I have a table with products (xPRODUCT), dates (xDATE) and parameters (xPARAMETER). Now I want to calculate the rolling 12 month average of the parameters over all products for all dates. I tried this:
select xDATE,
avg(xPARAMETER) over ( order by xDATE
range between numtodsinterval(365,'day')
preceding and current row )
how to calculate the average of the time in th e HH:MM:SS format stored database table.. column contains hundreds of time values and need to table the avergae of it
my col look like,and column is declared as timestamp(6).
MY COL ------ 1:13:00 1:06:00 0:43:00 0:47:00 0:32:00 0:19:00 0:39:00 0:46:00 0:56:00 1:39:00
How To Calculate Average in Forms 6i for example a summary column named (Amount = 5000) and i want to calculate 15% average of this amount i want to calculate it like summary column .
Serial no exp_Date exp_type exp_amount 1 01-nov-2012 Rent 10000 2 02-nov-2012 gas 250 3 02-nov-2012 insurance 9500 . . .
I want to create a sql output for a yearly view in the format
exp_type JAN FEB MAR APR ..... NOV DEC TOTAL AVERAGE PROJECTED Rent 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 120000 10000 120000 gas 250 250 250 250 250 250 3000 250 3000 . .
Now a couple of things in this
1. the average gives the average for the year, so lets say its start of 2013 and we are in feb, there will not be any values for the remaining months, so it should do the average for that exp_type for Jan and Feb based on the exp_amount entered against that type and show what is the expected average. Similary, projected will that average amount and mulitply it by 12 to show the exp amount expected based on current expenses
I was able to come up with the following sql to get the sum based on months, was not sure about average, total and projected
SELECT exp_type , SUM (CASE WHEN to_char(exp_date,'Mon') = 'Jan' THEN exp_amt END) AS Jan , SUM (CASE WHEN to_char(exp_date,'Mon') = 'Feb' THEN exp_amt END) AS feb , SUM (CASE WHEN to_char(exp_date,'Mon') = 'Mar' THEN exp_amt END) AS Mar , SUM (CASE WHEN to_char(exp_date,'Mon') = 'Apr' THEN exp_amt END) AS Apr , SUM (CASE WHEN to_char(exp_date,'Mon') = 'May' THEN exp_amt END) AS May
getting the correct avg, total and projected fields also in the same sql?
,I've some database in 11.2 RAC on AIX.I was analyzing the root causes of eviction.Looking AWR Report before the reboot I see:
DB1 Host CPU (CPUs: 6 Cores: 3 Sockets: )~~~~~~~~ Load Average Begin End %User %System %WIO %Idle --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- 4.18 12.33 60.9 12.6 1.6 26.5 Instance CPU~~~~~~~~~~~~ % of total CPU for Instance: 27.4 % of busy CPU for Instance: 37.3 %DB time waiting for CPU - Resource Mgr: 10.6 DB2 Host CPU (CPUs: 6 Cores: 3 Sockets: )~~~~~~~~ Load Average Begin End %User %System %WIO %Idle --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- 3.77 13.93 60.7 12.5 1.6 26.7 Instance CPU~~~~~~~~~~~~ % of total CPU for Instance: 6.9 % of busy CPU for Instance: 9.5 %DB time waiting for CPU - Resource Mgr: 0.0
Do you think these value ar high? This is vmstats at the time of reboot:
How can i write a query so that i takes the average of students in each room and display the output? I need to write a query so that it also picks up any new rooms and students added. Average is sum of total students in room by number of times each room is specified.
eg: A1 is listed 3 times a the result would be 10+20+15 divided by 3.
I have to procedure that computes number of project, and average working hours of employees where employee id is passed as a parameter to the procedure. If the average working hours is less than 10 then employee's salary remain the same, otherwise check if number of project is less than 4 then 5% of salary, else 10% of salary is added to the salary.
I want to write a sql qeuery to get result similar to expected average column as shown in sheet.
Record can be uniquely identified by columns ID, PRODUCT and OFFICE. I want to calculate average for each date considering the same record does not exists earlier i.e. I want to consider the latest vote while calculating average. E.g.
