SQL & PL/SQL :: Time Not Getting Captured?

Jun 17, 2010

I have an issue while converting Date. I need to compare the Time Captured while comparing Dates,

find the following scenario,

SELECT TO_CHAR(ffdh.last_update_datetime,'DD-MON-RR-HH24:MI:SS') TIME_STAMP ,
to_date(ffdh.last_update_datetime,'DD-MON-RR-HH24:MI:SS') DATES ,
ffdh.fiscal_doc_id INVOICE_ID


Note That ffdh.last_update_datetime is DATE, and the Parameter for the value '17-JUN-10-01:30:17' is VARCHAR2

I suspect when I am doing to_date above both are converting only to Date and not having Time.

I checked the NLS_DATE_FORMAT as following,

SQL> show parameter nls_date_format

------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------
nls_date_format string DD-MON-RR

Do I need to Change the NLS_DATE_FORMAT ?

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JDeveloper, Java & XML :: Date Time Omits Time Part

Jun 4, 2012

When I try to extract the date tag value from XML data, the time stored in 20120602153021 format i.e., YYYYMMDD24HHMISS format. The following statement extracts only date as 02-JUN-12 however do not extract the time part.

If I try the same in SQLplus with to_date it works however fails in PL/SQL.

XML data:
<?xml version="1.0"?>

PL/SQL Extract:

CURSOR c_xml_record
SELECT extract(value(d), '//ACTIVATIONTS/text()').getStringVal() AS REGTIMESTAMP,
FROM t_xml_data x,

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How To Set Interval Time 4hrs In Dbms_jobs But Starting Time 3:00 Am

Jul 25, 2013

how to set interval time every 4hrs in dbms_jobs but starting time 3.00am.

i am set trunc(sysdate)+4/24. but it will take starting at 12.00,4.00,.....in this way..

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Fetch Time Greater Than Execute Time?

Dec 27, 2010

I have one inline view query which shows exec\ fetch : 2 sec\ 19 sec It gives 500 rows as final out put, when i give rownum<100 it shows exec\ fetch : 1 sec\ 000 sec, and i cannot use this rownum< 100 alternative as this is inline subquery of big query.

What does this exec and Fetch time is?

How to improve fetch time, (esp with sub-query) ?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Get End Time By Query Between Start Time And Duration

Jun 16, 2013

I Have three field and first field for START TIME ,Second END TIME & Third DURATION AND Putting START TIME AND END TIME i am getting duration in minutes by using code


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PL/SQL :: How To Check If Time Is Closer To Start Or End Time

Jan 31, 2013

I have a table which stores apointment start times and appointment end times. For the sake of this thread I will call them appt.start_time and appt.end_time. I then have a check in time and a check out time for the customer. The only thing is they ONLY way to distinguish between a check in time and a check out time is which one has the earlier time and which one has the later time. Obviously the earlier time will be the check and the later time will be the check out.

This is fine, however sometimes they may forget to check a person in or out and I need to determine whether the time should be insert into the check_in column or the check_out column. To do this I was thinking of comparing the time with the appointment start and end time and if it was closer to the appointment start time put it into the check_in column and if its closer to the appointment end time put it into the check_out column. But I was wondering how I would go about doing this.

The time I will want to compare against the appointment start and end time I will store in a variable called v_time and have this as part of my query, im just unsure of what way to write the query so as to check if the time is closer to the start or end time.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Oracle - Compare End-time With The Start-time?

Jun 7, 2010

. I have this query:

select asl1.agentsessionid, asl1.endtime, asl2.starttime, 127 as agentstatus
select asl1.agentsessionid as sessionid1, min(asl2.agentsessionid) as sessionid2
from cti.agentsessionlog asl1


As you can see from my where statement I want to compare the endtime with the startime. This query returns zero results. Is there a way to write the where statement different so I can have results?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Find Time Offset For Given Time

Sep 23, 2010

My time zone has the offset of 2 hrs during summer and 1 hr during winter.If I want Oracle to tell me what was offset for particular day for example I want to know the offset for February 01, 2010 and August 01, 2010, is it possible?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Database To Show Time As OS Time

Jul 4, 2011

I have an application in which time is show as . But, in the table in Oracle it is showing as 13:00. The application is taking the time from OS. OS time is 18:30 IST. Time in SYSDATE is also showing as 18:30. DBTIMEZONE is '+5:30'. what is the problem in Database and how that can be rectified to show the time as same as OS time.

