SQL> ed
Wrote file afiedt.buf
1 begin
2 for i in 3159572060..3159572274 loop
3 insert into recmsisdn(msisdn)
4 values(i);
5 end loop;
6* end;
7 /
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-01426: numeric overflow
ORA-06512: at line 2
I am writing a query and the query is resulting in Numeric Overflow.
(power((Trlg_5Yr_Anl_Ror_Pt/100+1),5)-1)*100 AS Trlg_5Yr_Cum_Ror_Pt
FROM Cdp where .... and .....
In this above query,the power function is throwing error. Since the value in the column "Trlg_5Yr_Anl_Ror_Pt" is very big,applying power function is throwing Numeric Error. What can I do to handle this?
IN TABLE Cdp,column "Trlg_5Yr_Anl_Ror_Pt" is defined as NUMBER. Will Changin it to FLOAT resolve the issue.
when i am executing the procedure, i am getting the below error.
I have added below lines in the procedure.
Even though i am getting the error.
ORA-20000: ORU-10027: buffer overflow, limit of 100000 bytes ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_OUTPUT", line 32 ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_OUTPUT", line 97 ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_OUTPUT", line 112 ORA-06512: at "Procedure name", line 199 ORA-06512: at line 1 20000. 00000 - "%s"
*Cause: The stored procedure 'raise_application_error' was called which causes this error to be generated.
*Action: Correct the problem as described in the error message or contact the application administrator or DBA for more information.
I have a requirement in which I have to append LOBs and I have to insert the LOB into a table column. I am facing problem when the data exceeds certain limit. (please note that my program logic is given below, not the exact program)
when the looping is done for lesser value say for e.g FOR i IN 1..10 loop, the program works fine, but when the looping is done for more values I am getting "-6502-ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error" error message.
create or replace package pckname is Procedure VALIDATE_USER(p out credentials.pc%TYPE, u in credentials.uc%TYPE, c in credentials.sc%TYPE); end pckname;
SQL> BEGIN 2 NCOTE.OTEGENERATOR; 3 END; 4 / BEGIN * ERROR at line 1: ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character string buffer too small ORA-06512: at "GENEVA_ADMIN.NCOTE", line 3 ORA-06512: at line 2
I must be trying to do a select or put some other value into a variable that is too small. The Odd thing is that when I run the stored procedure again (as long as I don't exit from sqlplus)...
why the process is successful the second (or third, etc) call from the sqlplus but not the first. If I exit sqlplus and then start it again, once more I get the error again.
I have wrote a Stored Procedure Function that get all the rows from a Staging Table and assigns it to a CLOB and returns the CLOB. The issue is I'm getting the dreaded
ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error ORA-06512: at "F_CLOB_TEST", line 21 ORA-06512: at line 7
The error does not occur when I remove the 'PRC_ID', 'S_FIL_NAME' & 'exportDt' from the query. It works fine. The PRC_ID has data such as "700$702$7 05$706$707$708$709$710$711$712$713$714$715$294404$294405$294407$294408$294409$294410"
and S_FIL_NAM is the same for all columns - "SBENE_FILID810-2010-04-07-10.59.17"
The query returns 829 rows. Also I have to include a few more columns in the query which have data larger than the 'PRC_ID', but I have not included them here in the sample code, as this code by itself returns the ORA-6502 error.
create or replace FUNCTION "F_CLOB_TEST" (job_id in Number) return clob is c_clob clob; [code]....
SQL> declare 2 TYPE id_collection is TABLE of number(6); 3 TYPE ename_collection is TABLE of varchar2(20); 4 id ID_COLLECTION; 5 ename ENAME_COLLECTION; 6 cursor c is select empid,name from Nemp; 7 begin 8 open c; 9 loop
Here sub_Nemp is my new table in which i have to insert the values from Nemp old table.Both tables are same like below:-
when I want to create a table.When I run my procedure I received : PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character string buffer too small
create or replace PROCEDURE p_create_tmp_tables (p_result OUT NUMBER ) IS string_sql varchar2(1000); result NUMBER; BEGIN string_sql := 'CREATE TABLE TMP_CATEGORIES (CODE_CATEGORY NUMBER(6,0), NAME_CATEGORY VARCHAR2(25 BYTE))'; execute immediate string_sql; [code]...
and getting this error ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: NULL index table key value
the code where it is inserting and getting out of it values is:
IF vt_Prs_Code_Ipr.COUNT <> 0 THEN IF vt_Ist_Code_Ipr(1) IS NOT NULL THEN IF vr_data.insurance_kind = 'B' THEN
Im running script at PL/SQL Developer and using debugger, i see that it's inserting dates but at some point between point till it returns no dates :/ basically it needs to stop at and in form need return date 02.02.1996, but it returns 01.01.1996 + gives that ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: NULL index table key value
edit: vt_SnpStartDate(v_Idx)is 01.01.1996 vt_SnpEndDate(v_Idx) is 31.12.1996 vt_prd_tbl(v_Idx2).Start_Date is 01.01.1996 vt_prd_tbl(v_Idx2).End_Date is 01.02.1996
at p. it shows that there is no date in vt_prd_tbl(v_Idx2).Start_Date and is returning ora error, why?