Average till date 1/1/2011 is Avg (2, 4, 3) = 3 (as no repeating vote value exists) Average till date 2/1/2011 is Avg (4, 3, 5, 3) = 3.75 (excluding vote value 2 as 122_UK_LONDON was provided his vote earlier, so considered latest vote value i.e. 5) Average till date 3/1/2011 is Avg (3, 5, 3, 6, 5, 8 ) = 5 (excluding vote value 2 for 122_UK_LONDON and vote value 4 for 967_Europe_London)
I need to calcaulate the salary avarage for three days prior, leaving the current row. That should happen to every row moving back words.I have given all the details.
create table Employee( ID VARCHAR2(4 BYTE) NOT NULL, name varchar(20), Start_Date DATE, Salary Number(8,2), mv_avg number(8,2) [code]....
I want to convert this query to just return a single line for -cidterr.rnam, cidterr.rnum, cidterr.tnam, cidterr.tnum
With an average sum by week. Similar to how if I did a sum by week from the original query and placed the results into an excel pivot and said show total as average.
Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production PL/SQL Release - Production "CORE Production" TNS for HPUX: Version - Production NLSRTL Version - Production
I have a problem related with hierarchical queries, I have this tree. - a / b c / | d e fI need to calculate an average per node but using always the child's results for example: Only leafs will have values:
d = 10 e = 20 f = 30 c = 40So the expected result is: d = 10 e = 20 f = 30 c = 40 b = (10(d) + 20(e) + 30(f)) / 3 (number of child nodes) = 20 a = (20(b) + 40(c)) / 2 (number of child nodes) = 30.
I have tried with recursive queries, hierarchical queries, I guess it's possible with model too but I can't produce the exact results that I need. Maybe in fact there is a very simple solution but I cannot figure it.
Here is an auxiliary WITH that you can use to start your tests: WITH tree AS ( SELECT 'd' child, 'b' parent FROM dual UNION ALL SELECT 'e' child, 'b' parent FROM dual UNION ALL SELECT 'f' child, 'b' parent FROM dual UNION ALL SELECT 'b' child, 'a' parent FROM dual UNION ALL SELECT 'c' child, 'a' parent FROM dual UNION ALL SELECT 'a' child, null parent FROM dual [code]....
I've got values for each workday of month in table. Chief said we don't load values of weekend because of space and time economy. Weekend value is copy of last workday. How do I count average for month in this case? Technical task in Excel worksheet consist of each day of month, so average value is 14 689 262,86. I should get the same result in my query. My example below shows values, 0 is workday (present in table), 1 is weekend (absent in table)..
select 12230427, 0 from dual union all select 11960157, 0 from dual union all select 12965902, 0 from dual union all select 13939736, 0 from dual
My problem is only on Some Saturday's my Oracle server's Load average goes high (more than 300 ).
-- oracle version -- runs on Sun solaris 10 -- Sun fire V 440 -- Sun storEdge 3315 connected to the server.
Same setup is working find with higher volumes without any problem but only on saturday's, that too not on all saturdays, some specific saturdays the load average goes high.
At the time nothing will be processed from the application side and the cpu utilisation goes high upto 95 %.
I am sending necessary information as follows.
vmstat 6 10 kthr memory page disk faults cpu r b w swap free re mf pi po fr de sr s0 s1 s3 s4 in sy cs us sy id 3 0 0 28660024 6513408 285 212 2044 2 2 0 0 0 17 0 42 830 3469 1380 22 5 74 125 0 0 29027480 6156256 2 6 34 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 10 791 53770 30278 83 17 0 125 0 0 29027680 6157496 29 140 21 1 1 0 0 0 5 0 9 786 52756 30309 83 17 0 116 0 0 29031600 6159896 24 125 0 0 0 0 0 7 3 0 5 819 54081 31069 83 17 0
I´m monitoring a 11g database with OEM. I have a couple of questions regarding the Average Active Sessions chart:
- What does the line 'CPU core' means? The DB is running in a virtual server with 8 CPUs. However, the line 'CPU core' is in 1. Does it mean that Oracle is just using 1 CPU? - What represents the '99th percentile' line? The chart shows several sessions above that line, something is not working well, isn't it?
