I have two tables A and B. In table A there is a field which contains a string of 20 characters; this essentially holds 5 codes of 4 characters each.
Table B is a reference table. It holds the 4 character code and the description.
I am trying to run a select query to bring back the description of the code for the first 2 codes in table A but i am not sure how to bring back the descriptions! The below is what i am trying to achieve.
I have a reference number of application number which is sent to 3 different address as outward number . for example application number is intimated to the office , the employee and the treasury. this number is generated as follows
P/11/10/133 P/11/10/133A P/11/10/133B
in my outward report when i run it all three numbers are getting listed.
i want only P/11/10/133 to be listed and ignore the rest of the two. i tried to use SUBSTR(INOUT_NO,9), but it reads only from the left gives me only the number ie 133, 133A and 133B. i tried rtrim and ltrim but it only clears the extra space. how do i ignore the other two dispatch numbers.
I need to substr the transaction number which starts with PIT to susbst (trxno,1,12) .. and anything other than PIT i need full number without substr . But when i use the above code :" susbstr(trxno,1,12) ..": it will substr entire column,. Is there any way to substr only PIT and leave others,
In a not normalized table loaded with data from an excel file, I have a column containing a long string with many carriage returns so that after each of them it begins a new string I have to manipulate. I mean, in the column PERSON I've got something like this:
PERSON _______ Jonh Taylor Software developer ...
Of course I have to write a Pl/Sql procedure extracting each string and I know that each string ends with a carriage return chr(13)||chr(10)
I think I should use the INSTR built-in function but I it'd be useful whether some of you had something ready.
How to select a substring in oracle up to a more than one specific characterfor ex : 121.051^NP: FAMILY PRACTICE ( trim the values before ^ ) 121.051^*NP: FAMILY PRACTICE (trim the value before *). with below function I can only get rid of ^ , I want both the specific characters ^ and ^* to be removed at the same time.
i have a column full name which has the name of customer in both English and Sanskrit alphabets. I need to susbtring only the English name and exclude the Sanskrit name .
I have a need to use the Alias name of a column within the same select statement( because I can't have another select statement using the first select as table - BO tool limitation).
Select dept_id, agency, sum(quantity) as "sum_qty" where sum_qty > 500;
Currently oracle won't allow using alias name Sum_qty in the same select statement. Is there a way to use alias within the same select statement?
Table Two TableTwoId Name 1 Jones 2 Smith 3 Edwards 4 Camden
My SQL to fetch all records with Smith works great:
select Name from TableTwo Inner Join TableOne on TableTwo.TableTwoId in (TableOne.pocOne, TableOne.pocTwo) where Name = 'Smith'
Now I need to create an alias for the Name field. Here is my attempt:
select myAliasName from TableTwo Inner Join TableOne on TableTwo.TableTwoId in (TableOne.pocOne, TableOne.pocTwo), (select Name as myAliasName from TableTwo) where myAliasName = 'Smith'
This attempt pulls up all the records instead of just Smith records. How I can create an alias for the Name field in my above query?
We have a query which uses start by and connect with method. this query works fine in our earlier version 10. But when we migrated to 11g, we are facing problem with the query.
Scenario 1: ------------ There is a table in Schema 1 and created a view for the same.
Table : create table alias_test1 ( A varchar2(10),B varchar(10),C varchar2(20),D varchar2(40), E varchar2(10),F number(1)); View: create or replace view alias_vw1 as select A, B,C,D, E,F from alias_test1
Values : Insert into A.ALIAS_TEST1 (A, B, C, D, E, F) Values ('Block1', '136', 'TOTBANK', 'Total Bank', ' ', 1); Insert into A.ALIAS_TEST1 (A, B, C, D, E, F) Values ('Block2', '136', 'PPRSEGHKB', 'HKB', 'TOTBANK', 2);
Now in the schema B, created a synonym for the view to access. create synonym alias_vw1 for alias_vw1@link.world
In a query can we have the same alias for more than 1 table as in the following example
Select C.ContractNum, B.Billnum, B.Billamt,A. From Contractmaster C, Billdetails B, Address A, Currencymaster c, Where B.billtype = 1 and C.Contractnum = B.Contractnum and C.customerref = A.Customerref and c.currencycode ='EUR'
In the above query, Table Contractmaster has an alias C --in capitals while table Currencymaster has an alias c - in small caps ...