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AWR Report Shows Wait Time Is High But OS Shows Wait Time As Normal

Oct 2, 2012

We have a Oracle 10g database with RAC and Dataguard. When we look at the AWR report, the wait time shown by Oracle for this database is very high.

Service Time : 15.36%
Wait Time : 84.64%

This would imply Oracle is waiting for resources 85% of the time and only processing SQL queries during 15% of its non-idle time. However when we check the OS (RHEL), the iowait is only about 10% and the CPU is 80% idle. This means that that processing horsepower is available.

As such, the results between the OS and Oracle database (AWR report) seems contradictory. OS says we have CPU/IO capacity, however Oracle says we don't.

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Last Used Time Of Index

Apr 7, 2011

I'm using Oracle 11g and I have a bunch of indexes and I want to check if they are being used. I just ran my workloads and now I want to see when each one was last used so I can see if it was during my timeframe or not.

After I ran my test, I found the below, but since I did not enable this, plus I have many indexes.

--Monitor an index to see if it's used
alter index SAMPLE_INDEX monitoring usage;
select * from v$object_usage where index_name = 'SAMPLE_INDEX';
alter index SAMPLE_INDEX nomonitoring usage;

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Time Not Showing

Jan 24, 2012

I have a field " Tran_date with data type Date . This field contains date as well as time both . while I run this query :

select to_char(tran_date,'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS') from ABC
WHERE lOC='1' ;

It is showing result :

21-JAN-2012 00:00:00

Why it is showing 00:00:00 although there is time like 08:25:12 Where is the problem ? Why I can'y see time . I need to change anything ,anywhere ?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Average Over Time

Sep 27, 2011

I have a table with products (xPRODUCT), dates (xDATE) and parameters (xPARAMETER). Now I want to calculate the rolling 12 month average of the parameters over all products for all dates. I tried this:

select xDATE,
avg(xPARAMETER) over ( order by xDATE
range between numtodsinterval(365,'day')
preceding and current row )


... but this does not work. How can I do this?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Get The Date And Time Of Row

Feb 21, 2011

I have one table with 10 rows and its frequently updated now my question is that, how can it get the latest date of updation of that rows?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Get The Time From Datetime

Oct 12, 2012

i am using one stored procedure there in one variable value is coming like this: Jan 1 1900 6:00AM

from this i want time how to get the time from that.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Get Local Time

Mar 6, 2012

Any way in sql to get the data from my local machine, where only client is installed, not the database.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Compare Time

Jun 30, 2010

Checkout the following code

CREATE TABLE CHK(dt_request_datetime DATE);




------- -------
-04:00 +00:00 25-JUN-10 AM

25-JUN-10 AM EST

9 am
25-JUN-10 AM EST

8 pm
25-JUN-10 PM EST


My doubt here is that even though dt_request_datetime is between 9 am in EST timezone and 8 pm in EST timezone the query output is not according to that.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Get Time A DML Was Last Ran On Table

Sep 14, 2011

Is is possible to get the time last DML was ran on a table.

My aim is to get the list of tables which were not modified(Select,insert,update,delete) within last one year.

DB version details:

Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bi
PL/SQL Release - Production
CORE Production
TNS for Solaris: Version - Production
NLSRTL Version - Production

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PL/SQL :: Which Datatype Should Take Instead Of Time

Oct 4, 2012

i was using sql server there is time keyword but in oracle which keyword i should take instead of time keyword?