When I try to extract the date tag value from XML data, the time stored in 20120602153021 format i.e., YYYYMMDD24HHMISS format. The following statement extracts only date as 02-JUN-12 however do not extract the time part.
If I try the same in SQLplus with to_date it works however fails in PL/SQL.
XML data: <?xml version="1.0"?> <RECORD> <REGTIMESTAMP>20120601130010</REGTIMESTAMP> </RECORD>
PL/SQL Extract:
CURSOR c_xml_record IS SELECT extract(value(d), '//ACTIVATIONTS/text()').getStringVal() AS REGTIMESTAMP, FROM t_xml_data x, [code].......
I have one inline view query which shows exec\ fetch : 2 sec\ 19 sec It gives 500 rows as final out put, when i give rownum<100 it shows exec\ fetch : 1 sec\ 000 sec, and i cannot use this rownum< 100 alternative as this is inline subquery of big query.
I Have three field and first field for START TIME ,Second END TIME & Third DURATION AND Putting START TIME AND END TIME i am getting duration in minutes by using code
I have a table which stores apointment start times and appointment end times. For the sake of this thread I will call them appt.start_time and appt.end_time. I then have a check in time and a check out time for the customer. The only thing is they ONLY way to distinguish between a check in time and a check out time is which one has the earlier time and which one has the later time. Obviously the earlier time will be the check and the later time will be the check out.
This is fine, however sometimes they may forget to check a person in or out and I need to determine whether the time should be insert into the check_in column or the check_out column. To do this I was thinking of comparing the time with the appointment start and end time and if it was closer to the appointment start time put it into the check_in column and if its closer to the appointment end time put it into the check_out column. But I was wondering how I would go about doing this.
The time I will want to compare against the appointment start and end time I will store in a variable called v_time and have this as part of my query, im just unsure of what way to write the query so as to check if the time is closer to the start or end time.
select asl1.agentsessionid, asl1.endtime, asl2.starttime, 127 as agentstatus from ( select asl1.agentsessionid as sessionid1, min(asl2.agentsessionid) as sessionid2 from cti.agentsessionlog asl1
As you can see from my where statement I want to compare the endtime with the startime. This query returns zero results. Is there a way to write the where statement different so I can have results?
My time zone has the offset of 2 hrs during summer and 1 hr during winter.If I want Oracle to tell me what was offset for particular day for example I want to know the offset for February 01, 2010 and August 01, 2010, is it possible?
I have an application in which time is show as . But, in the table in Oracle it is showing as 13:00. The application is taking the time from OS. OS time is 18:30 IST. Time in SYSDATE is also showing as 18:30. DBTIMEZONE is '+5:30'. what is the problem in Database and how that can be rectified to show the time as same as OS time.
We have a Oracle 10g database with RAC and Dataguard. When we look at the AWR report, the wait time shown by Oracle for this database is very high.
Service Time : 15.36% Wait Time : 84.64%
This would imply Oracle is waiting for resources 85% of the time and only processing SQL queries during 15% of its non-idle time. However when we check the OS (RHEL), the iowait is only about 10% and the CPU is 80% idle. This means that that processing horsepower is available.
As such, the results between the OS and Oracle database (AWR report) seems contradictory. OS says we have CPU/IO capacity, however Oracle says we don't.
I'm using Oracle 11g and I have a bunch of indexes and I want to check if they are being used. I just ran my workloads and now I want to see when each one was last used so I can see if it was during my timeframe or not.
After I ran my test, I found the below, but since I did not enable this, plus I have many indexes.
--Monitor an index to see if it's used alter index SAMPLE_INDEX monitoring usage; select * from v$object_usage where index_name = 'SAMPLE_INDEX'; alter index SAMPLE_INDEX nomonitoring usage;