Is this possible in Oracle 11g ? Also i found that the table Currencymaster has no Join conditions I executed the query, without any errors!
I am getting [Error] PLS-00402 (182: 1): PLS-00402: alias required in SELECT list of cursor to avoid duplicate column names error in my SP.I have created alias for each column and still i am getting the error.
I have a table where i need to update one field values based on another field of the same table , simply as it is.I have done this using one select all check box , on clicking that all check boxes of item_trans table will get selected , then i will un select some of check box and then using one button, i will update the value of the fields which are checked only.
I have put the sample code but when i am updating its taking long time and hanging.I am also attaching the form based on the test case provided.
insert into item_trans(TRANS_ITEM,TRANS_QTY,TRANS_ACT_QTY) VALUES ('TREE1',40,NULL); insert into item_trans(TRANS_ITEM,TRANS_QTY,TRANS_ACT_QTY) VALUES ('TREE2',20,NULL); insert into item_trans(TRANS_ITEM,TRANS_QTY,TRANS_ACT_QTY) VALUES ('TREE3',20,NULL);
--i want to set the value of trans_Act_qty as trans_qty
--i create one dummy or test block to keep the select all check box. for that table test script is
insert into test (C,B,A) values ('A',1,1);
--code written in select all check box which is created on test.block.
BEGIN GO_BLOCK('item_trans'); FIRST_RECORD; LOOP :M_END_YN := :M_END_ALL; [code].......
--code written in M_END_YN ( actual check boxes where i will uncheck).
--code written on button to update those values which are checked.
BEGIN GO_BLOCK('item_trans'); FIRST_RECORD; LOOP IF :M_END_YN = 'Y' THEN [code]......
During a duplicate process to a new database name, rman crashed after the restore but before the switch datafile all.So now, we have under ASM the data files under the correct (new) diskgroup but v$datafile contains the previous names (and so diskgroup) and v$datafile_header is empty. RMAN is completly lost, our solution is to manually rename each file under SQL*Plus using ALTER DATABASE RENAME FILE. Unfortunately, we are using or migrating to OMF, so file names are meaningless and we are unable to associate ASM files with database files.
Any way (query or anything else) to associate the ASM files to the database files. Here's an abstract of what we have for one (small) tablespace:
ASMCMD [+ORAXQG1_L136_DG1/ORAXPG1/DATAFILE] > ls -l N47CAW* Type Redund Striped Time Sys Name DATAFILE UNPROT COARSE NOV. 12 10:00:00 Y N47CAW1.276.799152039 DATAFILE UNPROT COARSE NOV. 12 10:00:00 Y N47CAW1.318.799151641 SQL> select file#, name from v$datafile where ts#=17 2 / [code]...
What i wnat is to update the Customer_inactive_date with the Incative_date field from Customer_type based on their Customer_type... So james and Jill would have their rows updated in this scneario ..How can i achive this in pl/Sql
I have teh code using merge function..I want something in traditional old fashion..
The first problem I want to solve is to convert the application ID in an url to an Alias name eg: helpdesk for an help desk application. Instead of referencing the apex application by id, I want to type the alias name on the url. example url: [URL]: I want this to be [URL]
I have bills and payments for a customer, a customer may make many payments against 1 bill. I want to figure out the time taken from bill issue date to the time the balance of the customer falls to less then 10% of the most recent bill.I have managed to compute the running balance for the customer
So something like: DATE AMT BILL_AMT BILL_DATE BALANCE 6-Oct-11 38533 38533 6-Oct-11 38533 20-Sep-12 -6000 0 6-Dec-11 78552 78552 6-Dec-11 78552 [code]....
But I need to know when the running balance falls beneath 10% of the previous bill.
I thought a way to do this would be to keep the same bill amount in the BILL_AMT column until the BILL_AMT is not null which means that a new bill has been issued.
I can't use LAG because the number of records I am going back by increases by 1 for each row where the BILL_AMT is null.I also can't use a running total because I don't want the total for all of the records for the customer, just the total (i.e. the bill amount and all intervening nulls (which would be the bill amount)) since the last bill?
i.e. how can I keep the same value in a field as long as the values in that field are null and then adopt a new value when there is a non-null value?