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PL/SQL :: Get IN Time Between Timing

Aug 28, 2012

I have the following query

  Select ei.emp_code,
  TO_CHAR(ei.intime, 'dd/mm/rr') "IN Date" ,
  --TO_CHAR(ei.intime, 'hh24:mi:ss') IN_Time,
  MIN(TO_CHAR(ei.intime, 'hh24:mi:ss')) IN_Time,
  TO_CHAR(ei.intime, 'FMDAY') IN_DAY

no I want to modify this query, I mean I want to get data between time 09:15 to 09:12 In time.

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PL/SQL :: Time From Midnight

Oct 17, 2012

query to identify the time from midnight.

For ex. 3/06/2012 2:29:24 AM means 2:29 from midnight of 3/06/2012 and 21:31 from midnight of 4/06/2012

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PL/SQL :: How To Set Time Out With Use Of Utl_dbws

Sep 11, 2012

With utl_http you can set the timeout .How can i set a time out with use of utl_dbws ?

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CPU Time In AWR Report

May 2, 2013

We are using Oracle 10g on Linux. Followings are some contents from the AWR report:

Elapsed:            60.26 (mins)           
DB Time:           437.27 (mins)Here why the DBTime is greater than Elapsed Time. Is it due to the fact that this is the total time spent in user calls by multiple sessions i.e. ( some sessions were on CPU, some were in IDLE state waiting for I/O)

The below statistics show that CPU was used only for 5,363 seconds. We have 8 CPU grid, so total CPU time is 60.26* 8= 482.08 Min. I want to know where does the remaining time was spent. Also there is 20.4% of Total Call Time. How does it is calculated.

CPU time 5,363  20.4. The below statistics for reference:

BUSY_TIME      1,218,675
IDLE_TIME      1,675,112

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Time Spent Using Cursors?

Jun 17, 2013

I have two methods using pro*c to execute a query SQL and read the results. The query is a "select from" a view, this view is a union between two tables. The first method creates a cursor and fetches the results line by line. A second method creates a cursor and fetches the results in parts.

Method 1)

Method 2)

I had executed this methods in my development enviroment, using Oracle 11g, Suse linux. As I expected, the method 2 spent much less time than the method 1. But, in the "customer enviroment", using another database, Oracle 11g and HP-UX, these methods spent almost the same time.

Is there some Oracle's configuration or parameter's settings that maybe explain that? What configuration can be differente between the two databases? What can I do to improve the time spent?

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Get Current Date And Time?

Apr 24, 2005

I only know to retrieve data (date & time) by the following statement : "select sysdate from ..."

but now I want to make the fields current date and current time separately and put in a adult file with these two fields. how to do it.

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Longer SP Execution Time

May 5, 2011

In our production environment some SP's are executing longer duration, but when same SP is executed from PLSQL Developer client it is executing vary quickly.

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How To Round Time Up Or Down By 5 Minutes

Nov 29, 2006

is there a prebuilt function that will round say the time of a sysdate up or down 5 mins? so i entered 5:32pm i would want it to round it down to 5:30pm

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Compare Two Time Values In Sql?

Dec 4, 2009

is it possible to compare two time values in oracle sql ie there is a column say 'tot' with values 8:29,11:35 etc(8hrs29 mins etc) can i compare this column with 03:00hrs i tried select case tot>=3 then 1 as days end from tablename;

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How To Set Time Limit For A Procedure

Mar 1, 2009

I want to write a procedure in such a way that the code in the proceduce should finish its work with in a given amount of time other wise it should exit from the procedure.

For example....

i am fetching data from a table and inserting into another table and i want ot finish this task within 10 mins if it does not i need to exit from the procedure.

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How To Display Time In Minutes

Oct 15, 2012

I have two columns which I need to add together then devide by 60 in order to display that time in minutes. the problem I am facing is that at times I get numbers above 60 and my client doesn't want to see numbers above 60.

i.e (col1 + col 2)/60 = 34.87

what I need to do is make sure that when the number reaches 60 it moves on to 35.

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