are on. It works but does not show the ones that do not appear on any orders hence the outer join.
I am working on the following SQL select and I am having a mental block on how to get it fixed. I have two tables that I need to match on the codes in each table. If there is a just one record in Table1 with the same code as one record in table2 and both the date and name match then dont output those two records. Output all records if there are more than 1 record with the same code in each table. Below is some example data that is representive of a sample in the two tables and how the output should look based on that data:
Table1 code date name aaaa 1/1/2003 billy bob bbbb 2/2/2004 louis lewis cccc 3/3/2005 joe crab dddd 4/4/2006 mary little eeee 5/5/2007 joe black
Table2 code date name aaaa 2/2/2004 larry cole aaaa 3/3/2005 nat king bbbb 2/2/2004 louis lewis cccc 3/3/2005 joe crab cccc 6/6/2008 dennis jackson dddd 7/7/2009 missy muffet dddd 5/5/2007 joe black eeee 8/8/2010 elton rocket
desired output results from select
aaaa 1/1/2003 billy bob aaaa 2/2/2004 larry cole aaaa 1/1/2003 billy bob aaaa 3/3/2005 nat king cccc 3/3/2005 joe crab cccc 3/3/2005 joe crab cccc 3/3/2005 joe crab cccc 6/6/2008 dennis jackson dddd 4/4/2006 mary little dddd 7/7/2009 missy muffet dddd 4/4/2006 mary little dddd 7/7/2009 missy muffet eeee 5/5/2007 joe black eeee 8/8/2010 elton rocket
Here is the select that I have so far:
select table1.rowid, table1_code, table1_date, table1_name, table2.rowid, table2_code, table2_date, table2_name from table1, table2 where table1_code= table2_code order by table1_code;
The above select gives me all records just fine, but does not eliminate single records that match. I tried using the Count(table1_code) > 1 and table2 code but I get a message about inproper grouping.
I have had a google around and can't seem to find an answer as to how do do the following Select statement. i am wanting to Select the following fields from across multiple tables.
I created a user and granted connect,resource priviliges. I gave access to this user for only 5 tables. when i check it later, other tables are also given access. How can i avoid this and give access to selected tables.
How does one select * from one table without selecting * from other tables that are included in a query? For example, if in the query below I want to view all fields in some_table, but not the fields from other_table, how do it?
select * from some_table st, other_table ot where st.id = ot.id
User1 is having 10000 tables in his schema...How can i grant "select" on a all tables of a user1 to another schema(user2) so that in future when user1 will create tables , the user2 will have "select" access on those tables automatically.
I dont want user2 to have "select any table" privillege.
User2 should not have "drop" privillege on his own tables.
i am trying to left join a selection of two or more tables. what i have found, and solved part of my problem, is that oracle left joins only the last table in the select statement ...
i.e : select * from A, B left join C on C.id = A.id wouldn't work because left join applies to B and not A.
but as my queries grow i need to make something as follows :
select * from A, B left join C on (C.ID_A = A.ID and C.ID_B = B.ID) [... evantually more left joins as the preceding one may go here]
this query works for DB2 but Oracle claims that "A"."ID" is an invalid identifier, while the B.ID is recognized since it's the last table stated before the "LEFT JOIN" keyword.