I got a string in the form 1+2+4.If we write select 1+2+4 from dual;then we get o/p as 7.but the same thing iam trying to do in a bit of pl/sql program by passing the string 1+2+4 value to a number variable as below.
TASK6_STATUS value is 1+2+4 (this thing i got by replacing the string and lots of stuff) but i need the result after adding these 3 numbers in the string. and i declare COUNT_TASK as NUMBER;and i am very well aware that it gives me the error ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character to number conversion error
how to add these numbers in my program to get the result 7.
begin -- Initialize owa with an empty array, just so we can use htp. owa.init_cgi_env( param_val=>owa.cgi_var_name ); -- Add a header to avoid dealing with header-related code in htp. htp.prn('Content-Type:text/plain'); htp.print('');
The error I am getting is
ERROR at line 1: ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character string buffer too small ORA-06512: at "SYS.HTP", line 1550 ORA-06512: at line 32
what i feel is that oracle Database UTF8 or AL32UTF8 characterset does not support htp package properly. When i run the code on another characterset, it runs errorfree except in UTF8 or AL32UTF8.
ORA-06502 numeric or value error: character string buffer too small ORA-06512 itw_item_add_ch at line 17
CREATE OR REPLACE procedure itw_item_add_ch (header_id1 number, folio out varchar2,tariff out varchar2) as cursor item_add(header_id1 number) is SELECT DISTINCT c.attribute4 item_tariff_no, c.attribute5 item_folio FROM OE_ORDER_LINES_ALL b,
Following are my declarations and query inside my procedure.i am getting "ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character string buffer too smal" error when i try to execute the procedure
I am learning pl/sql and this is procedure i had created which got created successfully.then i created two variables name v_name, v_loc with command.
variable v_name varchar2; etc. and executed procedure like execute dept_proc2(10, :v_name, :v_loc); and i am getting the error
ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character string buffer too small
1 create or replace procedure dept_proc2 2 (v_dno in number, v_name out varchar2, v_loc out varchar2) 3 is 4 cursor dept_cur is select dname, loc from dept 5 where deptno=v_dno; [code]...
Actually I have an existing table in LOG RAW instead of BLOB. Which stores some transaction XML data. The data is very huge. When i trying with the following, gives me following error
SQL> declare 2 a varchar(255); 3 B LONG RAW; 4 cursor c1 is select xml FROM LOG_tab WHERE ID='13148' ; 5 begin 6 open c1; 7 loop 8 fetch c1 into b ;
ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character string buffer too small ORA-06512: at line 10
Since dbms_output.put_line has buffer limitation.Can we write the result of a select statement into client LOCAL disk files using PL/SQL.
While running by run script to perform few DMLs - im getting the ORA-06502 - PL/SQL:numeric or value error: host bind array too small.i ve put the server output off and then ON to clear the cache.Still same issue.
I am getting an error as below ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character string buffer too small.
Here is complete code
CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE MDI.ACCUM_STRING_TYPE2 AS OBJECT ( rvalue VARCHAR2 (32767 STATIC FUNCTION odciaggregateinitialize (sctx IN OUT accum_string_type2) RETURN NUMBER
I have an sqlldr process running loading data into my database. I have created a trigger to run before inserts on each row to start gathering summary data from the basic underlying data. The trigger compiles ok and the procedures the trigger is calling compile ok, but when the sqlldr process runs I get errors in the log files.
Here is the sqlldr control file:
Next is my trigger
Next are the procedures that are called by the trigger:
The error messages I am getting are:
Record 1: Rejected - Error on table CDR.DAY_TABLES, column CDREND. ORA-01858: a non-numeric character was found where a numeric was expected ORA-06512: at "CDR.BNUMBER_SUMMARY_INS", line 6 ORA-04088: error during execution of trigger 'CDR.BNUMBER_SUMMARY_INS'
I need to find out what field it is complaining about, especially since I am not even using the cdrend field from the input record?
Trying to learn and understand Triggers, PL/SQL code, etc. When I execute a simple insert using Toad for Oracle, all is fine. When I try the identical insert in SQL*Plus, it throws error ORA-06502 during execution of the trigger.
Here is the error info:
insert into AAAJOB(PROCEDURENAME,DESCRIPTION) VALUES('OOO','PPP') * ERROR at line 1: ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character string buffer too small ORA-06512: at "PMSC0.AAAJOB_TIMING", line 10 ORA-04088: error during execution of trigger 'PMSC0.AAAJOB_TIMING' ===
I am running script which drop all public synonyms and create private synonyms for all eligible objects. I am passing value to procedure through cursor and I am using dbms_output.
ERROR at line 1: ORA-20000: ORU-10027: buffer overflow, limit of 999999 bytes ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_OUTPUT", line 32 ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_OUTPUT", line 97 ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_OUTPUT", line 112 ORA-06512: at line 101
I read that by: SET SERVEROUTPUT ON SIZE unlimited would resolve this problem.
What are the effects?Do I need to check any disk space, or any effect on the memory?